• Published 12th Aug 2019
  • 1,323 Views, 124 Comments

Secrets - bahatumay

Lyra has a secret, and it's one she's excited to share. Bon Bon has a secret, but she wishes hers would stay hidden in the past. That second one doesn't happen.

  • ...

Caught Sleeping

Bon Bon and Lyra walked away from the house, leaving the bat pony trussed up and bound by all four limbs and his tail to the boards of the back porch, his face mere inches from the sun’s light… which would soon change to being in the full light as the sun continued rising.

Bon Bon’s devious smile faded as soon as she shut the gate behind her. As they walked, she looked around, almost paranoid. The birds were singing, but she still seemed nervous.

They made their way down into a nearby park. It was filled with ponies, which should have been good for blending in, but Bon Bon seemed to flinch at every loud noise.

Lyra lightly bumped her with her hips. “You ok?”

“I'm still trying to figure out how they're coordinating,” Bon Bon answered quietly. “There are too many coincidences. Ponies keep finding us, and it’s bothering me. Somepony knows exactly where we are, always.”

“Like, what, are ponies spying on us?” Lyra asked.

Bon Bon shook her head. “I would have noticed if somepony were trailing us. There's no way even the best spy…” Her voice trailed off. Her eyes widened as something occurred to her.

“What?” Lyra asked.

“No way the best spy…” Bon Bon began to spin in place, eyes flicking wildly around. “But if there were lots of tiny spies, ones that you wouldn't notice unless you were looking specifically for them,” she breathed, “that would be different.”

Lyra was still confused. “What, like breezies?” she guessed.

“No, animals. Ones that blend in. Ones that you don't think twice about seeing everywhere. Birds. Squirrels. Controlled by a-” Her eyes narrowed. “Narcoblix,” she hissed. She looked around again at the ponies.

And then what could only be called an evil smile crossed her lips as she caught sight of a pegasus pony quickly waking up on a nearby bench. The pegasus shook her head as if arising from a deep sleep, and tried to get up; but Bon Bon was faster.

She darted over and grabbed her in a side-hug. “Fancy seeing you here, Flitter Pollen,” Bon Bon said airily. “It's been a while, hasn’t it?”

“Sweetie Drops,” Flitter Pollen said nervously. Lyra could see sweat already starting to bead on her forehead. “Yeah, it- it has. H- how are you?”

Bon Bon quickly wrenched her foreleg around her shoulder, forcing Flitter Pollen’s foreleg into a chicken wing position and causing her to squawk in pain. “Oh, I’ve been better. We need to talk.”

“Talk? Oh, yes, sure, we can talk,” she said quickly. “How’s here? Here’s good, right? Nice and public-”

“No, no,” Bon Bon said cheerfully. “Some place more… private. How about an alley?” Still looking like she was holding a friend tightly, she half-walked, half-dragged Flitter Pollen along, with Lyra quickly following behind.

As soon as they were far enough down an alley to be completely out of sight. Bon Bon twisted her hips and threw Flitter down, letting her roll and crash against the wall. Lyra inhaled through her teeth. This was harsh, even for Bon Bon.

Bon Bon looked at her. “Save your sympathy. If you knew why she was on SEMHA’s radar…” She turned to the other pony and smiled. “So, Flitter Pollen,” Bon Bon started pleasantly. “Seems we’ve been having some issues with ponies trying to kill us.”

Her eyes darted between the two ponies. “I… I really don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said.

Bon Bon nodded. “Alright, well, good news, I believe you…”

Flitter Pollen screamed as Bon Bon drove a knife into her chest, burying it to the hilt.

“But my knife doesn’t,” she finished. “Which is a real shame.”

Lyra gasped. “Did you just…?”

“Nah. The -blixes are kinda like vamponies in that you need a wooden stake through the heart to actually kill them.” She crouched. “Nothing else is truly fatal. But a nice silver dagger in their body is pretty painful, don't you agree? Painful enough to disrupt your concentration, isn’t it? Can’t enter any trance now, can you, Flitter Pollen?” She grinned.

The narcoblix panted through gritted teeth and weakly shook her head.

“Shame. That means you’re stuck here with me. So why don't you make it easy on yourself. Tell me who you're working for, and I’ll pull it out,” Bon Bon said sweetly.

“She’ll kill me,” she breathed. “And she’ll make it slow… and painful.”

“And what makes you so sure I won’t?” Bon Bon asked quietly.

“You're Special Agent Sweetie Drops,” Flitter Pollen said, her breath ragged. “You don't do that kind of thing. Not even with me and my history.”

Bon Bon glanced over at Lyra, then looked down and sighed. “You're right,” she admitted. “I don't.”

Flitter Pollen looked slightly relieved. She kept going. “You… you’re different. You’re… the best agent. You keep monsters safe.”

Bon Bon brightened. “You’re right. I do.” She suddenly reared up and flipped the top of the dumpster, making Lyra recoil at the vile scent that emanated. Bon Bon unceremoniously picked the narcoblix up onto her hips, and with a quick buck, tossed her in. She slammed the lid shut. “You’ll be safe in there!” she called cheerfully, letting out a small chuckle at her own joke. She turned away. “If you need anything…” She lowered her voice, “don’t call,” she finished, and delivered a powerful back kick that rattled the whole dumpster. She glanced at Lyra and exhaled, a look of relief crossing her face.

“Was that… good?” Lyra asked.

“Yes and no. Yes because that just took out their spy network. Narcoblixes can't stand each other because only one can possess a given pony at one time; even if two different n-blies have bitten them, a stronger one can’t ‘kick out’ a weaker one. They don’t get along at all. There's no way they'd have more than one on the team. But no because that means whoever is chasing us has to act now, because they know where we are but once we're gone they know it'll be impossible to find us again.”

“What are they going to do?”

“It could be anything,” Bon Bon admitted. “And if it’s enough to rattle her…” She continued looking around. “We’ll have to run.”

A small pegasus colt scampered up, his red vest and little cap indicative of a local telegram service. Breathing hard, he reached into his little pouch and pulled out an envelope. “Telegram for a Miss… Sweaty Drops?”

Bon Bon scowled hard enough to make him flinch. “How did you know to find me?”

The sweat on his brow was suddenly from more than his quick run, now. “L- local delivery,” he stammered, licking his lips. “Just arrived at the office, she paid big bits for a quick delivery.”

“What did she look like?”

“I… I can’t remember.”

She snappily held out her hoof. He gave it to her and quickly scampered away, wings flapping, nearly losing his cap in the process.

Bon Bon looked around one last time, and then opened it.

Lyra peeked over her shoulder. “What is that?”

“An address,” Bon Bon answered grimly.

Looks like this was going to come to an end, one way or another.