• Published 24th Jul 2019
  • 2,509 Views, 52 Comments

There She Goes! - Miller Minus

Gallus is bummed out. Silverstream cheers him up by hijacking the Wonderbolts.

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4 – Stories Over Sunset

She had to go and pick the last cloud Gallus checked, didn’t she?

After twenty minutes of searching, he found her motionless and face-down, floating somewhere above Ponyville. He didn’t realize he’d been worried about her until he saw her, and the worry washed away. He landed on a cloud next to her, grabbed her cloud and pulled them together.

“Hey, you,” Gallus said.

Silverstream looked up, her face wet and her eyes big and puffy.


She started to blubber.

“GALLUS I’m so sorry—The Wonderbolts—Oh, The Wonderbo—And I—And you—The DAY of The Good DEED—And I just WENT AHEAD AND—”

Gallus waited for her to finish, but then, he might be waiting forever. So he reached out and pinched her beak with a talon. She tittered and blubbered out of the corners of her mouth a little, but eventually calmed down.

Gallus let her go. “I’m sorry I was upset with you. That wasn’t right. But that’s not why I’m here. I’m here because—”

“The cleanup.”


Silverstream leapt up to standing. “Oh, no-no-no, I totally forgot! Rainbow Dash is gonna give me so much detention—!”


Gallus reached out to grab her beak again, but she clamped it shut on her own.

“I’m here because I wanted to talk,” Gallus said. “You told me I could. Remember?”

Silverstream gave him a confused look.

“Back at the café. You said if I ever wanted to talk… So, can I?”

Turning her head to the side, Silverstream nodded. “About what, though?”

Nothing, Gallus instinctively thought. He didn’t want to talk about anything. But maybe, just maybe, he should.

“So,” he started. “I’ve never told anyone this, but… back when I was a cub…”

Silverstream’s eyes went wide. “You don’t have to.” She shook her head. “Not for me. Not after what I did.”

“I want to.”

Silverstream waited for a moment, then sat back down.

Gallus went on. “When I was a cub, I was… sad, sometimes.” That undersold it, but he hated to carry on. “It wasn’t all bad, though. There were even days when I would wake up in a really good mood. You know? Like I’d slept on the right side of the bed or something.”

Silverstream gasped. “I’m good at waking up. I have a trick. I can teach you—”

Gallus silenced her with a look.


With a huff, Gallus continued: “And on these good days, I would do everything I could to hold onto that feeling. I avoided anygriff who might try to ruin it—which was all of them—and I just kept it for myself.”

Silverstream didn’t interrupt. A release of tension washed over Gallus’s whole body.

“And when I went to bed after a good day, I would try so hard to wake up like that again. I would lie in bed and just clench my whole body as hard as I could. But I always lost it. I always woke up sad again. I thought I was having some bad dream every night that I couldn’t remember, that was taking my good mood away from me. Or maybe… griffons just weren’t allowed to stay happy.”

Gallus gestured with his talons, holding them forward, as if that would save him having to say the next part. It didn’t.

“I didn’t have anyone to share it with.” He shrugged. “That’s why it always went away.”

On the horizon, a cloud shifted out of the way of the sun. The aviators protected his eyes from the sunbeams. He had kept them on on purpose, just in case he started to cry. But he didn’t feel anywhere near it.

“There,” he said. He huffed out a breath. “Phew! That actually wasn’t so bad—”

Silverstream was crying.

“Streams, no! You’re gonna make me…” Gallus rubbed at his eyes. “But don’t worry! I’m good now! I have you guys, and I can… hold onto it a lot longer.”

Silverstream wiped her eyes, and laughed. Gallus could tell she was squinting in the light.

“Here,” he said. He took off the shades. “Put these on.”

“…Are you sure?” Silverstream whispered.

“Yeah. You look good in them.”

Silerstream threw them on. Even behind the tinted lenses, Gallus saw the wink.

“Question,” she said. “Can I talk again?”


“Okay, um… Follow-up question.”


“I want to hug you, but I know you don’t like tight spaces, so if you don’t want—”

Gallus put a talon on her beak again, and she stopped.

“Hugs are cool,” he said.

Silverstream nearly tackled him out of the sky. She squeezed so hard he almost regretted giving her permission. Almost.

When she pulled away, she laughed, wiped her eyes again, and let out an exhausted laugh. She held up her talons and watched them shake. “What a day,” she said. “I’m so tired.”

“Spitfire said anycreature who picks up more garbage than Rainbow Dash gets to be a Wonderbolt.”

“She WHAT?!”

Silverstream took flight so fast she burst the cloud they were sitting on, leaving Gallus to hover and watch her go. He wondered, then, why she was even called Silverstream. It didn’t fit her well enough. So he thought of a better name, and he said it out loud to make it official.

Comments ( 28 )

How does one hijack a pony? A group of ponies? An entire aerial team of ponies?

Color me curious

This story was wholesome and fun...

I’m terrible at reviews.

You trade them a few times?

Then you have... a Hijack of a Few Trades?

Look, the feghoot contest is over, you don't have to do this :ajbemused:

But I didn’t get to submit my entry! :raritydespair:

Huh, so that's how.

This was a pretty fun little story, dude! It moved very quickly, perhaps a little too quickly for its own good, but I still had a good time reading it. Have a thumb!


Spitfire (and Silverstream and Gallus, obviously) is extremely well done. You already know most of what I have to say but I just wanted to call some extra attention to these specific parts because I love them so much:

She found it easy to recall her favorite days. The week of her first friendship exams, for example, she dubbed The Days of Unmitigated Success, Parts I-IV. The Final Day of the Storm King’s Reign was another favorite, although it had taken several hundred mornings to get that one to stick.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Captain Spitfire replied. She hopped off the windowsill and flicked her fiery (but also sweaty) mane out of her face. “It’s me, cue applause.”

Sandbar started clapping.

“Not actually,” Spitfire snapped.

Sandbar obeyed. He rocked back and forth, his eyes shining like a foal’s.

Your sense of drama/things going wrong and irony and all that is very good and I had a blast reading this final, polished version

good stuff good stuff good stuff

Fantastic work, as you always do.

The italics issue in Chapter 3 has been fixed and the person responsible has been properly shamed.

There She Goes.

What do you mean hijack

Oh gosh, I went into this thinking it'd just be this silly little thing, but it's so much better than that! :pinkiehappy:

Very good read, glad I took the time to do it. :twilightsmile:

This was a great moment of character development; seeing Gallus letting a friend in on some of the tough times he had in his youth and Silverstream there to listen to him talk. I always enjoy story moments like this; seeing friends there for one another and not letting them deal with it alone. Bravo, my good writer! Big thumbs up for it!:twilightsheepish:


...how do you boil a pot of anything underwater?

That's what I was wondering.

How did it go so wrong? 'Gay-less' especially. The crude pictures were fine, abd the fireworks were fine, but mangling his name and getting Spitfire to broadcast it to a gigantic live audience is a disaster. I really can't imagine it could ever be intentional. Who screwed this up?

Honestly, if not for that, he very well could live out his fantasy of coming up to the window and showing thumbs-up to the crowd to deliver his approval. And that would be a moment that stayed with him for laifu. If not for one tiny detail...

You might be able to if you had a pot filled with a liquid that's denser than water, and a non-combustion heat source.

The problem with that is that it doesn't stay contained--if you boil one part of the water, the rest of the water around it tends to heat up as well, dramatically so, at those temperatures. So if a seapony's boiling a pot of water, most of the rest of the water immediately around the stove is going to heat up as well, quite likely to the point that it wouldn't be safe to be around without scalding yourself. And if you can't be at the stove to cook...it sort of defeats the whole point, right?

Further, there's also the problem of how do you keep it all contained to the pot, boiling or otherwise? I mean, you could just keep a lid on it at all times, but that'd greatly limit what you could do with it, cooking-wise, and it'd still be a problem when it comes to serving it. :raritywink:

Like what 9750267 said, you might be able to do it if the fluid if heavier than water, but...there's no guarantees that'd totally solve the problem.

More likely, the seaponies either cooked through other totally different means, or just ate their food raw, like most real life fish.

This was cute. :)

Great story! How Silverstream got her nickname (which is perfect for her, btw) was especially adorable.

Thank you for reading you beauty

What a wonderful little story, could almost see this as an episode.

That... ended up being a lot more poignant than expected. A good read, well done.

All I'm imagining right now is some pulling spitfire about calling gallus gayless or silver getting onto the bolts for the day

Aww, this resolved with extremely fuzzy moments. The subtle character drama really coming to light here was great stuff.

Pretty sure she is already part duck.

Aww I seriously felt bad for Gallus And I'm glad he apologized to silverstream I'm sure she wasn't trying to humiliate him This was a pretty nice story

And I also remember that silverstream wanted to become a wonderbolt in uprooted

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