• Published 20th Sep 2019
  • 339 Views, 1 Comments

Amagami FiM - TheAnimerican

Some romance for a group of girls from Equestria High!

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Rarity Arc: Chapter 1

The bell rang and students were exiting the classroom with excitement. Story Rich, however, preferred to wait until the traffic of students died down. While waiting he would collect his notes, textbooks, and other school essentials. After about 10 minutes of waiting he was sure that most of the students cleared the halls.

As he put on his jacket and scarf, he noticed that Twilight remained at her desk. He could see her working with a stack of papers to the side of her. He never knew exactly what the responsibilities of a class rep were, but he admired her for her hard work regardless. "I will see you tomorrow Twilight," said Story. However, Twilight did not respond. He knew she wasn't trying to be rude and took no offense. With all that work, he felt that one must be fully concentrated. He decided to just leave her be and left the classroom as quietly as possible.

As expected, the halls were nearly empty as the last of the students headed downstairs. Story preferred this as he didn't like the students shoving one another as they tried to leave school grounds.

On the way down, he would spot some stragglers here and there. He would also hear groups of students still in the classrooms. Usually, they were clubs for afterschool activities. This was something that he was used to seeing as this happened almost every day he left for home.

Once he made it to the first floor, he heard something new to his daily routine. "Is someone... Humming?" Normally, he would ignore it and continue on his way out, but he noticed that the humming got a little louder as he made his way to the exit. To satisfy his curiosity, he would peek through the open doors of each class he passed by.

As he made his way down the hall, getting closer to the exit, he thought he might have missed the source of the humming. Or maybe it was even behind one of the closed doors? "Oh well," he thought to himself, "It was probably someone practicing in the Choir Club or something anyway." However, as he was about to give up, he instinctively peeked inside another class. This time, something caught his eye and stopped him in his tracks.

Inside the classroom, there was a female student, with a drawing pad, sitting on a stool, positioned in front of a mannequin. She didn't seem to notice Story as her back was turned to him.

Story could not help but notice that the mannequin was wearing a plain red dress. It was one of those mannequins with no head, no arms, and no legs. All it had to stand on was a slime metal pole. If she was wearing it, he guessed that the dress would end just below the knees. "Hmm... What is she doing?" Story asked himself. Then he realized, the humming was much louder than before. "Wait, was she the one?"

The student then stood up and set down her pencil and pad on a nearby desk. She then moved closer to the mannequin and observed it rather closely. Standing in front of it, she tilted to the right, then to the left, peeked over the chest, then under the arms. Finally, she proceeded to move behind the mannequin.

It was then, Story had a much clearer view of the female student. To his surprise, it was one of the girls that Backbone pointed out from before. "Wait... Isn't that-?" Story didn't have time to finish his thought as a sudden gasp interrupted his thinking. Awake, he saw the curly purple-haired student startled. "Oh. Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you," Story apologized.

The female student breathed a sigh of relief and regained her composure. "Well, you certainly gave me quite the start. Did you need something?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh no. I just heard some humming and I was curious about it," replied Story.

The student's face changed from startled to questionable as she crossed her arm, "So, do you investigate every humming you hear?"

Now that Story thought about it, there was nothing special about someone humming. Why did he feel the need to find the source? He realized that it was silly and maybe creepy. "Umm... No, you're right. I'm sorry. I will leave you alone," Story apologized again and began to leave.

"Wait," the student called, "I apologize for my rudeness. Was I disturbing you? I didn't even realize I was humming so loudly."

Story shook his head, "Oh no. Not at all. If anything, you hum a very nice tune. I normally go home around this time and that was my first time hearing it. So on the way out, I saw you in here doing... Whatever it was that you're doing."

"I see," she said, "Well if you must know, I was brainstorming for a new design I am working on. Normally I would continue my work at home, but I do have a deadline to meet. I thought there would be less distraction here."

Story noticed her emphasis on the word "distraction." He nervously chuckled and scratched the back of his head. "Yeah. Sorry about that. Wait, you design?" asked Story.

She nodded, "Would you like to see? Actually, if you have a moment, I would be very grateful if I can get your opinion on my work."

Although Story was willing to help when he can, he felt that he was one of the last people to ask for help on art and designs. "Umm... You sure you should be asking me? I mean, I don't exactly have an eye for art."

"Oh nonsense," she replied, "I am sure your take on this will help me greatly. Besides, think of this as a way of apologizing for spying on me. Besides, one's view can represent thousands."

Story took a slight offense at the accusation, "Huh? I wasn't spying."

Again, she crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. "Weren't you?" she questioned him as if he caught him in a lie.

Technically, he was watching her without permission. Feeling defeated, he re-entered the classroom and walked toward the desk with the drawing pad. The two students met and sat across one another.

Once Story took the pad, he was slightly confused at what he was staring at. He kept looking between drawing and the dress-wearing mannequin. In the drawing, there was a woman wearing a dress with far more detail than even he can describe. Also, the dress seemed to have a mesh overlay with the design of vines wrapping around the woman. Plus, the vines were decorated with what appeared to be small crystals. The best he could tell when there was no color.

"So?" she asked, "What do you think?"

"Uhh..." Story started, "Is there another drawing? The two dresses are completely different."

This caused Rarity to chuckle, "Oh no no no darling. They are the same dress, but the drawing is what I picture the dress to look like. I use that mannequin to pose and I added more to it with the drawing."

Again, Story looked back and forth between the two but wasn't quite sure how to answer her. "Well, I like the one in the drawing more."

She rolled her eyes at the obvious answer, "Yes yes, but what do you think of it? Too much? Too little? What does it need?"

Story was stumped and unsure of what to say. "Umm... Well... I'm sorry, but I really don't know."

The student gave a sigh and took back the drawing pad, "No it's alright. Can't say you didn't try. I suppose it is okay, but I still feel that it is missing something."

"This might be dumb to ask, but what is it exactly you are trying to do? Who is this dress for?" asked Story.

"This dress was a request from a friend of mine. She asked that this dress would make her event memorable and romantic."


"Yes. I can't give all the details, but this is for a VERY special event. There will be someone there and she wants to capture his heart. I couldn't possibly say 'no' to such a request. but that is why I have to get this one just right," she said as she rubbed her temples. "I chose the dress to be red since the color represents love and passion, but all I have been seeing is stress."

The two sat there in silence and Story didn't want to be the first to make a sound. He just waited patiently as he watched her rub her temples. It was almost as if she forgot he was still in the room with her.

He caught himself looking out the classroom window and completely lost track of time. He looked back at the clock and saw that it was 3:23 p.m. "Damn. I'm going to miss the bus. I will have to catch the next one," Story thought to himself.

However, the female student noticed this and slightly gasped, "Oh dear. I'm so sorry. Did you need to be somewhere?"

"Huh? Oh no, it's nothing. I can catch the next bus," Story said with a smile.

"Oh, you missed your bus. I really wished you had said something. Do you live far?" she asked.

"No, I actually live about 15 min. away from here," Story pointed in one direction.

"Well allow me to give you a lift back home," she offered. "After all it was my fault that you missed your bus."

"No, it's fine. The whole point of me being here was a way of apologizing. And like I said I can catch the next one."

"But the next bus may not arrive on time due to it being traffic time. You might be waiting for an hour and it is cold out. Although you did make up for spying on me, I don't like the idea of you probably getting sick on my account. So please, I insist that I take you home," she offered again.

Story didn't want her to go through the trouble, but she did make some valid points. At that time of year, it wasn't clear when the next bus would arrive. Although it wasn't freezing cold outside and no snow, it may still be an uncomfortable experience for him. "Well," started Story, "If you don't mind then I would like to take you up on your offer."

She smiled, "Of course I don't mind. Just let me pack my things." At a quick pace, she got out of her seat, gathered her supplies, and even carefully removed the dress off of the mannequin. She placed everything in her rolling cart, put on her jacket, and even put on one of those faux fur hats. "Shall we go... Uh... You know what? I never got your name did I?" she asked.

"Oh right. I'm Story Rich," he offered his hand for a shake.

The student returned his shake and her eyes widened, "Ah! You're Story Rich? Oh, darling, I wish you had told me sooner. Applejack talks about you from time to time."

"She does? Good things?"

"Well, for the most part," she giggled. "I am Rarity. Although she and I are from two different worlds, we have been friends for quite a while. She never mentioned me?"

"Well, we do talk, but not like we used to back middle school. Did you need help with your cart?" he asked.

"Such a gentleman," she complimented, "But I can manage thank you. Now then, we should get going." With that said, she walked ahead of Story, leading them out of the school building.


The two exited the building and was hit with a light gust of wind. Luckily, with his warm scarf and windbreaker jacket, Story was able to tolerate the cold. Rarity, on the other hand, slightly squealed at the cold breeze. "Oh my, it is much colder than I thought it would be."

"Are you okay?" Story asked.

"Oh yes, I'm fine. No worries. Come on, my car is just over there," she said as they walked toward the school parking lot.

As Story followed Rarity, he noticed she was trying to cover her neck with her jacket. She tried not to make it obvious, but that coat wasn't providing much warmth. She probably wore the coat more for the style. "It isn't that cold, is it?" he thought to himself. "Rarity wait a second," he said.

"Huh? Is s-something wrong?" Rarity asked, trying not to click her teeth.

Without saying a word, he unwrapped his scarf and stepped toward Rarity.

"What are you-?" Rarity didn't finish her question as he wrapped his scarf around her neck.

"Sorry, but it looked like you needed it more than I did," said Story.

Rarity was surprised and thought it was very forward of him. However, she couldn't help but embrace the warmth of the previous wearer. "Oh my. This white and blue scarf does go nicely with the jacket. But won't you be cold?" asked a concerned Rarity.

"Nah I will be fine. I actually like the cold weather. Besides, we aren't that much further from the car are we?"

"Not at all. It's just over there," Rarity pointed. From Story's point-of-view, he was shocked with wide-open eyes. He was looking at a white luxury SUV with not a single scratch on it. Although he was not into cars like most guys in his school, he was pretty sure that the car was a newer model by the manufacturer.

"Rarity, you drive that!?" asked an astonished Story.

Rarity raised an eyebrow and looked back in the direction. She then hid behind her hand as if she was embarrassed, "Are you looking at the white one?"

"Huh? Uh yeah?" Story replied.

"That's not mine. I was pointing at the one to the right of it..." she corrected.

Story looked at the vehicle she was referring to and was shocked again. The said vehicle was an older brown sedan model and was in need of new paint. This surprised Story in many ways, but he didn't judge Rarity for it. "Oh, well, it's still a nice car," he lied.

Rarity came out of hiding and gave him her signature "Seriously?" face. "Let's go Story."

"Yes ma'am," Story obeyed.


Despite how the vehicle looked on the outside, the inside wasn't bad at all. It was clean and he was unable to see any damages. Despite the mileage almost hitting the six-figure mark, the car seemed to be running fine. "Rarity, if I may ask-"

"I know I know," Rarity cut him off, "But first, where do you live again?"

"Oh right. Just drive straight until you hit Ruby St. When you do you will make a left." directed Story.

"Mhm," Rarity nodded, "You see, I might look the part, but the sad truth is is that I can't afford cars like that. At least not yet anyway. So for now, I concentrate my finances on my materials. I only like to work with high-quality fabrics. I just know that one day all my hard work will finally pay off."

"Wow," said Story.


"Oh, nothing. I was just thinking about how incredible you are."

Rarity slightly blushed at the comment, "What? Oh thank you, but it is nothing that special."

"Nothing special? Rarity, not a lot of students do what you do. You work hard and maintain good grades. I am pretty sure that your hard work will pay off," said Story.

"Aww. That's very sweet of you to say. You sound just like Spike," said Rarity.

"Spike? Is he your boyfriend?"

Rarity laughed at the question, "Oh no no no, but it is funny that you asked that. You see, Spike is a child that attends Canterlot Elementary and is friends with my sister. He has been by our house many times and is a great helper. At some point, I realized that the little darling has a crush on me. He is rather adorable."

"Has he confessed to you?" he asked curiously.

"He has actually. A couple of times already. I tried telling him we can't, in many ways, but he is very persistent. I blame myself for not giving a more straight forward answer, but I don't want to hurt his feelings. I was hoping his sister could help me explain, but she wasn't much help either as she is always busy. I feel like I am in a little delicate position," Rarity said with some worry.

"Oh. I sort of know what he is going through," said Story.

"Really? Do you have any suggestions?" asked Rarity.

Story didn't hear the question as he reminisced his rejection. "I hope that he doesn't feel hurt like I did," he thought to himself.

"Story?" Rarity called out.

"Huh? Sorry did you say something?"

"I was asking for advice on how to approach Spike, but I think we are close to your house," said Rarity.

Story looked back on the road and recognized his surroundings. Rarity made the left turn as directed and waited for further instructions as she has slowly driven down the residential area.

"This house right here," Story pointed at a small cape cod style house.

"This is your home? It is quite lovely," Rarity complimented. She parked the car in front of the house as she waited for Story to exit.

Story grabbed his backpack and got out of the car. Before shutting the door, he looked inside at Rarity, "Thanks for dropping me off. Sorry for the trouble."

"Oh, no trouble at all. I will see you at school," she waved.

"Thanks again," he said before shutting the door.

Story walked around the car and headed for the entrance. When he got to the door, he turned around and waved goodbye to Rarity. She smiled and waved in return before driving off.

Once inside, Story thought to himself, "Wow. She was actually pretty nice. Wait, why do I feel like I am forgetting something?"


As Rarity entered her home, she felt the warm air escaping as she rushed herself to get inside. "Sweetie Belle!" she called out, "Are you home?"

"I'm coming!" a voice shouted back. After listening to the pitter-patter of her sister's feet, a girl with curly light and dark purple hair appeared. "Hey Rarity," she said, "How was school today?"

"Oh the usual really," Rarity replied as she removed her shoes.

"I like the new scarf you got," said Sweetie.

"New scarf?" Rarity suddenly realized that she was still wearing the scarf that Story had lent her. "Oh no. I forgot to give it back."

"What back? The scarf?" asked Sweetie.

"Yes. This boy I met was nice enough to loan it to me and I forgot to give it back."

Sweetie gasped, "Rarity, did you get a boyfriend?"

"No no. Nothing like that. He was just being a gentleman that's all. Can you be a dear and take this cart to my room?"

With a slight pout, Sweetie Belle took the bag as requested and rolled off.

Rarity's attention went back to the scarf. "That was nice of him. It is soft and warm," she thought to herself. She then took off her jacket and the scarf to hang on the nearest hooks. "I have to be sure to return that to him. I should probably wash it too." She then walked to her room, only to find Sweetie Belle on the floor picking up a pile of papers. "Sweetie Belle! What happened?"

"I'm sorry Rarity. One of the wheels broke off your cart and everything fell out," said Sweetie with her puppy green eyes.

Rarity sighed, "No it's okay Sweetie. I suppose it was time to replace it anyway." Rarity kneeled down to help her sister clean up. While cleaning, she picked up her drawing pad. She then flipped the pages to her latest design. "Ugh, I still don't know what I'm going to do about y-," she cut herself off. Something clicked inside like a light bulb turned on. Everything in her mind seemed clear and bright as a new idea came in mind. "That's it!"

Author's Note:

Hello readers!

I'm sorry this took a while, but work schedule and writer's block suck.

I finally got back to it and I hope you all enjoy it!

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