• Published 31st Jul 2019
  • 7,645 Views, 613 Comments

Shadow of a Doubt - MayhemMoth

Starlight quickly learns it’s going to take a lot to save a pony with no hope.

  • ...

Chapter 1: Cold as Crystal

Rage, frustration, revenge.

No one could quite place what the cries from the contained stallion represented, but what they did know was that he was by no means lucid, at least not anymore. Snarls and screams were the only thing to escape his muzzle as he struggled against his chains, biting and kicking at them, occasionally slamming his own body into the stone wall to try and free himself.

“So that blast didn’t destroy him?” Twilight asked, watching in horror as Sombra slammed himself into the wall. “How is that even possible? He was completely obliterated!”

“He was also shattered to pieces by the Crystal Heart,” Celestia added, “And banished to the ice as a shadow. I’m beginning to assume he may have some sort of regenerative abilities, unnaturally strong ones.”

“He also seems to have decided to go feral again. Was biting and kicking at us along with some pathetic spurts of magic, might’ve taken a chunk out of my tail.,” Luna said with the flick of said appendage, more irritable than her sister, “I recall you saying he’d become quite verbal upon his return?”

Twilight nodded, flinching back as Sombra slammed himself into the wall again. They’d secured him tight, a heavy metal manacle around his neck and bolted to the floor, while another pair of smaller manacles kept his front legs from moving too far. Most crucial of all however, was the metal mask upon his face, covering his eyes and clamping his muzzle mostly shut. They hadn’t managed to keep him from struggling however.

She’d been told they’d found him in the castle, after endless nights of hearing disembodied wailing in the halls. He’d been struggling to keep his physical form, crying out in pain and frustration as his body melted away to shadow in desperate attempts to solidify himself. It had taken the combined might of both Celestia and Luna to solidify and capture him, after a single glare had hypnotized the guards. But just as quickly as he’d thrown them into a frenzy of their own fear, his magic faltered, and the princesses had contained him.

He hadn’t stopped fighting since.

Turning away with her eyes closed as he reared back on two legs in front of the wall, Twilight begged, “Can we continue this somewhere else? Please? I can’t bear to watch this.”

A brutal crash of metal against stone, then a softer thump, and Twilight opened her eyes to see Sombra sprawled out on the ground breathing heavily. His horn was cracked, and she could see trickles of blood running out from under his mask. For a moment, Twilight thought he’d knocked himself out, but a quiet groan from the stallion proved otherwise.

Celestia walked up beside Twilight, gently nudging her to turn her to the exit.

“Yes, I suppose it would be for the better, wouldn’t it?” She asked, walking along as Twilight trailed behind her. Luna stayed put, eyeing the semiconscious Sombra warily.

Celestia led Twilight out of the dungeon, silent all the ways. She had figured Twilight wouldn’t have been too talkative after seeing their prisoner, and hoped that taking her back to her friends would cheer her up a bit. It ended up being a somewhat awkward trip to the throne room where they were waiting however, and neither the warmth of the sun outside or the sight of Twilight’s friends running up to greet her were enough to brighten her spirits.

Applejack was the first to speak, asking, “By the look on your face I’m gonna reckon everything in that letter was true, huh?”

“Unfortunately, yes,” Twilight sighed, “Sombra is down there, and I don’t think he’s willing to talk. I’m not even sure if he can talk.”

“So, what are we supposed to do about it, blast him again?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Yeah! We can show him the Magic of Friendship with twice the power!” Pinkie exclaimed excitedly.

Twilight shook her head, “No, absolutely not. We’ve done enough damage already.”

Now all her friends looked to her, all concerned in some way.

“Damage?” Rarity asked, stepping towards Twilight worriedly, “I know we meant to destroy him, but if he’s still alive, whatever do you mean?”

“Oh dear.” Fluttershy covered her mouth in concern

Twilight turned away, still not ready to fully talk about what she’d seen just moments earlier. Thankfully, Celestia answered for her.

“The magical blast you used to eradicate Sombra did not work as intended. I’m still not entirely sure how, but his physical body was somehow able to recover from the blast,” She explained. “It wasn’t without cost however, as he’s somehow gone back to the near feral state he’d been in when he returned from his previous banishment. If I’m correct, Luna is currently observing his dreams to assess his mental state.”

“And what would you like us to do about all this?” Twilight asked.

“For now? Simply continue on with your lives,” Celestia said, “School’s just started again, right? Keep your focus on your students, and leave Sombra to Luna and I for now. Give him some time to recuperate, perhaps he’ll recover soon enough. Come back at the end of the week, we’ll inform you if anything happens before that.”

“Yes, of course,” Twilight nodded, “Thank you, Princess Celestia.”

Staying focused on the school was not as easy as expected, but Twilight managed. The students didn't think much of her behavior, they were used to her occasional panic, and likely assumed it had something to do with the test coming up. As far as she knew, her friends were the only ones to know anything, and she was perfectly fine with keeping it that way. She wasn't really prepared to tell anyone she drove a pony mad.

So of course, by the time school ended by Thursday, Starlight pulled her into her office.

"Alright, what's bothering you?" She asked, leaning over her desk.

"What? Nothing, everything's fine," Twilight said, waving a hoof, "I mean sure we've got our first big test coming up, but I have faith in our students."

Starlight gave an unconvinced nod before asking, "No, I mean what happened in Canterlot this time? The princesses didn't cut their reign short again, did they?"

“Oh, you mean that,” Twilight realized, laughing nervously before realizing, “I didn’t tell you?”

Starlight shook her head, “No, you came home and pretty much locked yourself in your library, and then when school started, you stayed in your office whenever you weren’t teaching. I figured you’d either calm down or stress yourself out, and maybe tell me eventually. But it’s been nearly a week now and you haven’t stopped stressing, so I’m done waiting. What happened?”

“I messed up.”

Twilight’s words were quiet and quick, her body tensing nervously as she remembered whatever it was that happened. Growing a bit concerned, Starlight left her seat and went straight up to Twilight. She looked away, ashamed of whatever she’d done.

Gently turning Twilight’s face toward herself, Starlight said, “Hey, I’m sure whatever you did the Princesses will forgive you.”

“It’s not the Princesses’ forgiveness I’m worried about. They already don’t blame me for this, but I can’t help but blame myself,” Twilight admit, backing up from Starlight to look her in the eyes, “We failed to destroy Sombra.”

“Wait, really? Didn’t you say you basically vaporized him?” Starlight asked with the tilt of her head. Twilight nodded, looking away in shame, and Starlight stopped to think. “I suppose it’s not that big of a surprise, even with the Elements gone, the magic shouldn’t have been able to kill, would it?”

Twilight just shrugged, plopping down on Starlight’s couch and covering her face with a groan.

“I don’t know how this magic works!” She cried out frustratedly, “All I know is it probably would’ve been more merciful if it had destroyed him!”

“Please elaborate.”

Twilight ran her hooves down her face.

“That magic blast… It did something to him. It's like he's lost his mind. He can’t speak coherently, all he does is try to attack others, and he can’t even keep himself corporeal without magical assistance! And it’s all my fault!”

She fell back onto the couch, face covered by both her hooves and wings as she groaned in frustration yet again. Starlight walked over to her and looked down at her sympathetically, but didn’t say anything. For a moment, she let Twilight be, only turning away for a moment to grab a premade cup of tea. It wasn't as warm as it could've been, but it'd do.

Patting Twilight on the shoulder gently, Starlight offered her the cup when she saw Twilight peek between her wing feathers. She sat up and accepted the tea, though reluctantly.

"I just feel absolutely terrible about it..." She muttered between sips, "I really didn't think any pony could survive that."

"Well, from what I've heard Sombra isn't really a normal pony," Starlight said, hoof to her chin, "But maybe there's a reason he survived? Maybe there's a shred of good in him somewhere?"

"He's a slave driver Starlight, I can't see much good in that."

"You saw the good in me."

That caught Twilight off guard, so much so she nearly dropped her tea. Setting it on the nearest table, Twilight shook her head.

"No, that was entirely different," She assured, to Starlight or herself neither could be sure. "You're so much better than him, don't even dare to tell yourself otherwise."

"I do recall you saying I created a timeline where Sombra was winning? I think that counts as assisting him in his conquest, right?"


"Tell you what,” Starlight began, sitting beside Twilight on the couch, “I'm curious about Sombra. You think the Princesses would be alright if I asked to visit him?"

“I suppose not,” Twilight replied, head tilting a bit in confusion, “They’d probably leave it up to me to decide anyway. Why though?”

Starlight shrugged, “Curiosity mostly. The only time I’ve ever seen him is pretty hazy, since he pretty much immediately started to fight me. I’d just like to see how bad he really is now, if that makes sense?”

“It doesn’t really, but I’ll take you with me when I go back to Canterlot this weekend,” Twilight replied before finishing off her tea and standing. “For now I think I should get back to work. I’ve still got some homework to grade, and I could really go for a bit of relaxation right now.”

Starlight nodded, taking the cup from Twilight as she made her way to the door. Setting it aside and taking a seat behind her desk, Starlight leaned over it with her arms crossed and waited for somebody else to come along. It was still a bit early in the year for students to have too many issues yet, outside of the upcoming test, but she always wanted to try and make time for them during the school hours.

Surely leaving for one weekend wouldn’t be too much of an issue.

The halls of Canterlot castle were surprisingly quiet and empty as Starlight walked them, trailing along behind Twilight as they made their way to the dungeon. A few guards were scattered about, patrolling the halls as usual and occasionally nodding in greeting as the two passed by. Seemed there were more wandering about than the last time Starlight had visited, likely trying to stay vigil for any more threats.

“Slow day for the Princesses?” She asked Twilight.

“Well, Luna’s probably asleep about now, and when I went to talk to Celestia she’d been reading through some scrolls,” Twilight explained, “So, yeah. Not many ponies visiting for the day, but I’m sure Celestia doesn’t mind the quiet.”

Starlight nodded, looking around the halls as she walked. Though this wasn’t the hall of stained glass, there were still tapestries and paintings spread about. Portraits of the princesses and their accomplishments, most numerable among them being Celestia, adorning the wall beside every window. There were a few paintings of Starswirl thrown in as well, along with a few faces Starlight didn’t recognize. Other ponies from Celestia’s past perhaps?

“Do you think you’re ready?” Starlight asked, “To lead Equestria I mean?”

“I say I am, but I’m not really sure. I don’t think I ever truly will be,” Twilight said, stopping in front of a guarded door. There was hardly a difference between this door and the rest, other than a few weak seals embedded into it. “Well, we’re here. This is the entrance to the dungeon, believe it or not.”

“Not the most telling thing, is it?” Starlight asked. Twilight shrugged, politely requesting the guard open the door. She obliged immediately, cool air emerging from the darkened hall as she unlocked the seals. The stairwell inside was a stark opposite of the castle halls, grey and lifeless. Taking a step inside, Starlight looked to Twilight.

“I don’t think I’m ready to go back down there yet, either,” She admit.

Starlight smiled sympathetically to her in understanding, before making her way down the stairs. The warmth of the castle faded as she descended, replaced with the cold of the surrounding stone. A few torches were hung on the wall, dimly illuminating the stairwell, emitting little warmth. Spiders of all sort crawled along the walls, their webs just out of reach of Starlight’s body. Once she made it all the way down there wasn’t much further to go, only a single cell was dimly illuminated, its sole prisoner a dark mass on the ground.

Sombra had stopped fighting against his restraints days ago, bruised and bloodied from repeatedly bashing himself against the wall and pulling at his chains. He was sprawled out on the dirty floor, flies buzzing around him. His coat and mane were dull and matted, and Starlight would've thought him dead if it weren't for his lazily flicking tail, trying to shoo the insects swarming him. A plate of fly infested food and trough of stagnant water sat in the corner of his cell.

“Oh, now this is an absolutely abhorrent way of keeping prisoners,” Starlight muttered.

With that, Sombra's ears shot up, and Starlight froze in place. He scrambled to his hooves on shaky legs, bolting to the cell’s entrance. He bared his fangs and snarled, pulling at his chain like an aggressive dog trying to tear into an intruder. When Starlight squeaked in response and jumped back, he backed off and went to pacing around his limited cellspace, noticeably limping, growling quietly with ears twitching every which way.

It had been a short lived, yet frightening, response. But the more Starlight saw him pacing, the less he scared her. Because she didn't see an enraged stallion out for blood like everyone else saw. She saw what he was hiding.

Pain, anguish, fear.

That’s what Starlight saw when Sombra went rigid again when she took a step forward, not the anger and malice everyone else had warned her about. The way he stood defensively, legs spread apart, head bowed, teeth bared, and ears flat against his head, he could easily be mistaken for somepony who would hurt you. But the way his legs and tail twitched were a sure sign he was only barely holding back from bolting in the other direction.


Just as she expected, he shot backwards at her voice, slamming into the wall with a yelp. His ears were now raised high and turning every which way to find the location of the voice. He continued to keep his fangs bared, growling quietly in the hope of scaring off whatever had startled him.

“Wait, don’t panic,” Starlight whispered, “I’m not here to hurt you. I promise.”

Sombra’s ears immediately turned in her direction, and he pawed the ground anxiously with a quiet growl.

Stepping up to the bars of the cell, Starlight repeated quietly, “There's no need to be scared of me, I'm just here to visit. I promise I won't hurt you.”

Sombra stayed where he sat, grumbling out a few incoherent words, before his head jerked to the side and he abruptly bent over to scratch his neck with a hind leg. Blood began to trickle from beneath the manacle as he did so, and Starlight had to call out to him to get him to stop scratching. She was sure that, had he been in a better state, he’d have resisted doing something so undignifying.

It was so odd, having to treat the fallen king like a frightened animal. He was supposed to be the one to scare ponies, bringing to life their darkest fears, but now he was the one to suffer. Chained, blinded, and harassed by flies, driven feral by his own terror.

Starlight pitied him.

“Can you speak?” She asked, “At all?”

Sombra’s snarl turned into a scowl of annoyance. For a moment he said nothing out loud, head tilting back and forth in thought as his mouth moved without sound.

“You…” He began eventually, voice quiet and hoarse, “You're not one of them, are you? A princess?”

Stunned by the sudden lucidity, Starlight was slow to respond. It was a moment too much for Sombra, and he began to fidget anxiously as he was left to the silence.

“Oh, no. I am absolutely not even princess material,” She assured, “I’m a Unicorn, like you.”

“I very much doubt you’re anything like me.”

“I think you’d be surprised.”

Sombra tilted his head a bit as he stood, taking a moment to swat at a few flies before beginning to take a step forward. He hesitated however, a swish of his tail and a stamp of his hoof and he decided against it.

“You’re not a guard either,” He observed, hind leg half raised and twitching as he resisted the urge to scratch at his neck again, “They’ve never done anything but throw insults my way and attack me. For what reason are you here exactly?”

“Curiosity,” Starlight admit, “You possessed me once. I wanted to see how far you've fallen since then.”

“Satisfied with what I've become?”

“Not in the slightest.”

Sombra's ears twitched. “I find that very unconvincing.”

He backed off and began to pace his cell, ears lowered as he listened to his own hoofsteps. Starlight watched him, unsure of what to say anymore. He wasn’t making particularly good small talk, but then again, he probably didn’t have much to say. After a few moments of silence, Sombra laid back to the ground, settling himself on the cold stone floor, still facing toward the cell’s entrance. He scratched at his neck again.

Starlight had only taken a single step back when he decided to say something else.

“May I ask the name of the voice that speaks to me?” Sombra asked, “I can't say I'm entirely convinced you're not a figment of my imagination.”

Starlight hesitated to answer. There was still a part of her that was scared of the Unicorn, afraid he'd somehow take advantage of her with any little detail she gave. But there was also the part of her that pitied the weak and confused pony chained up in front of her.

Exhaling to calm herself, she said, “My name is Starlight Glimmer.”

“Starlight Glimmer,” Sombra repeated, head tilting to the side, “I’d have thought myself to come up with something more familiar for my delusions.”

Curling up on the ground in the most comfortable position he could manage, Sombra covered his muzzle with his forelegs, shielding his mouth and nose from flies. He lay like that with ears raised until he began to drift off to sleep, tail the only thing moving as it flicked at the pests surrounding him.

Starlight watched him a few moments more, a bit off put by the delusion comment, only turning to leave when Sombra's tail stopped swishing. Assuming he had fallen asleep, she turned to leave, looking back every few steps to see if he'd move. He didn’t even so much as twitch when she’d finally left the dungeon’s stairwell, making her way to the bright hallway with a blink to adjust her eyes. Twilight stood before her, worried and anxious.

“So...” She started, drawing out the word a bit, “How is he?”

“Not great,” Starlight replied, walking down the hallway without even looking to Twilight, “His cell’s filthy and infested with flies, and he looks like he got hit by a train, but I got him to speak to me.”

"You did? But the Princesses said he still hadn’t shown any signs of lucidity when they went down there!”

“The Princesses scare him. I have no doubt you do as well,” Starlight explained “He was calm enough to talk with me for a moment, but he’s not at all doing well down there.”

Flying up to Starlight and landing on the ground to trot beside her, Twilight looked to her worriedly as she asked, “What exactly do you mean?”

Starlight sighed and stopped, finally looking to Twilight somewhat tiredly, “He thinks I’m some sort of auditory hallucination, Twilight. That’s not exactly a good thing, you know.”

“Oh dear,” Twilight muttered, bringing a hoof to her face nervously and pacing, “I have to tell Celestia and Luna. If he’s just dropping into delirium, we have to do something!”

She spread her wings to fly down the hall, but a hoof on her shoulder stopped her. Turning to Starlight, Twilight saw a fierce look of determination as she shook her head.

“No, you’re not doing anything this time. Neither are the Princesses. I am.”

“Starlight, what are you planning?”

Starlight’s determination faltered as she hesitated. Sombra was terrible, she couldn’t deny that. But he was still a pony, hurt and scared in an unsanitary dungeon. Part of her knew he deserved it, but a part of her also ached to try and save him.

Shoving aside her doubts, Starlight stood tall as she said, “I want to help Sombra. I’m going to do whatever I can to try and reform him.”

Author's Note:

Chapter art: Originally drawn 8-30-19

Original Description:

Anyway yeah, so my sister told me to make an account here and post my fic.

Okay so technically this story's been sitting in my docs since about February, but it's since received major rewriting since season 9 started, and so the only two completed chapters are this one and the next one (Still being proofread). The third is in progress of rewriting and all the others are summarized, so this entire story is planned out! I say this so if the show does anything similar to what I write, it was more than likely already planned here.

So yeah, yet another Sombra redemption fic, but with a twist! Starlight Glimmer plays a huge role in the story. Oh and this story heavily references the comics & Sombra's origin comic.