• Published 26th Oct 2019
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 10 - twilightsparkle3562

Welcome to Season 10 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic!

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Episode 11: "The Last Magic Act"

Author's Note:

Episode Summary: When Trixie's touring gets in the way of her duties as a school counselor, she must make a decision whether or not to give up touring.


Kathleen Barr as Trixie

Kelly Sheridan as Starlight Glimmer

Ian Hanlin as Sunburst

Alex Zahara as Jack Pot

Tara Strong as Princess Twilight Sparkle

Ashleigh Ball as Applejack/Rainbow Dash

Andrea Libman as Pinkie Pie/Fluttershy

Tabitha St. Germain as Rarity/Luna

Cathy Wesluck as Spike

Nicole Oliver as Celestia

Lauren Jackson as Silverstream

Devyn Dalton as Ocellus

Gavin Langelo as Gallus/Icarus

Britt Irvin as Luster Dawn

Brad Swalie as Cherry Tomato

"My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 10, Episode 11"

"The Last Magic Act"

By Jeff Snyder (TwilightSparkle3562)

Edited by SuperPinkBrony12

The Great and Powerful Trixie had always considered herself as a well-balanced pony. Since becoming a guidance counselor she was always more than willing to go out of her way for the students at the School of Friendship at her own expense, while also balancing her time as a travelling magician. But one fateful night, at a magic show in Manehattan, her well-balanced nature was about to fall apart. "And now, for the grand finale of the latest of the Great and Powerful Trixie's magic show," She announced to the crowd of onlookers in a large theater. "I give you the one…the only…Moonshot Manticore Mouthdive!"

Dropping a large curtain behind her, Trixie revealed a large manticore locked in a cage and shackled! "But this isn't just any manticore," Trixie continued, removing her hat and exchanging it for a helmet. "This is a Manticore whose mouth also consumed the Great and Powerful Trixie's own father, who also lived to tell the tale!"

A series of loud gasps came from the audience, including from Celestia, Luna and Twilight, who were sitting up in a balcony!

Taking note of the princesses from up in the balcony, Trixie jumped into a cannon placed in the middle of the theater. "Light the fuse!" Trixie cried out as the fuse was magically lit and the crowd hushed in anticipation of what was to come. Pushing herself into the cannon, Trixie was launched towards the manticore's mouth as the large beast opened its mouth, seemingly consuming her!

Suddenly, a puff of smoke came out from a large box and out stepped Trixie, seemingly unharmed. "Behold…the Great and Powerful Trixie!" She said to the roar of the gathered crowd.

Late, when the show was over, Trixie sat in her dressing room, taking a drink of water and settling her mind down from the night's event. But she wasn't to be alone for very long.

"They loved it, Trixie!" Starlight Glimmer declared, as she walked into Trixie's room while removing a bowtie she'd been wearing around her neck as part of her assistant's attire. "Glad you allowed me to help you with your show tonight, I wasn't sure we'd make it work with our schedules. Anyway, I wanted to tell you that Twilight and the royal sisters are going to stop by in a bit. They seemed very interested in your performance tonight."

"That's nice, Starlight," Trixie yawned while turning around to face her best friend. "I mean, now that Celestia and Luna are retired, it's nice that they're taking a keen interest in my magic shows. I guess Twilight and Cadence put in a good word for me."

But Starlight couldn't help but notice her best friend looking very exhausted in the mirror. There were noticeable bags under the magician's eyes.

"Um, Trixie, if you don't mind my asking," Starlight hesitantly inquired. "When was the last time you had a good night's sleep?"

"What exactly are you talking about?" Trixie yawned again, turning around to face Starlight. "The Great and Powerful Trixie always gets a good night's sleep to not only do her magic shows, but also her counseling duties."

"Uh-huh," Starlight replied in an unconvincing tone. "As your friend, I can't help but wonder if you are…more tired than normal. I'm only saying, why not just cut down on doing magic shows for a while?" Starlight suggested, causing Trixie to snarl quietly. "Come on, Trixie, it will do you some good. Besides, you still need more time adjusting to your guidance counselor role. It's still a work in progress."

"The Great and Powerful Trixie can't afford to cancel her remaining shows," Trixie countered taking a drink of water. "I still have shows in Las Pegasus and Baltimare, you know. They are very important and I can't disappoint my fans," At that moment, Trixie picked up a picture of herself and a male unicorn in her likeness. "Besides, I still need to make plans to visit my dad in Las Pegasus," she sighed. "It's been…a while since we last saw each other."

As she looked at the picture, Trixie felt her eyes close as she fell forward and fell asleep on at her mirror just as Twilight, Celestia and Luna entered the room. The three alicorns stopped in their tracks upon seeing the sleeping magician.

"Um," Twilight stammered, looking over to Starlight. "Should we…come back later?"

Starlight wasn't sure how to respond. But she had every reason to believe that her best friend was not putting the right balance in her life. The question now was how to make a pony like Trixie see that?

The next morning, Starlight was in Twilight's throne room pacing back and forth while waiting for Trixie to come. In her mind, she knew she needed to confront Trixie about the magician's lack of sleep.

"Hi there, Starlight," Trixie greeted in blissful unawareness as she entered the throne room. "Spike said you wanted to see me this morning. What's this about?"

"It's about last night, Trixie," Starlight declared. "You looked very tired and fell asleep at your mirror."

Sensing that she was about to get the same lecture, Trixie backed away. "Why must you bring that up again?" She asked. "It's like I said, the Great and Powerful Trixie has a good balance."

"Oh, really?" Starlight questioned, sitting down in Twilight's throne. "As your best friend, I'm concerned for you, Trixie. You want to continue your shows while at the same time adjusting to your new role as guidance counselor at the school. I think you need to take a break from touring, just until things are in order."

"Thank you, no," Trixie replied, walking over to Starlight. "Do you even realize that the Great and Powerful Trixie relies on her magic shows to make a living?"

"Isn't that what being a guidance counselor is?" Starlight advised. "You can still do your shows, but I think now you might want to…"

"Might want to what?" Trixie asked, raising an eyebrow. "Retire like Celestia and Luna did? Trixie will not retire from doing what she loves!"

"Trixie, I'm not asking you to retire from doing magic shows," Starlight protested. "I just want you to…" But before Starlight could finish her sentence, Trixie teleported out of the throne room. Frustrated, Starlight let out a loud groan of frustration. "What is wrong with you, Trixie?" Starlight asked herself. "I'm only trying to help you…"

At that moment, the door opened and in stepped Luna, who immediately noticed the tension on Starlight's face. "Let me guess," she wondered as Starlight looked up at the tree chandelier that hung up from the throne. "Trixie gave you a hard time?"

"Luna, why can't Trixie see that she doesn't have a proper balance?" Starlight groaned. "This has been going on for some time since the school year began. I mean, you and Celestia are teachers and see Trixie frequently. Can't you two talk some sense into her?"

"But isn't Trixie your friend, Starlight?" Luna remarked as she sat in Applejack's throne.

"She is, but every time I try to be a good friend, she just pushes me away," Starlight groaned again. "Sure, her magic shows are important, but so is being involved in the lives of the students. If I can't talk sense into her, then who can?"

"What about her father?" Luna wondered. "Jack Pot, I believe his name was?"

At that, Starlight got an idea.

As the day went on, Trixie went about her counseling duties listening and trying to help students with whatever problems they had. But the exhausting work of being a travelling magician was getting to her greatly and she struggled to stay awake for some of the students.

"Um, Counselor Trixie?"Gallus spoke up, waving his claw in front of Trixie. "Hello? I still need to talk to you!" Then, taking a deep breath Gallus let out a loud roar, causing the entire office to shake!

That was enough to wake Trixie up from her sleep. "Huh? What? Who dares wake up Trixie?!" She cried as Gallus looked at her intently. "Oh uh, sorry um... Icarus…?"

"It's Gallus," The blue feathered griffon corrected. "Icarus is…not blue. In fact, he's having a hard time fitting in and I need you to help him."

"He'll do fine, Gallus," Trixie sighed. "I'm sure that right now he's already making friends. Now, go back to…" But then she fell asleep again.

Not wanting to waste all his energy trying to wake up Trixie, Gallus went back to class in disgust.

Late, in the school's library, Gallus sat next to a black feathered griffon as he struggled to do his homework.

"Well, what did she say, Gallus?" The griffon asked. "Will she be able to help me?"

"She will help you, Icarus," Gallus replied. "But I think Counselor Trixie needs to help herself first. I mean, falling asleep with students present? Come on! Is she gonna be like that every time I need her help?!"

"Gallus, I…I guess I'm not as quick…when it comes to making friends. I, I know you are my cousin, but was it hard for you too? Icarus asked.

"To make friends?" Gallus questioned, looking at his younger cousin. "Oh yeah, it was tough. But I've made progress, Icky and I'm sure you will too. What about that new pony?"

"Luster Dawn?" Icarus finished. "What about her?"

"I mean, she could always add another friend to her roster," Gallus suggested. "Look at that pony, Cherry Tomato. He's already made friends with her, so why not you too?"

At that moment, Icarus saw Luster Dawn and Cherry Tomato make their way into the library side by side. He wanted to introduce himself to them but wasn't quite sure how. "I want to do it properly, Gallus," Icarus remarked, his eyes still locked on them. "How can I introduce myself to them?"

That night, Trixie sat at the dining table once again almost falling asleep and causing a great deal of concern for Starlight.

"Look, Trixie," Starlight spoke up, looking over at her best friend once again. "Nopony is saying that being a travelling magician isn't important, but your mental health and well-being are important too. Do you even realize how many students have come up to me to complain about you falling asleep in front of them?"

"I wasn't falling asleep," Trixie spluttered, waking herself up. "Honestly, I wasn't!"

Starlight wasn't convinced. "Look, Trixie, it's clear to me that I'm not going to convince you to change your ways. So, I've taken it upon myself to reach out to somepony that can help you see sense." She said to her fellow unicorn.

"Who? Twilight?" Trixie questioned.

"Not Twilight," Starlight replied, producing a scroll for Trixie to read. After reading what was on the scroll, Trixie locked her tired eyes back onto Starlight. "I've reached out to somepony very important to you, Trixie…your own dad."

Trixie's eyes widened in shock at what her best friend had just done! "My dad?!" Trixie cried in shock! "Why would you do…how could you do that, Starlight?! I was going to see him in Las Pegasus!"

"You aren't going to see him in Las Pegasus," Starlight corrected, taking the scroll back from Trixie. "Because I'm bringing him here to Ponyville to visit you."

"He has been to Ponyville before," Trixie muttered in disgust. "And besides, he probably has a show to do and can't make it."

"He found time in his schedule and when I told him you were struggling to get sleep, he said that he will take the first train to Ponyville in the morning," Starlight informed Trixie. "So that's how it is."

Groaning, Trixie returned to eating her dinner, disgusted that Starlight would derail her plans.

Once dinner was over, Starlight went into the castle's study hoping that everything was going to work out for the best. "I'm hoping this works Twilight," She nervously remarked, as Twilight walked into the study and sat down at her desk. "If Trixie won't listen to me, she should listen to Jack Pot. He is her father, after all."

"Trixie can definitely be a little bit pigheaded sometimes, Starlight," Twilight remarked as she went about doing some paperwork. "Sometimes she wants nothing more than to fill that large ego of hers. I've met a few ponies and creatures that once had large egos, including one that is sitting right in front of me. Either way, I wouldn't worry about this for the rest of tonight, Starlight. Why not get some sleep and let things run their course?"

Taking Twilight up on her suggestion, Starlight reluctantly left the study and went to bed. But not before she turned back to Twilight and asked. "Are you sure that's the best advice? That I should leave it up to Jack Pot?"

"Yes," Twilight answered, her eyes now locked onto the assortment of paperwork in front of her. "Sometimes it's for the best for all of us, actually. Don't worry, Trixie will see the error of her ways once her dad arrives in Ponyville tomorrow."

Starlight reluctantly headed for bed after hearing that, hoping for the best to come out of the impending visit from Trixie's dad.

The next morning, the express from Las Pegasus neared Ponyville as Trixie's dad, Jack Pot, sat in one of the cars, reading the letter Starlight had sent to him. When the train stopped, he got off and onto the platform where Starlight and Sunburst were waiting.

"Jack Pot?" Starlight asked. And when she received a nod she added. "Thanks for coming on such short notice."

"Of course, Starlight," Jack Pot replied. "This concerns me just as much as it does you. My daughter's well being is of great importance."

"Long train ride?" Sunburst asked, picking up Jack Pot's luggage with his magic.

"Ah, I slept for part of the way," Jack Pot chuckled as they all left the train station. "The Great and Powerful Jack Pot always needs his power rest."

"Like father, like daughter." Sunburst chuckled back.

A little while later, the trio arrived at the Castle of Friendship and Jack Pot was led to the guest room.

"So, this is the Castle of Friendship?" Jack Pot asked. "Color me impressed," He turned to Starlight. "I trust that Princess Twilight is here already."

"No, she's actually in Canterlot doing her royal duties," Starlight replied. "But she still lives here on a part time basis. Now, Sunburst and I have to get back to the school. Please make yourself at home."

"Of course, and thank you," Jack Pot bowed. "Leave my daughter to me. We magicians have a way that no others can truly understand."

Once they were gone, Jack Pot set about making himself comfortable. As he unpacked his things, he noticed something out of the corner of his eye and trotted over to see a wagon parked right outside the castle. "Still living in that wagon, huh?" Jack Pot sighed, shaking his head from side to side. "Typical Trixie Lulamoon. I suppose some things never change."

Back at the school, Trixie continued to go about her duties as guidance counselor while also trying to hide her exhaustion.

"Um, Counselor Trixie?" Smolder asked, taking notice of the sleepy unicorn. "Are you feeling okay?"

"Counselor Trixie is all right, little dragon," Trixie sleepily muttered. "Now get to class, all of you."

Smolder could only float there with a look of both confusion and disgust on her face. She told the rest of her friends all about it later that same day.

"I'm telling you guys, Counselor Trixie looks as if she can't do her duties," Smolder explained to them in the library. Only Gallus didn't seem surprised. "I get that being a magician is important to her, but aren't we important too?"

"She was like this with Icarus yesterday," Gallus groaned. "He's having a hard time and needs help adjusting to being around other creatures. Sure, he's with Luster Dawn now, but…"

"How is Luster Dawn doing by the way?" Ocellus interrupted just as Luster and Cherry Tomato came walking in side by side with Icarus following behind. "Oh, never mind."

"At least Icarus is with them," Gallus remarked. "Still, that's no excuse for Counselor Trixie being so…so…"

"Sleepy?" Sandbar finished. "There has to be some way for Trixie to see what she is doing is not healthy."

Meanwhile, at the other table, Icarus, Cherry Tomato and Luster Dawn went about doing their schoolwork. "So, I uh, want to thank you both for welcoming me," Icarus hesitantly spoke to the ponies. "Sorry for being so, so…"

"…Shy?" Luster Dawn chuckled. "It's okay, I'm kind of like that too. I have a little bit of social anxiety and I will admit that it's a struggle sometimes. In fact, that's part of the reason why I wanted to wrap myself up in studying."

"Why?" Icarus wondered, trying to get to know Luster on his level. "What is it about having friends that's bothersome to you?"

It took a few moments for Luster to find an answer, but after a while she put together her response "I'm not sure," She confessed. "Maybe it's because part of me feels like I'm better off not socializing with anypony or anycreature. I guess it's just how I was born, that's all."

"Well, you're socializing with us now," Cherry Tomato pointed out. "Over time, I see you more than just that pony who dragged me to Canterlot Hospital so you could see Princess Twilight. Don't forget also that Princess Twilight was also kind of like you once upon a time."

When the school day, Trixie left the school and returned to the Castle of Friendship for the night. Just as she was looking forward to unwinding after a long day of counseling students, however, she saw her dad standing right in front of her.

"Well," Jack Pot greeted with a smile on his face. "Aren't you going to hug your father, Trixie? It's been so long since you last gave your old stallion one."

Producing a forced smile, Trixie walked over and embraced her father tightly. She had been looking forward to seeing him on the road, not at the castle.

"It works best that we're seeing each other now rather than later," Jack Pot remarked. "I actually could use the break from performing myself. Starlight was telling me about your performance the other night in Manehattan."

"Well, everypony there was enraptured by my performances, Dad!" Trixie boasted. "Trixie always looks forward to pleasing her many fans."

Following Trixie into the dining room, Jack Pot began to think of the words he wanted to say to Trixie in regards to a good work life balance. "Look, Trixie," He began as they sat down at the table. "Starlight was telling me about your new position at the school: Student Counselor I believe? Are you enjoying it?"

"Trixie is taking her time, but it's a bit of an adjustment: trying to performing my shows and counseling students. But hasn't Trixie always found her balance?" Trixie retorted with a wave of her hoof.

Producing a concerned look on his face, Jack Pot looked intently as his daughter spoke, almost as if she was not being honest with him. "Trixie," He remarked while taking a sip of water from a glass that had been placed on the table. "When Starlight told me you were falling asleep during your counseling duties, I knew that I needed to talk to you. You can't keep going on like this."

"Going on like what?" Trixie asked in a hissy tone of voice even though she knew the answer.

"Doing both a full time tour schedule and counseling students," Jack Pot answered, taking another sip of his water. "It's too much on your mind and it's too much on your bits."

"Since when do I spend all my bits strictly touring?! Trixie gets paid decently for her performances!" Trixie angrily remarked!

"You get paid enough, Trixie!" Jack Pot argued back. "All I'm saying is that you need to figure out which is more important and focus on it. Right now, you need to concentrate on getting used to being a guidance counselor and leave the magic shows for later."

"Dad, I've been given the same lecture from Starlight and my answer is no! I can't just say that Trixie will just give up performing, because that is how most ponies view Trixie," Trixie insisted! "Trixie has been a traveling magician far longer than she's been a student counselor! How can she disappoint her fans?"

Jack Pot's calm demeanor suddenly turned into concern. "They will understand, Trixie!" He said, pounding his hoof on the table. "I'm sure that some of your most loyal fans are probably in the same boat as you. They want to do something like perform magic shows, but they can't because they have other commitments that they have to focus on. As your father, I am telling you to cut back on the touring for your own good."

Meanwhile, from outside the dining room, Starlight, Sunburst and the royal sisters were listening in on the conversation.

"She should listen to him," Starlight whispered. "Why must Trixie be so stubborn?"

"I can only think of a few ponies." Luna muttered, looking over at Celestia.

Suddenly, Trixie noticed the whispers coming from behind the door and realizing that she was being spied on, turned to open the door only for Jack Pot to stop her.

"Don't pay attention to what is going on behind those doors," Jack Pot protested. "Try and focus on what is happening in front of you!"

"Let me guess?" Trixie remarked bitterly. "Starlight put you up to this?"

"Well, she did, but..." Jack Pot began.

"Ah ha, I should have known!" Trixie cried, using her magic to fling open the door and cause the four ponies listening on the other side to fall onto the floor. "How could you do this, Starlight?! Being in cahoots to get me to retire from performing?!"

"Trixie, we're not…" Starlight started to say only to be silenced by Trixie.

"Don't interrupt me!" Trixie hissed as she charged up her horn. "If I told you once, I told you a million times…TRIXIE WILL NEVER RETIRE FROM PERFORMING!" With a quick flash, Trixie disappeared leaving her father and her friends in shock and disbelief.

"Where'd she go?" Sunburst wondered.

"I can't believe how stubborn my daughter is," Jack Pot apologized, lowering his head in shame after Trixie's outburst. "I'm sorry for even coming here."

"No, don't apologize," Starlight protested, raising Jack Pot's head up to look at her. "If anything, Trixie seems to be in denial over her magic career needing to take a backseat to her counseling duties. We're not asking her to retire, only to cut back on the touring."

"Yeah, why can't she just see that?" Sunburst bitterly remarked. "All we're doing is showing that we care about Trixie and the quality her magic shows. Doing too much can take a lot out of you."

"Maybe we should give her time to calm down. She'll come back, but Trixie needs time to think." Celesita suggested

"I agree, sister," Luna added with a nod. "Perhaps Trixie needs to see things from a different perspective, from a perspective according to somepony who used to juggle so much even when it was impossible.."

At that moment, everypony turned to Celestia.

A little while later, Celestia walked over to Trixie's wagon and knocked on the door.

"GO A…WAY!" Trixe shouted in a loud voice that caused Celestia to back away. "TRIXIE DOESN'T WANT TO SEE ANYPONY WHO THINKS SHE SHOULD RETIRE!"

"Trixie," Celestia tried not to stammer while she cleared her throat. "It's me, Celestia. I…I know what you're going through right now."

"Sure you do, Celestia," Trixie called in a sarcastic voice. "Go away. I'll see you in the morning at school."

But Celestia wasn't going anywhere. There was a pony who was struggling and needed help. Even if she was no longer princess Celestia wasn't going to turn her back on such a pony. "Trixie," She pleaded. "You're overreacting to what we're all trying to help you with. We don't want you to retire, especially Luna and I, and especially not your father. If you could just let me in, we can talk about this."

At that moment the door opened and a tear stained Trixie looked up at Celestia. "How will I know that…?" Trixie questioned.

Rather than answer, Celestia slowly climbed into Trixie's wagon and immediately felt cramped by the small space inside. Still, she found the words she wanted to say. "Because I've been in the same boat as you, Trixie. I've made the same mistakes you're making now. I used to juggle so much as ruler of Equestria and after a while, it took a lot out of me. Retiring has been difficult, but I'm working on it and making the most of it."

"Easy for you to say," Trixie bitterly remarked. "You just walked away from ruling because you wanted Twilight to take over. Trixie has no such pony to take her place."

"No, I retired because I knew when it was time to walk away!" Celestia retorted, draping a wing over Trixie. "It was getting to be too much to juggle everything. All I ever wanted to do was teach young ponies and creatures, which I have managed to do. But even that was difficult with the life I was living. Something needed to go, and that was being a princess. Making Twilight my successor was because a princess can't just retire out of the blue. I even postponed my initial retirement plans to give Twilight more time to be ready."

"But what about being a magician?" Trixie asked. "It's what I was born to do, not a counselor. I only became a counselor because Starlight needed help. Because I wanted to be by her side and make a difference at the school like she did. I guess Trixie didn't think straight about what it would involve."

"Well, I'll be open and honest with you about one thing, Trixie," Celestia went on. "You always have been a pony who doesn't think straight. You seem to do these kind of things a lot. But that means it's even more important to really think long and hard about this. Being a magician is important as is being a counselor, but do you want your friends and family see you work yourself to death? Take a walk in their shoes for a minute. How do you think they all feel about this?"

Celestia began to think back to when Starlight switched her cutie mark with Luna's and how it made her understand what was going through her sister's mind. In her mind, Trixie needed to do the same thing. "Focus on being a counselor right now and worry about being a magician afterwards," She advised. "And before you say anything, no, I'm not asking you to retire. And neither is anypony else We're only asking you to see what's more important at the moment, your overall health. I doubt even your fans would want to see you collapse from exhaustion. Or worse, mess up a trick like the Moonshot Manticore Mouthdive because you're too tired"

Trixie let out a deep sigh, realizing then and there how stupid she had been acting. For the first time, she was beginning to see the error of her ways. "It looks like Trixie really messed up… again." She unhappily sighed.

And so it was that later on, Celestia and Trixie returned to the castle and Trixie faced her father and friends. "Look, there's…there's something I need to tell you all," Trixie somberly declared, lowering her head in shame. "I'm sorry if I was being so blind as to what you were trying to say to me. You're all right, I need to focus on what's in front of me instead of juggling my magic show and my counseling duties. Perhaps, I should take somewhat of a break from being a magician for the time being."

"A splendid idea. And remember, the door is always open for you to come back Trixie," Jack Pot declared as he approached his daughter. "There are times where even I want to focus my priorities on something other than magic shows, such as coming here to spend time with you. Part of the reason your mother left me is because she couldn't love a pony who cared more about his magic show than his own family. Maybe taking a break will be a good thing for you. Maybe it'll make you an even more well balanced magician than you already are."

"And who knows?" Starlight added. "Maybe we can set a day where the whole student body can see you perform. Consider that a practice run."

Hearing those words of reassurance, Trixie embraced Starlight and her dad tightly, having finally understood the importance of what was more important in her life at that moment.

The next day, Trixie returned to her counseling duties, now thankfully more well rested and alert. As she settled into another day of work, the door opened as Icarus came into the office.

"Counselor Trixie?" Icarus asked. "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Of course, come in and sit down, Icarus," Trixie warmly replied, gesturing the young griffon to sit down in front of her. "Sorry if I haven't been myself these past few days. Trixie is now refreshed, refocused, and ready to help. What can I do for you?"

"Um, well," The young griffon replied. "I've been getting acquainted with several students who were, well…just like me."

"Really? That's wonderful. What are their names?" Trixie asked with a smile.

"Luster Dawn and Cherry Tomato," Icarus answered. "I've come to realize that we're…seemingly on the same page so to speak. Who knows? Maybe destiny is choosing us to become friends."

"Well I'll say this, Icky," Trixie began, before stopping to correct herself. "You don't mind if I call you Icky, right?"

"No, not at all." Icarus shook his head.

"Good," Trixie continued. "As your counselor, I think you should continue finding more friends who are just like you, Luster and Cherry. After all, it's better to open up your mind and listen to what they have to say instead of trying to hide whatever feelings you have. It took a few special ponies to help Trixie see that."

From right outside Trixie's office, Jack Pot, Starlight and Sunburst were listening into what was going on. It seemed their intervention had been successful.

"So what are you going to do now?" Starlight asked Jack Pot.

"Well, I'm going to head back to Las Pegasus for a break," Jack Pot answered. "Hopefully, Trixie can stay focused on what is important. You'll let me know if she slips back into her old habits though, won't you?"

"Oh, don't worry," Starlight chuckled. "I'm sure she'll stick to the course. I'll make sure she knows she can swing by Las Pegasus at any time to visit you. Though I hope you'll come back to Ponyville some day. I think Trixie would love to show you around."

"I shall look forward to that. But there are some things I need to work out back in Las Pegasus." Jack Pot informed Starlight and Sunburst. Then after hugging them both, Jack Pot walked away from the School of Friendship, grateful that his daughter was finally getting her life together.