• Published 8th Aug 2019
  • 2,920 Views, 80 Comments

The Lost Courier - Astral Aegis

A story of a lost teen with no place to go. An amulet might be able to fix that. For better or worse.

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The Prologue

Author's Note:

This will be my first ever attempt at writing Fanfiction on a scale this large. Please do leave comments with constructive criticism once you finish reading, but only if it is necessary.

It might not be everyone's cup of tea, but I encourage you to stick around until the end.

Thanks for reading The Prologue of, "The Lost Courier".

Who knew that buying a simple replica of an amulet from a show you love would transport you to an entirely different world. I sure didn’t.

It all began as a normal Saturday, aside from the fact that it was convention day. Get up, shower, get in costume, and head out to the convention hall where vendors would be selling their wares. That sounded odd- but, I digress. This was a day of fun and money spending after all.

I had a bit of trouble getting into costume since I was alone, and had been alone for around 3 to 4 years. My costume was the generic NCR Ranger Armor and Helmet. What? Don’t look at me like that. It’s cool. Then again, it’s not really generic, is it? Considering the fact that I had painted Luna’s cutie mark onto the chest piece, the same goes for my helmet. However, my helmet had the lenses replaced with ones that glowed like Luna’s turquoise eyes. If they ever crack I have some spare red ones I can snap in place of the turquoise ones.

Anyways, since I was alone, I could take all the time in the world to make sure everything was perfect. I wasn’t rushed and I wasn’t yelled at. Only Celestia knows how people reacted when they found out I was a Brony. I was bashed, yelled at, and disgraced when that little secret of mine somehow slipped out of the woodwork. But it taught me something, friends betray you, even if you feel like you can trust them with your life. It was the show that taught me to trust again, albeit very little.

It had taken around 30 minutes to get in costume and get my gear on my person all sorted and ready to go. I had the Pip-Boy 3000 from New Vegas, I had the .357 revolver and the apply named Broad Machete. I had decided to add some personal touches to my armor though. As I had mentioned before I painted Luna’s cutie mark over my heart on the chest piece, and as for my helmet, I added Luna’s cutie mark on the right side of the helmet and replaced the generic red lenses of the NCR Helmet with turquoise ones to match hers. I didn’t have enough time to finish my helmet though, because I was going to be late to the convention had I taken the time to finish Celestia’s cutie mark on the opposite side of Luna’s.

“Enough rambling, now to the convention hall!” I half-shouted as I rushed out to the main convention area.

‘I wonder what type of merchandise I will buy today? I hope I can find something that fits my outfit.’ I thought to myself as I browsed the goods everyone was selling.

As I was walking through the hall, I was getting a lot of compliments on my costume, mostly good things, but some people threw irritating comments my way about how MLP is for girls and the like. But I didn’t pay attention to that, I worked hard on this outfit and gave it my all, that’s what matters in the long run.

“Hey, you there, Courier, I have something you might be interested in” Spoke… someone from behind me. As I looked around, I found the owner of the voice. He looked… like he was continuously high or something. Maybe he was just tired. Yeah, probably tired. I hope.

But what confuses me the most about this man is that he called me The Courier. I know I was in Fallout New Vegas garb and had a pip-boy, but I have never been called the Courier by anyone I know. Then again, who do I know?

‘What does he want’ I thought to myself as I approached his booth. He had a few things lying about, the Dragonstone Tablet from Skyrim, a Laser Pistol from Fallout 4, the Alicorn Amulet, some helmets from Dark So- wait. Alicorn Amulet? That’s an odd item to have in the middle of so much video game memorabilia.

“Hey, merchant, how much is this Amulet?” I questioned him with my best impression of what I thought the Courier sounded like, which was actually just a slightly more menacing version of my own voice.

“Well, for you, my good man, for having such a great costume, I will give you a little discount. This old thing is normally $150, but I’ll give it to you for $50.” My mind was blown. He cut the price in half just because of my costume?! Damn, I knew this costume was worth the time!

“I’ll take it!” I said rather enthusiastically.

“Goodman, here you are. One Alicorn Amulet,” he said with what sounded like… mischievous intent in his voice? No matter, as I have already paid the fair man the $50 he asked for and was on my way.

“Thank you for your kindness, fair merchant!” I said again in my best Courier impression.

The man smiled… strangely. Not in a bad way of course, but in what looked like a face of pity. He then disappeared from sight behind the curtains of his booth. I found this odd, as when I had turned back to voice my thanks once again, to my surprise, his booth was gone. As if it had never existed in the first place. My eyes went to the amulet now in my possession, to the spot where his booth used to be, back to the amulet. Said amulet gave off a menacing vibe. One of power, one of domination. I quickly slipped it over my head and around my neck and hid it from view. As to not attract unwanted attention from others who asked where I had gotten it. Now that I had thought about it, I found it strange that I was the only one he had spoken out to among the giant crowd of people. He called me the Courier, and it felt… right.

‘Strange… I should be freaking out right now, but I’m perfectly calm.’ I thought to myself once more before heading to the other vendors to see what other goods I might buy before heading to the panels ran by the different developers. I was curious as to what they were hiding behind their facade of being as discreet as possible.

As I was looking around, however, I began to feel paranoid. More so than ever, it was as if something was watching me without my knowledge. I looked up at the ceiling of the convention hall and saw the multiple cameras they had around the place. Ignoring this fact, I continued on, shrugging it off as nothing.

“That was a good chunk of my money gone from all of the items I purchased today,” I said to myself. “But it was all worth it.” I continued as I was going over my inventory. I had picked up a sweet Alicorn Amulet, a sweet headlamp from Fallout 4 to attach to my helmet, a .357 ammo belt from Red Dead Redemption 2 to go around my torso, a canteen that was accurately modeled after the Vault 13 canteen from New Vegas because it fit my outfit, and a sweet ass golden pocket watch, because why not? I felt like I was a badass to Hell and back. But I knew, in reality, I could never be what I really wanted to be due to the limitations of today’s society.

As I was heading back to my car to drive to my temporary home, which was a hotel owned by a contact of mine who was kind enough to let me stay for as long as I needed, I started to feel… strange, and even more paranoid than I had previously thought. My eyes were as wide as you can imagine. Darting here, there, and everywhere. I felt like I was trapped, and that nobody could help me. As I looked around for the source of my sudden panic attack, I noticed I was alone. Not a single soul was in the hall, but there was something there. I could feel it breathing down my neck.

I froze. Not in terror. Not in fear. But in shock. As if I was suddenly paralyzed by a blow to my spine. I nearly fell to the ground, suddenly feeling exhausted.

But before I inevitably fell to the ground, I had heard a faint voice, feminine in nature, whispering something along the lines of,” Please… help us…”

Then suddenly, nothing.