• Published 26th Oct 2019
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 10 - twilightsparkle3562

Welcome to Season 10 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic!

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Episode 25: "Run, Sisters, Run"

Author's Note:

Episode Summary: Celestia and Luna attempt to silence their critics by becoming the first alicorns to compete in the Manehattan Marathon. Meanwhile, Grogar and Grimlord meet and discuss a plan to eliminate one of the pillars of Equestria.
Nicole Oliver as Celestia
Tabitha St. Germain as Luna/Rarity
Tara Strong as Princess Twilight Sparkle
Cathy Wesluck as Spike
Andrea Libman as Fluttershy
Ashliegh Ball as Applejack
Chris Britton as Starswirl the Bearded/Donkey Soldier
Doc Harris as Grogar
Bill Newton as King Cosmo
Lauren Faust as Queen Galaxia
Sunni Westbrook as Cozy Glow
Mark Acheson as Tirek
Kelly Sheridan as Starlight Glimmer
Kevin Spacey as Grimlord
TJ Storm as Doom Master
Kristin Norton as Despera

"My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" Season 10, Episode 25
"Run, Sisters, Run"
By Jeff Snyder (TwilightSparkle3562)
Edited By SuperPinkBrony12

Twilight Sparkle was sound asleep in her bedroom at the Castle of Friendship when she was suddenly awakened to the sound of hooffalls going by. Opening her eyes, the Supreme Princess of Equestria went to her door and opened it, seeing Celestia and Luna heading down the stairs.

"Celestia, Luna," Twilight yawned, holding a clock in her aura. "It's three in the morning. Why are you doing this again?"

"We've got to train, Twilight Sparkle," Luna protested, making punching motions with her wings. "Train for the one…the only…

"MANEHATTAN MARATHON!" Celestia bellowed in her Royal Canterlot voice.

Twilight merely yawned at the sight of her former mentors being so excited. This behavior was nothing new, unfortunately.

"Look, I get that you are excited," She sleepily replied as she walked over to Celestia and Luna. "But you've both been doing this for three days straight now. Can't you just wait 'til later?"

"Nope," Celestia protested, stretching out her legs. "The early bird gets the worm, and this marathon is the worm."

"And you are the early birds?" Twilight muttered.

"YES!" The royal sisters both shouted as they proceeded down the stairs and out the door.

Once they were gone, Twilight returned to her bedroom to get some much needed sleep. However, even that wasn't possible as she could hear the royal sisters shouting in their Royal Canterlot voices to each other. Trying to encourage each other.

"COME ON, LUNA!" Celestia shouted in her Royal Canterlot voice. "SHOW ME SOME SPEED! YOU'VE GOTTA HAVE SPEED!"

A yell from Luna further awakened Twilight, who proceeded to walk towards the window where she saw Celestia and Luna over at the School of Friendship's track. "Thank Equestria that school is not in session this wee.," Twilight sighed as she slammed the windows shut. She couldn't wait for this marathon to be over so the royal sisters would settle down again.

At the School of Friendship's track that would've otherwise sat unused, Celestia and Luna worked on preparing themselves for the event in question. Leaping over hurdles, the two sisters both tried to keep up with each other. But eventually Celestia proved herself to be much faster than Luna, largely due to her larger body and greater stamina.

"Sister…" Luna panted as she stopped to catch her breath. "Slow…down…please..."

"SORRY, LUNA!" Celestia excitedly shouted as she ran past her younger sister at mach speed! "CAN'T STOP! MUST RUN!" It didn't even occur to her that she was still using her Royal Canterlot voice. She flew past Luna several times, causing her mane to become frazzled.

Eventually, however, Celestia came to a stop and looked down at a watch she had on her. "2,000 cycles in ten minutes."

She said to herself while taking a drink from a water bottle hanging around her neck. "We are sure to make history as the first alicorns to win the Manehattan Marathon, Luna."

"I can sure see your determination, sister," Luna remarked, looking down at her own watch. "I could only get 1,000 cycles, and that's if I was lucky."

"Oh, gonna have to improve your game if you want to win, sister," Celestia advised with a snicker. "Otherwise, I won't be the only one running circles around you."

"Well, if you say so…" Luna frowned, stretching her wings out once more along with her legs. Soon, the younger ex-royal sister tried to get herself up to speed for ten more minutes, but to little avail. "Still not good enough. Only 1,500 cycles this time."

"You're younger than me, Luna. I'm surprised that you aren't able to keep up," Celestia commented. "Just because you have a smaller body shouldn't mean you run slower than me. Maybe we should get you checked out to see if there's something wrong."

"Celestia, we…we aren't exactly fit like we used to be," Luna declared. "And besides, you eat cake and drink tea and yet…you are still able to run at fast speeds. How do you do it? Please, you must tell me how you keep in such great shape."

But Celestia said nothing and it made Luna wonder if Celestia was using a secret to make herself move faster than she might normally be able to.

Later that morning, Twilight groggily made her way downstairs to make herself some breakfast. Getting herself ready for another day of ruling Equestria was somewhat of a challenge as she was mixing up her dishes, dumping tea on the plate and her breakfast in the tea cup.

"Um, Twilight," Spike remarked as he walked into the kitchen. "You know that the pastries go on the plate and the tea goes in the teacup, right?"

"Huh? Oh, sorry Spike," Twilight blinked even as she yawned. "I'll fix it right…away."

"Don't tell me," The little dragon frowned. "Celestia and Luna were at it again last night, weren't they?"

"What do you think?" Twilight bitterly asked wile trying to fix her breakfast correctly. "Just because they are retired doesn't mean that they can keep me awake at all hours. It's this darned Manehattan Marathon…"

"I'm sure you're aware of how important it is to them, right?" Spike pointed out.

"And so is me having a good night's sleep," Twilight retorted as she walked into the dining room. "I'm the Supreme Princess of Equestria and I need my rest."

Yawning again, Twilight closed her eyes and her head went down on the pastries as she fell back asleep.

Just then, Starlight came into the dining room and saw Twilight sleeping on her breakfast.

"Um, is she supposed to be doing that?" Starlight asked, gesturing over to Twilight. "I thought that breakfast was supposed to be for eating, not sleeping."

Going over to Twilight, Starlight nudged the sleeping princess in the side and when that didn't work, she had no other choice but to use a loud spell on herself to amplify her voice. "Sorry, Twilight," She whispered to herself as she charged up the spell. "TWILIGHT!"

She screamed out a moment later, causing Twilight to wake up suddenly with a start! "Sorry. But you were asleep and…"

"No, I'm sorry, Starlight," Twilight moaned while wiping the frosting from her breakfast off of her face. "Celestia and Luna were at it again this morning."

"Training for the Manehattan Marathon?" Starlight guessed and received a confirming nod. "Yes, I thought that was what they were doing, Twilight. But, you know how important it is to them, right?"

Twilight said nothing as she took a sip of her tea.

"Well of course it's important to them! I know that!" She protested. "I mean this is probably the first big thing that they've done since retiring from the throne, right? Aside from teaching of course."

Then out of the blue she asked.

"Tell me something, Starlight. Did you always have to make the inhabitants in your old village run like crazy?"

"If they weren't playing by my rules of being equal then yes," Starlight reluctantly answered, her past was still a troubled subject. "But otherwise I left them alone. Don't worry about the marathon though, Twilight. It will soon be over and this will all be in the past. Then I'm sure they'll leave you alone."

Twilight merely sighed deeply as Celestia and Luna came into the dining room, sweat dripping down from their brows and onto the carpet they were now standing on.

"Um, are you two aware that you're sweating right onto the carpet right now? A carpet that was just cleaned, might I add." Spike asked as he directed the sisters to look down at their sweat now sitting at their feet.

"Oh, yes, of course…" Celestia laughed nervously along with Luna and blushed. "My, uh, apologies. We'll go wash up and be down for breakfast looking…clean. Terribly sorry."

Once the sisters were gone, Twilight sighed deeply, wanting all of the hype around the marathon to be behind them all.

"What am I ever going to do with them?" She sighed, sitting back in her chair in the dining room. "What am I ever going to do with them? Now I know what Starswirl must've gone through teaching them magic. No wonder he looks so old."

At that moment, Twilight, Spike and Starlight were startled by a flash! And who should appear before them but Starswirl the Bearded himself, and with a stopwatch around his neck to boot?!

"Where are Celestia and Luna?" He asked, sounding oddly concerned. "They asked me to train them some more later on."

"You just missed them, Starswirl," Twilight yawned. "I sent them to wash up from their…early morning exercise. They've been at it for three days now."

"Indeed," Starswirl remarked, looking at the sweat stained footprints the alicorns had left behind. "Well, when you see them, tell them that I've come to help prepare them for…whatever it is that they are participating in, they apparently decided to be vague and criptic about it. Perhaps as punishment for those 'essays' they think I want back."

"It's The Manehattan Marathon," Starlight answered in an unamused tone. "I somehow doubt they haven't told you about it yet."

"O-oh, of course. Er... that's what I meant to say. But when you become as old as I am you sometimes forget things like that," Starswir nervously chuckled as he turned to leave the dining room, only for Twilight to stop him. "What is it, Princess Twilight?"

But Twilight didn't answer and instead pulled Starswirl back into the dining room, her tired eyes locked onto his. "Starswirl," She commented, trying to sound polite even through her exhaustion.

"As Celestia and Luna's former teacher and my biggest idol, can you please explain to me why they're getting up so early in the morning to exercise? Can't they at least wait until the sun rises and I'm not trying to sleep?"

"I can't really say why they do it," Starswirl explained. "Except that…that…" He seemed to trail off.

"That what?" Twilight asked only for Starswirl to sigh heavily and produce a copy of The Foal Free Press with his magic.
Floating the copy over to Twilight, Starswirl stood by and watched as Twilight read what was in front of her.

"Out of all pony races," Twilight read the article's headline. "Alicorns have never…and will never…compete in any form of running whatsoever."

Putting the paper down on the table, Twilight looked back to her idol and realized that there was more to this story than met the eyes.

"Are you certain about that?" Twilight asked Starswirl and received a confirming nod. "But why? Why would there be such a restriction?"

"Twilight Sparkle," Starswirl began as he sighed rather heavily. "Ever since their parents disappeared, Celestia and Luna had always tried to find something to distract themselves, from ever thinking dark thoughts about what their parents might possibly be going through. I should know, I taught them to always distract themselves if anything were to upset them greatly. It wouldn't do good if either of them lost control of their powers in an emotionally fueled rage, as I unfortunately was not around to prevent."

"So that's what this race is for?" Spike asked Starswirl. "To be a distraction for both of them? Surely they could've picked any other race to do it, like say The Running of the Leaves."

"Well, that is somewhat correct, young dragon," Starswirl nodded his head while stroking his bread. "But ever since they learned their parents are being held prisoner, they've wanted to participate in something that they can…honor them with. A marathon like this was the first option available."

Right then and there, Twilight and Spike began to develop a newfound respect for two of their new castle mates in what they were trying to do.

"The Pillars and I have not given up searching for their parents," Starswirl continued. "But we suspect Grogar is making it more difficult for us to find even a trace of them. I'm hoping that this… pursuit the royal sisters want to participate in will serve as a decent enough distraction. For I fear that we may never truly be able to find their parents. Whatever kind of magic Grogar is using to shield their location from us must be a magic beyond even our understanding."

Up in the bathroom, Celestia emerged with a towel over her head and body while Luna waited outside. "The bath is all yours, Luna," She declared with a smile, only for Luna to notice her older sister's worried look. "Do you want to practice again later?"

"If I don't pull anything, then yes," Luna answered and then immediately questioned her elder sister. "You're thinking about Mother and Father again, aren't you?"

Without saying a word, Celestia nodded in confirmation.

"We're going to find them, Celestia!" Luna reassured, holding her sister's hoof. "And I understand why you want us to compete in the marathon. You want us to win…for them! To make them proud!"

"Easier said than done, Luna," Celestia replied while gesturing her sister to move into the bathroom. "Now go inside and bathe before the water gets cold."

As Luna made her way into the bathroom, Celestia retreated into her quarters to dry herself off. As she did so, she kept her eyes locked onto a picture of herself, Luna and their parents from when she and Luna were much younger.

"We're going to find you, Mom and Dad. And we won't stop searching and trying until we do!" Celestia thought to herself. "And I promise you, we'll win in your honor!" She kept her eyes locked on the picture, trying to remember her parents at all times.

In their cell on the moon, King Cosmo and Queen Galaxia were once again being forced to adjust to their surroundings due to having been moved from their previous prison. This time, King Cosmo noticed Queen Galaxia sitting in the corner of their cell with her eyes locked to the floor.

"Cosmo," She asked him. "Do you think we're ever going to see our daughters again?"

"Of course we will, darling," Cosmo answered while placing a hoof on his wife's shoulder. "You've just got to... got to have faith."

"But we've had plenty of faith already!" Galaxia protested! "And for a thousand years, I've felt that faith just slip away from me like sand in an hourglass."

"Grogar wants you to think that way, but I've always never believed a word he's said to us," Cosmo declared as he clenched a hoof. "For a thousand years, I kept remembering to never take in what he said…that we would be his property forever. He can't mean it. There's no way he can keep us imprisoned forever. And we're far too powerful for him to even hope to destroy. He knows that. He thinks that by keeping us locked away he can break us. But we'll never give that satisfacation, will we?!"

Hearing this made the captured Queen of Equestria feel slightly better. "No wonder Celestia has your spirit," She said warmly while looking back at her husband. "But then, she always was a daddy's girl growing up. I can only hope she didn't take everything from you into her approach to leadership, especially with Luna."

From at the top of the stairs to the dungeon, Grogar was listening into what the royal couple was saying. Having heard enough, he proceeded to his throne room and sat down on his throne as a donkey soldier came in through the doors. "Is he here?" Grogar asked the donkey.

"Master of the Virtual Realm," The donkey called out in response. "Lord Grimlord!"

At that moment, a humanoid creature with tough reptile like skin and a long tail and wearing silver armor and a red cape proceeded into the throne room, much to Grogar's delight.

"Ah, Grogar, my old friend," Grimlord greeted as Grogar stepped down from the throne. "It is good to see you again, is it not?"

"Of course it is, Grimlord," Grogar nodded as he hugged Grimlord. "With each passing day my strength continues to grow, despite what those royal fools may believe."

After briefly embracing, the two villains got down to business. Grogar was the first to speak. "Now, it appears that you wish to ask something of me, correct?"

"I do," Grimlord said as a chair was brought in for him to sit down in. "The Dark Fortress has picked up strange readings of creatures that are unfamiliar to myself and my forces."

"And what is that to me?" Grogar asked, before realizing that his friend and ally had something of great importance to back up his answer. "Unless…"

"You know these disturbances, Grogar?" Grimlord asked as Grogar began to get an idea. "Tell me! Who are they?! What do they want?!"

"It's somepony who has also returned after a thousand years, somepony who was pulled free from his self-imposed prison in limbo," Grogar answered and snarled slightly. "Starswirl and his band of loathsome misfits, the pillars! They must have figured out where your location is, Grimlord! How fortunate for you that the prisoners were just moved from it!"

"Of course they've figured out where my dark fortress is!" Grimlord growled! "If they've figured out where the Equestrian monarchs are, then everything we have worked for is ruined! We mustn't allow it! The pillars must pay for their interference! And you know what the price must be."

And just like that, both Grimlord and Grogar now had to figure out a way to overcome this most recent obstacle of theirs by any means necessary.

Meanwhile, from outside the throne room door, Tirek and Cozy Glow were listening in on what was being discussed.

"That's Grimlord?" Cozy Glow whispered to her newly found father figure. "He looks a little…weird."

"I'll say," Tirek whispered back. "He looks much like myself, but definitely not a centaur. For if he were I'd surely have heard of him or perhaps even seen him in my father's court like Discord."

"Should we... do something about him?" Cozy Glow asked. "I've got a bad feeling about him. And if a bad guy like me has a bad feeling about something, you know that means trouble."

"Not yet, my child," Tirek reassuringly patted Cozy on the head. "But it seems to me that Grogar is gathering one too many 'allies' for this army he is planning. Much as we did with Discord, we must consider the possibility that we'll have to stage our own little plan if we wish to have a future. Otherwise, we're doomed to be mere cogs in a machine of evil if we're lucky."

And as they listened, both father and daughter figures immediately began plotting ways of terminating this alliance between two allies of evil.

"I don't deny the fact that the Pillars are trying to free our prisoners," Grogar declared. "And I know that we cannot let them interfere with our plans. What do you suggest, Grimlord? How shall we ensure they are dispatched?"

Grimlord looked over towards the growling Scarface. "What if I capture whoever I find and then you turn them over to Scarface?" Grimlord suggested while stepping over to Grogar's throne. "The death of one of their own is enough to send a message. A message that: By working together we two are unstoppable."

Smiling, Grogar stepped down off his throne and walked towards Grimlord, liking the ideas that were passed over to him.

"Then I task you to target one of the pillars and bring them to me," He ordered Grimlord. "Do that…and you shall be greatly rewarded."

"Very well, my emperor," Grimlord smiled while bowing slightly to Grogar. "I shall have my field commander begin the search right away for the perfect pillar to pick off. It shouldn't take long."

"Then go at once, my friend!" Grogar commanded. "I know you will not fail me. For if you do it's you who shall be Scarface's next meal!"

Acknowledging the task assigned to him, Grimlord departed the throne room, leaving Grogar eager to await which pillar he would have fed to Scarface.

Back at the Castle of Friendship, Twilight kept her eyes locked onto the newspaper that Starswirl had given her. "I guess it would make perfect sense, Starswirl," She commented while pacing back and forth with the newspaper in her face. "Given that the king and queen of Equestria are missing even after learning of their whereabouts, Celestia and Luna must be doing all they can to distract themselves."

"They're lucky," Starlight remarked, turning her head away and trying to not let the memories of her own checkered past catch up to her right away. "At least they get to distract themselves with something…"

"Still, that doesn't mean that they should get up before I raise the sun every morning," Twilight retorted, placing the newspaper on the table. "I get they want to be in shape, but still. What do they have against the concept of a good night's sleep?"

All Starswirl could do was chuckle in amusement at what he'd just heard.

"What's so funny, Starswirl?" Twilight commented as she spun around with a quirked brow upon her face.

"It's just, you're reminding of the days when the two would always get up early for my magic lessons to them," Starswirl laughed, sitting next to Starlight at the dining table. "That's another thing I liked about them, always eager to learn."

"Much like how I was," Twilight remarked. "Always eager to study. Still, their eagerness can get them into trouble, Starswirl. We both know how I learned that the hard way."

"Of course, but that is something that they're going to have to learn for themselves," Starswirl insisted. "After all, I'm not their teacher anymore. I've taught them all I could hope to have taught them."

"What do you mean by that?" Spike asked the old wizard.

"You'll see." Starswirl said with a wink.

Just then, the door opened and in stepped Celestia and Luna, ready to go back out for another workout.

"Ah, I see my favorite students are ready for another exercise run," Starswirl smiled. "Well, shall we prepare for this endeavor of yours?"

"Yes, let's!" Celestia grunted with a look of determination plastered onto her face. "Let's win for Mom and Dad!"

Before any of the ponies in front of them could react, Celestia and Luna teleported themselves away. But No sooner did they leave than did Twilight start to think about something else regarding the sisters.

Out on the school's track, Celestia and Luna were going through a rigid obstacle course of their own design. This included a cargo net, a tire crawl and an elastic jungle of rubber bands all in a diamond pattern. Racing through the obstacle course, both sisters tried to keep up with each other. However, as they finished the course, Luna couldn't help but notice her sister's way of carrying herself was off.

"Not bad, Celestia." Starswirl commented, unaware of the apparent problem.

"Thanks!" Celestia replied, panting heavily as she drank out of a water bottle. "Just let me cool down and we can…go again."

But Luna had her own concerns. "Um, sister," She commented as she watched her sister attempt to stretch herself out. "I can't help but notice…you're limping slightly."

"What do you mean?" The older alicorn asked. "If I'm limping I can always stretch out whatever it is that's bothering me, right?" But suddenly, as Celestia stretched out one of her back legs, she felt a sudden sharp pain surge up her spine! The pain caused her to scream loudly and fall down onto her side!

"Sister, what's happened to you?!" Luna cried while running over to Celestia, whose pain was already causing her to have tears forming in her eyes.

"My back!" Celestia sobbed in pain. "It... it hurts! It really hurts!"

Both Luna and Starswirl realized right then and there that Celestia had damaged herself by overdoing it. And it may have ruined the chance of honoring the captured king and queen at The Manehattan Marathon!

Being helped back to the castle, Celestia was immediately examined by Fluttershy who had raced to the castle as soon as she heard about what had happened, along with the rest of Twilight's friends and co-princesses.

"I'm afraid you've severely strained some of the muscles in your back, Celestia," Fluttershy remorsefully sighed after looking the injured Celestia over. "In addition to a hamstring injury in your back left leg."

"No, "Celestia moaned, now lamenting over her injury. "I… I must compete in the marathon, I must! How could this have happened?!"

"Sister, I think we might have overdone it on the preparations." Luna suggested.

"How would you know, Luna?!" Celestia snapped, glaring at Luna while trying to turn her head towards her younger sister. "We prepared ourselves adequately! What could have gone wrong?!"

"I'm afraid Luna is right, Celestia," Starswirl declared, walking over to one of his prized pupils. "You have been overpreparing yourself for this whole thing. And now it has become a folly because of your injury."

"It's not a folly, Starswirl!" Celestia cried in protested while several more tears streamed out of her eyes. "It's The Manehattan Marathon, the biggest race in all of Equestria! I wanted to win this for Mom and Dad!"

"I know, and I'm sorry, Celestia," Luna sighed, sitting next to Celestia and rubbing the side of her sister's mane. "But your health has to come first, and I'm sure Mother and Father will be alright if you didn't compete."

Those words did little to help Celestia, who once again groaned loudly in frustration. "But I have to compete! I want to make history here!"

"Forgive me for being blunt, Celestia," Applejack commented, walking over towards the formehr princess. "But do you think that bein' the first alicorn to compete in The Manehattan Marathon is what really matters most right now?"

"It does to me, Applejack," Celestia replied, lowering her voice a little in front of the Princess of Honesty. "I want to win this for my mom and dad, wherever they are."

"Look, I get that you are upset that you got hurt and most likely can't compete in the marathon, but we've got to take care of our bodies so they'll take care of us." Luna protested.

"At this point, making history isn't important right now," Twilight said firmly as she sat on the edge of her mother figure's bed. "What is important is you getting well and back on your hooves as quickly as possible. As your supreme princess, I command you to do just that. You're not invincible even if you think you should be."

Hearing this, Celestia realized that she could no longer deny the fact she needed to step back. The pony she once called her most faithful student was now giving her a command.

"Twilight!" Rarity gasped as Fluttershy began to fill up a hypodermic needle with medicine. "Do you even realize what you just said?!"

"Of course, I said that I want Celestia to get back on her hooves. The Manehattan Marathon isn't important right now." Twilight nodded.

Knowing that she wasn't going to argue her way out of the situation she was in, Celestia had no choice but to abandon all hope of competing. However, as she listened to Twilight, she felt a wet matter touch her, followed by feeling a sharp pain in her back.

"What…what was that?" She remarked in surprise.

"I just put some medicine into your back," Fluttershy replied while carefully throwing the needle away in a medical wastebasket. "It should work on getting your back healed as soon as possible."

"You could have warned me, Fluttershy," Celestia replied as Fluttershy came around. "But thanks."

"Don't mention it, I use needles on wounded animals sometimes and some are more difficult than others," Fluttershy reassured the former princess. "You just rest now and let the medicine work its course."

Now accepting her fate, Celestia turned to Luna, much to the younger sister's confusion. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Luna asked.

"Are you still planning on competing, sister?" Celestia inquired.

Luna had a choice to make in regards to her own situation. But with no hesitation she walked back over to her injured sister.

"Not without you, Celestia," She declared, much to her sister's surprise. "The marathon isn't as fun without you competing in it with me. If you can't compete then neither will I."

Touched, Celestia rested her head on the pillow and reached out to touch Luna's chest. "Thank you, Luna. You truly are the best sister a pony could ask for."

"Well, I guess the marathon is off now." Twilight commented. Gesturing to her friends as well as Starswirl, they thrn all cleared the room, leaving Luna and Celestia alone with one another.

"So, what happens now?" Starlight asked.

"Celestia focuses on her recovery," Twilight replied as they all walked away from Celestia's quarters. "And going back to doing what she does best…teaching her students and being there for us."

"Agreed. At least Spitfire will have a full gym set to teach gym class with," Starlight couldn't help but remark. "She definitely wouldn't have been happy at having the gym taken over by alicorns."

Meanwhile, aboard his ship the Dark Fortress, Grimlord walked into his large red throne room where a pair of bipedal figures awaited his arrival: One dressed in white and the other in red and black armor.

"What are you two standing around for?" Grimlord asked them.

"We were anticipating your return, master," The figure in red and black armor said as they bowed to him. "The prisoners have been moved again just as you wished."

"Excellent, Doom Master," Grimlord replied, touching one on the shoulder. "Hold them for three more days and then we'll move them again as planned. Understood?"

"Yes, master." Doom Master firmly replied with a nod.

"Master Grimlord, how did it go with Grogar?" The female figure in white asked. "Both Doom Master and I along with your servant Oraclon await your results."

Snarling quietly, Grimlord sat down in his throne and summoned his two platoons of humanoid fighters to the throne room.

"Since we are no longer fighting against our usual adversaries," He said to his small army. "The best we can all do is support Grogar by any means possible, including taking down those pesky pillars that are coming in to close range of the Dark Fortress. No doubt they're hoping to rescue our prisoners."

"Oh, is that what they are? A bunch of olden ponies from yesteryear?" Doom Master asked. "Well, they shall suffer the consequences! If they think they can just waltz in here and steal our prisoners, they're sadly mistaken!"

"Yes, my loyal servant," Grimlord nodded. "And here is what we're going to do to ensure they don't make it out of here in one piece…"

And so the die was set for Grimlord to make his move in helping Grogar conquer Equestria by any means necessary.

The pillars were unknowingly heading straight into a trap!