• Published 13th Sep 2019
  • 260 Views, 9 Comments

The Burden of Hope - Mykola

Finding his conscious after what could be years of rest, a lone pony is left to learn about the fate of his home.

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Chapter 7: Order

Lost light.

Was that her name?

Those two words have bounced in pegasus’s head unceasingly since the Purpose spoke them, as if they were now a piece of her. She couldn’t remember anything else, and much like a small creature that imprints on what it determines is its parent, she was stuck believing and trusting in a force that had done nothing more than speak to her. It told her of a doomed society that festered with greed and self-interest and how it abandoned her.

But… how did that make sense? They came to search for her and if they were going to determine that she was dead, then why go through the effort?


The pegasus cried in sharp pain, as her legs failed her as she collapsed helplessly to the snow. She couldn’t control herself anymore, she didn’t have control. Whenever she dared to question the dark, that is when it seemed to enforce pain--PAIN IS LIBERATION.

The pegasus felt as if she was changing, but she didn’t know how. It was like she was shedding her skin, leaving a life past into a new reality and circumstance. She didn’t remember her coat and mane being dull in colour, but now it seemed as if every feature that distinguished her as somepony was fading… was she ever truly unique? NO… she was always a pawn in some king’s game. Her life and her choice were never her own.

Now? Lost Light was claimed by another force.

“It troubles me when I witness some poor child in pain.” The Purpose spoke as Lost Light turned her attention immediately to the shadow, “It has always troubled me… but unfortunately with the way our world is, it is unavoidable.”

“Pain is liberation.” Lost Light echoed.

“It is. But that does not make it any less troubling, dear child. We must enforce pain as the unimpeachable instructor that it is, only then can we allow all else to inherit their place in eternity.”

“Why are you letting me suffer?” Lost Light choked, “I-I… I AM FREE.”

“That is why, lost light.” The Purpose mused, “It is only a moment, I promise… is a short stay of pain worth the eternity of peace that follows it? It is ultimately the most forgiving path, wherewith the contemptible force of this ‘light’ would advocate for gluttony and selfishness. Those who follow the light believe in vain hierarchies and order, and ultimately in the end only a few secure the joy that should be the right of all who live.”

“Why would the light be so cruel?”

The Purpose stood in silence as it seemingly stared at the spire of light far in the distance, as if it were contemplating a true response. The shadow eventually rested its ‘hoof’ on Lost Light’s shoulder. This comforting touch instead sent shivers and terror rummaging throughout Lost Light’s body, as if death itself had placed its hoof on her. She couldn’t cry out or protest in any way, it was almost as if she had become chained to the will of this shadow.

It was far too late to escape.

“I cannot tell, dear child.” The Purpose responded, “I cannot tell.”

The hallway faded from the homely wood into a white and cold marble as Void walked along it, as each step he took was an echoing thunderstorm along with high ceilings and long walls. The new light looked at the pillars that dotted equally on either side of him, as for the first time he noticed how several different coloured ribbons that wrapped loosely around the tall marble structures. As Void approached one he slowly made out the golden strands that seemed to make out a series of names.

Void connected immediately that these names were the names of the deceased.

Void was left to stand in silent awe as his ears flattened as he felt a sudden ping of sorrow within his bosom. He stood absolutely still as he stared at the collection of names as eventually the new light eventually made out the sound of somepony approaching from behind him. Void turned his head as his eye made out the shape of a unicorn of a white colour who adorned an intricate gold armour much like Forge’s or Snowstorm’s; obviously she was a member of the Iron Order.

“I’m guessing that you are Void Walker?” The unicorn asked.

“I am, yeah…” Void responded, “are you a member of the Iron Order?”

“You are quite observant, new light. I am Prosecutor Light Bearer, and I am pleased to make your acquaintance.”

Void offered a smile to match Light’s as he approached the Prosecutor who then offered her hoof to shake, as Void obliged. Raising her other hoof, Light Bearer gestured in a direction that Void assumed was the way that they were meant to go. The two unicorns made their way down the long hall as Void continued to glance between the intricately and beautifully designed hallways.

“I’ve been told you have an appreciation for architecture and the cityscape of Grad.” Light said to spark a conversation.

“It is just incredible.” Void simply responded, “I’m honestly speechless every time I look over her.”

“It has come a far way, but I reckon you’ve already heard plenty about that.”

“Doesn’t mean I wouldn’t like to learn more,” Void responded as he quietly backtracked and asked, “what are the ribbons on the pillars for?”

“You’ve seen the names written on them?” Light Bearer sighed, “They are those innocents who were claimed in our conflict. Not our guardians, not those who carried the standard of Grad into battle… just those who we couldn’t save. They are meant to be immortalised within the walls of the capitol, so that all who walk these halls can mourn and remember our purpose here.”

Void walked quietly alongside Light before he noticed that she was looking back at him. His silver eye turned to meet her pink coloured eyes, as Light quickly changed the topic of their conversation: “Curious, you do have the night sky painted on one side of your face. I was thinking the Lord General was exaggerating, but you really do.”

“I wasn’t aware until he pointed it out.”

“You have any idea what it could be?”

“I figured I received my namesake because of it…”

“You believe it is the void?” Light asked as she quietly pondered this herself, “That makes it especially curious, Void Walker. The void is considered a great nothingness, a barrier between the fabric of reality and existence… generally, our names reflect that which we harness, Proud Defender being the only exception.”

Void walked quietly beside Light Bearer as she explained this, taking mental note of what the unicorn was relating. If it were true that he carried the void, was it a useless and dead thing? Yet he witnessed its power, as if it could tear the fabric of reality itself. Was that power? Or was that something else?


“It’s all still new to me…” Void responded to no point in particular, “all I know is that I was brought back with these marks and with some power. But I know at the very least the same is true for you, so… why ‘Light Bearer?”

“Fair point. I was brought back around the same time that Proud Defender was, but I had no bearing as to my potential… but when I saw him repel the dark and head on his crusades to reclaim and rescue those lost souls beyond the border of Grad, I was inspired. It was then that my spark connected and during a particularly brutal storm which would have engulfed us in shadow completely, I created the spire of light that has long become associated with our home. It repelled the dark, and guaranteed us a source of power and inspiration.”

“Wait, you created the spire?” Void asked in surprise.

“I did.” Light lightly laughed, “It was then that I took upon myself the name of ‘Light Bearer,’ a token of appreciation for the souls that inspired me. Ever since then the Lord General and I have been hard at work to repel the shadows from off our shores and secure a brighter future. We found and established connections with three others who bore strange power.”
“Three others?” Void asked, “Who’s the third?”

“That is a story for another time,” Light replied, “but for now the Iron Order has gathered. As I think you would understand, it is not a common occurrence for there to be ‘another.’ It is a serious business, after all.”

The unicorns stepped before an impressive set of heavy doors that bore intricate carvings and details. It seemed as if an entire history were crossed upon these wooden doors, as countless figures that were either pony, griffon, zebra or deer which appeared to be adorned in several different garbs. A single star was set in the centre of each door which was wonderful in its display, a symbol that Void had come to understand was the seal of Grad.

The doors opened to reveal the cone-shaped room, where several bleachers lead down to a central floor. There was a hundred seats in the chamber, but they were only occupied by only thirty individuals who wore armour that Void had come to associate with the Iron Order. On the main floor of the chamber stood the General Prosecutor Forge, as the experienced earth pony looked up at the two unicorns that had just entered the chamber.

Void quickly glanced around the chamber quickly as he spotted Snowstorm in one of the bleachers among with a few zebras and deer. The new light noticed that each armour appeared to be individualised, as if it belonged to the ones who wore it instead of the serialised pieces that the others wore. Void followed right behind Light Bearer as she headed down to where the thirty gathered, as he was directed to the centre where Forge stood.

“Prosecutor Light Bearer,” the General Prosecutor said, “we thank you for guiding the new light. Please, take a seat.”

Void looked back as he watched Light Bearer oblige without question, before he turned his attention back to Forge. The General Prosecutor stood up on his hind hooves as he reached up with his forelegs, before he lifted his golden helmet from off the top of his head and set it on a wooden block beside him. The bronze coated earth pony drew in a deep breath as the chamber fell completely silent.

“New light, it is an honour to have you join us this day.” Forge spoke, “Look around where we gather this day, Void Walker. Far before these times, this is where our parliament would gather to reckon for the favour of Grad. For the first time of Known history, this was where it was decided that we were to not be governed by a monarchy, rather by the will of a people. The Iron Order was there on that fateful day, acting as the judges over those who would seek to abuse.

“In commemoration of our victory and triumph, we established and built this place as the foundation of our new nation. In time our home was threatened for the first time, and then the second and then the third… but we pushed onwards, ever onwards. Should our home be crippled, we vowed to nurse it back to strength. Should our people ever be in distress, we vowed to lead them to safety… and so was the Iron Order immortalised in our society. It has always been the responsibility of those willing to set aside their own pursuits and their own glory, those few who recognised their limitations and yet submitted before a greater whole.

“And now here we stand: most of us without memory of who we were before some cruel thing stripped us of memory of even our names. Few of us were claimed by the violence, only to be brought back again by some strange power beyond all comprehension. Fewer still are those who should set aside those selfish pursuits, and joined themselves to this ancient pact.

“I was summoned but a few years ago by the remnants of our poor and broken society, under the heading of a once ‘new light’ much like yourself, Void Walker… one who sought these very values, these principles. He wished to rebuild the Star which would come to symbolise our nation, to ensure that its inhabitants could sleep peacefully under the Eternal Night.”

Forge paused as he slowly approached Void as he circled around the new light, and in an unrivaled calm and collected fashion seemed to approve of the unicorn. As Forge spoke, Void did what he could to track the earth pony, but he felt his eye tracing up the impressive room as every detail seemed to pop out to him.

“I see much of this in you, and indeed in our council we have been assured that you treasure this very thing.” Forge continued, “But understand, new light, you still require a tempering. For our metal to be effective, it must be burnt and cleansed repeatedly. We understand that trees must be beat upon by the winds if they are to strengthen and bear fruit. You are but a small and simple seed, Void Walker, but if you are to stand with legend you must become an apple tree.”

“What do I need to do?” Void impulsively asked, as internally he chastised himself for the outburst.

“That, you shall learn for yourself.” Forge replied sharply, but forgivingly: “The eager learn, while the unsteady remain in their confusion. Learn quickly, new light, and then you shall approach. We shall always stand here, new light, and I invite you to look around to those you can confidently call brothers and sisters. We shall be your guides, your friends and your mentors.”

Void stood in silence.

“New light, as odd as it may be, that silence proves you have already learned. Temper your impulse and allow yourself to be observant, and within time you shall see what you at this time cannot see.” Forge explained, “It will on your part require concentration and mastery of what you have been given. You will need to be as a dragon, new light… learn what you need to do to light that spark.”

“If I may speak, General Prosecutor?” Light Bearer asked with grace, “I request that I may act as vigil for the new light.”

Void looked at Light in shock, as he stifled his outer expression and tried to swallow with a dry throat. Forge stood still as if he didn’t hear what Light had said, before he slowly turned his attention to the Prosecutor. He simply nodded his head, before he returned his attention to Void. It seemed to the new light that permission had been granted, as he glanced back quickly to Light Bearer with slight confusion. Void appreciated what Light was willing to do, but it was unexpected.

“I invite you at this time to learn, and to learn well. If you truly seek to join within our order, you will learn to submit to that duty and to truly humble yourself, as you already have. Now, Void Walker, I shall return you to the Lord General with the Prosecutor… now, the question I have is whether our Arbitress will assist?”

All eyes seemed to fall on Snowstorm, as the griffon offered a simple phrase: “Of course, General Prosecutor.”

“Very well,” Forge said with a light in his eyes, “then we shall adjourn the new light and his vigils. Until judgement passes, my sisters.”

“Until judgement passes, our brother!” Light Bearer and Snowstorm responded in unison, as the doors to the chamber seemed to swing open. The unicorn and griffon lifted themselves from their seats as they walked to accompany Void Walker, as the new light’s heart raced and a light seemed to burn in his bosom. He glanced between the two ‘vigils’ that agreed to assist him in this strange journey, as he smiled gratefully.