• Published 6th Sep 2019
  • 768 Views, 16 Comments

Connected Worlds - eragon13666

I was choosen to be part ofa new Program in Equestria, to bring some human like tech along, Power,Internet and Phone! However along the way...I met with someone from my past, as well as someoe who will be my future!

  • ...

She's my Ex (Unedited)

Author's Note:

This Chapter is unedited, if you wish to become a proof-reader, simply PM me!
other then that, enjoy!

So many thoughts raced through my mind, my hand still outstretched, frozen in place, as I gazed at her, the ex girlfriend I hadn't seen since we broken up...Lyra Heartstring. She still looked pretty much the same, her mane still in the same style, her mint green coat, her two tone mane and tail, and her golden eyes, watching me, both widen as my own. The room ether got very quiet, or I just couldn't hear anything at all...the silent was finally broken, when the sun princess, Celestia, spoke up."Uh...is...everything alright?" she asked as my hand slowly lowered, I couldn't say anything, I didn't know what I could say. After the break up I tried to call her, anything, but I couldn't get a hold of her. We did end it on good terms...as good as one could with how my mother acted and called her.

I turned my eyes over to the princesses again, seeing their concern looks, however the one that had the...strangest look, was Princess Cadance, she seemed almost on the brink of yelling out, or almost demanding what was going on. However, Lyra spoke, after clearing her throat, possible to clear the lump I saw in her throat. "We...know each other your highnesses," she spoke as her voice was still the same as I remembered it, sweet, and cute. "We...use to date, back on Earth."

"Wait...used?" Cadance asked and moved a bit closer. "What do you mean by that?"

"No offense," I said raising my hand a bit."That's...sort of personally."

"But, you..." Celestia placed a hand along the Alicorn of Love's shoulder, making her gaze at the taller of the bunch, with a sign she nodded her head and backed up.

"Excuse my niece...she the type that enjoys knowing when there is love in the air, and when feeling as if something needs..fixing...we shall leave you two alone." She spoke as me and Lyra bowed our heads, as they walked off to meet with some more ponies and humans. We both just stared at one another, both speaking at once.

"I...no you...I mean...!" we both said the same things at once...and after a brief moment, shared a soft laugh before I started.

"You...you look good." I said...I know, corny, every bad romance story where the 'hero' says that to someone they haven't met in almost full year! And here she was...my new boss of The Canterlot Company. "So...you...got a job here?"

"Yeah," she admitted as she rubbed her arm. "After we broke up...I move back here," which would explain how I couldn't get in contact with her. "My roommate Bon Bon, you remember her right, when she came to visit back on Earth?" I nodded, remembering that, seemly they been friends for years and during our forth month together she came and visit, would see her at times at Lyra's apartment. "Well she let me move back in with her, and after seeing in the paper about this program I took the course and passed. I became head of the Connection Program, making sure everything would go smoothly. This is sort of the HQ so to speak, Canterlot as well as Ponyville when we get that set up, will be under my control of making sure everything runs as smooth as possible, the other floors will be for other majors grids when they become open, a sort...call center when something that needs to be done that can't be done with the new local system."

"Pretty big step up then I supposed from what you were doing before." I commented as she nodded at this. There was that long awkward silence that followed after before I sighed. "Look, Lyra...with how we ended things..."

"Brandon, no," she started as she sighed and shook her head. "Look it's in the past, we shouldn't really...dwell on it."

"But you were right," I went on. "I should've stood up for you, I should've been there to be on your side when meeting my mom...and even more so when we fought and tried to defend her actions, making it sound like it was your fault..."

Though I claimed that the relationship was ended on good terms, both sides agreeing maybe it be best to have a break, a full on break...I knew it was my fault, or at least felt like it was more so my fault than anything else. It was a few weeks after the meeting went south with my mother, we started to talk to each other again more than the first day back, she needed time alone and I think I needed some as well, but when Lyra came over to spend some time...she saw the letter mom sent me, a letter that had something more than choice words inside.


"Brandon, what in Tartarus name is that?" She questioned, pointing to my coffee table as I slightly looked over and cursed under my breath at what she saw and was referring to. Mom had sent a letter, about how she wanted to know that I was fine, that there were these classes talking about pony mind control and that I should go with her to see it, I haven't responded to her about this, as the classes, or meeting wouldn't happen for another week anyway. I was busy making coffee for myself and her, as she held the pamphlet up, showing what looked to be a nasty pony in the background, making them look evil and sinister with their fingers glowed with magic, seeping into the mind of a, what I would guess, a mindless human.

"Just something mom sent me," I responded as I went back to waiting for tea to boil. "It's nothing really.

"What do you mean, 'it's nothing really,' do you have any idea what they say about ponies and other creatures that aren't humans in these type of things?" I could hear the clear displeasure in her voice, as I sighed heavily, removing the coffee pot when done and started to work on putting my cream and sugar for her, and myself. "And the fact that you are even thinking of going, what will your friends say, what do you think I'm feeling right now?"

"What do you want me to do , Lyra?" I asked looking at her as I sighed and placed the cup on the counter for her to grab, but she didn't go for it. It would be another fight whenever it came up to my mother, there were times she knew I spoke to her, and hung up after things were getting heated, I was trying to prove to mom that she wasn't the boogeyman she claimed her to be, but it was hard when the first impression didn't go as well. "To just not answer her at all, to cut ties with her, she is still my mother!"

"A racist mother!" she yelled out in anger as she held her arms beside her shaking, I could even see her teeth grinding a bit. "It seemed lately you care more about patching up things with her then with me, and then with this!" she picked up the paper with her magic and threw it towards me. "What in the buck, Brandon?!"

"She is still my mother!" I yelled back slamming my fist to the table that even rattled the other glasses that were on it.

We stared at each other, a clear glaring match, one trying to back down the other before I went on. "It's always been me, her and my brother growing up, she raised us on her own, and taught me everything I needed to know in life, I understand what she said hurt you, but if you don't want to help..."

"What do you mean, 'don't want to help,'!" she demanded with a huff in her voice. "She called me a mindless beast only useful for pulling carts and riding kids, and you think I would want to 'help' with that are you out of you..."


"Brandon?" I shook my head rather quickly as I rubbed my eyes. Looking up I saw Lyra staring at me...it was hard to think once before those eyes were like fury towards me, after remembering that last big fight...that fight was what broke the camel back. She let in anger after a few choice words between us went on, before the sound of the door slamming as I was left in my home alone.

I did end up going, and I don't even know why at this point, but I hated it, hated every moment of it. It was just a bunch of hate speech, and I saw a part of my mother I never wanted to see...There were parents there who said they happily disowned their own children for even going on a date or being friends with anyone that wasn't a human. Luckily, or maybe not, the 'kids' were all grown adults, many store owners that were around the area, even showed signs that said 'not human, not welcome' signs, and it made me sick to my gut....but at this point I was sort of in fight or flight mode. If I even tried to defend those from Equuis...what would've happened to me.

I stayed until it was good enough to go, saying that I just wanted to get some fresh air, before leaving I met with another leader of a different group, that mom was trying to introduce me to. When I kept saying I needed to go...he almost felt like he was LETTING me go. 'It's all new to him.' He said easily like he was at a BBQ with a beer in hand. 'He'll come along.'

After that day...I knew mom was beyond helping, and that I made the foolish mistake of going, I tried to call Lyra, I left her so many messages, but it never happened, she didn't say anything after the matter. The last day we met up for coffee...was when she wanted us to break up.

Knowing she needed a answer, I only gave a half cocked smile and nodded. "Lost in thought huh, still do that?" she half joked as she gave a half cocked smile back as I chuckled. "So...have you and..."

"We haven't really gotten back to talking." I confirmed as Lyra only nodded a bit at this, her arms wrapping under her breast, holding along her elbows. I'm just glad that she didn't ask about me going to that thing with her, I really didn't want to have to explain that! "So...this is gonna happen...us working together and you as my boss...talk about..."

"Awkward?" she question as I could only nod slightly as she sighed a bit as well. "Our past shouldn't affect our work, we dated, we said our peace to one another, we broke up...simple as that."

She looked away when she said that last part, almost like she wanted to say something. I wanted to as well, to tell her maybe we could give it a shot, but with now our positions, her as my boss and me her staff...I don't know if that would be considered workplace rule. Reading up on pony culture, where it was the female that were more in charge so to speak, like how it was a man's world on Earth, here in Equestria, it was a mare's world, I didn't want to be the talk of, kissing up to the other sex boss. It wasn't my thing, and I hated anyone who would do so.

"Like I said," she went on as I was snapped back out of my thought. "Yes we have history, but that shouldn't stop us from working together right? At least I know you will work hard, and not have to second guess myself on that," she gave me a smile and laugh, as I had to join her on the laugh just a bit. "But...it is good to see you, Brandon." She held her hand out to me, as I gazed down at it, my eyes closed for a moment before shaking her hand slightly with my own.

"Yeah...You as well." I answered as I gave her a firm shake.

"So," my guard who I still hadn't gotten, or asked his name, spoke after the little meet up with Lyra was done. He and the others came in after watching their princesses leave after getting their orders to lead some of us if we didn't know, to our new home. Address in hand, key in pocket, as it seemed our bags were already there waiting for us, I followed along as I gazed around Canterlot, trying to remember where many key points were for ether me spending time alone, or getting to know the area. We wouldn't start work until the day after tomorrow, rest up and use to our new home, and also tomorrow I would be meeting with my two trainees as well, and when we would go on our first job what they would need to learn. "Getting all cozy with your new boss huh?" he asked a clear tease in his voice. "I don't blame ya...she rather hot!" I tsk a bit, even though we weren't dating...I be foolish to say I didn't have feelings for Lyra...but we weren't in a relationship, so if someone was trying to get together with her...

"It's not what you think," I rebottled as he only nudged me slightly and laughed.

"Hey, we are both stallions, I know when..."

"She's my ex," I answered quickly , making him slightly stop, before I stopped to look back at him. "What?"

"For real?" when I nodded my head his eyes only grew wide. "Whoa...okay sorry, I didn't mean to hit a nerve just..."

"You didn't know," I told him as I followed along after again. "So let's leave it at that." There was a small pause as he led the way, before I sighed outwardly when he asked.

"Mind telling me what happened?"

"Long story short," I answered as I looked away for a moment. "I've fucked up badly, let's leave it at that."

There was that other tense silent as we walked again, the sound of the marketplace all around as we walked on, the voices of many muttering down to sound almost like one. You could at times hear different parts of a conversation, one talking about bills, another about a bully problem, and one about hoping she would be baring someone foal. It didn't really matter how two nations, two worlds were so vastly different...everyone had the same problem.

"Just one last question before I show you to your home," the guard asked as I looked on over toward him again, my right eyebrow raising, as I was often told reminded everyone of someone from Star Trek when I did it. "Power...that's not what it's called right?" he asked as I blinked once. "The thing you humans are bringing over and setting up, that's not what it's called right?" I had to chuckle for a moment shaking my head at this as I answered his question.

"Nah, just something we humans used a lot, like, 'hey we got power at our place,' or, 'just getting the power hooked up today.' No, the correct term would be, electricity, we humans use it a lot for heating, lights, and other things that would need such a thing. I understand here ovens use magic and such, much like everything, or gas right?" when he nodded at this I went on looking ahead as we walked.

"I guess they just want to bring more options to the table," I kept going on with the information I knew off the top of my head, and also the information given if any soon to be customers would ask. "From what we were told, Canterlot would be a test run, and then it would be expanded down to Ponyville if enough people are interested in getting a install. Magical gems that are used to power up, freeze, heat up, or whatever, have a charge rate, and sooner or later they need someone to charge it with their own magic if can, or hire someone to. This is just something where as long as you pay your bills, 'power' is being pumped into your home at a normal rate!" He seemed to have taken that rather well, and luckily it was the end of it, for I was here, my new home.

There were some ponies going in and out, and some guards watching on, mostly to make sure nothing was taken, I remember giving them a list of boxes with numbers on it, and they were making sure none of the boxes were tampered with or opened. Just a added thing they wanted to make sure we humans were treated good...or a good first impression.

The home was three floors from what I was told, the main floor that would have the living room, kitchen and dining room, already it had the basic things I would need to live, so I wouldn't need to spend money. There was a bathroom on this floor from what I was told, and one upstairs, which would hold three bedroom, one being the Master Bedroom.

After all the movers were out and I made sure everything was accounted for, papers were sighed, deeds were given, I was left alone to look up at my own home. For as long as I was under contract, a bit of my paycheck would go toward paying off the house so it would be mine fully. However that would take years, that much I know for sure, and I would be making sure, at least for now, to always be in contract...I mean in a sense...free house right? Walking in, seeing all my stuff was in boxes, I knew I had a long rest of the day to go, so stretching myself out and clapping my hands together, I made my way up the stairs to where at least they empty all my bedroom stuff in the master bedroom, it was time to work.

I had a lot of unpacking to do after all.