• Published 22nd Sep 2019
  • 1,965 Views, 17 Comments

My Little Pony- Paragon Spike - King Rose

[Displaced] Well holy shite! This is weird. Just let me start from the beginning. Okay so I was sitting on my ass just watching some MLP, and then I get a notification on my computer, and it says some weird shit like "Oh you're the Paragon." WTF BRO!

  • ...

Prologue- Holy Shite!

Prologue- Holy Shite!

Paragon's POV

Welp, my life has gone to shite. Okay, let me start from the beginning. My name is Paragon Spike... Yes, that is my name. Now, aside from that I am a relatively tall twenty-year-old. I'm six foot six inches. I have moon pale skin, but that doesn't mean that I don't get out of the house, and I have green hair, with purple accents in it. Yes, before you ask the question "Is your hair color natural?" Yes... It fucking is. I have jade green eyes, and I'm currently wearing a white jacket, with a black shirt that has a cross in the middle of it, and my pants are navy blue jeans with a chain on the side, and my shoes are black military boots. I'm also wearing my favorite fingerless gloves. I have two parents, who are both caring and loving, and I have a precious little sister who is twelve. Her name is Amelia.

Okay, so I'm just sitting on my couch watching me, and Amelia's favorite show, My Little Pony, and yes, I am a Brony, when I get a call on my house phone. Of course, I go and pick it up. When I read the caller I.D, it's the police. I was reeling with confusion. Why were the police calling me? I then answered.

"Hello? Is this Paragon Spike?" The officer on the other end asked.

"Uh... Yes." I reply hesitantly. "Is there anything you need officer?"

"Yes, ah... could you come down to the station for me? We... need to tell you something." The officer sighed, with a hint of sorrow in his voice.

I then hang up and walk over to the station. I then see a female officer walk up to me.

"Hey, are you Paragon?" The officer asks.

"Uh, yeah. That's me." I respond still hesitantly.

"Please follow me. This has something to do with... Your sister and parents." She says.

This had caught my immediate attention. I follow the officer into the back, and she leads me down into the autopsy room. This is where I see something that makes my life sink. Right there on three metal trays. Are the remains of my little sister Amelia, my mother, and father. I walk over to my sister's body, and I place my hand on hers, and I hold it tight. I look over her moon pale skin, and I run my hand through her emerald green hair. Without looking at the officer, I ask:

"Who. The Hell. Did this?" I ask with sorrow woven into my voice.

"A man who shot up her school. It was during the loading of people who would ride a car home, when a man in a Jeep pulled up, and shot at the school with an AK-47. Only three people were killed. Your little sister, your mother, and your father." She told me. "After killing them, the killer threw the gun away, and shot himself with a pistol."

After getting the details, I had to plan for a funeral. But this was one funeral I wouldn't make. When I got home, I looked over at my counter and saw my bipolar medication. I picked up the bottle of pills... And I threw them into the wall causing the bottle to break, and all the pills in it to break open. I've had enough of this world taking things from me. So, I wasn't going to wait for it to take my life. I was going to take it myself. You see, I've always had a terrible time with my depression, and I've also had suicidal tendencies, but those stopped when I got my baby sister. But... Now that she's gone... There's nothing that stops me from doing what I set out to do so long ago.

I pulled out a rope from my garage and tied it to my ceiling. I then tied it in the form of a noose. I was about to set a stool under it when my computer got an Email. This had peaked my attention as I had never gotten an Email before, I mean I knew how to use it, but I just never had used it. I opened my Email to find only one new message. The I.D read "From: The Merchant" So I opened it.

Dear Paragon.
If you're reading this, then that means your parents and sister are dead. I send my condolences but there are more pressing matters at hand. For you see you are not originally from this world. And if you don't believe me. Wait until we meet each other. I will explain more then. Until next time.
Your favorite displacer.
The Merchant

Nani the fuck? Who the hell is this Merchant? And how the fuck does he know about my parents and sister?! Hundreds of questions ran rampant in my mind, but they were all drowned out when my eyes walked over to the noose. I furrowed my brow and walked over to it. I set a wooden stool under it and stepped on. I then wrapped it around my neck and hopped off the stool.

I started to choke. I could feel the air leaving me. My lungs felt destroyed as they tried do reach for air, only for the rope to cut them off. My throat felt tight as my life dwindled. I didn't give a fuck anymore. And with that last thought. My body went limp. And I died. The End.

Or at least I thought it was the end. Because the next thing I knew I was standing in a black abyss. I frantically looked around and tried to figure out where the shite I was.

"Where the shite am I?" I voiced my thoughts.

"You are in the void." A voice spoke.

I turned around to see the origin of the voice was a man no older than thirty, and he was dressed as the merchant from Resident Evil 4. He walked towards me as I just held my ground. I didn't care if he killed me. Why should I? This world is already so unforgiving. What else could it take from me?

What I got was something unexpected. The Merchant, gave me a hug? The Fu? I was so confused that I was caught off guard, and I just stood there. When the merchant released his grip, he looked at me with sorrowful eyes.

"I'm so sorry for your loss my friend. No one should have to go through that." Merchant apologized. "But you've already got a second chance. It's up to you if you want to take your old life back."

I was knocked out of my confusion by that. "What? What the hell are you talking about?"

"Like I said in that Email. You aren't originally from this world. You are from Equestria." Merchant said to my shock. "How do you think Celestia got Spike's egg? Well it's because you gave it to her. You were protecting your little unhatched brother. But something is going very wrong. And I need you to step back in. Please"

"I can't take this in. I-I think I need a minute." I stuttered before falling back first onto a couch, which spawned out of thin air.

The merchant nodded as my mind bounced back and forth. What the hell? Equestria is real? I'm Spike's brother? I gave his egg to Celestia? Why am I not freaking the fuck out? Why does it feel like I knew this already? Who the fuck was I? So many questions.

"Who... Who was I?" I ask out loud.

"Your name was Paragon Pendragon. You are Spike's older brother. You were the last bloodline of the original dragon lord. Now I don't have much time left so I'll just cut the BS. You are going, to be in a lot of pain, but it'll only last for a few minutes. You will no longer be bipolar, but you will regain some memories that you've subconsciously repressed." Merchant said as the abyss around us started to crack and crumble. "See you later, Paragon."

And with that last sentence, a flash of light enveloped me. Then pain. Searing agonizing pain. It engulfed my back and spine, and the back of my head. I felt my lungs disintegrate, and let me tell you, it was absolute shite. I watched as my moon pale skin was transformed into purple lavender scales. It felt like my head was about to explode with pain. My hands felt like they were on fire. And then I slipped into unconsciousness.

Twilight's POV

It was just after the defeat of Discord, when me and the girls collapsed from exhaustion. I looked over to see Applejack trying to get back up but she was failing, I saw that Rainbow was unconsciously flying, and sleeping, I saw that Rarity laying on her back and breathing heavily, Fluttershy on her back as well next to Rarity, and Pinkie was being Pinkie, and she was trying to get what was left of the chocolate clouds. After turning Discord back into a statue, we were all left exhausted. Probably because of what had prior to this fight. I sat down and looked at the beautiful day. I closed my eyes, and just soaked up the light, and let out a sigh of relief.


My eyes immediately snapped open to see something entering the planet's atmosphere. It looked like a meteor! And it was heading straight into the Everfree! It looked odd for some reason. It was trailing behind a shimmering emerald green, and violet flame. It looked like Spike's fire. It soon flew straight over my head, and I could barely make out the figure of something. But before I got a good look, it shot straight into the Everfree making the entire ground shake. The tremor caused Rainbow to jolt awake, and the others to scream out.

"What in tarnation?!" Applejack cried.

"What the hay is happening?" Rainbow shouted still shocked.

"Whoa! That's a doozy!" Pinkie laughed.

"Sweet Celestia!" Rarity yelled.

Fluttershy only let out a soft 'eep' as the tremors started to die down. When they stopped, a huge magical surge roared from the Everfree, where the meteor impacted, and I mean HUGE! It was enough for Pinkie's pinkie sense to go crazy.

"WhOa!" Pinkie shouted as her pinkie sense went haywire.

"Pinkie, what's going on?" I asked with worry.

Her Pinkie sense calmed down enough, and it left her panting on the ground with sweat dripping down her face. The pink Earth Pony then said: "Twilight... Someone, has returned to Equiss." Pinkie cryptically told me before promptly passing out.

I looked around at the others, and they all had similar worrisome expressions. I then used my magic and I picked up the sleeping Pinkie, and we all trotted over to the Golden Oaks Library. When I knocked on the door, Spike opened it, revealing Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna sitting at the coffee table. I immediately bowed my head, as Pinkie kept sleeping. My friends followed the same.

"Please rise Elements of Harmony." Luna said. "We felt thy presence of Discord return to stone. We also felt a strange surge of magical power. Twilight, do thou know what caused this surge?" Luna asked.

"Twilight, my faithful student. Do you know what happened for this surge of magical power to start? We also felt tremors all the way in Canterlot. We have been getting several reports as well, that these tremors were felt in Clouds-dale, Appleoosa, and other parts of Equestria, and all over the planet." Celestia explained.

"Uh, Princess. I think I may know what caused this." I sheepishly, and hesitantly told the Princess. "I believe that it was caused by a meteor that stuck down in the Everfree Forest. It happened just after Discord was defeated." I told the two celestial diarchies.

"A meteor wouldn't have enough power nor force to cause this." Celestia stated.

"That's the thing Celestia. This meteor was burning, but it wasn't the normal golden fire, that most meteors would have.” I told her. “It had the same color of flame, that Spike has. That’s very odd. But what makes me think that the meteor has something to do with the surge, is Pinkie.” I revealed.

Both the Princesses looked at me with looks of pure bewilderment. Luna then decided to break the silence.

“Mrs. Pie? How could Laughter make you believe this?” She asked with a tilt of her head.

“Well, Pinkie has had this sense where she can predict random things. This phenomenon is called ‘Pinkie Sense’.” I explained. “While the tremors were occurring, her pinkie sense was going crazy. When they stopped, her pinkie sense stopped. It’s really what she said before falling asleep.” I told Luna. “She said “Twilight… Someone has returned to Equiss.” Do either of you have any idea what she meant?” I ask.

The reactions I see from Luna were to be expected. She had no clue what Pinkie was saying, but when I looked over to Celestia she had her left hoof covering her mouth, and her right over her heart. She looked like she was about to cry. It was evident that she was on the verge of tears when she said something:

“P-Paragon’s back?” She asked quietly.

“Princess, who’s this ‘Paragon’ fellow, and how do you know ‘im?” Applejack asked.

The solar Princess sighed, as Spike walked back into the room with some tea. After taking a sip, Spike was about to go back to the kitchen when Celestia put her hoof on his shoulder.

“Spike. You should really hear this.” She said. “This has to do with me coming into possession of your egg so long ago.” She told him, to everypony’s shock.

“W-What? M-My egg?” He stuttered in shock.

“You all better get comfortable, because this happened a very, very long time ago.” She started.

A very, very long time ago when the planet, and I was still healing from Nightmare Moon’s banishment, there was an epidemic in the Dragon lands. This epidemic marked the end of the original Dragon Lord bloodline. A bloodline that had continued to peacefully rule the dragons for hundreds of thousands of years, had been almost completely wiped out. All due to one greedy, and tyrannical dragon. Sephiroth. After Nightmare’s defeat Equestria was in a very vulnerable state. Sephiroth saw this as his chance to take over. He tried to coax the Dragon Lord at the time, Veerus, that taking over Equestria would be a great thing, but he was stopped and caught in this manipulation by none other than Verrus’ first born. His son, named Paragon Pendragon. Filled with rage that his plan failed, Sephiroth killed Veerus, and his wife. It was during the night when no pony was awake. Sephiroth tried to kill Paragon but failed due to the young dragon taking care of an egg. When Paragon learned of his parents’ deaths, he tried to tell the other dragons, but Sephiroth’s backup plan was already in motion. Sephiroth had told all the other dragons that it was Paragon that had killed Veerus, and his wife. Being the high chancellor, they all believed Sephiroth. In retaliation to the false betrayal, the dragons aimed to kill Paragon and the egg that he watched over, as that egg was the last-born son of Veerus, and the next Dragon Lord. Fearing for his life, and the life of his unborn brother, Paragon left the Dragon lands, and ran. He never stopped. He never stopped running. But eventually, his life force ran out. He had spent too much energy trying to keep the cold dragon egg warm enough to keep the embryo inside of it alive. Paragon was out of magic. He had completely run his mana pool dry, to the point where he would die within the month. But he found salvation. He found me.

As I was moving relics and artifacts from the old castle to the one in Canterlot, he had been running from a group of dragons that had found him. He was severely injured. But he ran up to me. In his last moments, he made me vow that I would protect the egg. When I promised, he made me do something that until now I didn’t understand. He told me to make, a “Pinkie Promise.” When I followed the motions, he expressed his gratitude by hugging me. I was so confused. But then the dragons that had been hunting him, found the two of us. The two of us engaged in combat. He used his own life force, and soul to fight them off. I had been helping him fight. When the dragons hunting him had been defeated, they tried to get away. Instead of letting them go however, he killed them. He killed them to make sure that Sephiroth would lose his trail. This however resulted in the end of Paragon’s life. Before dying, he told me one last thing. The name of his little brother, the name of the egg I held in my possession. He told me good-bye and thank you, before fading out of existence. His soul had been erased from the world, from the universe. The name of that egg he had given me…

“… Was Spike.” Celestia finished.

We were all in a state of complete shock. Spike was the most shocked as he learned that his mother, and father had been dragon lords that were killed a THOUSAND years ago, and his brother had literally burnt out his own soul to save Spike.

“So, if we’re hearing you right sister…” Luna started. “Veerus was killed by Sephiroth, who tried to declare war on Equestria, and Spike is the last Dragon Lord heir?” Luna asked.

“That… Is correct.” Celestia confirmed, causing somepony to cry.

I felt a weight hit my chest, as I looked down to see Spike tightly hugging me, as he cried. Learning that his real family was all gone. I returned the hug and held him tightly as he poured his tears into my fur.

“Princess, you said that Paragon’s soul had been erased from this world, right? Then how can he be back?” Rainbow asked.

“Yes, that confuses me too.” Rarity agreed.

“I suspect that he had help in getting back here. I wonder if it had something to do with a vision, I had a few nights ago.” Celestia thought aloud.

“What did you see?” Applejack wondered.

“It involved a being that looked like Paragon, but different. He wasn’t a dragon, but he was something from only legends. He was a human. He was talking to another human. Then in a flash of light the Paragon like human vanished, and the other human was facing me. He just smiled and said “Well Princess. The true Dragon Lord is on his way. Be prepared.” And then I woke up. I have no clue as to what it could mean.” Celestia explained.

As we were talking, I noticed that Spike hadn’t said anything. I looked next to me to see that Spike was gone! I immediately shot up, and frantically looked around the library. This was obviously confusing the others, as Pinkie woke up during the beginning of the story, and asked:

“What’s wrong Twilight?” She asked.

“I can’t find Spike!” I shouted.

“Wait what?” Celestia said wide eyed.

Then the solar princess joined in my search for Spike around the library. I was looking for him in the kitchen when a familiar scream rang out.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” Spike’s voice rang out.

“SPIKE!” I cried running out the door, followed by Celestia, and then the others.

I ran towards the origin of the voice. As another cry for help roared from the Everfree. Why had Spike gone into the Everfree!? This and many more questions struck my brain as my friends, Celestia, and Luna ran into the Everfree. Once in the forest, I looked around worriedly, as all I could see was the dark dense trees and the thorn vines, which populated the Everfree.

“Twilight! Somepony! HELP!” Spike’s voice rang out once more.

“Be quiet you little runt! Or this could be painful!” An older and much more fearsome dragon’s voice replied.

I ran towards the origin to see Spike backing away from a huge dragon, likely an adult. Their fangs were as big as Spike’s body, and his scales were stained with blood and the main coloration was obsidian, as his claws dripped the red liquid. I glanced over to Spike to see him holding his arm. It was dripping the same crimson blood that dripped from the other dragon’s claw. I ran out in-between the two and stood protectively in front of my little brother dragon. I looked directly into the other dragon’s eyes and stared at them.

“Leave him alone!” I shouted.

“Move out of the fucking way.” The dragon cursed.

“Okay. 1, No. 2, watch your profanity! 3, why do you want Spike in the first place?!” I screamed in response.

The obsidian dragon just snorted before looking at me with his blood red eyes: “Well little pony, the reason I want him is because Sephiroth placed a huge bounty reward to the dragon that kills the last heir to the Dragon Lord Veerus. And I’ve been tracking this damn prince for over a thousand years, and I will let nothing STAND! IN! MY! WAY!” He bellowed before breathing an enormous amount of flame and lava at Spike and me.

“TWILIGHT!” The Princesses, and my friends cried.

As the flames approached ever closer, I felt Spike pull my arm. I looked down towards him and hugged him tight.

“Twilight. If this is the end, I want you to know. That you’ve been the best sister a dragon like me could ask for. I love you sis.” Spike told me.

“Oh Spike. You’ve been and will always be the best brother a pony like me could ask for. I love you too little brother.” I responded.

Third POV

As the lava flames approached the lavender unicorn, and the baby dragon, their friends and Princesses could only watch in horror as the last of the original Dragon Lord bloodline and the Element of Magic be burnt to ashes. But out from the forest came a white, purple, and jade green blur burst from the foliage, and dashed to Twilight and Spike. Then the obsidian dragon’s fire hit them. It burned away at the Everfree’s foliage and turned everything in its path to ash. Once the intense flames died down, the dragon stopped the flames, and was panting heavily, as using so much flames took a lot of energy. But once the flames disappeared what was left shocked more than just the Elements, and the Princesses. Standing there, where Twilight, and Spike once stood, now stands a jade green magical barrier. And inside of the barrier laid the scared forms of the little dragon Spike, and the Element of Magic Twilight Sparkle.

Everypony was in an indescribable amount of shock, but Celestia’s reaction was one of pure hope. For standing right at the epicenter of the barrier, was a dragon who looked a lot like Spike, except his jade green spines were much bigger and longer which represented his age, his scales were violet purple, and his eyes were emerald green. He wore a white jacket, with a black shirt underneath it that has a silver and black cross on it. He wore navy blue jeans which had a chain on one side and a massive purple scaled and jade green tail came out of the back of the jeans, and he wore boots that looked like they would be fit for military combat. On both hands, he wore fingerless gloves that told Celestia that this indeed, was Paragon Pendragon.

“Well. That just happened.” Paragon stated with a determined and cocky grin. “So…” Paragon started while looking directly at the thousand-year-old obsidian dragon in front of him. “… Do ya’ wanna fucking die ya’ little Shite?!” He roared with anger that wasn’t seen by any except Spike, and the Obsidian dragon hunter.

The screen fades to black as a flash of green lightning strikes in the middle of the void, creating the title “MLP: Paragon Spike” as a jade green tail flowed out of the end of the “S” and the “O” of Paragon, contained a draconic eye. Another bolt of lightning shattered across the title and revealed a small boulder with a sword hilt at the top of it, followed by a sword blade leading into the small boulder. Then the scene faded back into darkness before the words:

To Be Continued

Author's Note:

...Welp here goes nothing. This is a story I've been debating about for awhile, because my creativity was leaving out a plethora of plot-holes, which I will try to fill in the next chapter, but until then feel free to speculate, because right now my brain needs a cool down. And don't worry about the other stories, because I WILL update them, but my creativity needs a cool down as well. But until next time I bid you all Adue~

Comments ( 17 )

So... Why would the main character's parents name their child Paragon?

Remember, he is from Equestria, and Paragon in my view is not the weirdest name out there.

As odd as it may seem, Paragon is an actual name in a few countries.

... That I didn't actually know. I just thought it sounded like a name from medevil Europe or something.

I love it NEED MORE:flutterrage:

It's a very rare name though, but it makes more sense in a mlp universe since Paragon is also the name of a black stone.

I agree. And I also found that paragon is the name of a video game. So thats cool.

When will the next chapter be out

I'll try to get it out asap, but I have a few other stories I need to update on other sites too. Plus I did just recently update a story on my Wattpad account. If you want the story is called Kill La Oblivion by my Wattpad account, ApocalypseKingDragon.

Don't worry there will be more I promise.


Still have a few other stories I'm working on.

Hey just wanted to know about your progress, and sorry if I sound demanding I didn’t intentional mean for it to sound that way

It's fine, I've just had several road blocks including a seeming unending lack of inspiration and writer's block. I'm sorry for making you all wait but I'm trying my best to get over these obstacles.

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