• Published 14th Jul 2021
  • 3,284 Views, 88 Comments

Luna's little Rose - Silent Wing

After being saved from the Dursleys, the live of Harry Potetr changes drasticly. Only when he starts his studies at Hogwarts, his life begins to take a slow turn towards normal. The only question is, how do you define normal?

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01 A Summer Sun Celebration with an unexpected twist

It had been a very hectic day in Ponyville with quite a few unusual things happening, but that doesn’t come as much of a surprise as somepony may think. After all, it isn’t everyday that a small town like Ponyville has to prepare to host one of the most important celebrations in Equestria. The Summer Sun Celebration to be exact.

From the many things happening on this day, one sticks out. Three hours after sunrise, a young unicorn mare from Canterlot arrived via chariot, tasked with ensuring that everything runs smoothly. While she usually only cares about her studies, and the occasional task assigned by her mentor, she has a self-appointed mission today.

Now, hours after she ensured that indeed everything is in order, everypony is assembled in the town hall, eagerly waiting for the arrival of their sovereign. The mayor of this town holds a short speech to praise their princess, before the curtain on the balcony is pulled back. But where there is supposed to stand a white alicorn, much to the shock of everypony, there is simply nothing.

Worried murmurs are heard everywhere, but the crowd falls into silence when a blue mist begins to flow into the room from an open window next to the balcony. Once the mist is gone, a black alicorn with bat-like wings, a white crescent moon as cutie mark, and clad in impressive silver armor, stands in the middle of the balcony.

“Oh my beloved subjects, it has been so long since I had the pleasure to be with anypony.” The mare said delighted to be finally away from the moon. Sadly, the reaction of the gathered ponies was far away from what she had hoped.

“What did you do to our Princess?” a cyan pegasus asks aggressively. Wouldn’t it be for a strong earth pony holding her by her tail, she surely would be right in the face of the unexpected guest.

“Which one?” the alicorn replies much to the surprise of everypony.

“Well, Princess Celestia of course. Why should Princess Mi Amore Cadenza ever be here?” A white unicorn replies, not expecting the mysterious alicorn to look at her in shock. After all, she intended the question to be a mere joke. True, there once was Princess Platinum, but said pony passed away a long time ago.

“I don’t know what game you are playing here, Nightmare Moon, but I won’t allow you to bring eternal night tor Equestria!” a purple unicorn in the middle of the crowd shouts angrily, gaining the attention of everypony around her.

Dumbfounded, the yet to be named alicorn looks down at the crowd. “Wait, are you serious,” she asks several moments later, only to break out in uncontrolled laughter, when the purple unicorn confirms this.

Unable to control herself, she rolls around laughing on the balcony, only to roll over the railing, landing very uncomfortably on the floor. Her undignified way down from the balcony helps her to get herself back under control.

Once she is standing on all of her four hooves again, she addresses the hilarious unicorn. “First of all, such foolishness would only lead to the end of all life. And second, I am Princess Luna, not whatever my backstabbing sister came up with.”

“However, as nice as it is to see that my sister didn’t lead Equestria into complete ruin, there is some important business I have to take care of immediately.” With that, the self-appointed princess makes her way towards the town hall’s exit, but pauses for a moment to say one more thing, before vanishing into the night. “Before I forget it, you’ll probably find my sister in the crystal mines under Mount Canterhorn, that's where her favorite hiding spot used to be.”

It’s a sad alicorn that walks out of the town hall, taking to the sky only moments later, hearing the start of multiple conversations. Truly, that is not how she expected her return to Equestria to be, but it’s still better than what her sister could have done.

At least, due to the hostile welcome she received, she has no regrets for what she is about to do. In silence she thinks about all the spells she may need to cast, should Harmony deny her request. As she flies over the Everfree forest, she is shocked beyond belief when she sees what these once beautiful woods have become.

Still, that isn’t the worst discovery she will make this day. When she spots the beloved castle she and her sister grew up in lying in ruins, she is unable to hold her tears back anymore. She cries for all it’s worth, debating for a short moment with herself, if she should turn around and give Celestia a piece of her mind, but ultimately decides against it. Only the knowledge that there is a colt in need of her help keeps her on course.

Once she landed in front of her old home, she paused for several moments before she walked into it. She takes a quick look in the old throne room before she makes her way into the tower her private chambers were located in.

When she enters said room, she is surprised to see that the room looks the same as the day she left. With a happy look upon her face, she opens her heavily enchanted personal vault and picks up a good amount of gems and many bits, stuffing them into her old saddlebags.

After picking up some very personal items, she gives the room a once over, making sure that she forgot nothing when her gaze comes to a stop at her desk. After debating with herself for a short moment, she sat down and wrote a short letter to her sister before leaving the room again.

She searches the entire castle for the old artifacts they defeated Discord with, the very ones her treacherous sister turned against her, but without success. Unable to find them, she makes her way into the cave the Tree of Harmony is located in.

A sigh of relief escapes her when she finds the Elements of Harmony exactly where they took them from, such a long time ago. It takes her only a few more steps until she stands directly in front of the Tree of Harmony. She kneels down in front of it before voicing her request. “Spirits of Harmony, please lend me your strength once more. There is a young colt that needs my help and I am unsure that my magic is strong enough to reach him on my own.”

Nothing happens for quite some time and the alicorn is considering if she should just get up to leave and try plan B, when she feels a hoof touching her chin, lifting it up. “Of course we will help you Luna. But you need to know that Harry is important to his world. Even if his fate isn’t written in stone yet, he can’t leave that world for too long before the evil there is defeated for good.”

“Thank you, thank you all,” she replies gratefully to the six spirits in front of her, not having expected her request to actually be granted. Not after how she and her sister endangered the harmony in Equestria a thousand years ago.

“From the moment you touch our roots with your hooves, the three of you will be able to change your appearance and travel between Earth and Equestria at will.” The six spirits say in unison before vanishing as suddenly as they appeared only moments before.

Luna ponders for a few moments why the spirits said that three would gain the ability to travel between dimensions, but dismisses it as unimportant for now, quite certain that it doesn’t involve her sister.

Just as instructed, she carefully places her right forehoof on one of the many roots, unaware how the powerful magic she gains is felt for a short moment by everypony in Equestria.

She holds it there for several seconds before she teleports to a park on earth, close to her young friend's home. However, she is unaware that her arrival on earth has ensured that another young boy will have a very special dream tonight, granting him new abilities which he will keep secret for quite some time.

Fifteen minutes earlier:

A white alicorn is lying comfortably on a cushion in her old hideout beneath Canterlot, drinking tea. She is waiting patiently for a sign that her faithful student has ended the old conflict with her sister for good, when a letter suddenly appears, landing directly in front of her.

While she is confident that Twilight was successful, this isn’t quite the sign she had been expecting. Nonetheless she picks the piece of parchment up with her magic, only to gasp in shock at the sight of Luna’s seal. She can only stare in disbelief at the accursed thing, wondering what went wrong in Ponyville.

After a few moments curiosity gets the better of her and she opens it, curious about its content, only for color to drain from her face, which itself is quite a remarkable feat due to her wite coat.

Dear sister,

I don’t know what plans you had for my future, but I can happily say that all of them failed.

When we had our last fight a millennium ago, and I was mere inches away from victory, you attempted to force your will upon me with the Elements of Harmony. Still both of us know that this didn’t work as you cheating cake obsessed maniac intended.

However, nothing of this matters anymore, since I will leave Equestria within the next hour.

Under different circumstances I would tell you how much I hope that you enjoy your solitude, but I honestly don't care anymore. But don’t think that you get rid of me that easily. I will return one day and there is nothing you can do against this. For now, I have far more important things to take care of.

However, I think you should know that I forgave you a long time ago.

Your loving sister, Luna

P.s.: Attempting to bring endless night??? You honestly couldn't come up with a better excuse for my long absence? That is just disappointing.

Unwilling to believe what is written on that piece of parchment, she reads the letter two more times, but much to her shock, she hasn’t misread a single word. She lost her sister a millennium ago through her own foolishness, and now, only a few hours after she was freed, she already wants to leave again?

Whatever possessed her to do this, she can’t let it happen, not again. Deeply regretting what she did all those years ago, she teleports directly to Ponyville, hoping that she can get some answers there.

Upon her arrival she immediately makes her way to the town hall, expecting most ponies to be in there. Those expectations prove to be correct, but unlike she had hoped, many of the ponies there are arguing.

Once the citizens of the town realized that they weren’t alone anymore, they turn around. Upon seeing the solar alicorn, they blurted out just how relieved they were, now knowing that she is safe. In a cacophony of different voices they bombard her with a multitude of questions regarding a certain black alicorn.

Black? Luna's coat used to be blue. She thinks about that for a moment, wondering how this happened. She comes to the conclusion that Luna may have never reversed the color changing spell, she used to prank her sister a few days before their fight.

She gives the gathered ponies some time to calm down before she clears her throat, silencing them immediately. “Are you sure the visiting alicorn had a black coat and not a midnight blue one?”

“Yes, your highness,” one of the many ponies in the crowd replies before hastily adding, “she looked very worried and told us that she had something important to take care of before she left in a rush.”

She thanks the pony that just proved that she didn’t mishear earlier, wondering why her sister didn’t change back to her normal coat color. Luna knew how much she despises this color, or was this exactly why?

“Do any of you know in which direction she went,” she asked the assembled ponies, keeping on the mask of the calm ruler, while in truth, she has trouble keeping her emotions in check.

“She was heading towards the Everfree Forest.” Once more, she thanks the pony that answered her question before she leaves the building, taking off in the direction of her old home.

Fully aware that she has no time to spare, she flies faster than she has done in a very long time. She is so focused on her task that she barely registers the cone forming around her. Flying gets harder every moment, and she is tempted to slow down but with how little time she has, she puts all her strength into her wings and powers through that cone.

While the ponies in Ponyville notice the beautiful expanding ring of flames, she doesn’t care that she broke the sound barrier for the first time in over twelve hundred years, she is far too much in a hurry, to pay attention to such little things.

However, even with the power boost of the solar blast, she still isn’t fast enough. Less than a minute after that, she feels a mighty surge of magic coming from the Tree of Harmony. Instantly, she realizes that she has lost her sister yet again.

Nonetheless, she continues her flight towards the source of the magic she felt, hoping that against all odds, she can find a way to her sister and maybe convince her to come back home.

Author's Note:

Thank you for editing this chapter Javarod.