• Published 8th Aug 2019
  • 2,920 Views, 80 Comments

The Lost Courier - Astral Aegis

A story of a lost teen with no place to go. An amulet might be able to fix that. For better or worse.

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More Questions With Mild Panic

‘Why is it all starting to come back now, what triggered these memories?’ I thought to myself as I looked at the Elements of Harmony laying dully in their place upon the statue, void of color

“It just doesn’t add up. I buy the Alicorn Amulet at a convention, go through the day with no trouble, and suddenly blackout only to end up in Equestria.” I say to no one in particular. “Right, yeah. Okay. That makes perfect sense,” I mumble before cutting myself off by shouting,” EXCEPT IT FUCKING DOESN’T!”

Apparently, that shout was loud enough to startle some birds into flying off somewhere less obnoxious. Fucking cliche’ if you ask me. Always happens in any show with a character shouting loudly. But that does raise another question though, why am I here? In Equestria that is.

“This has to be a VERY potent lucid dream. Maybe if I feel a certain amount of pa- Oh shit!” Lost deep in thought, I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going and tripped on a tree root that had grown through a window. I smashed my helmeted head pretty good on the solid concrete floor which in turn caused my ears to ring slightly from the impact.

“I’m going to be feeling that in the morning.” I say as I peel myself off of the godforsaken floor. As I regain my footing from my face plant, another question arose. What time period am I in? It can’t be during the actual show, the elements haven’t been destroyed. Well, I say destroyed as in when Nightmare Moon smashed the orbs to dust. If Nightmare Moon hasn’t shown up yet, that means I am either 500 years early, or 1 month to a year away from the events of the first episode.

Remembering the earlier confrontation with the Timberwolves, I take out my revolver and reload it. With a click, I opened the loading gate with ease and dumped all of the spent cartridges into my off-hand and dumped them… wait. I have a Pip-Boy, can’t I just put the spent casings in there?

“Gah, might as well give it a shot.” I place my now empty revolver into the holster and bring up my Pip-Boy and select the now present ‘Store Object’ option which resulted in me freaking out after the shell casings disappeared from view. “Whoa! How the Hell does that even work!?,” I said in surprise,” actually, scratch that. I don’t think I want to know. Probably magic. Or video game logic. Nothing really makes sense anymore.”

Taking my revolver back out, I click to open the loading gate once more and start to swiftly and silently load the shells. It was as if I had done this all before. Closing the gate with a satisfying ‘click’, I spin the cylinder and spin the revolver once before deafly sliding it back into my holster.

“I’m getting distracted, I need to keep my mind focused. Er…. what am I doing exactly?,” I ponder out loud as I look at the time on my H.U.D. “Oh, it’s almost 11 pm. That was fast. I guess time works differently in Equestria than on Earth?” I mean, they have two Alicorns that control the goddamn Sun and Moon. It’s always a possibility.

Looking up at the rising moon, I see what appears to be the head outline of a pony with a horn on the surface. That has got to be Nightmare Moon, no doubt about it. This helps narrow the time frame down a small bit. If my knowledge serves me correctly, which it has proven so far, the first episode happened during the Summer Sun Celebration. Glancing at the date on my Pip-Boy I see that I am around two and a half months away from the Summer Solstice that happens on Earth. I am hoping that the Summer Sun Celebration is on the same day.

“If the Summer Sun Celebration really is that close, I need to prepare. Though it still bugs me, what is my purpose here?” My thoughts began to run wild at all of the possibilities.
“I can do what I've always wanted to do. Make friends, have fun, protect those in need, help out around wherever I am needed.” I said with excitement, which disappeared with the next thought.

‘But how would the ponies react to seeing something like me? I might get experimented on… scratch that, I might be attacked on the spot, or worse.’ The thoughts only got darker and darker. The more fantasized ideas shattered and made way for the more logical ones. I’m human, they are ponies. My dream actually coming true is slim to none. My morale worsened faster than a man who was stuck in a dead-end job. The feeling of being alone still surrounding me as I walked throughout the castle.

That feeling got worse as I walked towards the entrance to leave. I heard the crunching of glass beneath my heavy boots as I walked down the solitary hall with my head down. I brushed the door aside and walked down the steps only to stop when I reached the bottom. The feeling of dread crashed over me like a tidal wave of ice shards, causing me to freeze on the spot. I couldn’t move, well except for my eyes.

I panicked as I activated V.A.T.S. to make sure nothing was around me. My head snapped up and over to the right. What I saw confused the hell out of me. It was a chicken, with the body of a small dragon. No- wait, a small dragon with the head of a chicken. That doesn’t seem right either. Is it a- I give up. It’s hurting my head to think this deep into things.

A memory from an episode called ’Stare Master’ reminded me what this thing was and what it did. To give a summarized and blunt version, if you have a staring contest with a Cockatrice, you become a nice garden decoration. Lucky for me, It was looking the other way.

I didn’t want to kill unless it was necessary. So that meant no shooting or using my machete. An idea sprang forward, but before setting my plan into action, I went over it multiple times in my head, each time It ended with me as a statue, or the Cockatrice not noticing me.

Let me run through my plan once again, just to be safe. I slowly attempt to sneak away from the Cockatrice without making too much sound. If it does see me, I look away as fast as possible and try not to make eye contact. That’s how this thing worked, right? I can only hope that it does.

I set my plan into motion as I slowly made my way back into the castle to avoid the Cockatrace and close the door as quietly as possible. All of this happened in about 15 seconds, and the Cockatrace never batted an eye towards the sounds.

I peek out of a window and saw something that made me feel like an idiot. It was a statue. A damn statue. I don’t know what it was doing there, nor did I really care at that point. The shock of being in Equestria with real-life counterparts of my gear was still very present in my mind.

‘Who in their right mind would put a statue of a creature that creates other statues out in the open like that!’ That thought then gave way to another. ‘If the Cockatrice was actually a statue the whole time, then why did my V.A.T.S. pick something up?’

I decided against questioning it as it was about 3:00 in the morning. I needed to set up a base camp. I decided against the castle due to it being too open and the floors are made of stone, which isn’t that comfortable to sleep on if you ask me.

Walking out of the castle I brandish my machete and get to setting up an area for the base camp.

After about a full hour of non-stop work, the camp is finally done. Nothing too fancy, just a tent I had in my Pip-Boy and a log I could sit on. The fire was gently glowing in the night. The light from the fire reflected off of my helmet that I had taken off at this point. I’m surprisingly not as hungry or thirsty as I thought I'd be. That might also be a side effect of the wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey… stuff.

Gazing into the fire with a glazed look in my eyes I throw another log onto it to make sure it didn’t go out. Thinking about it, everything seemed to have become real when I arrived in Equestria. I was pondering the fact that even though that was the case the Alicorn Amulet didn’t seem to do anything. It was almost as if it was broken, which I find odd.

I undo the chain holding the amulet around my neck and hold it in front of me. It feels powerful, yet useless to me. Is it because I’m a human, or is it because I don’t have magic? It’s always a possibility. Even if it was real, I don’t think I'd actually use it. If I am in a dire situation and my weapons are for some reason down, I will. But I don’t want to be corrupted by dark magic for some stupid reason like wearing an amulet.

“Did you bring me here? If you did, why? I’m definitely overthinking this,” I softly whisper,” I’ll just put you in storage, for now, I don’t know what would happen if any of the Mane 6 or even Celestia saw me with you”. I lift up my Pip-Boy and select the ‘Store Object’ button. The Amulet disappears from my hands and appears in the menu on the screen. I shut the Pip-Boy off and grab my helmet to do one last sweep of the area before I pass out.

The sweep wasn’t too eventful at all actually. Just a few birds and rabbits. The whole sweep took about a total of an hour. I was also camped near the Castle and decided to look around once more before coming back with a book or two. One on smithing and how to repair armor and swords, the other on The creatures of the Everfree Forest. Even though I love the show, I never paid any real attention to the creatures of the Everfree. I do know most of them, and if I run into a Hydra I would like to be prepared. I must add that the books are still in amazing condition. So whatever spell Celestia or Luna used to preserve them must be extremely powerful.

At the moment I am laying down in my sleeping bag under my tent checking the time on my pocket watch that I had completely forgotten about. All the while thinking of all the opportunities that present themselves in Equestria. I can protect, wander, or be a jerk. Who knows, maybe the reason why I am here is to do what I want. That last one might be the option that gets me domed by the Elements of Harmony if they ever come around that is.

Before I shut my eyes, I lift up my Pip-Boy and admire it some more. I’m still amazed that this thing actually works like it’s supposed to, the same goes for everything else.

“So much has happened today. Maybe my luck is finally starting to turn around. Maybe I can finally live how I want and do what I want…” With that sentence, I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

Author's Note:

if this one jumps around too much, sorry. I've been under a lot of stress lately, my mind is kind of scattered at the moment. It's also 3:41 am at the time of me writing this.

I should get some sleep... nah.