• Published 23rd Oct 2019
  • 1,790 Views, 44 Comments

My Little Mages: Denouement of Resolution - Foxhelm

As Twilight's coronation draws near, things seemed well for Twilight. However, now Chrysalis', Tirek's and Cozy's plan comes to fuition. A My Little Mages retelling of Ending of the End

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A Twilight Campaign

Author's Note:

A cookie to anyone who gets the reference in the title of this chapter. (Hint, the last exchange of dialogue references the same thing)
Here's hoping that the last chapter will be up for Nightmare Night... but maybe All Soul's Day is more likely.

Foxhelm, out.

Hours later, deep in the almost long-forgotten caves under Chantalot, Celestia, Luna, Starlight, The Pillars, Stygian, Applejack, Rarity, Spike, Rainbow, Fluttershy, Flash Sentry, and Pinkie were locked up in various cells. Celestia and Luna were in one, the Pillars and Stygian in another, Flash and Starlight were in their own cells, while Applejack and the rest were in a cell together. The cells were carved into the walls with a variant of the gue Chrysalis uses to make cocoons as the bars. Cozy hovered in front of the cell with Applejack et al. “And now for your complete destruction!” the deranged demigod taunted as she looked into the cell. “Won't that be fun?” she asked them rhetorically.

As she started to pool her magic into her hands, Chrysalis pulled her back, “Patience, Cozy.” she playfully scolded. “Destruction is so... permanent.” the queen stated, with far too much amusement. “We need to show the rest of Mystica that we've broken their heroes first,” she said as pointed to all the other key prisoners. She then started to chuckle, “Besides, we should have fun with our guests.”

“No!” Tirek shouted, cutting Chrysalis’ amusement short. “We should hunt down Twilight Sparkle.” he countered and gave his own thoughts on what to do. “If history has taught me anything as long as she or any other wanna-be hero is out there, that person dangerous.” Tirek scold as he looked at the absence of Twilight.

Chrysalis chuckled at Tirek’s concern finding it misplaced, “Is the big, strong spellthief that scared of one little princess?” she mocked. Tirek growled at that. Chrysalis waved her hand, “Relax. It's not like her friends are going anywhere.” she pointed out. “And given how easily Sombra bested Cadance, Shining Armor and the Crystal Heart, they pose no threat to the three of us.” She added. In Starlight’s cell, she tried to cast a spell, only for her magic to fizzle out. Chrysalis chuckled at the attempt, “The fools brought the remains of my throne to Chanalot to protect themselves. Hah!” she laughed as she called attention to some of the stones embedded into the crystal of the caves. “Those shards block their magic.” She informed. She then saw Cozy getting close to the cells again. She swiftly pulled Cozy back, “Careful,” she informed. “Being too close and the shards cancel even our powers, even my own. While we are far more powerful now, as we discovered, Grogar’s magic is intermingled with our own, and the shards of my throne negate all but Changeling magic.” She acknowledged the flaw in their power. She then drew a line in the ground a noticeable distance from the cells, “But on this side of the cavern, we're the most powerful beings in Mystica, thanks to Grogar's Bell.” she then tugged on a chain. “Isn't that right, ‘Grogar’?” she asked mockingly as she pulled a chained Discord into the light.

As Tirek and Chrysalis laughed at Discord’s current state, Cozy looked at the bell and reached for it. This was spotted by Tirek, “What are you doing?!” he asked as he pulled the bell away from her. “You remember what happened when you tried to take Discord's chaos magic?” he asked rhetorically as he scolded Cozy.

“But it has Celestia’s and Luna’s magic in there too!” Cozy whined in protest. She looked at the bell, “I could be so much more powerful if I just could have—”

“You mean what we could have? Remember own deal!” Chrysalis cut Cozy off as she joined Tirek in reprimanding Cozy. The three then developed into a shouting fest between them.

Inside the cell that Applejack and Twilight’s closest friends, the six turned to each other, “This is really bad.” Fluttershy sighed commenting on the situation.

“Twilight is still free.” Applejack pointed out. “Also Cadance, Shining, Flurry, Trixie, Thorax and so many others can still help us if we can reach them.” She continued as she was looking on the brighter side. However, she scowled as she recalled their current situation. “But first we gotta find Twilight. She's probably already figured out some way to defeat those three.”

Rainbow smiled in agreement, but frowned as she pushed against the ‘bars’, “Any idea how we get out of here to do that?” she asked, “Because with these ‘bars’ there's no way anybody could get through this.

At this point, Discord managed to get to his feet and walked over to the cell, “I'm so sorry.” he said, his voice utterly saturated with guilt and remorse. He then picked up a crystal, “It made so much sense in my head.” he sighed. He looked away towards Celestia, “I saw how much Twilight grew with each of her victories, even those that Celestia directed her to.” he turned back to Applejack et al, “Twilight would defeat her worst enemies and would be filled with confidence. I truly did have the best intentions.” he dipped his head as tears started to drip down from his eyes. “I swear I'll make it up to you.”

All six could only give bemused gazes at Discord.“That's gonna need to be a pretty epic make-up,” Rainbow stated what was on her mind and the others.

Tirek then blasted the bell away from the three, “None of us can use the princess' magic until we figure out how to handle that fool's ridiculous chaos magic!” he shouted, getting everyone’s focus on to him and as he was concerned ended the debate.

Discord started to walk over towards the three, “I could always tell you how.” Discord started. Asn he passed the crystal he had back and forth between his hands. “It would give you power over all reality.” he pointed out. “But you'd have to ask nicely and spare my friends,” he stated his price. Spike was about to speak in protest, but his mouth was covered by Applejack, as the paladin seemed to have figured out Discord’s plan.

Cozy flew up to Discord and childishly started to ask, “Discord, could you pweeeease—”

However, Chrysalis cut Cozy off, “No! We’re the ones in control here.” she pointed out. “Threats are more fitting and my speed.” She then pooled her magic into her left hand and pointed it at the cell with Fluttershy in it. “Speak, knave or the druid will be pushing daisies!” she ordered.

“Don’t waste your time or magic.” Tirek countered as he pulled the two away from Discord. “He won't tell us and you’re both fools to believe otherwise. With his magic trapped, he poses no threat save to tantalize us to use it. Yet even without it, we are still more powerful than anything Twilight can throw at us if we keep our senses.”

Discord huffed as he crossed his arms as he turned his back to the three, “I certainly won't tell you after the way you lied to me last time we teamed up, you muscle-bound cretin.”

Tirek took three breaths through his nostrils in an attempt to calm himself, but he could only calm down slightly, “This "cretin" could destroy you before you blink, so choose your words carefully.” he clenched his fist as he anger was boiling over.

Discord smirked before he turned to face the three, his focus on Tirek, “You're right. "Cretin" is too polite. How about ‘pathetic child who uses magic to compensate for the fact that deep down he's afraid he'll never be enough to please dear old dad, Vorak’?” he asked as leaned into Tirek’s face and took a step back to be away from Tirek. Tire’s anger boiled over and he blasted Discord. Discord barely blocked the attack with the gem causing it to ricochet over all the place until the magic dissipated.

Cozy looked and saw that she, Chrysalis and Tirek were unscathed. She laughed, “You missed!” she declared.

“Sorry, Senpai.” Came Flash Sentry’s voice as he jumped from his cell, his sword drawn in his right hand and in his left hand was his hand crossbow. “But his aim was true, and now you’re gonna pay! REQUIEM BLASTER!!! He shouted as he pulled the trigger. The bolt fired and flew true. Cozy pulled Chrysalis and Tirek to the ground and the bolt ricochetted just like Tirek’s beam. Once it was done, the trio looked up to see Starlight, Celestia, Luna, Stygian, and the Pillars were freed.

“Get her!” Chrysalis shouted before she went after Starlight. Cozy and Tirek, however, were tackled by Stgyain, the Pillars and the princesses.

Flash smiled as his sword started to glow, “Star Sabre.” he said and before he cut the bars of Applejack et al’s cell, “Get Twilight!” he told the six. “You all are the only one to be able to get through to her now.”

“What do you mean?” Rainbow asked.

Flash pointed his hand crossbow to the six, “Requiem blaster,” he said only for nothing to happen. “I can only use my magic via my boons, but I can’t use my boons if Twilight was either stripped of her magic or loses faith, and since Twilight's magic hasn't been drained...” He turned to face the brawl, “All we can do is buy you the chance to get out of here. Now go!” he then threw his crossbow to the side and took his sword with both hands.

As the six started to leave, Rainbow turned to Discord, “That... was a pretty epic make-up.” she admitted.

“Just save Mystica!” Discord shouted as he joined the fray.

Little over an hour later, Applejack broke through one of the walls of the castle, letting the six out into the open and out of the castle. As they looked around, they saw that the grounds were empty. “Where is everyone?” Rarity asked.

“The Magicborn in the city have gathered in Celestia’s School for the Gifted.” came a voice that sounded much like Twilight’s but it sounded not unlike an echo. The six turned to see what looked like Twilight, but her skin seemed to glitter and in a white gown.

“It’s the Spirit of the Tree of Harmony.” the six said together in disbelieve.

The Spirit shook her head, “Please, as my opposite Discord has a name, perhaps a name would befit me as well.” After she mused for a second, “Call me Amity.” she asked.

“Alright, Amity, why in this town everyone hiding?” Rainbow asked on her and the five other’s behalf.

Amity shook her head, “Not just the residents of the capital.” Amity closed her eyes and brought her hands together only to open her hands and show a series of scenes as her eyes were fields of white. One scene showed Magiville as the Skyborns were flying towards Cloudsdale, the Earthborn themselves on the verge of rioting in front of the mayor, several with signs that read messages along the line of death to Magicborn and Skyborn, many with more … colorful language than others. Another scene showed Cloudsdale as the residents began to board up. Other scenes showed other cities and towns throughout Mystica and its allied nations doing likewise.

“No this can’t be!” Rainbow shouted as she turned and punched the wall.

“One lie here, a rumor there, it’s a death by a thousand cuts,” Amity answered as the screens vanished and her eyes returned to normal. “I wish I can restore things, but

“That ain't right,” Applejack added as kicked the ground. “We have to get to Magi…”

“She’s not there,” Amity informed. “Applejack, you are the wisest of you all, why would you think she’s there?” she asked confused at Applejack’s conclusion before she shook her head. “She’s in Krystalpolies.”

“Then that’s where we’re heading.” Spike declared with a massive grin on his face, but his confidence faded. “But it will days to get there on foot.”

Amity shook her head again, “You forget, the roots of my body spread the whole of this continent, I can send you anywhere in a matter of minutes. However, Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy aren’t the only concerns you should have.” Amity then pointed to the sky. The sky was full of winter storm clouds and the wind started to blow, hallowing like ravenous wolves. “Clover’s Fire might have lasted over two thousand years, but all fires eventually burn out, and the Wendigos have waited with bated breath for this.”

“We have to do something about them,” Fluttershy said as she looked at the sky, not unlike a mother grizzly ready to defend her cubs.

Amity spoke up, “One thing at a time. Let me help you to Twilight first. There you can help her. I think I can find a way to deal with the Wendigos.” The spirit offered.

“Take us to Twilight,” Applejack asked.

About thirty minutes later, the doors to the throne room of the castle of Krystalopolies were opened to let Applejack et al enter. Cadance sat on her throne with Flurry in her arms and Shining standing on her right. “Oh, thank Celestia you're all alright,” Cadance said as she greeted the six. Before any of them could speak, “She's upstairs. It's... not good.” she informed them, knowing for the most part who they were there for.

A couple of minutes later, Applejack opened the door to the room Twilight was using as a study. She had notes on how Sombra, Chrysalis, Cozy and Tirek were defeated in the past. She was looking at them as well as copies of Stygian’s research for the Pillars. Twilight then turned to see her friend, “You're here?!” she asked in bewilderment. She then started to cry tears of joy, “I was so worried!” She said as the seven pulled into a group hug. “Where are the princesses?” she asked.

Applejack was the one to answer, “They, Discord, Starlight, Flash, Stygian, and the Pillars got into a trestle with Tirek, Cozy and Chrysalis so that we could find you and save Mystica,” the paladin answer as the hug ended. She saw Twilight dipped her head. “I get you thing that all that this a series of mistakes,” she said as she looked to all the open books and scattered papers. “Given your… limited success in finding something someone theorized.” the paladin conceded. “But name one time these things actually gave you an answer that was actually useful?” Twilight opened her mouth but then fell silent.

“Besides, you’ve always come up with something, you’ll come up with something again,” Spike added. “We need you to save Mystica.” Spike continued.

Twilight turned away and sulked at a desk, “You all escaped without my help. You didn't need me then. So why would anybody need me now?” she asked the six. Before anyone could counter her points, “And it’s not like anything we’ ver done has!” she shouted. She picked up a picture of Sombra, “Sombra? Returned, destroyed the Tree of Harmony, the Elements of Harmony and dissipated the Rainbow of Light.” Twilight then tossed the photo away before she grabbed photos of Tirek, Cozy, and Chrysalis, “Chrysalis, Tirek, Cozy Glow?” she asked as she listed off. “Returned and more powerful than ever!” she stated before casting those photos to the side before she picked up a picture of her, her friends, Starlight and the first set of students at her school, “The School of Friendship?” she asked rhetorically. She then crumbled the photo and threw it away, “Shut down!” she shouted. “Everybody in Mystica is so blinded by fear, they can't remember what friendship is! Nothing we do makes any difference!” she continued to shout as threw things off of her desk before she buried her face in it and started to cry.

Applejack took a breath and stepped forward as the rest were left speechless, “Ah know yah might not want to hear this, Twi, but bad things happen, yah hit bumps in the road, things backfire and there’s never gonna be a time when everything's perfect.” the paladin said as she placed a hand on Twilight’s shoulder and turned the demigod to face everyone. “But that don't mean you quit tryin'!” the paladin finished.

“What if I make things worse?!” Twilight shouted in protest towards the paladin and anger, but the anger dropped in less than a second as tears started to form in her eyes again. “Ever since Celestia told me I was taking over, I've been gaining confidence.” she started as she dipped her head, “Then I find out it's all a lie. Mystica's been falling apart around us, and I didn't even notice!” she shouted as she raised her head, but it was clear she was on the verge of shattering into eight million pieces. “What kind of princess does that make me?” she asked her friends, she gave up any attempt to suppress her tears as she covered her face, “I'm scared.” she whimpered in fright.

Applejack turned to face the others, Fluttershy nodded her head. Applejack nodded in turn and stepped aside as the druid walked to Twilight. The druid pulled Twilight into a hug, “I probably know more about being scared than anyone.” she said as she rubbed Twilight’s back like a comforting parent. She then pulled back and stepped to the side as she began to point Twilight’s gaze to the rest. “But thanks to you, I've learned I'm always less scared when I'm with my friends,” she said.

Rainbow then flew up to Twilight and placed a hand on Twilight’s other shoulder, “If we're facing impossible odds, we're facing them together!” the elementalist declared. “We’ve done it before, we’ll do it again. We might not have an idea of what to do, and sure we don’t have the Elements or the Rainbow.” she started everyone turned to Rainbow, “Okay, maybe a bit too forward.” she admitted. “But you know what, Twilight, we got something more powerful, Faith.” the elemenalist declared. Twilight looked up to Rainbow. “We believe in us. And more importantly, in you.” Rainbow declared as the rest nodded with welcoming smiles.

Applejack was the next to speak up, “The truth is, all our lives wouldn't be the same if we hadn't met. We're better off because of our friendship with you.” the paladin pointed out. “So when you say you haven't made a difference, that's just not true.” she pointed out and then pulled everyone into another group hug, “You've made a big difference to us.” the paladin finished.

After a solid minute, they ended the hug as Rarity gave Twilight a handkerchief. Twilight used it to dry her tears and then blow her nose. “Thank you,” she said as she started to see in herself what her friends saw in her. She smiled, “Sometimes even the Princess of Friendship needs a reminder that there's more to the Magic of Friendship than rainbow lasers,” she acknowledged. She then had a little laugh, “Cool as they may be.” She then turned to the window, “Now, we need a plan.” she said as she started to pace.

“That sounds like the girl I used to babysit,” Cadance said as she came into the room carrying Flurry with Shining on her side.

“How can we help, sis?” Shining asked. “And don’t give us the whole, ‘you have to stay here to protect Flurry’ bit because if we don’t beat Tirek, Cozy and Chrysalis now, there’s no hope for Flurry.” her brother pointed out.

Twilight sighed as she reluctantly nodded. She then took a breath and turn her focus back to the matter at hand, “Okay. Three of our worst modern villains have taken over, powered up by ancient magic long considered non-existence.” she started to summarize the situation. “Everybody in Mystica is so scared and divided, that the windigos are circling.” Pinkie raised her hand to ask how Twilight knew that. Twilight pointed out the window, “What else would cause this rapid change in weather.” she pointed out. Twilight paused for a second as she turned to look at her friends and family, “And it's up to us to fix it all.” she declared.

“What are we gonna do, Twilight?!” Pinkie asked in a slight panic.

Twilight looked out the window again, “The same thing we do every time, Pinkie.” she stated and then turned back to face her friends, “Try to save the world!” she declared.