• Published 23rd Oct 2019
  • 1,790 Views, 44 Comments

My Little Mages: Denouement of Resolution - Foxhelm

As Twilight's coronation draws near, things seemed well for Twilight. However, now Chrysalis', Tirek's and Cozy's plan comes to fuition. A My Little Mages retelling of Ending of the End

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Twilight, and all's not well

Author's Note:

Trigger warning:
One character uses a term that many would find offensive towards those of a particular gender or sexual identity.
I don't regret using the term in the text, but someone somewhere is gonna complain about it.
So if you can't stand terms that are known to insult a particular gender and/or sex, here's your stop.

.... So are the SJW snowflakes gone?

Good. To all you awesome people still reading, stay awesome:rainbowdetermined2:
Now on with the show.

About two hours since Twilight sent out her letters, the generals and colonels of the ESM were gathered in the throne room alongside the Archdruid along with other heads of religious order’s armed wings, and a certain blue-haired sentinel. All of whom had joined Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Discord, et al. Twilight was flying just above the thrones, “We've faced the enemies of Mystica before. And we've always succeeded, no matter the odds.” she started her speech to build up the confidence of those there, “That wouldn't be possible without all of you.” she acknowledged the efforts and actions of everyone besides her core friends. Discord was about to say something but he spotted Spike giving him the evil eye. Seeing the dragon’s eyes left Discord mute. If Twilight saw that, she showed no signs of it and continued her speech, “So I ask for your help again today in what is our biggest battle yet. All of Mystica is at stake, and I can't do this alone.” she confessed as this was clearly not a fight she can fight alone. However, she smiled as she looked at the group in front of her, “But I'm not afraid. Because with friendship as our armor and teamwork as our power, no one can ever bring us down!” she declared as she thrust her right arm into the air to rally them.

Just then the throne room doors were swung open as most to the ESM that was stationed in the capital were thrown while in a red aura. Once they all landed Cozy hovered in, “Oh, come on!” she groaned in anger, “Where'd you get that? A daily affirmations calendar?” she asked as she rolled her eyes at the speech she heard from the other side of the door. She then pooled her magic into her right hand and sent a blast sending Celestia, Luna, Discord, Spike, Twilight and her friends towards the thrones. With the lot blasted back, Cozy started to laugh, “It's true! demigods really do have more fun!” she laughed again and sent another beam.

As Cozy made it into the throne room, The Pillars and Stygian had arrived not far from the mountains just south of the capitol. Stygian was looking through a collection of news reports on Tirek’s last attack along with Twilight’s notes and the records of Tirek’s first attempt with Scorpan. “So what are we up against?” Star Swirl asked the scholar.

“Tirek can drain the magic and life force of other beings, with Magicborns being the easiest he can drain from, then Skyborn, then Earthborn, and then beings like Discord and finally Demigods.” Stygian summed up. “So we have to be cautious when he conjures an orange ball of magic in his hands,” the scholar added.

“Right,” Star Swirl said with a nod as he pulled out a telescope to see if he could spot Tirek while the spellthief was far off.

However, the ground erupted behind the seven and Tirek emerged as in his left hand and from it came an orange beam that struck Star Swirl and Stygian. As the two fainted, Tirek absorbed the magic and life force as Flash Magnus and Rockfoot tried to attack him. Tirek laughed as he sidestepped and Rockfoot smacked Flash Magnus with the head of his shovel sending the warrior into Mistmane. Before Rockfoot could do anything, Tirek grabbed the giant of a man with his right hand and placed the orb on Rockfoot’s chest. Rockfoot quivered and spasmed as not only his inherent magic was drawn from him, but the power that transformed into his current state, changing him back to what he was, smaller, thinner, and any metric weaker than even Stygian. Tirek laughed as he threw Rockfoot into Meadowbrook and turned so that he could drain the power from Flash Magnus as he tried to sneak attack after recovering.

“Is it the best you can do?” Tirek asked with a chuckle. He then bashed Magnus aside as Mistmane tried to follow her friend, however, she too was drained of her magic. Tirek then turned to Meadowbrook as she tried to heal Rockfoot. Once she too was drained, he then noticed there was a Pillar missing. “Oh Somnambula, there is no hope in running.” Tirek laughed before he turned to see the last Pillar fly towards the city. Tirek then took a deep breath before he cast a teleportation spell to be right in front of the Pillar of Hope. Somnaumbula collided with Tirek and landed on her rear. Tirek laughed as he shoved the orb into Somnaumbula’s chest. “You had barely two years to learn about me, I’ve studied you six for decades before I arrived in Mystica, the first time,” Tirek added before he threw the depowered Skyborn towards the rest. He then opened his mouth and drank the magic he extracted. Once it was all consumed, he licked his lips, “Like a fine wine, season with age.” Tirek the turned and started to walk to Chantalot like he owned the place, “And I knew the perfect dessert to this legendary meal.” He continued to laugh as the seven were left barely able to move.

In the School of Friendship, as Cozy was making her way to the throne room before Tirek tackled the Pillars, Starlight was directing the students through a grate large enough for someone the size of Big Mac or Bulk Biceps to slip through with ease. The grate itself was just over a root of the Tree of Harmony which was being used as a slide, at the other end were Sunburst and Trixie to catch the students as they slide down. “Stay with your buddy and keep close to Counselor Trixie and Deputy Headmaster Sunburst!” Starlight ordered as she tried to stay calm, but anyone can tell that she was fearful of what was about to happen.

Suddenly there was a loud boom from outside the building on the grounds of the school, “Starlight, star bright. Where's the binder I want to fight?!” came the voice of Chrysalis as the elven queen continued to blast the school’s building as Starlight looked out one of the windows to see Chrysalis blast the school grounds.

Starlight then turned back to the grate as the last student slide down, “We got this.” came Sunburst’s voice in an attempt to reassure the new headmistress.

“Besides, nobody does a great and powerful escape like Trixie,” Trixie added before the grate was shut.

Starlight closed her eyes and took a breath and in an instant, she had teleported herself to be outside on one of the gables. “You do know it’s school policy for guardians to make an appointment.” she jabbed to get Chrysalis’ attention. As the deposed queen turned to face Starlight, “Although last I check, you lost parental rights over Ocellus!” Starlight then tackled Chrysalis and teleported the two away.

The two arrived somewhere in either the Crystal Mountains or the Hyperborean Mountains, it was difficult to tell and landed in the snow with a thud. Starlight then pushed off of Chrysalis and prepared to bind her next series of spells. Chrysalis emerged second and looked around the area, seeing the snow and hearing the howling wind. “What is this place?” Chrysalis asked.

Starlight was still preparing her series of bond spells, “Somewhere you can't hurt anybody!” she answered as she cast her spell.

Chrysalis almost effortlessly swatted the spell to the side with her left hand and prepared her own counter-attack in her right hand, “Wrong. I can hurt you!” she then blasted Starlight. Starlight teleported to another part of the area. Chrysalis growled and this was repeated almost five times, “Stay still so I can blast you!” she shouted.

“Maybe if you said the magic word.” Starlight joked before she teleported again. All the while she dodged Chrysalis’ blasts until she managed to guide Chrysalis into an attempt to tackle her. As Chrysalis tried, Starlight once again teleported and Chrysalis found herself under a ledge of snow. Too late Chrysalis realized that Starlight tricked her to be caught in an avalanche. Before she could respond the snow buried her eighteen feet deep. Starlight smirked as she turned to walk away. “So much of a rematch.”

Just then Chrysalis blasted the snow off her and the force knocked out Starlight. Chrysalis chuckled as she wrapped Starlight in a cocoon. “Indeed, it was quite the rematch.” She then picked up Starlight and prepared to teleport, “Now I'll have all eternity to take my revenge on you!”

Back in the throne room, Cozy had without much effort thrown around the guard. Not that the guards weren’t trying to seize and need be kill her. However, Cozy conjured a shield bubble and laughed at the attempts before she conjured a portal to the pond on the grounds under her assailants, sending them into the pond. All save Flash Sentry, “You know, you can be a real cunt, Glow-senpai.” Flash cursed as he drew his sword. Cozy only laughed before Flash charged at her, “STAR SABRE!” Flash shouted but the shield bubble didn’t break as he was forced back sending him into the wall.

Celestia and Luna were the first to recover from the group that Cozy blasted. The two nodded before they turned to Cozy and took a few breaths before Celestia’s hair began to shift towards looking much like a flame, as Luna’s shifted to be reminiscent of Nightmare Moon. A golden light pooled in Celestia’s hands, and argent light pooled in Luna’s. Each of the sisters' eyes became fields of light that matched the magic in their hands. Celestia’s body took on the vague outline of a lion as her wings looked like an eagle’s. Luna’s wings took on a bat’s form as her body had the slight outline of a mixture of a deer and hare. Cozy snickered as the two blasted her. However, it was then that Cozy pulled out Grogar’s Bewitching Bell and rang it. The bell not only took the beams that Celestia and Luna sent to her, but all pulled out Celestia’s and Luna’s magic, changing Luna to what she appeared as when she was liberated from Nightmare Moon’s hold. In Celestia’s case her hair became a bright pink, and like Luna, lost her amazonian stature.

As the sisters’ powers were stripped, Twilight and the rest recovered and were on their feet, save Discord, who was cowering being the thrones. “NO!” Twilight shouted.

Once the power of the two demigods was stored in the bell, “That's the problem with you Magicborn and Demigods.” Cozy said as looked down at Celestia and Luna, “You're so reliant on all your special power, you forgot to use your brains!” she shouted before she started to laugh.

As Cozy was caught up in her laughter, “Keep telling yourself that!” Twilight shouted as she nodded to Rainbow. Rainbow then flew so fast from where she stood and around Cozy that a rainbow followed her in her wake.

Cozy was caught up in the wake and forced to spend around and around that she didn’t see anything until she found herself staring down the business end of a party-themed bazooka. “Surprise attack!” Pinkie shouted before she pulled the trigger firing a great amount of confetti and streamers right into Cozy’s face forcing her back.

As Cozy coughed and attempted to get her bearings, she spotted Fluttershy hovering with all the geese hovering around her, all of them had eyes were fields of pink lights. “Fly, fly, fly!” the druid ordered the geese. The geese squawked and honked as they all flew at Cozy.

Cozy screamed as she shielded herself from the geese only for her to be caught off guard before Spike exhaled fire at her. Cozy barely dodged it only to be assailed by the geese, Rainbow dive-bombing, and Pinkie’s party bazooka along with blasts from Twilight, only to also have to dodge Spike’s fire again and diamonds flung at her by Rarity. All this diverted Cozy from Applejack’s rope as the paladin pulled her to the floor. As Cozy recovered, she found herself surrounded by Twilight et al, each with a weapon at the ready. Cozy cowered slightly but looked over Twilight to the stained glass windows over Celestia’s and Luna’s thrones and smiled before she conjured a shield bubble around her.

Twilight paused and then turned to see the window over the thrones exploded with Starlight in a cocoon thrown in knocking Twilight et al off their feet. This was followed by Chrysalis flying into the throne room with Tirek, following suit, by climbing in after he blasted more of the wall exposing the full outside. As he came in he spotted Discord, grabbed him and threw the fallen lord of Chaos into the group. Twilight was the first to recover and conjured a shield around her, her friends, Discord and the princesses as they slowly got to their feet. Chrysalis laughed at what she saw, “You think your pathetic shield can stop us?” she asked and chuckled again. “The Pillars have been defeated by Tirek,” she said as she pointed to the spellthief. Tirek patted himself on his shoulder with a smirk. “Your school is abandoned, thanks to yours truly,” she said as she pointed to herself with a wicked grin. “Face it, Twilight. You've lost!” the deposed queen declared.

Twilight locked her gaze at Chrysalis, her stance adamant in her resolution, “You can attack us and we may fall.” Twilight conceded. “But Mystica will still stand, united in friendship. And we won't stop until we defeat you, no matter how many you take down!” Twilight challenged her faith absolut. The trio laughed in response.

Tirek was the first to speak of the trio after they finished laughing, “Didn't you all notice something was wrong in Mystica?” Tirek asked in a way calling attention to what Twilight et al experienced earlier the day. “We've been busy.” Tirek stated, “A whisper here, a rumor there, some destroyed crops here, some property damaged there, one person turned against another here, a community put on the edge there…” Tirek trailed off slightly, “Until the whole realm is on edge, only waiting for that just one tiny thing to push things over the brink.” He finished the explanation. Everyone was slightly confused about what he said. Tirek then looked squarely at Twilight, “Really, someone as well versed as you should be familiar with Lingchi, or the old phrase, ‘It’s the last straw that breaks the camels’ back’?” Tirek asked. Twilight’s head dipped as she started to see what lead to this moment.

“You’d be surprised how much three amoral people with a goal can accomplish in about four months.” Cozy added. “And with your boy toy knocked out into next week, there’s no one to help and with the power of Grogar in us and both the Elements of Harmony destroyed and The Rainbow of Light lost to you, and no Crystal Heart here, no Rainbows of Mass Reformation to save you.” She then flew to the side as Chrysalis flew to be right in front of Twilight, with only Twilight’s shield separating the two.

“You know what's stronger than friendship, Twilight?” Chrysalis asked before she let herself be consumed by lime green flames and changed to look like Sombra but with batlike wings that in the venue of Chrysalis' own wings and the wings of the four demigods. “Fear!” Chrysalis shouted before she changed back. While in the form akin to Sombra before Chrysalis fully changed back to her new empowered state, Twilight screamed in terror and the shield spell shattered as Chrysalis blasted it.

Before anyone could respond, Tirek grabbed Twilight and threw her into a wall, “'Cause when you have to protect yourself, you don't have time for anybody else.” he pointed out as he picked her up with his magic and threw her right into the window of their fight shattering.

However, Twilight was not thrown out of the castle as she was pulled back in by Cozy. The vile demigod used her magic to throw Twilight right to the trio’s feet, “Too bad you never taught that in school.” she mocked Twilight as the three began to pool their magic into their hands.

But before they could blast her, a part of a pillar was thrown into the three knocking them back. Twilight turned to see that it was Rarity that threw the pillar. Rarity was panting as her hands were still up and her focus gems glowing. Twilight smiled and quickly ran to her friend. Unbeknownst to the princess, the three got back up. Rarity spotted this and quickly pulled some of the rubble that Tirek made upon his entry to form block the oncoming attack. “Go, Twilight! Get help!” She screamed as she rushed to the stone and in an attempt to enchant it so that it could survive the oncoming blast of all three of their foes.

Before Twilight could counter, Applejack rushed to be by Rarity’s side and placed one hand on Rarity’s shoulder and the other on the stone, each was glowing red delicious red. “We'll hold 'em 'til you get back!” the paladin declared as Fluttershy, Pinkie, Rainbow, Spike, Celestia, and Luna joined the two.

“It's our only chance!” the druid shouted as like Applejack she placed a hand on Rairy and one on the stone, her hands were both light pink.

“You'll come up with something to save the day!” Rainbow added as her hands glowed the seven colors of the rainbow as she placed them on the stone.

“You always do!” Pinkie shouted as she, Spike, Celestia, and Luna put their backs into holding up and back the stone.

“We believe in you!” the three groaned and strained against the assault.

Twilight was about to protest when Discord took her by her shoulders and looked her straight in the eyes, “Fly, you fool!” he ordered before he joined the rest.

The tears in Twilight’s ears didn’t stop flowing as she turned away. She looked to the sky as if to ask someone, ‘Why?’ but she could not wait for an answer. Her focus gem started to glow and she was gone.