• Published 12th Aug 2019
  • 1,323 Views, 124 Comments

Secrets - bahatumay

Lyra has a secret, and it's one she's excited to share. Bon Bon has a secret, but she wishes hers would stay hidden in the past. That second one doesn't happen.

  • ...

Crazy Train

Lyra nodded her thanks as the waitress slid her plate in front of her. She looked down at her food. Though she usually loved waffles, this plate looked somehow unappetizing. Her stomach was tied up in knots, and she couldn’t remember the last time she felt so stressed.

Bon Bon, in contrast, had no such reservations; she lifted her fork and tore into her eggs and toast. Crumbs flew from the corners of her mouth as she ate ravenously. A few minutes later, she looked up at Lyra and pointed with her fork, swallowing and asking, “You gonna finish that?”

Lyra shook her head and slid her plate over. Bon Bon dug her fork in and kept eating.

“How can you be hungry at a time like this?” Lyra wondered.

“Because, right now we have a nice window of opportunity,” Bon Bon said around a mouthful of waffle. “Currently, the pony (or member of some other species) who tried to kill me, probably thinks I'm dead. Since I'm not dead, I have a temporary advantage until they realize that I am not, in fact, dead. Therefore, I have time to center myself, and think about who is trying to kill me, and how they're going to strike next; before my opponent has the chance to come to grips with the fact that I am not dead, and thus create a new plan accordingly. So, eating now as a free action before they have a chance to strike again? Good idea.” She paused, and then winced as she realized that she was currently eating Lyra’s food. “Are you sure you don't want at least a quarter of the waffle?” she offered sheepishly.

Lyra took it and began eating it, the motions slow and mechanical. Strange and tasteless as it was, having a little bit of food seemed to help. If anything, it was a bit distracting.

Bon Bon tensed. That, too, was distracting. And unnerving. What did she see that Lyra didn’t?

Lyra got her answer in the shape of three ponies showing up. The first one, a stallion, leaned in. “Sweetie Drops?”

“Nope, sorry. She owe you money or something?” Bon Bon returned pleasantly.

“Funny. You’re coming with us. Don't even think about making a scene.”

“I don’t think so,” Bon Bon said smugly, with her voice still just barely over a whisper. “Not with this little tasty treat.” She slid the last pancake forward.

He raised an eyebrow. “A pancake?”

“Oh, this ain’t a pancake, sweetheart.” Bon Bon grinned. “Looks like one, but isn't. We in the business call this the Special Order. Touchy little piece of equipment. Keep it away from open flame, or-”

And then she suddenly reached up and slammed his face into the pancake. He cried out and stumbled backwards, now with butter in his eyes and syrup on his muzzle.

“And that’s for never paying foal support, you dirty cheater!” Bon Bon shouted, loud enough that everypony in the cafe turned to look. “Come on, Harpsy. We're leaving.” She abruptly stood up, grabbed Lyra’s hoof, and strode out, not looking back.

Lyra found herself dragged along, the other two ponies who had been menacing them now unsure of themselves. Most ponies were staring, now; any semblance of cover or secrecy was completely blown.

As soon as they were out the door and out of sight of the window, Bon Bon dropped her hoof. “Run,” she whispered, and took off.

Lyra needed no second invitation. She galloped along beside her, tearing down the street.

Bon Bon ran fast, but she also ran crazy. She ducked around ponies and turned sharply down different streets almost at random, backtracking, forcing Lyra to think fast to keep up.

Lyra knew that earth ponies typically had plenty of stamina, but this was ridiculous. Her throat burned and she was breathing hard; and Bon Bon didn’t even seem to be breaking a sweat.

Just when she thought she’d fall behind completely, Bon Bon pulled her over to a nearby alleyway and behind a dumpster. Lyra was panting, exhausted and feeling lightheaded; and Bon Bon was not. Bon Bon was confident, calm, in control; and so strong…

“Ok, I think we lost them,” Bon Bon murmured. “But don’t let your guard down too quickly.”

“More mercenaries?” Lyra panted.

“Nah. Those were dumb muscle. Whoever wants me dead is expanding the search. Hope you didn't mind that little hoof hold to get us out of there.”

Oh, no,” Lyra said quickly. “Didn't mind at all. But…”

“But?” Bon Bon prompted.

Lyra swallowed. “Who could be sending so many ponies after us?”

“Right now, I think it's a bunch of ponies after us,” Bon Bon admitted. “At first I thought it was just a hit, but now I think someone put a bounty out on me; and you’re probably on it now, too. Mercenaries, bounty hunters, desperate ponies in need of a bit; there’s probably a crooked Royal Guard or two in on this. We can’t trust anypony.”

“So what do we do?” Lyra asked fearfully.

“Heh. Only thing I know how to do.” Bon Bon smirked. “Adapt and survive.”

Lyra bit her lower lip. She'd been hoping for something candy-related; but survival wasn't too bad, either.

Lyra picked up her front left hoof out the small puddle of water. “Uh, Bon Bon?”

“Yes, Lyra?”

“What are we doing?”

“Waiting for the train to Westhoof,” Bon Bon answered.

“But…” Lyra dodged around a squealing little filly who was obviously focused more on chasing her friend than watching where she was going. “In the middle of a foals’ play area?”

“It's wide and flat enough that we'll see anypony who could be trying to sneak up on us. Besides, there're lots of foals, lots of parents, and lots of witnesses.” She smirked. “Worst place ever for a covert operation.”

Lyra chuckled uneasily. “I'm not quite used to this… paranoia.” That seemed the right word. And to think, this morning all she’d wanted to do was-

“It's called ‘staying alive’, Lyra; and don't you fret, it's my job to worry about that.” She checked her watch. “And now it's my job to get us to the station.” She turned and narrowed her eyes. “Stay close.”

Lyra nodded and followed Bon Bon through the water.

Thankfully, though Bon Bon’s ears were pricked the entire time, no other threats materialized; and soon they were on the train. Bon Bon assumed her previous position, back to the wall, ears pricked, eyes flicking back and forth. Her sunglasses had been lost under the casino, and though she looked relaxed, Lyra realized now just how alert and actively paying attention she actually was.

She tried to emulate Bon Bon, ears up and watching, but she realized just how poorly she was doing so when she jumped as another pony entered the car, pulling a carry-on bag with her. She sat down and didn't look at Bon Bon.

Bon Bon uncrossed her forelegs.

Another pony entered. He, too, didn't look at Bon Bon.

This scene repeated itself a few more times. Soon, there were five new ponies in the car. Lyra cracked a smile. “Popular car,” she said.

There was no response from anypony. She ducked her head.

Then Bon Bon spoke. “You know, we don't have to do this,” she said pleasantly. “Westhoof is lovely this time of year, I hear. You'd do just as well going and seeing the beaches. I would highly recommend it.”

Lyra squinted. Why would she-?

She got her answer when the nearest mare spun around and swung a golf club at Bon Bon. Bon Bon had already ducked, though, and drove a retaliatory hoof into her chest. She recoiled in pain, dropping the golf club; but before Bon Bon could do much else, the other occupants of the car swarmed her. One pony leapt off the bench in front of her to tackle her; but Bon Bon sidestepped and rolled out of the way, letting him slam against the ground. She couldn't hit him while he was down, though; she had another pony rearing up ready to slam her hooves into Bon Bon's unprotected stomach mid-roll. She lashed out with her hind hooves, nailing her attacker in the stomach instead. Rolling to her hooves, she kicked the golf club back up into her mouth and smashed it into the next nearest pony’s head.

Lyra stared, slackjawed. Bon Bon was amazing.

One pony slowly got up and decided to take a swing at Lyra, apparently for no other reason than that she was there (or maybe he was just that disoriented that he confused her seafoam fur with Bon Bon's cream fur). Lyra’s heart stopped. This was how she died! She never even got a chance to-

Thankfully, Bon Bon was there; she delivered a beautiful buck to his chin, snapping his head back and nearly flipping him completely. “Come on!” She grabbed Lyra's hoof and ran.

They tore through the train car behind them, knocking over every tray and plate and unfortunate pony in their way, leaving behind scattered choruses of “my word!” and “well, I never!”

Finally, they burst out of the rear door… and ran out of train. Lyra squealed and pressed herself back against the door.
Bon Bon peeked around her and looked through the window, then turned to Lyra. “Can you levitate yourself?”


“Can you levitate yourself?!”

“No?” Lyra squeaked.

Bon Bon scowled. She looked back into the train once more, and then seemingly made some mental calculations. She put the golf club in her mouth. “Get up.”


“On the roof of the car!” She ducked under Lyra's belly and lifted, making Lyra squeak in surprise before finally realizing what she wanted her to do. Her hooves scrabbled for grip against both Bon Bon’s back and the metal train car, but with the earth pony’s help, she finally managed to get herself up onto the roof. Her mane and tail blew in the wind. She grimaced as she attempted to remain steady on her hooves. She’d never been on top of a train before, and she wasn't sure she liked it. This really was an adventure.

She reached down to pull Bon Bon up, but she needn't have bothered; Bon Bon launched herself upwards, landing easily on her hooves. She spun around, taking the golf club out of her mouth and holding it at the ready.

And not a moment too soon; the door burst open and one of the ponies from inside burst out, looking wildly to the side, looking for Bon Bon.

Bon Bon reached down with the golf club and tapped him on the shoulder. He looked over just in time to take the return swing to the jaw. He stumbled and tripped, falling off the edge of the platform and hitting the ground with a sickening crunch.

Lyra flinched. Bon Bon didn’t even react, except to stay low in a defensive stance, ears pricked even as the wind blew at her mane and tail.

A second pony burst out of the doorway, and, not seeing Bon Bon, quickly spun around. Somehow, he managed to dodge her first swing, and catch the return. There was a quick tug of war, but Bon Bon also had to make sure she didn’t fall off the roof of the train car. She struggled valiantly, but it slipped from her grip.

“Ha!” he crowed, pulling it back to where it was comfortable in his hooves.

But Bon Bon had grabbed the decorative railing and swung down; and before the shout had completely left his mouth she had quite literally kicked him off the train with her rear hooves.

She pulled herself back up and gave Lyra a winning smile.

Lyra heard the pony’s pained grunts fading into the distance and didn’t know what to think anymore.