• Member Since 14th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen May 22nd


"I haven't seen a bigger waste of talent since Dan Marino." -Lucky Seven; Want to support me?


Staying in Twilight's Castle, you make the terrible error of flippantly calling her 'Hitler'. She demands a history lesson (for archiving purposes, of course) and you give her one that ends up being far more frustrating than you had anticipated.

EDIT: Featured 8/27/19!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 204 )

Okay , so what Earth dictators would Twilight compare to Cadance? Flurry Heart? Herself?

Gave me a nice lil' chuckle. You get my updoot.

This was amusing

This is stupid. Not Majin Syeekoh levels of stupid, but still. I like it.

Hitler: Celestia
Luna: Stalin
Cadance: Cleopatra
Flurry Heart: Hunn
Twilight: Napoleon

“Hey! I am not short!” :twilightangry2:


This simultaneously surprises me, yet doesnt surprise me. I've seen ponies in SS uniforms (they were evil fuckers, but you can't deny that they had style), and plenty of USSR ponies, mainly Glimglam, but this is the first time I've seen Celestia Hitler.


Flurry Heart is obviously the Devil himself.

We're gonna werf so many flammens!

That title wouldn't happen to be a reference to a certain animation would it? Amusing story anyway, got an exhalation through the nose from me.

Nah, Twiggles is Polpot and Flurry Mao. Dunno about cadence though.

oh twilight is defs a cult leader with the whole school of friendship thing so you got a lot of possibility there

Cadance is like King Louis XVI because she was installed by a foreign power into her throne after the local monarchy was deposed and executed

Okay the first one is derpy as frick lol. She looks so emo and bony and their legs are absurd held like that.

They're not dictators if they all have cute cartoon faces...:trollestia: :twilightangry2:

Random fun fact: Hitler's closest analogue in the modern day isn't any part of the alt-right; it's whoever runs PETA. Look up his non-political beliefs and actions if you need proof.

Maybe Hitler and Stalin got reincarnated as Celestia and Luna XD

Well... Celestia is the one who taught Twilight, and Twilight was pretty speciesist in the early seasons. I mean... there was a lot of off-hoof insulting of other species. So, Celestia’s school for gifted unicorns is really a school for the Celestia Youths.

Luna as Stalin? Meh, I see her as more of a Lenin:
Must Crush Capitalism Daytime!



But Celestia always makes sure that the trains run on time.

And that one time that she had a big retreat with all her top advisors but an officer threw a pie at her and she totally survived it...

Oh god, it all adds up.:unsuresweetie:

Ha! Nice.

I always knew it.

Does this mean Stalin is best pone?

Vision #23 · Aug 27th, 2019 · · 54 ·

Ey, don't put Stalin next Hitler, the starvation thing started because wealthy peasants refused to give the reigns over their land a property to the government, and then burned the produce in spite, that thing happened in the territory of today's Ukraine. And the ungodly numbers of people in gulag that Solzhenitsyn told you about was a gigantic overestimation. In 30 years of stalin's rule only 2,5 or so millions of people died in gulag, most of them war prisoners, murderers, thiefs and other awful kinds o people, and only like 2-3% of the numbers were political prisoners, maybe even less.
And I know that Stalin was bad, I don't deny it, it's just that people tend to put him alongside a psychopath that decided to murder Jews as ideology.
It's a bit infuriating to see people hate on a soviet leader, who took out about 80% of Nazi armies and helped to free Europe, in today's history books authors seem to avoid this fact in favor of only mentioning Stalin for awful things he did, and inflate them as if they were a balloon.

I wasn’t expecting that one! :rainbowlaugh:

A good fic nonetheless! Fine job.

My word. A revisionist. He starved the Ukraine, Holodomor and it was a genocide just as surely as Hitler's campaign against the Jews. Took land from people that knew how to farm and put city folk on farms. He was one of the most truly vile humans to ever walk the planet. If anything he was worse than Hitler. "Free Europe." Riiiigt. It was called the "Iron Curtain" for a reason. My history degree just cried at your comment.

For the story, I always considered Equestria a police state/dictatorship under a rainbow paintjob. Seeing Celestia getting parallels with Hitler is rather comical for me.

While I want to rant and all, I feel like that would be meaningless and really not appropriate. However I will mention that, for a good reason, Stalin is considered a much worse person than Hitler on this side of the ye olde iron courtain. The reason some people consider him "less bad" is simply because he won ww2 and nazi germany lost, and as we know only good guys won that war.

Stalin was directly and indirectly responsible for around 25 million deaths during his reign, and was feared by the entire country due to his tendency to order the killing of anyone who displeased him. He started off in his party as a literal street thug and enforcer, and the body count brought about by his actions is only somewhat rivaled by Mao Zedong of China, who was responsible for around 21 million deaths due to his actions and policies. On a related note Stalin was also very antisemitic (despite having at one point married a wife of Jewish decent, who "shockingly" had a rather poor relationship with him) causing him at one point to arrest all Jewish doctors they could find and send them off to camps for supposedly plotting against him in an event known as "The Doctors Plot".

This amusingly ended up being the death of Stalin, as when he had a heart attack while alone in his room (which nobody discovered until a good few hours had passed due to him having given orders to not disturb him, and people were too scared to violate those orders for a good while) there were no doctors capable of preforming the surgery needed to save his life (people were also too scared to bring back one of the Jewish doctors, as Stalin would have likely have them all killed if he discovered such). By the time they found a doctor, it was too late for anything to be done.


Hitler and Stalin were both awful in their own ways. Both leaders invaded Poland, committed ethnic cleansing, terrorized their own populace, and caused millions of deaths.

But Stalin, to me, seems to have been more despicable on a personal level. When his mistreated son tried (unsuccessfully) to kill himself, Stalin "joked" that his son was too dumb to shoot straight.

Also, Stalin conspired to kill the city leaders of Leningrad for their popularity. These were the people who kept the city afloat during the horrible siege of the city, and Stalin killed them out of jealousy.

You forgot one.
Nightflight: The Red Skull

You seem to be what we in the business refer to as a 'tankie'

9803332 We're forgetting Mao, the biggest killer in history (likely killed more than the Black Death).

He would be Starlight. :trollestia:

9803296 Mao's death total was actually MUCH higher. The minimum number is around 40 million, possibly as high as 100 million. China was so insular and lied about so much, it's hard to get a more accurate total.

9803224 Fillies and gentlecolts, allow me to present to you this comment as what a REAL Russian bot looks like.

People also tend to forget Stalin and Hitler signed a nonaggression pact. Stalin was quite willing to stand by and do nothing while the Axis ran roughshod over Europe, and had his own sinister plans for Eastern Europe.

Had Hilter not been a impatient, insane pathological backstabber (as Neville Chamberlain learned far too late), they both would have been ruling over a continent composed entirely of fascism and communism, then afterward they'd have battled for supremacy. It would have been incomprehensibly catastrophic and I suspect the death toll would have depopulated entire nations.

And afterward, they'd have come for the USA.

No, in retrospect, despite all the mistakes and poor judgements the Allies made initially, things could have been much, much worse.

9803254 He also murdered most of his initial supporters in the Kremlin. Of over a thousand, only a handful survived. And much of Stalin's evil was committed before WWII even began. He was so vicious even Lenin warned not to let him take control... and then Lenin conveniently died suddenly. Stalin's young wife spoke out against him... and then was 'suicided'.

The only reason we see Hitler as the biggest monster of all is that so much of Stalin and Mao's horrors were hidden behind the Iron Curtain.

They were a Triad of Evil, and each should be reviled forever.

Vision #35 · Aug 27th, 2019 · · 25 ·

Hey, I don't say he's a super goodytwoshoes, and you forgetting that holodomor was also Romania, Poland and other South-Eastern Europe countries not under the influence of USSR because of 2 year drought everyone seem to forget about. Also the northern chunk of Ukraine was part of Poland before the war. And relocation of the few ethnic groups was needed at the time, cause they hated each other to death.
I'm glad that I have myself speaking with a historian, but you must understand my confusion if you use the numbers of dead provided by western sources and not the declassified information released by Russian Federation (who also don't like Stalin very much). I'm simply pointed out that he is not on the same level as hitler, that he was much much better but still bad.
And about freeing Europe, you simply must see the photos of how people of Europian countries met Soviet soldiers, with flowers and smiles on their faces, men throwing their hats in the air in greeting of the liberators from nazism. I'm appalled that today the role of USSR in defeating the Nazi germany is so greatly diminished by the over exaggerated mistakes of the leader.

Vision #36 · Aug 27th, 2019 · · 15 ·

And the Britain absolutely didn't plan to backstab USSR after victory over Nazis, don't happened at all.

Chairman Mao. Yes. He was another horrible Communist. Thankfully he had a falling out with Stalin or we might have had a different story. Whether Starlight killed as many, depends on whether or not those worlds are parallel dimensions or were merely "what might have beens." Starlight's story really is a commentary on the theory of Communism and what happens when it is actually applied. Thankfully in Pony world she has been shown the error of her ways and is an asset to Equestria instead of a liability. If only Hitler had been accepted to the Art Academy. Alternative Histories are interesting.

9803419 You're right. It didn't happen at all. Stalin grabbed all the territory he wanted.

Now me, I'd have DEFINITELY betrayed him! I'd have slipped a slow-acting mutant variant of my chimeric super-virus 'Ebolaids' into his borsch! :trixieshiftright:

And then the world would have been all mine... (Alondro is best Supreme Tyrant, has best plans) And then it'd be on to creating large-breasted futa Renamons… for all the yiffing… (OMG, HE'S ALSO A FURRY!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!! :raritydespair: )


9803416 Stalin made Hitler look like a piker and Mao was probably worse. Alondro has it right. Lenin couldn't even stand him and that's like the pot calling the kettle black. This is one of those arguments that happen in academic circles and will never be resolved and you will not convince me and I have no hope of convincing you.

His plan was called "the unthinkable". You might want to read about it before mocking people.

9803423 Actually, there's a single act which would have prevented WWI and everything which proceeded from then on: if the car carrying Archduke Ferdinand hadn't made an unplanned turn down the street where the gunman was brooding about his hatred for everything at a café.

It was a crime of opportunity which led to every modern bloodbath.

And all a time traveler to the past would have to have done was stick his foot out so the guy tripped when he stood up to approach the car.

It was the ultimate example of a Butterfly Effect.

It's also the ultimate rebuke of those who believe one person cannot change the entire world. Sadly, it is too frequently acts of murder which have such far-reaching effects. There are more Mansons than there are Ghandis.

You dismiss the important evidence that in the last years of his life Lenin had a few aneurisms and lost his ability to think clearly, his personality did 180 and he lost his trust in Stalin, because of the illness lenin proclaimed him the worst.

Vision #44 · Aug 27th, 2019 · · 20 ·

Me having an opinion based on the facts and declassified documents is bad?

Ah, you sir are a fan of "Whataboutism"
Yeah the British are assholes who *probably preformed Genocide against the Irish.
What does that have to do with the fact the the USSR is DEFINITELY responsible for millions of their own dead citizens?
Just because the British were dicks doesn't even come close to excusing the USSR for being dicks.

*depending if you count the whole Cromwell thing a genocide.

Actually. The turn was planned. Franz intended to go to the hospital to visit the people injured when the bomb that failed to blow his car up blew up. And the dude that actually shot him did so while looking in the complete opposite direction. He very easily could have missed regardless.

Vision #47 · Aug 27th, 2019 · · 23 ·

Eh, it puts a perspective on the the whole thing, like, for example, Japanese concentration camps in USA, when they moved all of their Japanese citizens in camps, when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.its too was a very bad thing.

All I wanted to say is that Stalin is not as bad as Hitler, it's just was in interest of USA to make everyone believe he was worse. Like now it is in interest of your democrats to say that Russia is bad and influenced the elections.

Relocating people because of the threat of the Fifth Column is different than putting them into forced labor camps because you think they're lesser people.

Cannot in good conscience upvote this. It's a thing that exists at least.

And do you know how many of Japanese USA citizens died there? How bad was the housing? How little there were food? I agree that is different, American citizens died because they were Japanese, and in gulag people died because they were sent there for crimes and 99% were not political.

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