• Published 15th Dec 2011
  • 1,868 Views, 8 Comments

Return of a Hero - Teridax1234

READ THE DESCRIPTION Crossover with Okami and some Bionicle

  • ...

Begin Again

Chapter 1: Begin Again

"Kodai! Hurry, I cannot keep the gate open for much longer!"
Huh? Where am I? Oh yes. Locked in combat with my mortal enemy:

The Ninetails.

I look over to the Guardian. Behind him was a swirling vortex of light, and in front of him was a massive eight-headed dragon-serpent at least 20 times his size. The serpent breathed fire, wind and poison all at once. This was Orochi, Grand Master of all demons.
I feel a flat of a sword strike my side as I am flung backwards. The Kyuubi shoots me an irritated glare.

"Fight back," it growled, "I grow tired of this constant spacing out!" My eyes narrow as I dash at it at top speed and slam into its masked face with all my force in my elbow. I hear a sickening crack. Ninetails is flung back and lands on the dark ground, groaning in pain. My diamond-edged knife was already at its throat.

"Kodai! We need to go!" The Guardian's shouts were desperate. I wasted no more time. I lifted Ninetails off the ground and over my head, and tossed it at the Fire head of Orochi. The body of the Kyuubi hit its neck. The distraction served its purpose. The Fire head launched a volley of fireballs twice my size right in my direction, while I ran out of the way, ending up at the Guardian's side.

"Go," I yelled, "Worry not about me! I'll handle this one!"

"As well as you handled me 500,000 years ago," growled Orochi, "Face it, you sand mite. You were never powerful enough to keep up with me, and you never will be."

"Maybe not," I retorted, "But I cannot allow you to stop me, either." I gathered the six elements- Fire, Water, Earth Stone, Air and Ice- and pooled them in my palms. The energy was a blinding white light, as I hurled twin beams of power at Orochi. This stalled Orochi before.

I hope it will again.

The crystalline protodermis formed on its necks. But I could already see the cracks as it was attempting to break free. The Guardian was already through the portal. I felt the power from me being drained.

Oh, I do not think so. You cannot leave.

Not until I have taken all I can from you.

You will become part of the void.

You will join me...

I shall destroy you.

That voice. It was him, the Shikyo no Kuraikami. I can hear his deep, fear-instilling voice as my power is being drained. I jump through the portal and end up...

Where the hell am I?
Princess Celestia trotted throughout the halls of her castle. Normally she'd be hounded by ambassadors and listening to the incessant chattering of uptight nobles, but today was thankfully a day-off from all of that.

I wonder where Luna is... After her sister's return, Celestia had been intent on spending as much time with her as possible. But today, of course, on the one day the princess had off, she couldn't find her. Perhaps he sister was in the Palace Library, catching up on recent history. Celestia wandered the halls until she stopped at the closed entrance to the Library. She raised a brow as she opened the door.

She must not want any- her train of thought was immediately interrupted by a pale of water dumping its contents on her, followed by the pale landing on her head. She heard the loud, but pleasant, laughter erupting from her sister's mouth.

"Gotcha," Luna managed to say triumphantly in between fits of laughter. Celestia smiled smugly as she dried herself and gathered the moisture above Luna's head. It was Celestia's turn to chuckle as the water dumped itself on Luna's head, causing the grayish blue mare to be soaking. Her chuckling became more intense as Luna shook herself dry, he coat and mane all puffed up and frizzled. A pout appeared on the Lunar Princess' face as she straightened her mane and coat.

"Gotcha," the Sun Princess echoed as she nuzzled her sister, who was a bit peeved her practical joke backfired. Nevertheless, she returned the embrace, expression softened.

"I was wondering if we could spend some time together Luna," Celestia offered, "Like old times…" Luna smiled brightly and tackled her sun-controlling sister.

"Oh yes! Yes, yes YES!!" She got off of her and stared into the older mare's magenta eyes. "Where should we go first?"

"Why don't we go for a nice stroll? It's a start." But before she could say more, they saw a distant explosion of light in the sky as two silhouettes fell from it battling as the two seemed oblivious to the ground below.

"Or is that a better start," Luna asked smugly. Celestia could only stare at the distant spectacle.

By the Sun…
Kodai and Ninetails traded blows constantly, daggers clanging with swords, fire countering ice.

"Give up, Kyuubi! You can't defeat me outside of the Realm of Shadows!" The kitsune simply laughed a hollow laugh and swiped at the human with its claws.

"Give up? To a filthy human?! You must have snapped!" It prepared another slash before Kodai adjusted his weight so the kyuubi was below him. Shifting his center of gravity to his legs, he slammed into the fox's back, driving it further down, at a pace too quick for it to react properly.

"YOU'RE FINISHED NINETAILS!" His cry of victory reached the kyuubi's ears over the wind.

"I cannot die! Not again!" The explosion that followed was tremendous. Light and Darkness intertwined as the duo hit the ground, causing the Sun to fade away, replaced by a completely black sky. No stars or even a moon graced the heavens.

Ponies everywhere went into a deranged panic. Cities shut down, villages gathered supplies, and the twin princesses declared a state of emergency. Neither one could raise the Sun or the Moon. However, they still wanted to track down the person responsible for the unseen phenomenon on their own. Celestia and Luna soared across the skies, searching for some kind of conflict.

This is bad. If we don't figure out who's doing this and why, Equestria is finished.
"I'm getting to old for this crap," muttered Kodai crossly. He had lost track of the Ninetails hours ago. The sky overhead was black as Orochi's heart, starless and moonless. Kodai limped throughout the forest, scaring off any incoming creature in hopes of a meal with a mere glare. Anger was welling up inside of him. If he did not locate the Ninetails quickly, it would wreck the world and bring it back to the Dark Ages. The blackened heavens began to crackle and thunder. Kodai gazed heavenward and saw the sky was covered in reddish-black darkness.

No… it can't be…
Now it was really insane. In the two thousand years Celestia has been alive, she had never before seen this. She could sense the fear of her people as they all anticipated the apocalypse. In truth even she was frightened to her core, chilled at this sight of pure darkness and death.

Luna, however, openly showed signs of fear. She slowed down much, trying to comprehend what was going on, but was close to having a heart attack. She had felt fear like this 1000 years ago… she had felt this just before she became the wretched Mare in the Moon. But this time the whole world was in the shadowed haze.

"Celestia, hold on," she said almost inaudibly. The Sun Princess turned around and approached her sister.

"Is there something wrong, Lulu?" Luna shook he head and then hung it low.

"We have to stop. This is far beyond our ability. We are powerless, but we must wait…"

Celestia could not believe what her little sister had told her, but there was truth in her words. They both could sense the Elements of Harmony being used, but they were all wasting their time and energy. It couldn't be Nightmare Moon or Discord…

So who was it?
Kodai fell to his knees in terror. The only thing he feared… and it was here. He could feel his darkness… the Shikyo no Kuraikami. It meant "The Dark God of Death" in a different language. He was not speaking to the ancient human, but Kodai could sense he was goading him. The darkness overhead was just weak enough for him to dispel.
However it would mean…

He did not have a choice.

He gathered all six of his elemental powers and unleashed them into the heavens in a beam of light. This would take everything he had.

Celestia and Luna stared at the pillar of energy. Whatever it was, it was breaking apart the darkness. They glided towards it, hoping they'd reach the creature that was causing it. But they both felt like they should already know…

As Kodai unleashed all of his power at once, he could feel six spheres of power separate themselves from his body. It felt like his heart was being torn out. As he expelled the last of his power, he could feel the warming rays of sunlight and see the blue sky. The spheres were the elements that he controlled, and he lost them. Feeling faint, he dove into the nearest cave before anyone could find him. But as he rested, he could feel a pair of ominous eyes watching him. Kodai whirled around, only to find a strange colored creature looking at him angrily. It was huge, at least 60 feet in height and 38 feet in width.

Twilight Sparkle could be having better, less exciting days. It was up until a few minutes ago that the sun had ceased to float in the sky, and Ponyville went into a state of chaos as bad as when Discord wrecked the place. No one knew if it was hours or days that passed, but all were equally thankful for the return of day. Pinkie Pie announced that a party would be thrown at Sweet Apple Acres (with the reluctant acceptance of Applejack) in celebration.

And the fact that one wasn't thrown for a whole month.

However, she decided to whole up in her library; she was sure there was an explanation for the phenomenon, and the unicorn was determined to figure it out.

Hopefully something that can be handled she thought. Twilight opened the door when a small green and purple form slammed into her.

"Spike," she said dizzily, "What's wrong?" The young dragon was still dazed, but he could still speak his point.

"Urgent…letter… princess," he managed to say. Twilight gasped lightly and quickly lifted and unraveled it with her telekinesis. She read the letter silently and slowly.

Dear my faithful student,

As I'm sure you're well aware, the sun had disappeared from the sky some time ago, only to return. I wanted to let you know I had no idea what was going or how it happened.
Neither did my sister. We are both fine, though.

However, I feel a certain… presence, if you will. One that is familiar and unfamiliar at the same time…

But I am rambling. I feel now is the proper time for you to be aware of something…

Discord was not the first to be. Many hundreds of thousands of years ago, there was a different race that inhabited this world. What I have sent along with this letter is the last record of this history. Share it with no pony, not even your friends.

Princess Celestia

Twilight stared at the words for a few minutes before galloping inside the tree house to find this record.

"Now where would Spike…" she saw a golden book lying on the stool, with a peculiar symbol etched upon it. She lifted it and set it on the floor and sat down, opening the cover. She began to read it, and she was shocked to read this.

Long ago, the world was very much different from what it is. It was prosperous, and the dominant creatures were known as humans. While humans possessed no magic or wings, they were intelligent beyond comparison, and were highly technologically advanced. For a time, they led the 'Age of Myths', the true golden age.

However, not all was peaceful. One day, a great and terrible demon descended upon the planet. It was a terrifying eight headed serpent of large proportions, powerful beyond belief. It wrecked the planet, ridding it of vegetation, and robbed it of weather, seasons and even the day-night cycle. And all humans perished.

Except for one.

The last human was skilled in many fighting arts, and was powered with six natural elements himself. He discovered six mighty artifacts, the Elements of Harmony. Using their power, he challenged the demon to a battle, the winner taking hold of the world. Though he put up a strong fight, the demon was far more powerful than him, and tossed him around like a rag doll. His power exhausted, he unleashed one final attack. Combining his power with the Elements, the human banished the demon from the planet. The world was in ruins, but he unleashed the last of his power and revitalized the world, bringing it back flora and fauna.

Records of what happened to him are lost to time. However, it is said only he could bring out the true power of the Elements of Harmony, and that one day he would return. For now, the Elements remain hidden, only to be summoned in the most desperate of times.

Twilight closed the book and trotted off to her balcony. She stared off dreamily into the sunset, wondering about what she just read. But why reveal this to her now? And why only her? The unicorn knew the twin rulers kept many secrets from their subjects. But the notion that there was a world more advanced than their world before Discord was an unheard of mention. But was it possible that the presence Celestia had felt was that of the Ancient Hero? And could be there was truth in this legend that the hero would return? There were so many questions that Twilight Sparkle knew would be unanswered for a long time.

It's probably best not to think about it. Right now, the unicorn mare had a party to attend.
"Argh! Why, you bleeding waste of energy!" Kodai never had this much trouble in battle, not before at least. Although granted, he did have his powers then. As of this moment, he had only two things: telekinetic control and a dagger. His opponent, an overgrown purple energy bear, was swiping at him with its claws. On one or two occasions the dagger collided with its palm, causing a bad gash and allowing blood to leak. The beast wailed as the third collision went in deeper. It backed off, pained. Kodai took the moment to activate a special lens in his right eye, which scanned the creature and its genetic structure. Since it was a new beast, it took some time.

"Recording to Logbook: Ursa Major. Data tracks indicate this creature is a fairly new evolution. The young are known as Ursa Minor, and are already of immense size. Ursa Majors are far larger and stronger. However they are quite slow, which can be used as an advantage. However, if upset, the only way to still an Ursa Major is to terminate it, as it is impossible to calm."

Great, he thought, I have to kill it. I'm normally against such things, but it may cause much more harm alive. The beast lunged at him with ferocious intensity and sent him flying out of the cavern. It lumbered out and followed. Kodai whistled shrilly into the air, as a call to any woodland creatures: Get out with your lives. As the cloaked human stood against the massive Ursa Major in a standoff, he muttered one thing:

"I have returned."
Fluttershy was getting her pet bunny Angel to bed when she heard the whistle. The rabbit seemed to recognize it and hopped into the heart of the town square. However, the yellow Pegasus, concerned about the shrill whistle, gathered all the courage she could muster and began tracking it down. She was afraid, but she flew above the trees of the Everfree Forest to lessen it. However, she saw something that she wished she did not. A massive beast, an Ursa Major, was clawing at something. And it looked very angry.

Oh no, if an Ursa Major gets mad, nothing can calm it down! She soared like a jet back to Ponyville to warn the villagers.

The town was again in an uproar. Animals were absolutely everywhere. Fluttershy tried her best to ignore this and scanned the streets for a friend. Twilight! She dove down and landed beside her friend. Twilight noticed this.

"Hey Fluttershy," she began, "why are all these animals in the town?"

"Well," started the Pegasus. She took a deep breath. "There was a whistle and Angel ran but I didn't go after his so I went after the source of the whistle and saw an angry Ursa Major heading this way!" Twilight could only comprehend three words: angry Ursa Major.

"Are you serious?! Oh no-no-no, WHAT SHOULD WE DOOO??!!" Twilight Sparkle was having a full-blown panic attack. Fluttershy looked away dejectedly. This was not good. Not at all.

Kodai jumped and flipped out of the way of the Ursa's claws several times. As soon as an opportunity presented itself, he ran up the arms of the giant bear and on to its head, sending it down with a burst of telekinesis. Its head smashed against the forest floor, the blood flowing from it wounds steadily increasing. The beast was beginning to realize it was in over its head. If the legends were correct… then it would die, then and there.

Noooo… must kill…
The town was almost completely evacuated. Rainbow Dash and Applejack were directing them to the train station, so they could head for Appleloosa. Twilight was trying as best she can to coordinate the process, but she was more afraid then anyone. Pinkie Pie and, Rarity along with some others were getting all the valuables, and Fluttershy was directing the animals out of the forest.

"Everything is almost done…" She heard a scream, and then heavy footsteps. Twilight Sparkle turned around to find a massive Ursa Major heading in her direction. She was about to run away, but upon closer examination, she saw the most unlikely of things. A brown-cloaked creature was battling with the Ursa. It was at least 6 feet tall, strong bodied, and incredibly swift and agile. But most shocking of all was that it was winning against the Ursa Major.

No not 'it'… he! Could he be the Hero? Could the prophecies be coming true?

"Twi!" yelled a voice. The pony known as Rainbow Dash landed in front of her, and she glared hurriedly into the unicorn's purple eyes. "Are you crazy! You are gonna get smushed! C'mon!" Twilight mumbled something and pointed at the Ursa Major. Rainbow cocked a brow and turned around, only to have her jaw fall further than her chin. She saw the brown cloaked being as well.
Kodai could feel the strength of the massive creature weakening. The bear was clawing at him in the air, but its agility was nothing in comparison with the smaller human. It swiped once… twice…

Now! Kodai landed on its arm and sped up it, charging up as much raw power as he could. Once he reached its shoulders, he leapt as high as he could into the air. The Ursa lifted its head and saw the human, but it was too late. As it had predicted, it was dead. A stream of power erupted from Kodai outstretched arm and collided with its head, as more raw energy engulfed its insides, as it was burned from the inside. Its arms went limp and fell to its sides. Using one last bit of power, he teleported the dead creature to a far-away place. The act done, it disappeared in a flash of light. The aura that developed around the hero Kodai faded, as he fell to the forest floor.
But then, as if a divine hand was holding him, he was engulfed by white energy. He could feel his bone structure being redefined, his muscles becoming broader, his body becoming smaller. He could feel wings grow on him and a small stump on his forehead. As he hit the ground, he could see a hoof instead of a hand.

Twilight Sparkle galloped as quickly as she could to match Rainbow Dash's flight speed. They both saw what had happened, like everyone. They saw him fall down unconscious and saw the white glow engulf him. But Twilight told Rainbow to follow her and for her friends and townsfolk to stay. Once they reached the clearing, they saw the brown-cloaked creature had changed. Instead, he was a maroon colored pony, larger and tougher looking than even Big Macintosh. His mane and tail were true black, and around each hoof was a stainless steel ring, with a blue gem embedded and centered in the ring. The pony also possessed wings, albeit strange ones. But it also had a horn, although it was broken off. But that made him an alicorn. Rainbow and Twilight looked at each other in astonishment for a moment. But they shrugged it off and once they got the maroon pony on their backs, they ran in sync to Ponyville. He needed immediate medical attention…
All Kodai could see around him was blackness. So was this death?

If it is, it's rather dull. He looked his body over. Still human.

"You are not dead, Kodai. I made sure of that." The hero turned around to find the Guardian standing tall behind him, staff in his right hand. His green eyes were glowing with relief.

"How," replied Kodai, "I fell 68 feet. I know I can't survive that." The Guardian chuckled.

"You alone cannot. But with my assistance, you survived… but when you wake, you will find things to be much different."

"Excuse me? Find what different?" Kodai was clearly suspicious.

"That is not pertinent right now," said the Guardian quickly, "What's important is that your world is inhabited by sentient ponies now. If you are wondering" Kodai cut him off.

"I know that already. I know who's responsible. Don't you recall who was left alive after I was captured?" The Guardian smirked in amusement.

"I do. But when you awaken… be patient."

Slowly, he could feel his eyes opening. His vision was growing less blurry as he blinked. After the tenth blink, his vision was clear. Kodai was looking up at a white ceiling. He lifted his arm, but at the end he found a hoof instead of a hand. Then he noticed his maroon fur.

So that is what he meant by different. I'm a pony now. He touched his forehead and felt a jagged stump. He had a broken horn. He felt wings on his back, and also found his bed was simply made from three smaller ones. He was a rather large horse. Kodai sat up. He was still somewhat sore, but it was nothing major. I suppose it could be worse.

"Oh good, you're awake!" The voice was feminine and soft. He looked to his right to find a mare much smaller than he smiling at him. She had a light pink mane, white fur, and pale blue eyes. She wore a stereotypical nurse's hat. Kodai smiled back, figuring the trouble this… hospital, he supposed, had gone for him.

"I guess I am, Miss..?"

"Redheart," she replied brightly. "Nurse Redheart." Kodai nodded.

"I am Kodai. No last name, just Kodai. Now, as per a typical question you'd get from a coma patient- how long was I out?" Nurse Redheart showed signs of sadness.

"You were out for 8 weeks." Kodai's eyes widened.

"2 whole months?! How extensive were my injuries?"

"Your bones in your front legs were fractured, and it seemed you had lost a lot of blood," she replied compassionately. "It was by luck alone you made it here." She brightened up again. "All that aside, we've never had an alicorn patient. Are you related to the Royal sisters?"

"I assume they are alicorns as well?" Nurse Redheart nodded. "No, I'm not. I didn't know they existed until you told me. I'm from… someplace else." She nodded.

"Well, your vitals are checked out, your wounds healed a month ago… but you need to stay here for some time." Although he clearly wanted out, it was best to listen to the nurse.

"I won't argue. But can I leave when I desire?"

"I wouldn't recommend you to leave now, but we can't stop you." He nodded and laid his head down on a rather plush pillow.

"Then I'll remain here." Nurse Redheart nodded and gave him one more smile before she trotted out of the room.

"I heard you were out for some time. Are you better?" He turned his head to the side to see a grey furred mare with a light yellow mane smiling at him. She was also the same size as Nurse Redheart. Her eyes went in two different directions though. But Kodai has seen far, far stranger.

"I suppose I am. I'm Kodai, as you may have overheard," he said. The grey mare's eyes focused briefly for a moment before returning to their original state.

"Name's Derpy Hooves, Kodai."

"Well, Derpy Hooves, it's nice to meet you. I don't know anyone else in…"

"Ponyville. You are in Ponyville." Kodai chuckled.

"Ponyville, how original," he said. Derpy Hooves giggled.

"I know. I ask the mayor why it was named that all the time. Not even she knows." They could hear Nurse Redheart enter the room.

"Ms. Doo, you can go now. You only needed to be here for a day." Derpy Hooves leapt out of bed and stretched her wings. Kodai noticed a picture of bubbles on the side of her flank. And despite her eyesight, she walked perfectly. He made a decision then and there: time to leave. He got out of his makeshift large bed and said.

"I will reconsider. I'll leave as well." Nurse Redheart looked surprised, but she nodded.

"Then let me show you to your things."

Once the two left the hospital, Kodai was back to having his cloak and steel bands, plus the barely visible lens. His jet black mane blew in the wind. Derpy Hooves was beside him.

"So why did you leave," she asked with a smirk. Kodai remained calm.

"I felt clustered. Besides, I want to get to know this place." Derpy's expression brightened and her eyes were again focused.

"I'm the town's mailmare! How about you travel along my route with me? I can introduce you to everypony!" Kodai smiled brightly.

"That would be nice. Thank you, Derpy." Ditzy blushed briefly and said

"My pleasure." They both took to the skies in sync, Kodai lagging slightly.

"Where to first?" Derpy Hooves checked her mailbag.

"Sweet Apple Acres is first. You'll like them. Most down to Equestria ponies you'll ever meet."

"First, can we get some sort of hat? I don't need anyone else to be alerted to my… rare status." She smiled.

"Sure. We can get the delivery for Carousel Boutique done first. Then we can start on the regular route."

"A boutique?"

"Yeah. The owner can make you anything! She made me this mailbag." Kodai nodded.

"Okay then. Let's go!" They changed directions and soared towards the southeast. Kodai felt content. Being a pony is not bad at all…