• Published 14th Sep 2019
  • 1,513 Views, 26 Comments

Hey, Where's Flurry? - AntiBronyBenSwolo

Princess Flurry Heart seemingly disappears from the Crystal Empire to attend to a deep secret of hers.

  • ...

Do be do be doo ba do be do be doo ba

The sun shone brightly over the Crystal Empire, glistening brighter than the surrounding snow. It's citizen all prancing about by their daily lives under the rule and protection of Princess Cadence, along with Shining Armor. The two royals woke out of bed and prepared themselves for the day, as they ate breakfast with one another. The two heard a knock on the dining room door.

"I'll get it," Shining Armor groggily said, as he levitated the door open.

"Greetings, your highnesses," Sunburst said, as Cadence rubbed her temples.

"Not so loud. It's 6:30 in the morning. It's too early for this," Cadence explained, rubbing her head some more.

"Sorry, your highness. I just decided to get here early to help take care of Flurry," Sunburst explained, as Shining Armor took a sip of his coffee, all the while preparing Sunburst a cup.

"By all means, go right ahead," Shining Armor said, as Sunburst headed down the corridors to Flurry's bedroom. He opened the door quietly, as to not startle the baby, but as he examined the room, he found the baby was nowhere to be found. Tension started to rise in Sunburst as a guard walked past the caped stallion.

"Hey, Where's Flurry?" Sunburst asked the guard, as the guard shrugged to examine the empty room with him.

Flurry crawled around the castle seemingly aimlessly, looking around and around, until she realized there was no one around. With this opportunity, Flurry Heart dropped the aimless facade got up on her hind legs, placed her secret fedora on her head, and raced toward a wall, emitting a secret control panel. Flurry punched the secret code in, and out popped a secret door. Flurry rolled herself in, as the elevator took her to a large white room with tons of gadgets, gizmos, doodads, and a large computer in the center. Flurry raced to the chair, where she clicked a button on the computer, springing the large device to life, and displaying a live video to Flurry; a message from Discord.

"Good Morning, Agent F. We have received unconfirmed reports that Cozy Glow has escaped Tartarus, and is plotting her revenge on not just the Elements of Harmony, but the Students as well. Unfortunately, we don't know what exactly her plan is, but you know what to do regardless. Good luck Agent F," Discord explained, as Flurry saluted and headed over to a suped-up trike with rockets on the side of the wheels. As she left her secret lair, leaving Discord's live video playing, Discord pondered to himself.

"Why does this entire fanfic sound so familiar?" Discord asked, getting a sense of sudden deja vu.

As her rocket trike flew over Ponyville, Flurry noted that she could potentially be seen, though it wasn't a problem, as she pressed a button on the handle of her trike, rendering her trike, as well as herself, invisible. While she flew over the town on her mission, she passed by her Aunt Twilight Sparkle, as she was...what was she doing?

"Hey, Twilight. Whatcha doin?" Fluttershy asked in a sing-song tone as she trotted to Twilight happily.

"Spike and I are gonna build a roller coaster," Twilight proclaimed as Fluttershy paused herself.

"Might I ask...why?" Fluttershy asked, causing Twilight to realize how random this all seemed.

"I...dunno really," Twilight shrugged as she continued working on the roller coaster with Spike, as Fluttershy joined in with the two on the large contraption.

Flurry looked down bellow at this strange phenomenon and quietly questioned her aunt's actions in her head. Twilight would act crazy sometimes, but not this crazy...right? As she flew over, she got the thought out of her head, as Flurry was nearing her destination.

Cozy Glow's Treehouse of Evil

The treehouse seemed like a small wooden structure on a simple oak tree, with a misspelled sign, and a rather large balcony, but as Flurry landed inside, the building appeared to be bigger on the inside, kinda like a time machine. But, considering she went through this building multiple times, she paid no mind to it anymore. All the while, a familiar voice called out from the shadows. Flurry prepared herself for an incoming attack.

"Ah, Princess Flurry Heart. How pleasant of you to join me as I plot my revenge. But first..." Cozy Glow said as she pulled a nearby lever, dropping a wooden cage with branches for bars directly next to Baby Flurry. Flurry got out of her defensive stance and examined the cage closely.

"A ba goo?" Flurry babbled, as the cage slowly ascended.

"Sorry, sorry about that. You were supposed to be inside it. Now if you could move over to your left for me?" Cozy Glow muttered, flustered with embarrassment as Flurry decided to go underneath the cage, falling directly onto her.

"Right, there you go," Cozy Glow said, as Flurry grabbed hold of the wooden branches, peering out at Cozy Glow from behind them.

"Now Princess Flurry Heart, you may be wondering what I'm planning on doing this time," Cozy Glow said, as Flurry glared back with a look that seemed more like an annoyance, rather than unbridled rage.

"Well, since I broke out of Tartarus, I have concocted the best device to get myself even with the Student Six, and take over the Tri-State Ponyville! Wait...Ponyville isn't Tri-State, is it?" Cozy Glow asked as Flurry shook her head.

"No matter. Behold, my Revenge-inator! It fired a deadly beam of energy on its target! What do you think?" Cozy Glow asked as Flurry looked at the device longer. It had a large circular body with a satellite emitter, and a seat on the back with controls sandwiched in between the seat and the device itself. It stood on a set of wheeled legs similar to that of an office chair.

"Boo ga da da ga ma," Flurry said, as Cozy gasped in offense at the baby's remarks.

"How dare you!? It's not 'just a ray gun', it's a Revenge-inator! I'll show you. I'll show you all!" Cozy Glow proclaimed as she hopped into the device and rolled it outside to the Balcony, where she prepared to fire the ray. Cozy Glow let out an insane laugh as she fired a beam of green energy.

"So, how was your day today?" A stallion asked his loving wife as she giggled to herself. Suddenly, the beam of energy hit the stallion, transforming him into a slender green creature with four little legs and an explosive personality.

"Creeper!!!" She proclaimed as she ran from her husband-turned-monster. Cozy Glow looked on through her telescope to see the results.

"Aw man. It wasn't supposed to do that," Cozy Glow commented, as she and Flurry turned back to the ray.

"No matter, I shall use my Revenge-inator on Twilight Sparkle next! She'll surely get a blast outa this baby. HA! See what I did there?" Cozy Glow said as Flurry Heart gasped. She didn't want her aunt to get hurt. Or worse. As quick as a flash, Flurry got her hat off and pulled out a toy ax. It was just a toy and not a super fancy gadget, but hopefully, it'll get the job done. As hard as she can, she swung the ax at the branches, knocking them down, and breaking her free out of the cell. Now to deal with Cozy Glow.

"Just gotta aim it at Twilight's castle and...is that a Roller Coaster?" Cozy Glow said to herself, as she suddenly felt a sharp pain at the back of her head, that only a karate-style kick from Flurry Heart could deliver.

"Hey, that's not fair!" Cozy Glow called out, as Flurry got into her defensive stance again. Flurry did not bat an eye, however, and prepared to take down the giant machine.

"Oh no. You're not taking down my Revenge-inator on my watch," Cozy Glow said, getting into a karate stance of her own. The two lunged out at one another and prepared to...flair their front legs at one another while keeping their heads clear. As Flurry flailed around like an idiot, she spotted a big red button labeled "Don't press me!" and knew what to do. Flurry pushed Cozy Glow back with a gust of wind from her wings and glided over to the location of the button. Cozy gasped in horror as to stop her.

"Stop! No! Don't press the Self-Destruct!" Cozy called out, but Flurry pressed it anyways. The Revenge-inator started guttering and spewing smoke from inside it, and Flurry Heart ran back to her rocket trike and flew off once again. Cozy Glow prepared for an explosion, only for the device to fall apart like sand.

"Oh. Not quite what I expected. Oh well. CURSE YOU PRINCESS FLURRY HEART!" Cozy Glow shouted out at the distance as Flurry continued on through her rocket trike.

As she returned home, to the castle of the Crystal Empire, Flurry hid her fedora of tricks, and returned to her innocent aimless facade, as she continued touring the Castle, until she was spotted.

"Oh, there you are, Flurry," Sunburst said, as Cadence and Shining Armor were not far behind.

"Oh, how's my little baby?" Cadence babbled as Flurry embraced a hug from her mother.

"Mama! Dada!" Flurry said as she hugged her mother back.

"Well, you must have had quite the adventure," Shining Armor said, as Flurry Heart giggled. For they had no idea how much that was true.

Comments ( 26 )

A baby alicorn?
*Puts on Fedora*
Flurry Heart the Baby Alicorn?!

Comment posted by Lemon Lime Light deleted Sep 14th, 2019

Hello Phineas and Ferb. Oh, there you are Perry.


Hehe. Phineas and Ferb, so awesome. :rainbowkiss:

Theres 104 days of Summer vacation and school comes along just to end it.
So the annual problem for our generation is finding a good way to spend it.

There are two things which bother me:
One, "Cozy Glows's Treehouse of Evil" just doesn't have the right rhythm for the jingle. I think just having "Cozy Glow's Evil Treehouse" would though.
Two, the REVENGE-inator didn't destroy the rollercoaster, destroying the evidence before certain ponies saw it. Although, I suppose that doesn't matter as much, since Twilight is a princess, and an adult, so I don't think anyone is going to get upset so long as she is within regulation and has all her permits (which she totally would).

Nitpicking things, I know. I did enjoy the absurd and humorous thing over all.

Well, why don't we ask Waldo or CarmenSandiego Oo? They probably know.

Sure. But where are they?

Why not ask their son? The invisible man.

"Ah, Princess Flurry Heart. How pleasant of you to join me as I plot my revenge. But first..."

Honestly, I half-expected "...my revenge. And by 'pleasant' I mean... COMPLETELY UNPLEASANT!"

This is exceedingly well-written! I wonder who's the Candice of the lot.

Aw man, that was such a missed opportunity!

I wonder who's the Candice of the lot.

I dunno, really. I was thinking maybe Starlight.

that is a very insensitive comment, also nonsensical...i am autistic and i do not wear a fedora or any other hat...

I agree with you wholeheartedly.

To Flurry Heart, it was Tuesday.

<LoL!> This is one of the most playful stories I've had the pleasure of reading in a long time! So many fun references to shows and video games. I truly hope you enjoyed writing this as much as, I'm sure, people have enjoyed reading it.

The mental visuals were astounding! Seeing cozy against Flurry was also so fitting. It, to me, could be its own sort of spin-off. Their battle was certainly a delightfully playful one as Cozy really doesn't come of as much menacing as she'd like to while Flurry having the "Agent P" identity would work in thinking of how she 'is' the first Baby Alicorn to be born. Maybe this fact has more to it than we have been left to understand?

Twilight and Spike playing Finneas and Pherb was nice, too. It was a good scene to establish the cross-over.

*Applause* wonderful!

I see you frequent 4chan.

Stop that.

Okay, I saw the Cozy Glow tag and was worried that it was going to be dark, but this was hilarious.

That's gotta be a yikes from me. And a bad call as well.

She's a semi-mature alicorn mammal of action.
She's a furry little flathoof who'll never flinch from a fra-ee-ay-ee-ay.
She's got more than just mad skill,
She's got feathered wings and a horn.
And the stallions swoon whenever they hear her say...


What, no "how completely unexpected, by which I mean COMPLETELY EXPECTED" ? :trollestia:


What, no "how completely unexpected, by which I mean COMPLETELY EXPECTED" ? :trollestia:

I said this before in a previous comment, I admit that's a missed opportunity :P

Let's go even further:
Female Singers: Flurry!
Male Singer: She's a magical equine, alicorn pony of action!
Male Singer: She's a furry little filly, who'll never flinch from a fray-ee-ay-ee-ay!
She's got more than just mad skill,
She's got pegasus wings and a horn,
And the stallions swoon whenever they hear her say:
(pause; Flurry whinnies and stallions swoon)
Male Singer: She's Flurry, Flurry the Alicorn!
Female Singers: Agent F!

Honestly from the picture and chapter title I thought Flurry Heart would be Equestria's Scatman John, the Scatmare XD.

Cozy Glow's Treehouse of Evil


warning multiverse unstable
That aint good

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