• Published 15th Dec 2011
  • 1,868 Views, 8 Comments

Return of a Hero - Teridax1234

READ THE DESCRIPTION Crossover with Okami and some Bionicle

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In it for the Long Haul

Chapter 5- In it for the Long Haul
Twilight stared quizzically at the golden book, eyes running through its words and symbols with an academic process. She wasn’t sure what she was trying to find, mostly because a few things of Kodai’s story did not add up. How did he ‘discover’ the Elements of Harmony? More importantly, how do they even forget he existed?

Then there was the matter of this ‘Divine Retribution’ and ‘Divines’ motif. Gods, in the purest sense of the term, do not exist! The closest ponies have are the Princesses and Discord, but even they are fallible. They can be killed. They can be hurt. Then this ‘Hero” shows up and cause the whole planet to drown in hysteria!

So then why do I feel like I can trust him? If the Elements truly were sentient, then they must have felt his presence. Likely it was a side effect of the ordeal, an effect her friends surely must be feeling. However, it cannot control my mind. I will get to know the entire story, he’ll open up eventually. She stared out into the night sky, wondering just how much had gone on before recorded history.

She wondered what it would take this time to stop a powerful evil from destroying the world.

The sun barely peaked over the land of Equestria as the six ponies gathered in front of Golden Oaks. Twilight eyed each one of her friends in turn, trying to get a sense of what they must be thinking. If her hypothesis were correct, then it was anxiety, to the very same degree. But the silence only amplified it.

“So,” she began casually, “What did everyone bring?” Pinkie, naturally, was very eager to offer her share.

“Well,” she dragged, “I brought a bunch of cakes and other foodstuffs and water and boots and a pickaxe and” Rainbow Dash cut her off.

“How did you fit a pickaxe in your saddlebag?” Pinkie waved her hoof dismissively.

“They’re bigger on the inside.” Rainbow opened her mouth to say something more, but instead moved on to her saddlebag.

“I don’t have many worldly possessions to bring, so I just stuffed a collapsible tent in here.” Rarity was practically giddy that she was about to show off her latest designs she brought. She opened her saddlebag, however, and brought out a black tarp lined with silver thread. It was at least big enough to function as a cloak. Twilight was confused.

“Um, Rarity, what exactly is that,” she inquired eyeing the tarp analytically.

“Oh, well, when our new friend dropped by with Derpy, I told how much of a mess his current garment was! So, he then agreed to allow me to improve it for him. But I spent far longer thinking of a good color to match him!” Rainbow Dash started chuckling.

“It took you a “while” to come up with a color the same as his mane,” she said, a snarky tone creeping into her voice. Rarity huffed, her chin up towards the air in contempt.

“Well, he has the most unique color scheme, and well” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes.

“Sheesh Rare, I was only kidding,” she said dismissively. "Fluttershy, what have you brought?” The timid mare had more than just her saddlebag. There was a large, rolled up sleeping bag on her back as well, though she showed no signs of strain.

“Oh, well I only brought the bare essentials. Just some water and bit of food that won’t spoil for a few months at least. I also brought a few matches for lighting a fire.” She hid a bit behind her mane, hoping no one judged her for being to light when preparing. She of course did this instinctively. Applejack stepped up next.

“Well, Ah brought some rope fer climbin’, a hatchet fer kindlin’, and a machete for clearin’.” Rarity looked at her strangely.

“Darling, how did you acquire a machete?” The orange earth pony shot her a bemused glare.

“Rare, Ah live on a farm. Ah think it’d be safe to assume Ah’d have these here tools?” Before anyone could say anything more, the maroon alicorn hit the ground with a resounding thud. He looked at them each in turn.

“Are you all set?” They all nodded. Rainbow Dash followed with a salute. The Hero cleared his throat.

“All right. This is not going to be easy. The trek will be long, arduous, and most likely fatal. We will defeat Orochi, or we will die trying.” Twilight stepped forward unraveling her map.

“Okay. According to the map, the volcano is 80 miles east. We’d have to cut through the Everfree forest to reach it, though.”

“That shouldn’t be too much trouble. Okay, let’s roll.” He turned and trotted right in the direction of Everfree forest. Everyone was silent, no words fit the mood they were feeling right now. Except for Rarity, who had stopped and called.

“Darling, wait just a moment!” Startled, Kodai turned back around. The alabaster unicorn brandished the black cloak. He seemed surprised, but pleased. “I told you I had to repay you. And considering you saved our lives twice, I for one think you’ve more than earned it.” She placed it on his back with her magic.

“Thank you very much. This will most certainly do.” He adjusted the cloak to fit over his large frame perfectly. “Very well. Now that I look more like a hermit,” he joked, earning small smiles and giggles from his compatriots, “We should get moving.”

Once they reached the edge of the forest, he turned back to them.

“This is the point of no return. Beyond the edge of Everfree, you cannot return. If you are wise, you will turn back. But if you are courageous, you will remain by my side.” The six mares all exchanged glances with one another. They were scared, this was certain. But they were still the same brave heroines that defeated even the embodiment of chaos itself. This was nothing they couldn’t handle.

“I think I speak for all of us,” Twilight began, “when we say that we won’t leave. The Elements of Harmony never abandoned you.”

“And we won’t, either,” finished Fluttershy.

“They’re right, sugarcube,” added Applejack, “We’re in it fer the long haul.” Kodai smiled.

“Never in my years did anyone show me such tolerance and kindness. Your race is truly one of a kind.” With that said, he made his way into Everfree Forest. Each mare followed suit, all exchanging one final glance at their home for a long time to come. Twilight was the last to follow, sharing the longest stare.

I’ll be home soon, Spike, she thought somberly, and when I get back, I promise I’ll make it up to you.

She managed to catch up with her friends. Kodai was in the lead, Divine Retribution glowing like a sun in the dim forest. Fluttershy was both reassured and frightened by this. On one side, this provided them with much needed light to see. On the flipside, this was a beacon to any scary monster that lurked in the trees. She began to cower close to Rainbow Dash, who eyed her with concern.

“You okay, ‘Shy?” She shook her head meekly.

“I’m worried. There are so many dangerous monsters, and I don’t know if we’ll be able to handle them!” Rainbow rolled her eyes, but she smiled confidently.

“Fluttershy, there are seven of us. We have numbers, not to mention weapons this time around. We don’t even have to fight! I’m sure we can scare them off.” The yellow Pegasus, while not entirely secure, appreciated her friend’s vote of confidence.

Some ways behind them, Applejack and Twilight were engaged in a lengthy discussion.

“Twilight, all Ah’m sayin’ is that it’s a bit strange we all trusted ‘im when we just met ‘im? Surely you of all ponies would notice?” Twilight shot her a glare comparable to Fluttershy’s stare.

“Of course I noticed,” she hissed, “And I think I know why, too!” Applejack looked at her strangely.

“Then why?” Twilight looked in Kodai’s direction. If he were listening, he was doing a good job at hiding it.

“The Elements of Harmony are imbued with a mind of their own. I think that when he met us, the Elements were reacting to their former avatar. It also means that our trust is implicitly in our minds. But I won’t truly trust him until he proves it.”

“Um, Ah don’ want to bust your theory here Twilight,” began the orange farmpony, “But I think he has earned it. He practically sacrificed his life for us twice! Don’t you think he’s earned it now?” The purple unicorn turned away from her.

“I know. But forgive me for being skeptical. It’s hard for me to accept so easily.” Applejack smiled at her kindly.

“It’s okay. Ah understand, we’ve all been there. Just give him a chance.” Twilight’s purple eyes shifted from the forest floor to just ahead of her.

“But that’s not all.”

“What else is wrong, Twi?”

“AJ, he lost everything. His home, his friends, his people. I don’t know how stable he is. For all we know, he could just turn around and snap!” The orange mare shook her head.

“Ah don’ think that’s very likely Twilight. If he was that unstable, don’t you think our Elements would notice?” Twilight’s eyes widened. Her friend had a point. They were the avatars of the elements, and thus protected by them too. If Kodai was unstable to the point of blind murder, they would be less welcoming of him.

“Thanks Applejack.”

“Just doin’ what any friend would do Twi’.”

The Hero himself kept his eyes completely ahead of him. Little did they know just how many strange beasts actually were tracking them. He’d know, of course, mostly because of how many of them he frightened. He was glad that he was able to defend himself simply by glaring at these creatures.

Thank you, Grandfather. In truth, he was scared. He had not anticipated that these six mares would accompany him on his journey. He was not sure if this was going to make the trek more difficult or otherwise. Either way, he thought, At least I won’t be lonely.

He began to hear a flute some distance away. The flute was playing a chilling, ominous song, one that dared them to come closer. The alicorn turned to his companions.

“Stay close, and stay behind me.” They seemingly complied, forming a close circle a few inches behind him. Up ahead there was some brush covering their tracks. Kodai peered through the dense thorns and vines.

“Hey, Kodai,” piped up Rainbow Dash, “Do see that? I think there’s a fire up ahead.” The rainbow-maned Pegasus was correct. There was indeed a glowing flame at least fifty meters up ahead.

“AJ, I assume you’ve got something for this?” The orange mare pulled her machete from her saddlebag.

“Way ahead of you,” she said, gripping the hilt in her mouth. She stepped in front of Kodai and slashed at the vines, allowing them to part and clear a feasible path. She spearheaded the group while hacking away at thorny vines, also keeping her efforts silent. As they got closer, the maroon alicorn and the orange earth mare could see four distinct forms.

Two of them were green and ape like, playing a duet with a flute made from bone. The other two were red in coloration, and played their guitars with great skill. The group stopped and gaped at the sight.

”Kodai, do you know those things,” asked Twilight. The Hero’s cobalt eyes narrowed into a fierce glare.

“Those abominations are lesser demons known as imps. The slaves to the Yamata no Orochi.”

“Sooo, they are dangerous,” uttered Rarity.

“Alone, they barely qualify as a nuisance. However, four may prove troublesome.” He motioned for them to remain behind.

He stepped quietly for them not hear. However, even as silent as he was, it was not enough. He was tackled quickly by one of the green Imps and violently tossed into a tree.

“Get him,” it screeched. All four imps alert, they surrounded the Hero and prepared to strike. Thinking fast, he struck one of the imps down with his back legs and swung Divine Retribution at the other three. The fallen imp noticed the six mares, and they all were prepared to down this one.

“Oh no you don’t!” Kodai grabbed him by the throat, swung the imp 180 degrees, and slammed his hoof into its jaw. As it fell backwards, Applejack landed a powerful buck to its midsection. It was vaulted into the other imps, knocking them over like bowling pins.

“Yee haw,” she shouted enthusiastically, “That’ll show ‘em to mess with us.” Kodai smiled thankfully at her, then he proceeded to fly upwards and land in the center of the injured ring of imps. In one swing, he struck all four with the full fury of his Divine Instrument. The group of imps, unable to withstand the power of this weapon, fell to the ground. They lay there, motionless.

“Now what,” said Rainbow Dash, staring at the fallen demons. Kodai smirked and held his hoof up.

“Wait for it…” Almost immediately after he said that, the four imps exploded in a circle of flowers, making the whole area seem a bit brighter. In fact, it looked as if all of Everfree forest lit up with new light. Twilight began to wonder if they were the reason why Everfree was so dangerous. Perhaps now, the animals that lived in the forest would be less aggressive.

“Ah, there we go. I should’ve known the hostility was caused by these monsters.”

“So, why do they explode into flowers,” asked Rainbow Dash. Pinkie finally decided to speak.

“Maybe its because they have troubled souls,” she concluded. Kodai looked at her as if she had suddenly grown a second head. And considering her nature, that seemed like a likely possibility.

“She’s right. Demons are the troubled, tempered souls of the dead. By striking and killing them with divine weapons, their souls are purified, which grants them the way to the Celestial Plane. Or Heaven, as it were.”

“So then what happen if you killed Orochi with one of these,” probed Rarity, “Does his soul get purified?” Kodai shook his head.

“Orochi was born from the blood of a fallen Devil. His soul is blacker than the umbra of a shadow.” Twilight somehow managed to piece together everything he said, and infer the rest, to conclude

“We can’t kill him.” Everyone turned to her. Kodai stared at the ground. “That’s what you neglected to tell us, isn’t it? That we’re fighting the impossible fight?” Her tone was more solemn than accusatory.

“You are correct, Twilight Sparkle,” he said sadly. “Orochi cannot be killed, in a sense.”

“Elaborate,” she pressed.

“He can be hurt, he can be banished. His essence can even be separated from his body. But utterly ending his soul? Not possible.”

“Then why are we trying to kill him,” she badgered. Kodai glared at her with the intensity of an angry Manticore.

“I never said we are,” he countered, in chillingly calm voice. “What we are trying to do is banish him for another 500,000 years. If I did it before, I can do it again.”

“Then we are fighting a perpetual conflict,” she exploded, “We have to keep this up over and over!” Her friends watched their heated exchange with worried eyes. They wanted to stop them, but they didn’t know how.

“There is another way…” Twilight calmed down, her curiosity piqued. “In the past, the Gods used the power of the Celestial Brush to seal away Orochi and prevent him from ever returning.”

“And what is this Brush? What does it do?”

“It grants you the power to manipulate nature as if it were a canvas. You can cause trees to bloom, fires to spout somewhere else, or even slow time itself. It’s power can counter Orochi’s easily.” A certain cyan mare was deeply excited by this prospect.

“That’s AWESOME,” she exclaimed, “Where do we get it?”

“It’s power granted by the gods to the worthy,” he replied, “And sadly, I don’t think I qualify.” It was then that the sky darkened, allowing the stars to glow brightly.

“Oh my,” squeaked Fluttershy, “How pretty!”

“Maybe it’s a sign,” projected Twilight.

“OR it’s a extraterrestrial party,” shouted Pinkie hopefully. “I even brought my helmet for the occasion.” She procured a round, white helmet and promptly place it on her head, her mane’s poofy style covering her eyes. Rainbow gave her a stupefied glare. “What, I come prepared for all kinds of parties!” Kodai began to notice a pattern among the stars. It made the shape of a serpent!

“Twilight, are you seeing this?” The bookish unicorn was already tracing out the constellation.

“I am, but I’ve never seen its like. What prompted Princess Luna to make it?” Kodai shook his head and stared back up at it.

“I don’t think it was the Princess, and especially not in the middle of the day.” The stars began to shine even brighter. It was then the outline of a serpent formed a dragon. It’s scales were pure white, with reddish paint decorating its eyes and back. Its lower half seemed to be wrapped in a scroll made from rice paper. Looking around, Kodai did not see his friends, but rather, he found he was transported to an unfamiliar location. It was heavenly in appearance, with large mountains encircling him. He was standing upon a swirling cloud.

The realm of the Brush Gods! The dragon, with each of it four arms clutching a colored orb, soared down to face him with reverence.

“Oh, emissary of the Gods,” it boomed, “I am Yomigami, Celestial God of Rejuvenation.” Kodai stared at him, dumbfounded.

“Forgive me, mighty Yomigami, but I had perceived you had perished, as the rest of the world has!” The Brush God simply smiled with a subtle intellect.

“It was not to be so. We had simply been shattered, as the dreaded Orochi was. Time allowed us to become whole again.” He paused. “We, the thirteen remaining masters of the Celestial Brush, grant you the power of its divinity. Use it with care.”

“I do not understand. I believed I was not worthy,” Kodai asked, stupefied. The God grinned wisely.

“In fact, we could not find a better candidate. You fought Orochi with courage and purpose, and wielded the Elements of Harmony with the utmost devotion. As such, we see it fit you are given the power to end Orochi’s reign of terror.” The maroon stallion glowed brightly for a brief moment, white tendrils of light emanating off his body. “I grant you the power of rejuvenation. With it, may you repair the lost way to the ancient volcano, and quell the rage of the beast that lurks in its depths!” It was then that an orb of white light emerged from the body of the god, and floated over towards Kodai, circling him before merging with his pony form. He could feel the knowledge of its powers flow into him. The celestial plane faded away, and he was back in the forest. Or rather, in front of a very excited and worried Rainbow Dash.

“Woah!” He fell backwards onto his plot.

“Oh wow,” said the cyan mare. “I never seen anyone zone out like that!” She floated back down to the ground.

“Are you okay,” asked Fluttershy, looking his face over.

“I’m fine. I think…” Twilight studied his eyes intently.

“You were given a vision, weren’t you? What did you see?!” Kodai rubbed his temple with his hoof.

I saw a white, serpentine Dragon. He called himself Yomigami, a Celestial God. He proclaimed I was to use his power of rejuvenation.” Twilight, stood back, excited.

“Does that mean you have,” she said hopefully. Kodai grinned his largest grin.

“Oh yes! Now we just have to find the other twelve, and-“

“Wait, there are twelve more,” interjected Twilight. Kodai nodded.

“The God, Yomigami, granted the power of rejuvenation. I can repair anything that is broken.” Twilight smirked.

“Oh really? Well, try it on that tree, over there.” Her hoof was pointing at a broken tree, barely able to hold itself up. Kodai smiled confidently.

“Watch and learn.” He focused, intently on the tree. Almost instinctively, time paused briefly, and he was able to see the area in front of him as a painting on a canvas. He could see his tail, tipped with silver, floating some ways above the paper. Slowly, he brought his tail down upon the tree, and marked, in silver ink, its empty side. There. That should do it. Once he brought down the canvas, time seemed to restart, and the tree glowed intensely. Once the glow dissipated, the tree was repaired. It stood, looking as if nothing had changed. The six mares gasped in shock.

“That was SO AWESOME,” squealed Rainbow Dash. It was then Rarity took notice of his tail.

“Dear, look! Your tail is tipped in silver!” He looked behind him and flicked his tail into view. Indeed, there was a silvery end to his tail. “It looks like its ink.”

“It is likely a side effect of the brush,” the alicorn replied.

“Hoo wee, is there anythin’ else it can do?” Kodai held a hoof to his chin thoughtfully.

“Well,” he said. He paused. Then, all of a sudden, a flower appeared in Applejack’s mane. She looked at it in wonder.

“Was that..?” Kodai seemed elated at this power.

“Indeed it was. I’m sure there’s another power that allows me to bring an entire meadow into bloom. Oh, and call that a thanks for helping me back there.” The farmpony blushed.

“Aw, well it was nothin’.” The alicorn nodded.

“’Twas appreciated, though.” He trotted forward. “C’mon. We have a volcano to see.” The mountain was in view, and it was only going to take thirty minutes to reach there. The six mares followed suit.

“So, AJ,” began Rainbow Dash, her tone confident.

“If you say anythin’, I will buck you into next week.” The orange earth pony trotted in front of her friend. The rainbow mare shrugged and followed closely behind.

The end of the first leg was in sight.

Author's Note:

I may have just injected myself with diabetes at the end there. Boy, I need to get out more. Enjoy! And sorry it took so long!

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