• Published 6th Sep 2019
  • 765 Views, 16 Comments

Connected Worlds - eragon13666

I was choosen to be part ofa new Program in Equestria, to bring some human like tech along, Power,Internet and Phone! However along the way...I met with someone from my past, as well as someoe who will be my future!

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Starting Anew (Unedited)

Author's Note:

This story is unedited, if anyone wishes to become a proof reader as well as a Editor of this story Please PM me!

It was the day my life would change forever, yeah it sounded quite a big deal, and maybe not as grand as it sounded; but to me it would change my life forever. After nearly twenty-six years on Earth, I would be packing up everything I needed, and moving to a whole new world!
Though I’m sure all of that seemed rather out there, what did I mean about a whole new world, what was I talking about, well to not bore you with the history lesson I’ll give you the rather short version of what is going on.

It all started just a little bit before I was born, the news letter’s spoke of a rift coming seemly out of nowhere, and what came through...armor wearing anthro ponies! The armor they were reminded everyone of the medieval times of knights and such, and what was stranger, was that they held the power of magic and flight. Their leader at the time, the only one known as a Alicorn, Princess Celestia, came through as well, and when news broke out, everyone thought a huge fight would come.
‘The End Times!’ Some screamed, ‘Aliens!’ another group would chant, but the reality of it was rather simple...for them at least.
It seemed that there were testing a magical spell for a large scale Teleportation, something went wrong and it seemed a rift of time and space, (the brains theory really) allowed our worlds to be connected by that of this lone stable portal...the fact it was stable at all the way it was, was a miracle all on its own. It took quite a while, but deals and plans were made that would ensure that both sides were safe, but well, not all were happy go lucky to say the least.

After the shock of a new world now being a hip hop away, more races on the other world known as Equuis, more races were known to live over there! Gryphons, Dragons, you named the race it was possible there. Worry of the dangers of these creatures spurred humans on our side to try and have the portal banned or destroyed, again impossible or else it may or not imploded and destroy the worlds...even the most hated being on both sides wouldn’t DARE mess with that idea.

Humans weren’t the only one though, even more when the idea of settlement came to mind, there were many groups on BOTH sides that voice their clear hate of this idea, humans worried about known predators like gryphons and dragons, killing and harming them, and Equuis side of creatures hating the idea of human weapon of warfare like guns, and other such weapons. So rules had to be made, but even then rules were always meant to be broken as some would say.
Many stories of guns and other illegal items from both sides being brought over have been heard of, jail and being kicked out from the other worlds grew quickly in the first few years this was allowed, but over time, it was maybe, a few times a year.

But still...it was the year of 2019, nearly thirty years since the portal was brought into the world, and now it looked more like a train station. With the combine minds of both worlds, a sort of...’Gate’ that reminded me of something from Star Gate then anything, was made. To make it easier for those to come to and fro, a train system was made to allow more at once to sit through and wait to go on by, it took only a few moments but one moment you were in your world, and the next, the other. From what I heard it was a surreal experienced, one that I would be feeling for myself.
In my hand was my carry on, and my back, filled with other things like clothes, my cell phone, and work related items. The Canterlot Company would be providing me with more tools I would need for my job, but these were my personal tools just in case they didn’t have it, and I didn’t need to spend what little money I had left.

By the time I was in school, a schooling program was in place to allow other beings to come to our world to learn about the human culture and vice versa, I made some amazing friends, and I swear I maybe had two humans friends and the rest were non-human friends. I just felt more...connected to them growing up. Sure there was those stigma of humans and non-humans not wanting this, or that whole ‘be within your own race’ type things. But we were a new generation, and I aim to prove that with my job I was hired to do.
We had internet and phones for a long time now, the internet still rather new and Equuis just only started to use land lines half a decade ago, the reason was mostly how would power work, that would effect their world like it was our. It seemed magic held a great role and even help with human power as well, and with a near never ending supple thanks to unicorn magic, power cost dive bomb to the point ANYONE could have power with very little money...in a way it was almost free! My job was more so working on bringing more phone lines and internet connection to Canterlot, I was the more ready and able, and after background checks found to be the most...able to go.
You see agreeing to this job I couldn’t just hop from one world to the other ever day, the price of it would be huge and the work wouldn’t be willing to pay that much, no, if I wanted this high paying job, as I would be training fresh out of school ponies of Canterlot, how to work the machines to connect the internet to their homes and such, I would need to become a new member of Equuis, of Equestria.
For anything this was a HUGE choice to make, but it was something I wanted to do. For a year now I’ve been in a rut, a rut of not sure what to do, my friends helped me through a rather tough time I had with...someone, and family helped as well...well...all but one.... “Hey, Brandon! You’re not leaving without saying goodbye are you?”

I blinked slightly and turned to see the voice, and smiled at who I saw. My little brother, Jason was there with his girlfriend and his three little girls. Though he was only twenty four, he started his family young, found out his girlfriend, a human, was pregnant when they were only eighteen, close to nineteen, it was a big shock, but with all the problem we had as children as all siblings would, he was still a great father, and a better brother. We clasp our white, slightly darken hands together and pulled each other into a hug, his girlfriend of dark brown, making all his daughters nearly the same skin tone, the other four watching as we then embraced for a moment. As he knew one of the many reasons I was moving. “Sorry, Jason,” I spoke after we pulled away, my bags on the ground for that moment as I sighed, he stood a little shorter than me, with me being six foot and he just under that by a few inches. “I...didn’t think you all would come.”
“This is my big brother moving to a whole damn new world!” he exclaimed as his girlfriend gave him a sour look for cussing in front of their kids of five year old, three year old, and she holding their nearly one year old. He only chuckled softly as I did as well, pushing my fingers through my jet black hair, swept back a bit from the wind, and my style. “Course we come to see Uncle B off, but...well you know mom...” I frowned at the mention and sighed heavily. “We tried to convince her to come but...”
“Don’t worry about it,” I waved a hand slightly submissive. “I knew she wasn’t coming.”
“But still this isn’t fair to you...you...” he started but I cut him off as I raised a hand.
“Don’t you worry about it...don’t spoil your relationship or the girls relationship because she and I don’t see eye to eye...beside I want to go, because I want to go...I need to start new somewhere.”
“But, she...” I raised my hand to stop him, my eyes opening a bit as I gave him a half smile.
“As I said...She and I...didn’t see eye to eye on something, that’s fine by me. She is still our mother, and still Nanny A to the girls.” I smiled down to the two as they came over to hug along my leg and hip, my hand running through their puffy hair, as I went over and held my youngest niece one last time for a while. Giving her back to her mother, I looked back at the station, before my brother pulled me into another short hug. “Just...keep a eye on her will ya?” I asked as I rolled my wrist a bit. “Can’t choose family after all.”

After our goodbyes were made, me promising to send them a letter as soon as I could, as radio waves and such couldn’t go past the portal. I made my way inside, waiting for the train tram to come.
Going back to what me and my brother spoke of, I thought back to why my mother and I weren’t on good...terms. even though it had been nearly if not just over three decades long since this portal came up, and knowing of another world...interspecies relationships were still rather new. Not that on their end, there wasn’t any, just when it involved humans, that number was rather low. Without getting into too much detail, long story short, I dated a unicorn for about six months, and when I brought her to visit my mother, (mind you we drove for about six hours to meet her) It...wasn’t the greatest moment.
Mom thought she was just a friend, as there were pictures of her on my facebook, but looking back, nothing really looking like we were a couple. Just pictures of us at the beach, and the fair, nothing really telling or showing we were a couple. That came to a shock for mom, the name calling came fast. Animal, beast, unnatural, all of these and much, much worst she used against my now ex-girlfriend...what did I do...Nothing.

I was a Mama’s boy, I didn’t have a father growing up, sure I met him when I was older but it was always me, my mother, and my brother growing up until he got his girlfriend, and three little children. We even unofficial changed Father’s day to Mother’s Day the Remix, as a sort of joke. And I guess I always went to her for approval on many things...and I guess that bled to my relationship, my first REAL relationship...with a unicorn.
Mother was...wary of them, magic, flying without the need of machines, able to kick down a brick wall with a single kick...and don’t get me started on the other races! She was scared, it was clearly shown...but as years went by, and untrue stories of mind control magic, or crazed heat mares and such. Hell even the idea that in their world, mares were sort of the males. Where here, guys were expected to be the money maker, it was the other way around for Equestria’s people. I liked to say it was her being worried for my safety...but I never saw the signs growing up, maybe I didn’t want to see it, didn’t want to believe it.

My non-humans friends even told me after all of this went down that they felt...unease around my mother, like she was waiting for them to do something to call the cops on them or something...naive...oh I was plenty of that...I loved my mom, still do, I just didn’t want to think someone who raised me, to make me believe that you should treat others like you wanted to be treated could be so...well that.
After that, my ex and I cut our vacation short...and me being the idiot I was...I tried to make it seem like it wasn’t a big deal, a downplay, ‘she’ll get use to it!’ I promised, she didn’t like that....and that was the first fight, the first real fight we got into.

There was a lot of yelling, of how I should’ve defended her, I should’ve backed her up, but I just sat in the back watching two people I cared about sling insults and curses to one another, she was right I should’ve did something, anything! Though, I just stood there, like a deer in headlights and watched.
Our relationship really didn’t heal after that, we were together for maybe another half year...ups and mostly downs before it was just...done, we both agreed together like adults...but it hit me pretty hard, and I hoped...in nota horrible way, maybe it was hard for her as well.

Hearing the train come and watching mostly humans come off, looking like families coming back from vacation, some coming here FOR vacation, I released a heavy sign and once emptied, climbed aboard.
The train itself kinda reminded me of a bullet train, though it wasn’t as fast as the name sake made it to be and looks. The slipstream like look seem to just work better when going to and from the portal, possible because of the ‘bullet’ like look to make it move more smoothly inside, either way, it worked, and it didn’t matter to anyone; however checks to make sure everything was fine, went underway, as I made my way inside.
My carry on beside me as I sat down, pulled out my phone for any last messages, before shutting it off and shoving it in my pocket. My hand, drumming on the top of my bag, as everyone else settled in. We were possible on the Tram for about half a hour...before we started to move. Leaning back as chattering went on, many first times riders, myself included, would see what the new world would offer. First a blinding light, a slight pop that did hurt my ears and eyes...and then...it was over!

The clicking clank of the tracks as the train went off gaining a bit of speed as Canterlot was coming up, showed that when the portal was first made, it was a bit away from anything that could be harmed, the tracks high in the air as I looked around outside, seeing clear blue eyes, even a few flyers moving clouds about, seemly it was black clouds, as I could see from where I was, the dampness of the grass down below, I guess we just miss a shower. Still the train made its way toward Canterlot, the capital of Equestria.
As the train came down to a halt, many were outside waiting for ether returning folks, as there were some ponies on here, or just seeing who was coming off. I was more then surprised when I saw a guard pony, one that wore armor with golden plates and silver leggings. After getting off with my bag, I made my way over, moving around the few that were there, when close; he released in a gruff voice. “Are you Brandon Casey?” this one was a unicorn, pale white with his mane hidden under the helm he had, though held blue eyes. I saw another guard...surprising looked just like him, only with wings fly on past. I remembered to keep the guards safe from those who would no doubt blackmail any guards if knowing who they looked like, the armor were enchanted to make them all look the same, save for any wings or horns they may have.
“That’s me,” I responded and even passed him my ID to prove it, it was my new Equestria one, seeing how I was now moving here, I needed to get it, and everything finalized before even coming here. Luckily because this was a sort of...test funded by the royals of Equestria, I was able to get mine done rather quickly; after they did the full background check of course.

He looked over it for a few moments before looking a booklet he had strapped to his hip, seemly making sure everything was in order before nodded. “Very well Mister Casey, please follow me, the Princess shall be meeting with you and the other humans at the new building.
Because of the idea of bringing power into this world was still new, as stated before, they would need a whole new building made by the hands of ponies and humans alike, my job was pretty much the door to door install system, though I was more into phone, cable, and internet, I was crossed train in making sure power was going into the home for lights, as well as heat, or to make sure everything was fine. My job here was to train ponies who would be the start of this new field, the contract that was given to me, would last a little over five years, and then would get reviewed for ether termination, or renewal. I wasn’t sure how many I would be training, but I already had a game plan on how, and even when training them was done, I would still be working solo to do more so of my field, because it really only took one person to install what was needed; even then, I would have to wait until a job was called for.

“So...” I trailed off trying to make small talk in any way I could. “How many other humans are part of this program?”
“Including yourself, six.” He spoke as he brought me down the streets as I gazed about. “Four more were supposed to come...but we found they were part of that Non-Human hate group that been making their rounds. How we didn’t see that until it was too late baffled me. We only got lucky because one idiot got drunk and put on those...media, Storybook?”
“Facebook,” I corrected as he nodded.
“Yes well, Facebook, he put something about some plans that I am not allowed to disclose, and to get him out of prison time, he became loose lips on the other three.” I rolled and shook my head. Human Federation they called themselves, Racist like any other, willing attacking stores that employed non-humans, or sending threatening messages to those in interspecies relationships. Guess it didn’t matter where and how it came to be...there will always be haters no matter what. “After princesses speech, the four princesses shall be introducing the head of the program, a unicorn mare who too studies and lived in your world for about five years. She will be in charge of making sure who will be assigned to you, as well as the part of Canterlot you will be assigned to.” I could only nod at this, as it would make sense. Still with what basic information was given, we pressed on.

The building clearly had a more human design to it, square like with what looked to be about ten floors, in the back the large machines powered using magic gems that would be used to transfer power throughout the city. Beside the building was a large tower, phone, radio, and internet. Already we could see ponies working on it, making sure things were running smoothly with humans beside them working together, these must be the training to make sure everything is up to tip top shape. The guard held up a card and was buzzed in, the gate opening to allow us into the front yard, before walking into the lobby.
The lobby reminded me almost like a museum, which I supposed it would make sense as this was the first of its kind in the whole world. TV that held recordings on what the ‘power’ was, internet, cable, and such. Already there were some school children here, more so ponies, but a mix of a gryphon, hippogriff, and a human in the large group. Many of the children looking on in awe, as they looked around six years old. Being led up a few flight of stairs as the elevator system was still being made. I was taken to a large room, where five other humans, and about twelve ponies were about, all talking to one another.

I went in to mingle as the guard went off to do something, we all got to chatting, getting to know our soon to be students, before someone clearing their voice was heard, and we all saw them come out.
Almost at once all the ponies bowed, getting on one knee as the four princesses of the pony race walked out, we humans were slightly, taken aback or I was, but we did the same slowly as well, as no doubt for all of us, this was the first time we all would meet royalty.

Twilight Sparkle looking to stand about five foot nine, was the smallest of the group of four. With purple like coat, and a two tone color mane of dark purple and what looked to be pink. Her purple eyes gazing at the group, a almost large smile on her face. Her dress was that of a dark shade of pinkish purple, the bottom part white with a golden yellow stash opening from her middle part. a small crown on top of her head.
The one next to her was just a bit taller than her. Who nudged the former slightly with a smile of her own, a small whisper coming from her as the princesses of magic, or friendship, (wasn’t sure which seemed someone had a different title for her) This was Princess Cadance, the Alicorn of Love if I was right. A light pink coat with a three tone color of yellow, purple and darker mane colors. Her dress sort of reminded me of a downgraded wedding dress, all white, but with a pink heart where her breasts would be.

The next was Princess Luna of the Night, easily a six foot tall Alicorn, slim body with dark blue coat, and a flowing blue mane that looked like it had stars in it. Her dress seemed almost like a thin sundress, flowing with blue and black mixed along the arms and down the dress. The last Alicorn, was princess Celestia, and she was tall. Maybe six foot three if I had to guess, her sister’s head coming to her shoulder. Pale white, with a rainbow of colors mane, and a light yellow dress with golden cuffs along her wrists, her collar like necklace around her neck. And her crown on her head as well. Just gazing at them, you could almost feel the power and hold they had over their subjects.

The speech was rather short and sweet, mostly on the great work of two worlds being Connected, to work together to do great things. She explained about the four missing humans and what they were charged and how they hoped we wouldn’t allow such to spoil the relationship we had, or would bloom. A few more words were said before saying how the guards who brought us here when we were ready would bring us to each of our new homes, how our bags and many things we would need would already be there. With that said, everyone went back to talking to one another, food and drinks all about.

I was eating a rather wonderful cake, as I heard about the others were meeting the princesses and even our new boss, it would be great to meet them up close to speak, and even more so to make a good first impression on the boss. It didn’t matter to me she was a pony...long as she knew what she was doing. A slight tap on my shoulder as I turned, and then bowed my head quickly once seeing it was princess Celestia and the other three, before a soft chuckle came and spoke. “Raise your head my little human,” she spoke as I did so. “I am sure you are not well use to that sort of greeting are you not?”
“Bowing to princesses, or you referring me as ‘little human’?” as I was about the same size as her sister, so I wasn’t all that...little. Again she chuckled as did the other three before I went on. ‘Ether way...it’s a honor to meet you four, and a honor to be picked for this program...so far I’m enjoying Equestria.”
“I bet the idea of a free house in Canterlot also helped with that?” Princess Cadance said in a almost tease like tone as I chuckled and rubbed the back of my head. “Did you come alone?”
“Yeah just me,” I answered with a nod.
“It must’ve been hard,” Twilight spoke as I looked to her. “To leave your old world behind to start anew here?”
“To be fair...it was rather easy.” I said with a slight shrug. “Beside my brother, and three nieces, I didn’t really...have a lot to leave behind...well...a few things but I rather keep that to myself.”
“Understandable,” Celestia went back t o saying before looking behind. “Ah, your new boss is on her way to meet you!” she moved out the way, as I saw a mare come up wearing a grey like suit, and tie, but my hand tensed, my eyes widen...and a chill went down my spine...as her reaction...also mirrored my own. “I would like you to meet Lyra Heartstring, head of the programme, and your new boss!” she said with a clear happiness in her voice. However...unknown to them, she wasn’t only my new boss...

She was my ex-girlfriend.