• Published 14th Aug 2012
  • 3,017 Views, 68 Comments

The Master Cellist - Veridian Phantom

You work in a small music shop is Manehattan, when one day a curious black-maned gray mare walks in.

  • ...

Change of Plans...

The halls ring with the sound of your hooves clicking and clacking against the marble floor while you run to the damsel's aid. You screech to a halt in front of the door and wind up your back legs to kick it in. The door ricochets off the wall with a loud bang and promptly shuts itself closed in your face.

“Well that was heroic.” You moaned embarrassingly.

Opening the door slower this time you slide your way through the door and take a survey of the room with your guard up. You find a few objects strewn about and think 'In a fit of rage most likely!' Your attention is then drawn to a far corner of the room where you see Octavia huddled, shaking and hyperventilating. 'Why, what happened?' You wonder.

Panic took the place of chivalry as the mare you look up to is hyperventilating at an alarming rate, you rush over to see her jabbing a hoof in the air towards an object. You peer over the couch to get a glimpse of what it may be, expecting to see a rabid cat, dog, squirrel, anything ferocious.

“Oh for- Really? Seriously? THIS scares you!? An itsy bitsy spider, has you hyperventilating and throwing things around.” Your tone wasn't very comforting towards a mare who almost breathed to death. Suddenly an idea pops into your head. You rush over to your cello case, and click open the locks revealing the masterpiece that is your cello.

“What... are... you... doing. JUST KILL IT!!” She screams bloody murder. You'd prefer to have cat nails on a chalk board than what you just heard.

“Don't worry I'm a professional” You were lying, you had no idea if it would work.

Proceeding to prop the cello up on the couch, you reach into a pocket inside your cello case and bring out a CD with the words “My Song” written on the front. You throw the disk in the CD player and press play to run the first track. Picking up your cello to be ready for the song to start you clear your throat, and eyeball the spider.

“3...2...1” (start music)

The lead begins and you start. The bow brushing against the strings, lets out a slow and soft tune. Your ears perk up to the long remembered song that has always been your favorite. You know that your vocals are going to be a little off because of the lack of practicing over the years, but you do your best.

“Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall
But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow

One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

Time stands still
Beauty in all she is
I will be brave
I will not let anything take away
What's standing in front of me
Every breath
Every hour has come to this

One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

One step closer
One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more.”

The now (stop music) sleeping spider rests on the floor with its eyes closed and still. Scooping him up you proceed to open a bay window door and rest him down in the garden outside. You hear nothing from the room, no quick breathing, panting, wheezing, nothing. You turn to face your host and her eyes are tearing up, a small spark of a tear rolls down her cheek, and slowly accumulates into a steady stream.

“T-thank you.” Barely over a whisper, the shivering mare rests on the couch exhausted from the ordeal. “That piece is beautiful, very powerful too, where did you learn it?” Her voice louder this time, but still barely audible. She wipes some tears from her face before looking at you, with grateful eyes.

“My mother.” You replied. You trot over to the couch she is resting on and sit next to her. An awkward moment of silence passes before Octavia decides to break it.

“Ah, well. I think I should thank you properly then.” Her cheeks light up red, as she slides closer to you and plants a light kiss on your right cheek.

Your cheeks burn bright red. As well you fidgeted with your hooves like a young kid getting praise.

“W-w-w-well it wasn't a big deal.” Your voice is trembling and you can feel your cheeks growing brighter still.

“I'm terrified of spiders, I guess arachnophobia is what everypony calls it nowadays.” She turns her head away to break eye contact.

You sit there looking at her mesmerized by her beautiful eyes. She's perfectly fit, and her muscle tone accents her curves, her body slender, and her coat beautifully brushed.

She turns her look over to you, and you quickly turn your head in the opposite direction hoping she didn't catch you staring.

“Like what you see?” She teases while giggling.

“I-I don't know what you're talking about.” You reply weakly.

“I saw you staring, it wasn't hard, peripheral vision and all...”

You nervously laugh.

“So... Why did you call me here? I know it wasn't for a lesson... And this is definitely not a date.”

Her eyes grew wide with surprise.

“You thought this was a date? Oh my, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to lead you on.” She says meaningfully.

“It's fine, really. Not what I was expecting, but this is awesome nonetheless.” You rub your hoof along the leathery surface of the couch.

“I suppose it has been fun in a different way.” She does the same as you and rubs her hoof along the couch.

Not even a moment passes and your hooves meet by accident, you both look up at each other and blush maddeningly. Your eyes lock on hers, watching... Waiting... For something to happen. Your heart is pounding a mile a second, the air becomes humid with each others breath, you find it hard to breathe, she doesn't move. The moment passes when you let go and look away, blushing hard.

“I-I-I'm sorry, I didn't m-mean to stare.” You fumble your words and fiddle with your hooves, your heart still beating quickly.

“I-It's fine r-really, I'm sorry as well.” Octavia looks away blushing as hard as you are, smiling like a loon.

'She's smiling? She must have enjoyed it, maybe she feels the same way I do after all! Now to ask her out. Wait. What if she doesn't and she's just smiling nervously from that awkward situation? But then again, she invited me here... Not like I have much to lose... Okay here I go!'

“W-would you like to maybe... grab a bite to eat?” Octavia mumbled.

Silence rolled in, nothing moved. A cricket is heard outside the window, you sit there mouth agape.

“Are you okay? Maybe I shouldn't have said anything, I'm sorry, please just forget what I sai-”

“Yeah, that sounds great!” You blurted out. Your face is covered ear-to-ear in the biggest smile you've ever had.

Her face lit up with sophisticated joy, a smile filled her face to the brim. She looked towards you and locked her eyes to yours to try and scope out any falseness to them.

“Well then, how about tomorrow night, meet me here for seven o'clock, and we'll grab a bite to eat, okay?”

You nod your head at a loss of words and lift yourself off the couch. You look up at the clock located above the table at the far end of the room and notice it's half-past six.

“I'm sorry but I really must be going, I have things to take care of at home.” You let out a small sigh and yawn.

“Time really does fly.” She lightly giggles.

You walk to the front door, bow to Octavia and leave for home, outside the gate you whistle down a carriage to head home. Exhausted by today's events.

The carriage arrives home ten minutes later, you pay the driver and hop off. You unlock the front door to your shop, it's pitch black inside. You make your way through the shop after locking up once again, although you can hardly see, your memory of the shop helps guide you. You get to the back and open the door to your apartment upstairs.

“Who's there?” You hear from the kitchen.

“It's just me, the shopkeeper.” You grunt. Not to be rude, but exhaustion is taking it's toll.

“What were you doing that took you so long?”

You drag yourself into the living room and plop down on the couch facing the blank T.V. Not moving a muscle.

“I was... Out with a friend.” You seem to recall hearing about the current head of the Amareti family being jealous of the Philharmonica's title. So you opted to not tell her who you were with.

“You don't need to lie to me just because of our family history. I know you were with Octavia Philharmonica.” She smirked.

“Uh-I. You're right, I shouldn't have lied.” You say in defeat. “So what were you doing while I was gone?” You ask.

“Explore, not much to see, so I practiced my cello. It's so much fun practicing without people around forcing you to, and yelling if you mess up.”

“True, tru- OH NEIGH!” You scream, frightening the young filly. “I forgot my cello at Octavia's! I'll have to pick it up tomorrow night, I was hoping to play with you... Ergh.” You grunt.

“It's okay, wanna hear me practice?”

“Sure, I'd love to”

She trots over to the practice cello you gave her earlier. Small enough for her, and sounds relatively good. She picks up the small bow and gives it a practice run against the strings. You scrunch your nose at the sound of the instrument.

“It's a little out-of-tune. Need me to tune it?” You inquire.

“No, I got it.” She responds.

She begins to fiddle with the instrument by turning the tuning pegs, she refuses to use the tuner saying she can do it without. Rolling your eyes you comply with her wish and let her be. A minute passes and she finally gets the instrument to sound correct. She takes in a deep breath, lets it out, and points to the CD player, which has a CD she wants you to play. You close the music player and the song begins. (Start song)

She follows the lead, the song starts sad, with a hint of anger in the stringed instruments in the background, and the piano picks up shortly after a pause. You can see the passion for playing in the young filly's eyes; she plays the cello like a professional, not quite a master, but extremely well.

You start to feel a tickling sensation in your stomach from the power of the piece. The power of music starts to fill the room, nothing but the music can be heard, not a single thing stirred except for the cello in the room. Despite it being a practice cello, the quality of the instrument is still good enough to support a beautiful, if not regularly played piece.

You lie back on the couch, put your head against the couch and listen intently with eyes closed. You tap your hoof to the beat on the hardwood flooring that encompasses your living room. Our of nowhere, you start to smell strawberries. You smile, and feel proud for Veronica, knowing that it is the power of her playing that is bringing the aroma. The couch got immensely more comfortable. Finally, she is finished (stop song); the song came to a slow stop. The young filly stood there panting, the power of the music took its toll on her. She is exhausted and collapses to the ground. You rush over to see if she's okay.

“I did it... I finally finished that piece.” She tried to say in excitement but her voice is coarse and low from being tired. Her eyes begin to close, she can barely keep them open any longer, and she closes them into a deep sleep.

“Shh, shhh. Let's get you to bed Veronica, you played amazingly well. But it's time for bed now.” You whisper.

You put Veronica to bed in the guest bed room and tuck her in. After making one last check around the empty room, you turn off the light, close the door, and head to bed.

“Tomorrow, tomorrow will be... Exciting.”