• Published 3rd Sep 2019
  • 551 Views, 4 Comments

MLP Friendship is Ghostly Equestria Girls - Musiclover435

Twilight and Phantom head to the human world to retrieve their crowns from two girls who want to rule Equestria and the human world for themselves.

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Chapter 11

Clouds started to surround the school as Sunset Shimmer and Moonrise began to rise in the air. They were being consumed by the magic in their crowns. They were suddenly surrounded by light blue magic. When the light went away, they were transformed into darker versions of themselves. Moonrise had black skin with black and white wings, her clothing also matched her wings, her hair even changed now the colors were reversed. Her hair was now white with a black stripe and the same thing happened to her sister Sunset Shimmer. When they looked at themselves and each other they laughed evilly. They used their new magic to transform Snips and Snails into demons as well.

"This is gonna be so cool!" Snips said. Everyone gasped at the sight of the new versions of Snips and Snails. Everyone backed up while Phantom and Twilight looked at Moonrise and Sunset Shimmer angrily. While Moonrise and Sunset Shimmer were looking around they noticed the cowering students inside the school.

"We've had to jump through so many hoops tonight just to get our hands on these crowns, and it really should have been mine and Moonrise's all along," Sunset Shimmer said as she landed on the ground with her sister.

"Sunset, we should let bygone be bygones. We are their princesses now, and they will be loyal to us!" Moonrise said as she and Sunset used their magic to destroy the front of the school to get to the students. They looked at each as they flew into the school. Sunset Shimmer used her magic to hypnotize the human students while Moonrise used her magic to hypnotize the ghosts of the school. Now that Moonrise hypnotized them, they became visible to everyone. "GHOSTS!" Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy shouted in shock.

"Phantom, how are the ghosts visible?" Twilight asked.

"I don't know. It must be the magic in my crown."

Moonrise and Sunset Shimmer looked around at all the ghosts and human teenagers that were now hypnotized to obey them. "Round them up and bring them to the portal," Sunset Shimmer told Snips and Snails. Sunset Shimmer and Moonrise walked outside to Phantom, Twilight, and their friends. "Spoiler alert: Moonrise and I were bluffing when we said that we were going to destroy the portal," Sunset Shimmer said.

"You see, we don't want to rule this pathetic little high school; we want Equestria. And with our teenage army and ghost army behind us," Moonrise said. "We are going to get it!" Moonrise and Sunset Shimmer said together.

Phantom looked at all the ghosts worriedly. 'Ghosts don't deserve this. We have to stop Moonrise and Sunset Shimmer.'

Twilight saw that Flash was also hypnotized and she blush but shook her head. "No, you're not!" Twilight told them.

"Yeah, you two will never rule Equestria," Phantom added.

Moonrise and Sunset Shimmer laughed boastfully. "Oh, please! What exactly do you two think you're going to do to stop us?" Moonrise said. "We have magic, and you two have nothing!"

"They have us!" Rainbow Dash said as she and her friends went around their friends to help them.

Moonrise and Sunset Shimmer growled a bit then they laughed evilly. "Gee, the gang really is back together again," They said while wiping a fake sad tear from their eyes.

"Now step aside! Twilight and Phantom have tried to interfere with our plans one too many times already! They need to be dealt with!" They said as they shot their magic at Phantom and Twilight. The girls hugged Phantom and Twilight as they hugged each other to protect each other. Smoke surrounded them, Moonrise and Sunset laughed at their success at destroying Phantom and Twilight but when the smoke went away they were all surround by light green and magenta magic.

While the girls were confused, Phantom and Twilight knew what was happening. They smiled at what was happening. 'Yes, we have a chance!' Phantom thought to himself. "The magic contained in our elements were able to unite with those that helped create it!" Twilight said as hers and Phantom's crowns started to glow and surrounded them and their friends.

Applejack got pony ears, a long ponytail, and her outfit became very sparkly. "Honesty!" Twilight said.

Now Fluttershy got pony ears, a long ponytail, her outfit became very sparkly, and she got Pegasus wings. "Kindness!" Phantom said.

Pinkie Pie got a long ponytail, pony ears, and her outfit became sparkly. "Laughter!" Twilight said.

Now Rarity got a long ponytail, pony ears, and her outfit became sparkly. "Generosity!" Phantom said.

Rainbow Dash got pony ears, a long ponytail, Pegasus wings, which she started to fly with, and her outfit became very sparkly. "Loyalty!" Twilight said.

Now Twilight got her pony ears, a long ponytail, her alicorn wings, and her dress became sparkly. "Magic!" Phantom said.

Phantom then got his pony ears, his ponytail but it was much shorter than his friends, his alicorn wings, and his outfit became sparkly. "Spirit!" Twilight said.

"Together with our crowns, they create a power beyond anything you can imagine, but it is a power neither of you have the ability to control!" Twilight said as Moonrise and Sunset Shimmer were struggling to control the magic within the crowns.

"Our crowns may be upon your head, Sunset Shimmer and Moonrise, but neither of you can wield them because you two do not possess the most powerful magic of all: the magic of friendship and the spirit of friendship!" Phantom said then they all were lifted into the air and formed a heart which then shot a rainbow into the sky. That rainbow then shot at Moonrise and Sunset Shimmer and started to surround them. "No!" They shouted.

"What is happening?!" They screamed. The rainbow then shot at all the students and ghosts. They were free from Moonrise's and Sunset Shimmer's control, Snips and Snails even returned to normal.

"Here and in Equestria, it is the only magic that can truly unite us all!" Phantom and Twilight said as a bright light started to now surround the entire school.

When it disappeared, Spike went to both Phantom and Twilight and licked their faces to wake them up. When they woke up, Spike jumped into Twilight's arms and they hugged each other in happiness. They stood up as their friends joined them side by side. They were looking at the crater and the ghosts that were now visible to everyone. Phantom and Twilight walked over to the crater and inside it was Moonrise and Sunset Shimmer, who have turned back to normal.

"You two will never rule in Equestria. Any power you may have had in this world is gone," Twilight started.

"Tonight, you two have shown everyone who you really are. You've shown them what is in your heart," Phantom said.

They looked up at everyone crying. "We're sorry. We are so sorry," Moonrise started.

Sunset hugged her sister in sadness and in comfort. "We didn't know there was another way," Sunset Shimmer said.

"Girls, the magic and spirit of friendship doesn't just exist in Equestria. It's everywhere," Phantom told them.

"You can seek it out, or you can forever be alone. The choice is yours." Twilight told them.

Sunset Shimmer and Moonrise got out of the crater. "But… but all we've ever done since being here is drive everyone apart," Sunset Shimmer started.

"We don't even know the first thing about friendship," Moonrise finished.

Twilight helped Sunset Shimmer up and Phantom helped Moonrise up. "I bet they could teach you," They said gesturing to their friends.

Spike clapped for his friends. "Those are my friends! Who-hoo!" Spike cheered.

"Did that dog just talk? Whoa. Weird." A student said.

Spike looked at him annoyed. "Seriously? The talking dog is a weird thing about all this?" Spike complained.

"I, for one, think you're adorable," Rarity said while picking up Spike and hugging him.

"Oh, yeah," Spike said happily. Phantom laughed a bit at the situation with Spike and Rarity and Twilight smiled about it.

"I believe these belong to you," Phantom and Twilight turned around to see Principal Celestia holding Twilight's crown and Vice Principal Luna holding Phantom's crown.

"A true princess or prince in any world leads not by forcing others to bow before them, but by inspiring others to stand with them," Vice Principal Luna told them as Phantom and Twilight bowed down and the two sisters placed their crowns on their heads.

"We have all seen that you two are capable of just that. I hope you see it too, Princess Twilight and Prince Phantom," Principal Celestia said. Phantom and Twilight stood up and smiled.

"We do." Everyone cheered for the two siblings.

'We did it! Not only did we get our crowns back but we also helped Sunset and Moonrise.' Phantom thought to himself.

"Would now be a completely awkward time to ask you for that dance?" Flash asked Twilight.

Twilight looked at the moon. "Twilight, we do have a little bit before the portal closes. Let's have some fun. We deserve it," Phantom told his sister. Twilight blushed and nodded.

All: This is our big night
We made it happen
Now let's party all night

Twilight was dancing on the floor just as if she was back in Equestria. Everyone thought it was weird but Flash shrugged and started to dance like Twilight. Everyone was dancing happily. Some were even dancing with the now visible ghosts. 'This is awesome! Even the ghosts are having fun.' Phantom thought to himself as he was dancing with some of his friends.

We're here now and we worked so hard to make it come around.
To tonight so let's try to make it last forever
The school lights so bright, beat pumping through the night
Party's starting, DJ's got the music just right!

Seven friends on the way up now
Seven friends here to show you how

Phantom, Twilight, and the others got together to take a photo together while still in their part pony forms.

This is our big night
This is our big night
This is our big night

Now outside near the portal, Phantom, Twilight, and Spike were talking to their friends. "You'll look out for her, won't you?" Twilight asked while looking past her friends at Sunset Shimmer.

"Moonrise, too?" Phantom asked while looking at Moonrise as they were hiding behind the destroyed front doors. Then Principal Celestia gave them some tools as Snips and Snails brought some concrete and bricks to repair the school.

"Of course we will. Although I do expect some sort of apology for last spring's debacle," Rarity said.

"We have a feeling that they will be handing out a lot of apologies," Phantom told Rarity. Spike looked at the sky.

"Phantom, Twilight, we should get going," Spike told them. Phantom and Twilight nodded in understanding.

"I know we've only been friends for a short time, but I'm gonna miss all of you so much," Twilight told them.

"Me too." The ghosts looked at Phantom.

"I will miss all of you too!" Phantom shouted at the ghosts.

Twilight and Phantom sighed as they turned around and along with Spike, start to walk towards the portal.

"Those crowns really suit you two, Princess Twilight and Prince Phantom," Phantom and Twilight smiled.

"You know what, Spike? I am starting to feel a little more comfortable wearing it," Twilight said.

"Same here," Phantom said agreeing with his sister.

"And the wings?" Spike asked just as they were about to enter the portal.

"Are you kidding?!" They shouted.

"Spike, Twilight and I have been walking on two legs and picking things up with these!" Phantom said while shaking his legs and showing his hands.

"Wings? We're thrilled that's all we'll be dealing with back in Equestria!" Twilight said as all three of them entered the portal.

Then the portal closed and all the girls went back to normal. Pinkie tried to get back her pony powers by running into the portal but failed. "Oh, bummer!" When they turned around, the ghosts also disappeared.

Back in Equestria, everyone was waiting for the safe return of Phantom, Twilight, and Spike from the unknown world. The mirror suddenly glowed and Twilight and Phantom came out walking on two hoofs. They went back on all four and everyone smiled at the sight of their friends.

"Twilight!" Fluttershy shouted.

"Phantom!" Rarity shouted.

"Ah, you guys are back," Rainbow Dash said excitedly.

"And you two have your crowns!" Rarity said.

"I know you could do it!" Pinkie Pie said.

"Oh, we were so worried," Applejack said while wiping tears from her eyes.

"Sunset Shimmer and Moonrise, are they alright?" Princess Celestia asked concerned.

"I think they're gonna be fine," Twilight said confidently.

Phantom nodded. "We left them in good hands."

Rainbow Dash looked at Rarity confused. "What are hands?"

They were now walking through the castle talking about their trip into the other world. "Where did you two stay?" Fluttershy asked.

"What did you wear?" Rarity asked.

"What'd ya eat?" Applejack asked.

"Would ya say she's just as awesome as me?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Phantom and Twilight sighed. "We wanna tell you all everything, we do, but…yawn." Twilight started.

"But we're just so exhausted from all the dancing," Phantom said finishing her sentence.

"Dancing?!" The girls shouted in surprise.

Twilight then bumped into the Pegasus again before Phantom could warn her. He helped her up. "We've got to stop bumping into each other like this," He said then he left.

"Who was that?" Twilight asked.

'He kinda looks like Flash Sentry.' Phantom thought to himself.

"He's a new member of the castle guard. Flash Sentry, I think. Why? Do you know him?" Princess Cadance asked.

"Not exactly," Twilight said.

"Agreed," Phantom said while smiling.

"Oooh! Somepony's got a crush on the new guy!" Applejack said.

"No! No, I don't. Phantom already did this to me and it still wasn't true," Twilight told her friends.

Rarity gasped. "She does! She absolutely does!"

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Don't be ridiculous. I don't even know him. He just…" Twilight started but Pinkie Pie interrupted her.

"Totally reminds you of a guy you two met in the other world who played guitar, was in a band, and helped prove you two didn't destroy all the decorations for a big dance, so you could still run for Princess and Prince of the big dance, and then asked you to dance, thought Phantom was your date but said that he was your brother and you two dance the night away?!" Pinkie Pie took a big breath. "Right?!" Pinkie Pie asked.

Phantom, Twilight, and Spike looked at each other in surprise then back at Pinkie. "How did you know that?" Phantom and Twilight asked.

"Just a hunch!" Pinkie Pie said. Phantom, Twilight, and Spike laughed a bit and hugged in happiness.

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