• Published 7th Oct 2019
  • 2,481 Views, 64 Comments

The Unbroken Spear - Jamis

Atreus has climbed many mountains they were not always high, they were not always mountains. One thing is for certain, this mortal's will shall not be broken.

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18. We Bleed Into the Same Earth

The moon looked out over the world of Equis, Equestria held most of its light. It made sense, the one who controlled the moon and wove stars lived there, her sky a calming light for those to settle after their day's activities. The moon was always bright against the backdrop of the darkness even with the stars. However the pale light shone ever greater. The grey and white light, was a sight of pure majesty. The stars filled all spaces in the sky not covered by the moon, all but one place.

A small patch of sky only large enough for three or four stars, merely an unnoticed thing. Why look at nothing when you can look at the celestial might and beauty of the stars. But as the moon began to shine ever brighter so to did that darkness. A red tinted and blazing star seemed to show from the darkness. It stood above the stars around it and was noticeable even with the moon in the sky.

However in Canterlot not many of those still awake noticed the star or how the moon looked, the vast majority of ponies who were awake had their eyes on two individuals. Both seeped with celestial magic, both were a mirror of the stars in one way or another, both had weapons that seemed to glow, and both smiled. Their spar had began already, the warriors' weapons clashed and battered. It was a dance of steel and sparks, both gained the advantage many times and many times each pushed back the other. The crowd which watched this take place were silent, as if statues, acting as sentinel observers.

Pantheon leaped and through several quick slashes and stabs at Luna, she dodged or blocked them while moving backward. Luna flew up above his reach her hair and tail melding into the sky's stars like a piece to the puzzle. But Atreus chuckled drawing her to smile herself though both for different reasons, 'Looks like I can fly when I want a break, he may be skilled but he can't fly. I bet he is laughing because he sees this move from me as a bit absurd.'

Atreus moved his arm to pull back and clasp onto his weapons, 'The stars are beyond my reach and so I grasp my spear and take aim.' At that exact moment the man through his spear for the first time in the fight. It streaked to her so fast Luna was almost caught off her guard.

The Lunar warrior spun her scythe around in front of herself with her magic to act as a shield. The spear impacted on the spinning scythe it pushed the weapons into Luna's body forcing her back from the impact. As the spear fell so did she for a belief moment, before descending to the ground to catch her balance. She was unharmed her opponents weapon had not actually touched her, but held a thought, 'You made your point no flying. Buuuut...' In that moment Luna channeled her magic and began to send bolts of magic in various forms towards Atreus. The man walked with his shield deflecting most of the bolts until Luna sent out two in different directions he rolled as the bolts flashed into the dirt of the training grounds where he was a moment ago.

'I have to get close!' Atreus charged at Luna shield in front of himself. Luna moved back and fired larger blasts to slow him while she charged another spell simultaneously. Luna made a sweep at his legs with her scythe while she moved back. Pantheon jumped back out of the scythe's swing, he through his spear again, it flew straight towards the princess. Luna side stepped it and activated her spell as the spear planted into the earth. She rushed forward so fast it was near impossible, her spell was a complex one which greatly enhanced speed and strength. She began to land blow after blow on Atreus as he struggled to shield against each attack. he was losing ground and fast. She made one final push as she brought her scythe to throw the shield from him and fired concussive magic at his exposed chest. Atreus fell to him back and stood over with her scythe to his neck.

"I win!" declared triumphantly a few of the bat ponies started to clap before Atreus spoke himself.

"Unbroken!" his words confused her before she found her self falling backwards her feet having been pulled out from under her. She looked back as she fell and saw her feet being clipped and pulled by a spear coming horizontally. He had recalled he spear to trip her and he moved up if one motion. She fell to tail and looked up to see a spear in her face and hear a shield return to him hand. The man heard cries from the crowd and the princess spoke in protest.

"This a spar, I won when I could have killed you if this was a real fight, and you tripped me?" voices came from the crowd in agreement with the princess. They grew silent at his next words as he shouted to the arena.

"When I fight, I give everything or nothing! I fight until the blood takes the spear from my grasp, until I can only crawl. And even then," he faced Luna with a look of pure determination, it held no aggression only his will, "you will not defeat me, even then..." he trailed off before he grabbed Luna's arm in a firm but non-painful manner and pulled her up saying, "Stand up. Face me again!"

"Are you saying you won't admit I won that fight?" Atreus looked at her in slight confusion before he laughed and smiled to her in as genuine as can be.

"We must all find our place. Mine is being cast down so I can rise once more!" he moved from her and took a battle ready stance as Luna saw this so did she, "Even impaled on a blade I will press forward."

"You know you don't have to act like we are warring enemies right? This was just to show skill." Luna explained as if it was not clear to the man.

"Life was always a war. Now, fight cause you must!" Atreus ran at her faster than he had before and bashed into her scythe as she brought it up to guard with his shield. The crowd was a bit stunned he was this forward, and that it was working. Luna was starting to get a bit worried at his sudden boost in speed and apparent strength.

'Was he holding back?' Pantheon noticed he start to fight him more carefully and shout to those around him.

"Let fear make you bold!" he rushed Luna and she heard his yell of exertion as he kicked her armored stomach. "Cry war!"

Luna was tired of being pushed around like a child in her first combat lesson. She let loose a yell that matched Pantheon's as the two of the exchanged blows, "This enough!"

"Louder!" he bashed her with his shield and kicked he back before he ran to meet her again. "Strike now!"

"Ahhhh!" Luna kicked him for a change and followed up with several slashes from her scythe.

Atreus was pushed back and held his shield up as he stabbed back in multiple ways faster than most could tell, "Strike harder!" he bashed his shield again and the two separated and began to circle on another. She was breathing hard, sweat was on her brow as she look at the man.

'He is not even slightly winded! How am In going to win this, he has already shown he won't give up unless I try to completely incapacitate him. And he clearly has the better endurance of the two of us, I have fought in so long I am starting to realize I need to get back to my exercises.' She slowed her breathing but kept her breathes deep so as to get more oxygen to her muscles.

Atreus could almost read her thoughts in her eyes, "Luna." the princess looked at him as he spoke instead of her opponents weapons and feet, "You will not fail if it is worth it. You can only defeat yourself."

As he spoke began to move closer, she matched his movements. Silent blows in a flurry of motion moved from both as Luna landed hits while taking some. The crowd gasped as they saw red and silver land on the ground, each of them had inflicted shallow cuts onto the other. "Was this blood shed really needed!?" one of the thestrals shouted out.

The man answered immediately while the princess and him tried grappling one another, "We all bleed into the same earth and bleed we must!" The pair of warriors separated as the words came from his mouth.

"Rather dark no? Is that what you fight for to bleed and cause bleeding? I would have thought you detested people getting hurt?" she spoke in a mirth that made her quip harmless banter as much as this was tiring Luna loved the exhilaration and challenge she was feeling.

"It is not why I fight, but who I fight for. Why do you fight?" the spar almost paused as Luna thought for the smallest moment before answering.

"I fight for my people and those who need me. I have no other reason." the man nodded before the spell she started to cast was thrown at him he rolled and began to run in a circle around her moving closer as he did shield raised to face her. She made spell after spell and eventually charged at him with an intent to lock him weapons on her's before capturing him in magic chains to get him to admit defeat. But instead of locking him down he grabbed the scythe after letting his spear fall down and out of his hand. He pushed down before she had a chance to loosen her grip, she moved closer to his as he head butted her horn sending pain through system.

"Power will be your undoing." he spell fell apart as her head felt foggy, he grabbed and flipped her over his shoulder making her land on her back. His spear flew to his hand and he pointed it to her as he stood silent.

"What? No words of encouragement to keep on fighting? Or did you get too tired to fight and want to concede?" Luna's voice was full of mirth and stifled laughter.

Pantheon chuckled and responded, "No, but your guard had a long journey here and half of them looked ready to fall over after our intensive drills. It may be best to allow them to sleep." Luna had forgotten they had spectators, a bit over two hundred in fact.

She stood and dusted her self off from her hair to tail. The armor disappearing to her usual dress as she did. "I assume you all enjoyed the show?" she saw several nods and smiles, she smiled wide to them capturing their hearts with its brightness. Even if she hadn't won the final round the princess was still the winner in their hearts for a number of reasons, but they had seen their perfect idol and model display her skill at battle. Many simply accepted her lose as a matter of her recovery, they know she was not yet back to her regular self. She had told them this as they bombarded her with questions during the initiation paper work. Others seemed to think that the princess' guard was her equal in combat. None of them thought he was stronger, even if they now held a greater respect for him. They initially thought he was fighting somewhat dirty but soon realized he was encouraging her to fight harder and push past him. He simply didn't hold back against her, it showed his respect, he didn't underestimate her. She just needed to have him guide her to fight the way he was, he never planned on having a typical duel. He wanted her to fight with all she had and he would meet it as her opposition. The thestrals knew some of these things and understood neither hated or disliked the fight. If their mistress was smiling at them after all that then they were happy.

The group of thestrals(batponies) moved to the barracks to unpack their small amount of belongings and rest. The princess and Atreus moved to her tower. He moved to her door and opened it for her, "Oh so you trip me in the fight after I win. But now you are a gentlecolt?" he had removed his helmet after the duel and she had seen a small amount of sweat on her brow, 'Not as effortless as I had thought.'

"You can not expect honour from your enemies on the battle field. I will be relentless there and considerate here. If you would prefer I could act like a barbarian when around you at all times, to keep it consistent like you want." the two of them chuckled.

"You are begging me to torture you in your dreams good sir, never again will you sleep peacefully!" she declared in a mocking and silly tone.

"I have no doubt in that Luna, you strike me as the kind of woman to keep your word." Luna rolled her eyes and entered her room and began to close the door as she finished the conversation.

"I doubt your intuition is worth consideration when I am clearly a mare my good sir." her mock offended tone was shattered with a small smile, "Good night Atreus."

As she closed the door Atreus moved down the hall a few meters before responding, "Good night Luna." as he entered his room to have a shower.

Author's Note:

Since some of my readers seem to be confused that League of Legends has lore, no one in particular. Have this lovely summary of league.

If you would like to know more please watch some of this guys videos, he makes me seem like someone who know nothing about the lore.

Make sure to point out mistakes I have made and the specific lines please and thank you.