• Published 29th Aug 2019
  • 958 Views, 8 Comments

A night with Rainbow - Gundamfan

A cuddling session in bed with Rainbow dash

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Warm, soft snuggles and cuddles

Author's Note:

I'll do the romance in chapter three. I wanna try and write the perfect humanXRainbow Dash story.

It has been a month since you wound up in the place that is Equestria. You remember waking up in a grassy field, groggy and confused. The first time you encountered your future best friends, you were making your way to a quiet little town hoping to find out where you were.

All of a sudden, the ground started to shake, followed by the sound of a scratchy but feminine voice shouting, "STAMPEDE"!
Next thing you knew, you almost would have been trampled to death had it not been for the heroic actions of the Pegasus you know as Rainbow Dash, who swooped in and pulled you to safety. After asking if you were ok, and what were you, you explained your predicament, name and of course, the fact your human.
The unicorn, Twilight Sparkle had explained to you you were in Equestria, introduced herself and her friends and after hearing you were essentially homeless, the 6 ponies took pity on you and offered you a place to stay, you deciding on Applejacks farmhouse.

For several days, you slept, ate and despite your poor physique, tried helping out with the chores as best you can. You still felt extremely homesick, wondering what your friends and family were feeling. After Applejack noticed your gloomy mood, she offered you to take part in various athletic competitions between her and Dash. Despite being extremely competitive, both girls were more than happy to lend a helping hoof if you Couldn't throw a horseshoe good, or kick a hoofball far.
Rainbow Dash even got you to go jogging with her through the town. At the end of the day, Pinkie pie thrw you a welcoming party, but you were still feeling down about your old home.

You went outside on the front porch so you could cry without drawing attention, but you hear
the door open and close behind you, followed by the gentle flapping of wings.
"Hey, are you alright? Whats the matter"? The unmistakable scratchy voice of Rainbow Dash said to you.
Raising your tear-soaked face from your hands, you look at her concerned face. "Its...(sniff) my family. I'll never see them, or my old home ever again. I dont belong here".

You feel her soft wing wrap around your back. "What are you talking about? Who the hay ever said you dont belong here"?

You look at her with more tears building up. "You are all ponies, but im human. Im an alien to you Equestrians".

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow. "So?? Spike is obviously a dragon, and he's one of our best friends! We ponies wouldn't even dare to discriminate race! Look, I know its hard being in the predicament your in, but You've made friends with all of us only a few days after you wound up here. The six of us can be your family".
You slowly dry your tears. "But, this world is so new to me! Im practically lost! What if Im completely helpless"?

Rainbow places her hoof on your mouth. "STOP. Your never gonna end up like that. I'll be your guide. Teach you the do's and dont's of Equestria, and look after you. Until you can get more familiar with what we do around here, you'll have to stay in Ponyville". She wipes your tear-soaked eyes and smiles at you. "Come on. Pinkie pie is about to serve food and drinks. Uhh, are you old enough to drink? The legal age for alcoholic beverages is 18. As it turns out, the six of us are 21".

You went back inside and slowly grew back your smile. You drank many delicious soda's and beers, ate a slice of blueberry pie Pinkie pie baked herself, and had hoof-wrestling matches with the strongest ponies in the building , Applejack and Rainbow Dash included. "Its a miracle my arm didn't snap in half" you say, wincing at the strength of Rainbows hooves.
When the party was over, Twilight told you the girls were having a slumber party at her tree house, and you immediately jumped at the opportunity to join in. From sunset to around 9:00, you all had a blast, sitting around the fire, telling stories, and singing songs, while sipping on a glass of sweet applejuice. Since it seemed these ponies didn't have insulation or air conditioning, it got a little chilly, so you requested Twilight to brew you some hot tea.
Afterwards, you all turn in for the night, climbing into your sleeping bags.

Unfortunately, the cold fall air was still getting to you, causing you to shiver uncontrollably. You suddenly feel the light touch of a hoof on your shoulder, and you freeze in place.
"Hey, are you ok? Your body is freezing"! You hear Rainbow Dash whisper. She gently tiptoes her way to the kitchen and grabs another glass of tea for you. "Here. Its nice and warm. Careful not to burn yourself". You gulp down the tea, but its warming effect lasted only a few seconds before you shivered again. "Thanks anyway, Rainbow". You say before laying back down and turning over facing away from her. You suddenly see her step back into your sight. "Scooch over, will you"?
You scooch over and let her in. "What are you doing"?? You feel the warm breath from her nostrils across your face, and the soft texture of her wings wrap around your body as her fore hooves wrap around your neck. She gives you a soft squeeze and nuzzles you, her soft furry cheek rubbing against your own. Instantly, the imaginary block of ice you were stuck in melted, and the warmth from her body became overwhelming. It was such a wonderful sensation that you let out a relaxed sigh.
"Is this helping"? Rainbow Dash ask you. You yawn and say "yes".
She gently strokes your back with a wing, the feathers racing slowly across your skin causing you to shudder in delight.
"What about this"? She asks.
"Yeah, ohhhh yeahhh". You say, the gentle and warm touch of her fur melting you.
You try to slowly raise an arm up to stroke her mane, causing her to tense up in surprise, but relax.

You then feel her soft, silky tail swish over so that it covers your legs. "Think of it as an extra blanket. Its not warm, but its nice and soft". She whispers.
You gently scratch her ear, causing her to hum happily and smile. You stroke her back with your fingers, as Rainbow Dash strokes your arm with a wing. "Why are you being so nice to me"? You ask her.
"Because your new to Equestria with no idea how things in Equestria work, and because your my friend. The first step to helping you fit in is to welcome you. You've definitely been generous at sweet apple acres. Applejack sure appreciates the help".
You yawn before saying "thank you".
She giggles and smiles at you. "No problem buddy. Now lets get some sleep. We've got big plans for you tomorrow".

Comments ( 8 )

I found it very interesting very detailed I think you should continue this story because it will be amazing

What did you like?

Comment posted by Rainbow002 deleted Sep 28th, 2019
Comment posted by Rainbow002 deleted Sep 28th, 2019

Do you think this is how she'd behave? I fear some would say she's bein unrealistically friendly with someone she just met.

I know she would never do that to someone she just met, but since she's my favorite character and I've always been a fan of romance, I thought it was cool

Then again, he did spend several days with Applejack and had time to get to know Rainbow dash during the games they would play.

It has been several days, so I guess the part where she just met you has already passed.

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