• Published 27th Aug 2019
  • 445 Views, 1 Comments

Letters - Wind Scribe

A series of letters that Twilight receives in the wake of the Conduit event as she and the rest of Equestria return to a sense of normalcy.

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To My Faithful Student

My Faithful Student

Twilight Sparkle,

I would like to start off with extending my thanks to you in recent events. Were it not for you, Canterlot, and dare I say, all of Equestria, would have suffered greater damage than what Visionary Dusk had invoked on our fair capitol. And although he is no longer with us, Sam’s presence and actions will be forever recognized and praised. I only wish I had the opportunity to say so in person before he returned to his home.

Though, let us not dwell on such sad tidings, but reflect on the cherished moments that Harmony had allowed us to have beside him. My sister had told me of the nights they would lay out in the garden as they watched the stars that she set amongst the sky. She was delighted to have someone so captivated by her arrangements of the night as he was.

It took her by surprise when I introduced her to the National Stargazers’ Association not long ago. She went on for hours about their praise for her and her art. She even none too subtly hinted about the members’ preference to her and her work over my own when she was still imprisoned on the moon. That is alright though. I could never presume to have a finer control over the night sky than she does.

With Sam no longer here, Captain Aegis Flare has expressed on multiple occasions that the castle grounds are much quieter than before. Not necessarily a negative sentiment, but one can see that the captain misses our friend in his own way. So, he has filled his time with redoubling his efforts of the Guard’s training and looking over the technology left behind from Sam’s world. Studies on the foreign technology from Sam’s world has taken much of his and the Royal Research wing’s time. It still astounds me with how advanced his world must be to produce such technological wonders. I can only imagine what it must look like in person.

Before I forget, the archmages have asked me to pass along their notes for you to review. I’m sure you and Sam had discussed many things about his world, and they only wish to know if you have any more information that would further their studies. Just know that you do not have to feel that you must find answers to their questions. They only request that you look them over and offer any insight on their studies.

Twilight, I can’t hope to know how you feel about Sam’s departure, and how it has left you. From your recent reports, it seems that life in Ponyville is still going well. However, forgive me for speaking so candidly, I can sense your letters hold an essence of melancholy for him. I hope it is enough, but if you need to talk about it, I am always here for you.

Yours and always,

Princess Celestia