• Published 14th Jul 2021
  • 3,267 Views, 88 Comments

Luna's little Rose - Silent Wing

After being saved from the Dursleys, the live of Harry Potetr changes drasticly. Only when he starts his studies at Hogwarts, his life begins to take a slow turn towards normal. The only question is, how do you define normal?

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02 Reunion 1/2

Author's Note:

I don't know what you do when you are happy, but I certainly try to share the joy with others.

In this case I am happy that I have finally passed the side effects of my second covid shot. To celebrate this, I thought it would be a good idea to post this chapter 24h earlier. :twilightsmile:

Thanks to Javarod, this chapter is now completly edited. :twilightsmile:

Have fun

Vernon Dursley was having a great day. Not only had he finished his work for the day much earlier than expected, but his business meeting also showed great results, far better than he hoped. If everything continues to run as good as it is, he will make the biggest deal of his career next week. This would definitely lead to a promotion. Sadly, his luck wouldn’t last.

When the doorbell rang, he considered ignoring it for a short moment before deciding that he should see what else the day had in store for him.

However, all color drained from his face as he opened the door, realizing immediately that his luck had run out. On the welcome mat to his home stood two police officers flanking a man wearing a cheap grey suit.

“Mister Dursley, may we enter?” one of the two police officers asks him. Knowing that this isn’t really a question, he allows them to enter, not wanting to give his neighbors any gossip by causing a scene on the doorstep.

“How can I help you fine gentlemen,” he asks shortly after closing the door behind his unexpected guests, showing them the way to the living room, hoping that this won’t be about what he feared it could be about.

“Mister Dursley, my name is Mister Stein, and I’m with Children’s Services. We have received reports that a child, one Harry James Potter, has suffered abuse and neglect at this address.” Vernon began to deny knowing the boy only to have Mr Stein interrupt him, “We have already verified this address with Harry's school. It would be best for your case if you were to tell the truth.”

Seeing the looks of the officers, he reluctantly directed them to the small compartment beneath the stairs while saying the boy was in his room.

It was clear by the reaction of the three gentlemen that he was indeed in a lot of trouble. More so, when they saw the child’s condition. A fresh black eye that he’d come home with, along with a number of poorly treated scratches and bruises. One of the officers excused himself to retrieve a first aid kit from their car.

The boy looked confused as he awoke, seeing a police officer and a man he’d never seen before looking him and his room over. “Harry James Potter?” When the boy confirmed it, Mr Stein introduced himself and told him a concerned party had informed them of Harry's situation. When asked, he elaborated that they would bring him to the hospital for treatment, and then arrange for a new foster home for him.

Harry gathered his stuff and followed the man out to one of the waiting cars nervously, leaving Mister Dursley with the officers. Surprisingly, someone was waiting for him in the passenger seat. Instinctually he knew who it was, “Luna? Is it really you?”

She smiled and nodded, “I told you I will keep you safe.” Stepping out of the car she swept him up in a hug.

“What will happen now,” he asks worriedly after several moments of silence, not loosening his grip around the woman’s neck.

“Well, after we get you checked out, I thought it would be a good idea to get something to eat before I show you our new home.” To no one's surprise, Harry accepts her proposal without a second thought.

“Mom, how have you been able to get everything arranged so fast?” the young boy asks while stepping into their new home for the first time. Also, it is the first time in his life being truly satisfied with a meal. While it wasn't much, a double cheeseburger with fries was more than he ever got from his relatives in a single meal.

“Being able to communicate with others during their dreams has many advantages, one of them being that you aren’t bound to business hours.” she replies with a smug grin, following him inside.

“And how could you afford all this?” he continued questioning, gesturing at everything around them. What he sees must have cost a small fortune, especially if she set everything up in the short time she hadn't visited him in his dreams.

“Let’s just say that there are some things that are far more common in Equestria than here.” she answers with a smug grin, knowing that there is nothing able to stop her from taking advantage of this, except some moral boundaries. True, she still has plenty of gems safely stored in a bank, but she sees them more as an emergency measure than spending money. Relying on them too much would only raise questions. Questions she rather not answer.

After answering a few more questions, Luna gives Harry a tour of the house, ending at his room, which is surprisingly empty. “I thought it would only be fair if you choose your own furnishings when we go shopping tomorrow.”

“But where will I sleep tonight,” he asks surprised, still gobsmacked by everything that happened during the last few hours.

“How about we turn that one dream where my favorite little bat is sleeping cuddled up with her mother into a reality?” Excited by the sheer thought of this becoming real, Harry doesn’t notice Luna’s slight slip up. No, instead he focuses on all the things Luna told him about the Elements of Harmony, and the explanation on how he could turn into a pony in the real world. True, he could have done this for quite a while but he was too scared of how the Dursleys would react, should they ever find out about this ability .

“Before you change, you need to remember that some of the changes are going to be permanent,” Luna interrupts him, making him lose his concentration.

“What do you mean,” he asks the one person he had been calling mother in his dreams for quite some time. While he is slightly confused, he already has a good guess what this could be about. He would be a true fool to believe that she wouldn’t have noticed.

“Do you really think I haven’t noticed that you never changed into a colt?” she replies with a smile, causing the young boy's cheeks to turn a bright red as his guess is confirmed.

“I don’t care. A change that results in one less thing reminding me of my life with the Dursleys is a good change, even if it's something fundamental like that,” he replies confidently, not surprising Luna in the slightest with his answer. Those decisions had been made a long time ago and if she would have anything against it, she would have made herself known a long time ago. No, she just wanted to make sure that Harry is aware of the finality of his actions.

With that out of the way, she watches happily as he changes into a pony for the first time in the waking world. “You look as adorable as ever,” she replies, complimenting her new daughter before she also changes into a pony.

Much to the young filly’s surprise, Luna picks her up by the neck and carries her in her own room, where she gently drops her on the bed before laying down next to her. As promised only a minute ago, she pulls the filly close to her and gently lays a wing over her. “I doubt I should continue to call you Harry anymore. This name certainly doesn’t fit a girl, nor a filly,” she states matter-of-factly, looking her foal in the eyes before asking if she has any ideas of her own.

“How about Nightrose?” is her quick reply, eager to get rid of one more thing that reminds her of the time she was trapped with the Dursleys.

“That sounds lovely,” Luna confirms that she thinks of it as a good idea only moments later before she decides to add a little something to that. “How about Rose or Rosie for short?”

Once these decisions are made, they talk for a bit more before the renamed Nightrose falls asleep. As much as Luna wants to join her, she has too much to think about. Most importantly, how could she make the changes of Rose's name and gender official without drawing unwanted attention. It is with a heavy sigh that she realizes, this won't work without bribing one or two people. While she had planned to never do this again, it looks like this one time there is no way around it.

Somewhere in London, in a very well hidden building, unnoticed by the many wizards and witches working there, documents changed, some disappeared, some new ones were created.

True, self updating paperwork may have it’s benefits, but not immediately becoming aware of important changes can be a major drawback for those involved with said documents.