• Published 14th Aug 2012
  • 3,017 Views, 68 Comments

The Master Cellist - Veridian Phantom

You work in a small music shop is Manehattan, when one day a curious black-maned gray mare walks in.

  • ...

The Park and Then a Date

The room slowly comes into view, the morning light cursing your eyes with blindness momentarily. The bed, snug and warm keeps you from wanting to get up, but knowing you have engagements to meet today, you force yourself up. The bed creaks a little from the shifted weight, you stretch your back and extend your hooves into the air for a good stretch, yawning the whole time. You groggily moan and wipe your eyes of the crust around them. With a last rub you glance over at the clock and note that it's almost noon. Fully rested and nothing to do, you get up and make for the kitchen, keeping in mind your guest who may also be up.

You arrive in the kitchen and hear clanging of pots and pans moving around the kitchen. Walking inside you look around and the entire place is a mess, total disaster is written all over the room. Egg shells are all over the counters, yolks dripping down the drawers, pancakes are on the ceiling and you’re pretty sure something’s burnt. At the helm of the mess stands a very worried and very happy little filly. Veronica.

“I didn’t hear of a tornado coming through my kitchen this morning on the news,” you jokingly said.

“Morning! I felt like making something for breakfast, but clearly it didn’t work…” She looked down and pouted.

You sighed to yourself and walked over to Veronica still looking depressed she couldn’t help. You place a hoof under her chin and lift her head up to yours.

“Thanks for trying; it’s the thought that counts after all.” You quickly look around to capture what needs to be done. “I’d say it’s time we clean up and then get a real breakfast. Don’t you?”

Veronica looks to you with a smile forming on her face, and quickly nods her head.

It takes you an hour to clean up the mess and scrape the pancakes off the ceiling, a grumbling noise can be heard from two stomachs within the kitchen. Smiling, you begin to set up some bowls, spoons, and you take out a box of Fruit Loops. You pour the cereal in careful not to overfill it and hand it to Veronica with a spoon.

“This is what you eat for breakfast?” She questions.

“Normally, I don't... really... know how to cook.” You smile awkwardly, looking around suspiciously.

Breakfast goes by in silence, the awkwardness of the moment making it harder to concentrate on the events of tonight. After breakfast you cleaned up the dishes, being a gentlepony and cleaning hers up too. Dumping the dishes in you fill the sink with water and a little soap to let it soak and absorb, slowly eating away at the dirty dishes. Grabbing a cloth you wet it down, ring it out, and wipe down the table.

“Hey Veronica, what say we go to the park?” You say excitedly.

“Sure!” She says with a big smile.

“Alright then, how about you go wash up, I’ll wait down here and then we can go.” You gestured.

Veronica turned tail and ran to the bathroom to clean up, a few moments later you hear the shower turn on.

You begin to pace idly around your living room, waiting on the little filly. The date later tonight with Octavia starts to seep into your mind slowly, worrying you about the little things. ‘Hmm, I haven’t really thought of how tonight would go. What should I wear? Will I have proper manners? What if I slip up and say something stupid? Am I even prepared for this? I haven’t even been on a date yet!’ Your heart increases its pace dramatically and you start to feel panicked. A bead of sweat rolls down your face and stings into your eye, your breathing becomes erratic.

Off in the distance behind the bathroom door, you can hear a slight humming. Your ears perk up and your thoughts take a lighter tone as you think of how your mother used to hum to you a piece similar to what Veronica is humming. You feel a calm wash over you, your thoughts mellowing out. ‘But on the other hand, what happens if the date goes well? What’s to say it’ll go wrong? If destiny meant for us to be together then nothing would go wrong, right? I’m sure everything will go smoothly!’

The shower shuts off, and the water ceases to flow. You hear a light stepping from inside the bathroom, your pace deadens and you look over to the slowly opening door. Veronica steps out and slowly walks to the entrance of the apartment.

“What’s with you?” Veronica raises an eyebrow, looking at you curiously.

“N-nothing, ready to go?” You re-direct the attention to her.


The both of you arrive at the park within 15 minutes, not a long walk fortunately. Veronica’s face widened with surprise and excitement, she has never been to the park before. Like a bat-out-of-hell she ran straight for the play structure, she climbed the monkey bars and slid down the loopy slide. You sat back on the bench and observed the young filly having the time of her life, soon enough she waved you over and hopped on the swing. You walked behind her and started giving her a light push.

“Weeehehehehaha... Wheee,” Veronica is laughing and smiling and having a jolly ‘ole time.

You idly start pushing her, time passing quickly by. It is time to head home to clean up for your big date, Veronica is displeased, but she knew that you’d have to head out for your date at eight.

“What do you plan to wear?” Veronica asks as you and her slowly walk back to your apartment. You're caught off guard as you haven't really gotten that far in your planning.

“I haven't really thought about it. I mean, I’m not sure what to wear on a date, or even if I have something date worthy,” you reply cautiously.

She looks at you carefully, “if you like I could help you choose what to wear?”

“That would be most helpful!”

You and Veronica head back to your apartment early enough so that she can help you pick something out. After she has gone through your closet at least twice, and had you try on several outfits and none she found date worthy, Veronica finally settled on a layered look for you, consisting of a tee-shirt, a black leather jacket, and your two favourite necklaces you never take off showing proudly.

“Do you think I look okay?” You ask again for what seems to be the twentieth time.

“You look amazing,” Veronica replies, “but there’s something missing.”

“What might that be?” you ask all confused. You get even more confused as she prances out of the room and disappears for a while. When Veronica finally comes back, she’s carrying a bouquet of tiger lilies.

“Tiger lilies?” you ask curiously.

“I know that she never mentioned it but she seems like the kind of mare that would appreciate tiger lilies more than conventional roses. So I picked these up for you to give her.”

You are quite surprised at this, “Umm, thanks,” you reply. Next thing you know its 8 and you have to leave for your date. After looking one more time in the mirror, you head out the door.

You’re nervous and excited at the same time, after all, it is your first date. Should I kiss her or not? you ask yourself over and over again. After what seems like ages, you finally arrive at her mansion and knock on the door. The door opens and you step inside. You can’t believe your eyes. Octavia is slowly coming down the stairs in what has to be the most beautiful dress you have ever seen on her. It's a simple design you notice, a plain white dress but still looks elegant, to which she paired a beaded blue necklace and topaz teardrop earrings. Your breath catches in your throat forgetting to breathe momentarily.

“Hello,” she says.

“Hi,” you say back. Did I seriously just say that? Okay, I definitely need a better conversation here, or else this is going to go bad and fast!

“Octavia, I must say, what you’re wearing, it looks...amazingly beautiful on you.”

“I’m glad you like it, it took me so long to decide what to wear. Shall we head out now?”

“Yes, let’s.” As you walk out the door after her, your heart begins to beat really fast, and it won't slow down. When you walk beside her, you feel her hoof slip onto your hoof. Smiling you look at her looking at you with a look that you have never seen before and are not sure what to make of it. You quickly put it out of your mind, however, and are surprised when the taxi-carriage showed up early.

“You actually got us a taxi-carriage?” she asks excitedly.

“Well you didn't think that I would have us walk to the restaurant now did you?”

“Not really, but at the same time, I didn’t think that you would do that for me.”

“Octavia, I’d do anything for you,” you tell her in a soft soothing voice. She smiles back and you get in the taxi-carriage. You whisper something to the driver and the driver starts moving the carriage. You lean back and smile as Octavia leans her head against your shoulder. Smiling you put your fore leg around her and hold her, and chuckle as you realize that she has fallen asleep.

You let her sleep on your shoulder until the carriage stops at your destination. Gently you wake her up.

“We’re here,” you tell her as she opens her eyes. Octavia looks around in wonder.

“Where are we?”

“Look around,” you tell her. As she looks around her eyes grow wide. The “restaurant” is actually a picnic in the park, with a candlelight dinner and the soft sound of a waterfall that can be heard in the distance. Under a tall oak tree overlooking the small hill lies a red and white checkered blanket with a wicker basket on top.

“It’s perfect!” Octavia tells you as she gets out of the taxi-carriage. Smiling, you step out of the carriage and follow her to the picnic area where you had cooked up a nice dinner, consisting of fried chicken, a tossed salad, and a decadent chocolate cake for dessert. You and Octavia eat peacefully in silence and are surprised when she mentions her mother.

“You never mentioned that your mother made chocolate cake,” you tell her.

“I don’t mention my parents often, I was 6 when they died in a shooting.” You notice that she gets a sad look in her eyes as she continues from the beginning. (this story is of her past).

She... Knows my father? You notice she turns away. You gently grab her head and run your hoof gently over her cheek. “It’s okay that you miss them.” You gently wrap your arms around her as she snuggles into your chest, resting her head against your shoulder. I'll tell her some other day, today will be just about her. You think to yourself.

“I ruined tonight didn’t I?” she asks

You turn her head so that she’s looking right into your eyes, “you could never ruin tonight,” you tell her “it still is the way I wanted it to be, which is right by you.”

Octavia smiles at you and gets a playful look in her eyes. Laughing she runs her hoof through the icing of the chocolate cake and smears it all over your face then eats the part of the cake without icing.


“Oh if you're that mad come and get me then!” she taunts as she runs around as you chase her with icing still on your face. Realizing that you can’t catch her, you go to the river and wash the icing off your face. Leaning a little too far in, you end up falling in the river, thrashing about the weight of the clothing starts dragging you down and sinking you to the bottom of the river. Your mind starts racing Now what will Octavia think? Her parents are dead and now I’ll be dead too all because I can't swim! A bright light can be seen in front of your eyes, a life of trouble flashing before you. Your head starting to pound. As your lungs begin to ache as well, something grabs your hooves and pulls you quickly up to the surface. Octavia begins to panic and starts pressing on your chest hard hoping you wake up.

"Come on, wake up! Come on!" Frantically pressing on your chest harder and harder until you spew out some water, gasping for air.

“Aaaaahhhh!” You open your eyes and see Octavia holding you on the bank of the river watching you closely.

“Are you alright?” she worriedly asks you, as she tows you to the river bank. You feel much better now that your hooves are set firmly on the ground and not in the water.

“I am now,” you tell her shakely, “I just can’t swim that’s all. I fell in trying to get the icing off my face.”

“You could have just used a napkin,” she tells you.

“Oh yeah, I forgot I brought those. I either forget to bring them, or forget that I brought them.”

“It’s okay, I’m just glad that you're safe.” She quickly kisses you on the cheek. Smiling you look her in the eyes.

“What was that for?” you ask her.

“Well I felt like it,” she replies.

“Octavia, will you do me the honor of becoming my marefriend?” Redness envelopes your cheeks.

“It would be my pleasure,” she replies as she kisses you fondly on the cheek

Smiling, you decide its time to head home. Octavia and you talk all the way to her mansion.

“Well, goodnight Octavia.”

“Goodnight, and I really enjoyed tonight.”

“Me too, even if I did end up a little wet, I hope your dress isn’t ruined.”

“This thing? It takes more than water to ruin this dress. Now you have to open the shop early tomorrow so you best be getting to bed don't you think?

“I guess you’re right, night.”

Octavia closes the door and you head back to your apartment above your shop, glad that the night turned out to be a success. Veronica was already fast asleep, smiling you too head for bed and fall asleep.