• Published 13th Sep 2019
  • 259 Views, 9 Comments

The Burden of Hope - Mykola

Finding his conscious after what could be years of rest, a lone pony is left to learn about the fate of his home.

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Chapter 4: Capitol

The towering structures of Grad reached upwards and in few instances, branched out much like concrete and metal trees lined with glass leaves. Some of them reached out into the skies like sharpened blades, dotted with several beaming lights. The walkways both beneath and below were detailed with intricate tiling or old though stubborn paths. Different looking carts and carriages that appeared to be automated moved through the streets to predetermined paths, as banners lined every single building that the group wandered between.

Several uniformed guards walked in organised patrols through the snowy streets, as several individuals were distinguished clearly as civilians. It seemed to Void Walker to be a very well oiled machine: a unique though delicate thing that operated on precise perimetres. The unicorn looked in awe as he walked through the streets for what to him perhaps was the first time ever, as Proud Defender and Snowstorm accompanied him through the streets.

They seemed to attract the attention of everypony that wandered by them. Void couldn’t tell if it was because he was new, or that he was being accompanied by the Lord General and an Arbitress, or both. Regardless, he walked on with his two new acquaintances as they made their way to what appeared to be a massive domed structure. This building was surrounded by seven unique spires that circled around it, almost as if those structures were paying homage to the importance of the dome.

At the pinnacle of the dome there originated the bright spire of light that reached into the heavens and attracted the very stars around it. The intensity of the light seemed to dispel even the more cleverly hidden shadows. It was a symbol of the hope that sought to conquer it’s invincible enemy: despair.

“Marvelous, ain’t she?” Proud Defender asked, “They call her ‘Capitol,’ and according to our friend it was constructed to replace a fortress of tyranny long ago… to be a place of truth and sacrifice: our fortress of hope!”

“What are the seven towers for?” Void responded, puzzled by what Proud Defender said.

“Those are ‘the Nameless Vigils.” Snowstorm answered as she looked back to the two stallions, “They were built by yours truly to honour those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. In the walls of the very structures, are the names of all those who made that sacrifice. They are also the last line of defence, if there should ever be a threat that the guard cannot repel.”

“It’s never come to that point,” Defender huffed, “and it never will…”

Void nodded his head, “This place is just incredible, it’s hard to believe that this was all constructed within the last few years!”

“Word of advice,” Snowstorm laughed, “never underestimate the determination of Grad! We’ll push the mountains off their very foundation if we need to!”


Eventually the group reached a tall and impressive gate that seemed to grant access to the inner sanctuary where the Capitol lay. A series of guardians wearing beautiful cloaks or greatcoats lined with golden armour plates immediately snapped to attention like automatons from rest, as they saluted the small party that took head at the gates. One of these guardians stepped forward from her post, a leader by the looks, who wore a fur ushanka atop her head as she splayed her wings and offered a quick bow for the Lord General.

“Proud Defender!” She announced, “Pleased to see you again! I assume you wish to enter to the Capitol?”

“That’s an affirmative, Cloud Shock!” Defender responded with a low chuckle, “Forge is in his office, I assume?”

“The General Prosecutor is preparing for another sojourn to that mountain of his,” Cloud Shock responded with a sigh, “but I’d reckon he’d be more than happy to speak with you three! Lieutenant! Open the gates!”

The gates immediately sprung open in a fluid movement that Void was unaccustomed to. The doors certainly must have weighed a considerable amount, but how was it possible that they could move that fast? It was another feat of engineering genius! Proud Defender nor Snowstorm flinched, as they simply walked through the gate as the Lord General beckoned for the unicorn to follow.

He obliged.

Void’s eye traced the walls as he found what appeared to be memorials and memories laid at the foot of the wall: helmets, banners and armbands. Candles circled each offering and offered a humbling light, that Void simply couldn’t ignore. It was walking through this wall that he realised the existence of tragedy. Each one of these items definitely belonged to warriors that had sacrificed absolutely everything to defend against what Void only knew to be ‘Storms.’

The unicorn could tell that Proud Defender was watching him carefully, as the Lord General offered his consideration: “I know every single guard under my command, new blood… I’ve seen the bravest of the brave, the strongest of the strong and the wisest of the wise. I’ve seen triumphs and failures… and every single story inspires me. Every. Single. One… to me? Everyone has already made their sacrifice… it’s only waiting to claim them. And I can tell you the day that I’m consumed in one of those bloody storms, I’ll happily give my life… because enough life has already been taken for my sake.”

“The old sentinel has his sentiments.” Snowstorm sighed, “I’d rather not see any more casualties. Not even you, Defender.”

“We don’t have a choice, do we?” Defender snorted, “We’ve been called to this holy task… and I’m not going to dishonour it!”

“Just saying, ‘mate…”

“If I’m needed to be the one to end another’s suffering… you bet your rump I’ll be the one to make it.”

Void simply watched the two before they stepped through to the other side of the wall. The group was now faced with the incredible domed megastructure, as the unicorn could feel his jaw drop. Countless pillars supported several stories, as windows that stretched as far as his eye could see reflected brilliant sparks of light that burned in the night’s permanent sky. Across the pure white structure, there were black wounds that appeared to have been inflicted many years back.

“Void?” Defender asked, “You joining us?”

“Yeah…” Void said, just realising that perhaps he had been standing in place for many seconds now. A painful claw dragged at the back of his mind: it was as if something was telling him he had been here before, but it simply didn’t seem possible… if he had died, how was it that he could remember?

“You sure like lingering.” Snowstorm responded.

“This place is incredible!”

“Now it’s all yours…” Defender mused, “all yours to defend.”

The group started to make their way up incredible steps that seemed to stretch on for kilometres as several guards were standing in place: as stiff as statues. Void looked up to an armoured earth pony that appeared to be making his way down the steps to where the group was, as Defender and Snowstorm immediately stood still. The unicorn looked up this peculiar figure who donned brilliant golden and silver armour that held intricate designs that seemed to resemble trees.

Upon this stallion’s back was a rucksack, which appeared to be moderately filled with a variety of items. The earth pony’s eyes shone a peculiar gold as he scanned over the details of Void with unmatched speed. The golden armoured stallion sighed as he turned his head to Proud Defender, but the Lord General was the first to speak: “Forge! Heard that you’ll be heading beyond the walls, thought you could leave without saying goodbye?”

“Of course not, Lord General.” Forge responded with a voice that was marked with considerable dignity and respect, “But those ‘goodbyes’ are always at the wall. What brings you to the Capitol?”

“We need your opinion,” Defender spoke stiffly, “and you’re the most experienced out of everypony throughout all of Grad… there is another.”

“Another?” Forge asked as he turned his attention back to Void Walker, “I see… what is your name, new light?”

“I’m Void Walker.” The unicorn responded.

“Void Walker?” Forge responded as he cautiously scanned the side of Void Walker’s face that Proud Defender had mentioned was covered ‘in the stars.’ The stallion nodded his head after a few quiet moments, “Interesting. I am assuming you remember do not remember anything from before you woke.”

“No,” Void paused before he lowered his head shamefully, “I don’t.”

“I understand. Remembering the past is unexpectedly rare.”

“The only exception is the General Prosecutor himself!” Snowstorm added.

Void immediately looked back to Forge with unwavering awe, as Forge looked back at the unicorn with a single raised eyebrow. The General Prosecutor bowed his head humbly as he offered a hoof to the newly risen unicorn. Void didn’t hesitate to shake hooves with Forge as the golden armoured pony spoke for himself. Something seemed all to familiar about Forge by the way he spoke and the way he held himself… as if they spoke before. But if Void Walker and Forge had met beforehand, and Forge remembered where nopony else did: why wasn’t he saying anything?
Perhaps it was wishful thinking.

“Pleasures to make your acquaintance, new light.” Forge responded, “I understand that you’ll have many questions. Some may have already been answered by our mutual friends, but those lingering questions? I can answer.”

Void felt his mind rush with questions that had been lingering ever since he first awoke as one pestered and eventually rolled from off his tongue: “What happened, why can’t we remember anything?”

An eerily silence crept through the air, as Forge’s smile hardened into a frown as his eyes drifted into the distance. Proud Defender and Snowstorm seemed to stoop their heads down to the floor… evidently, it was a story that they were all too familiar with. The golden armoured stallion took a few cautious away from the group as he sighed, “Those are the hardest questions to answer, new light… I am certain you were told about the destruction of this once great place, how it was rebuilt… how it is currently under siege by an enemy we don’t understand…

“It wasn’t this way… long ago, Grad was a city established by a group of exiles from a land now forgotten by time. When I was young, we overthrew a tyranny that threatened to bring the very Dark to our shores to control us. What followed was a definite time of peace and prosperity, we built a land and country that stood unchallenged in its quest to secure its destiny… that was until the Dark returned, and sought to bring its vicious reign back against our people. It tore our land to pieces, turned our very people against one another.

“It was a time of chaos… those who were in the Iron Order fought to the best of our ability. We did everything in our power to drive our sworn enemy back from the gate… but it learned that its strength did not lie just in brute power, but in confusion and disorder. The Dark selected a new champion, and spawned a new army to challenge us. It tore us to pieces, and shattered the memories that connected us… it left us in ruins. It stole our pride and honour from us. It slaughtered our very brothers and sisters.

“I witnessed the fall of Grad, and I did what I could to hold our people together… but soon enough, there was infighting and factionalism. I did what I could to mediate that violence… to mediate the end of our people. Eventually, others like you joined us and submitted themselves as servants to order. You stand among them this day…” Forge gestured to both Proud Defender and Snowstorm, “and with their help and the talents of countless others, we rebuilt our fallen society. Proud Defender constructed the walls that held our enemy at bay, and organised a defence that would keep us safe against the Eternal Night.”

Void stood in utter silence as Forge answered his question, as he slowly started to piece the events of the narrative together. It seemed to fit together well, but why did it seem to him that there was much more? Wasn’t there a place where they could learn more about their past… but if there was, it could have been destroyed in the original siege against Grad. Eventually the ‘new light’ nodded his head, as he accepted the answer that he had received from the old stallion.

“Perhaps you should join me on my sojourn, Void Walker.” Forge finally said, “It could perhaps help you understand the world we so desperately need to defend.”

“Perhaps you oughta’ stay in Grad, Forge…” Proud Defender warned, “we’re talking about somepony who was pulled back from the dead! We’ll need to gather the rest of the Iron Order, and warn the Administrator!”

The Administrator? Void quietly sighed inside himself… perhaps he had more questions after all.

“You understand the importance of taking the Burden, Lord General.” Forge responded quickly, “But if you so request, then I shall put off my meditations… shall we speak with our other arbitresses?”

“Gather ‘em.” Defender nodded, “We’ll go in to see Hush while you make the call.”

“Understood, Lord General.”

Void stood in a deep state of confusion as Snowstorm and Proud Defender pressed on toward the giant doors that granted access into the sanctum of the Capitol. Forge continued walking down the stairs, as the unicorn felt oddly divided between the two regardless of the fact that they would join together later. He could sense (how could he sense?) the eyes of the earth pony and griffon that expected him to join them. Void turned his head and quietly walked up the stretching pavilion toward the Captiol.

He needed to meet Hush now.