• Published 7th Oct 2019
  • 2,481 Views, 64 Comments

The Unbroken Spear - Jamis

Atreus has climbed many mountains they were not always high, they were not always mountains. One thing is for certain, this mortal's will shall not be broken.

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8.Night Before Dawn

Atreus moved through the trees, the forest wasn't necessarily dense, however, the uneven, rocky, and twisting terrain slowed him by a decent margin to the point where he would need luck to complete his goal of getting out by nightfall. Already, he saw the sun lowering towards the ground and quickened his pace, using small jumps to hike up small ledges. Atreus climbed a cliff with his spear and shield on his back. He knelt to the ground to look at tracks, they appeared to belong to a wild cat of some kind. Though it looked much heavier than most he had seen. Pantheon decided the best course of action was to move on, and do so swiftly. He jogged toward his destination, pulled the spear and shield from his back and again held them ready. The sun was at the final stage of the day orange reds streaking across the sky. As Atreus crossed over one final hill, he saw what appeared to be the exit of the forest.

He paused his gait at the Forest's edge and scouted his position. He spotted the town not far from his position. Having decided to approach the town, Pantheon remembered his last experience doing this and wisely placed the spear and shield on his back, under his cape but on top of his backpack. The tip of the spear popped out from his cape but most of the weapon was covered. With his worries temporarily alleviated, the man continued to walk toward the town. As he approached, he noticed that the townspeople appeared to be gathering at the local hall. 'Or whatever that building is.' he idly thought as he came within a hundred meters of the village. The sun had set now, Pantheon sighed warily,a brief thought flashing in his mind, 'How quickly the light of the heavens fade.'

The man wandered the town unnoticed for the time being. There wasn't an inn that he could see, and no townsfolk were nearby to ask. 'All of them are in there.' the warrior looked over at the hall, 'I was hoping to not gather attention. Perhaps whatever has them all gathered, will allow me to be only noticed by the ones I disturb with my queries.' The hall came closer as he jogged, not wanting to waste much time. He entered quietly as he heard what sounded like a speech in progress.

"...and now! It is my great honour to introduce to you the ruler of our land. The very pony who gives us the sun and the moon each and every day! The good, the wise, the bringer of harmony to all of Equestria!" the mare paused, Pantheon mentally remarked, 'This one appears to be the town's Lord.' Her hair was silver and she held oddly few wrinkles for her age. Her clothes were for a professional and formal setting, consisting of a brown-white, suit-like attire, minus the overcoat. No pony had noticed Atreus, even the guards were glued to the speaker and as no pony had noticed him, only one of them noticed the black craters disappear from the surface of the moon. The speaker excitedly resumed, "Princess Celestia!"

Trumpets rang out from nearby as Pantheon shifted his gaze to the stage. If the Princess was here, it might end his journey right here, after all, the only reason he desired to enter canter lot was to acquire aid in returning to Runeterra. He saw the curtains violet pull back and he sourly narrowed his eyes. This was far too convenient.

As the balcony was lit up, it revealed itself to be empty. Confused murmurings emanated from the crowd as one shaky voice spoke above the rest, "This can't be good."

Pantheon was inclined to agree with the multi shaded, purple-haired unicorn female. Something was afoot. The older mare in charge began to speak, attempting to ease the concerns of her audience, though her words were drowned out by whispers of panic.

Another purple-haired unicorn mare stepped onto the balcony, though this one wore more intricate clothes and possessed teal-colored eyes, she spoke airily, voice almost cracking despite brief finality of her statement, "She's gone." Gasps sounded from the hall, the guards tensed, a couple noting his presence, however, before they could move to inquire into the man's presance, a mare cried out. Looking towards her every eye noticed strange, tar-like smoke wafting beneath the balcony. The gaseous shadows began to rise up and grow, then exploded outwards to reveal a mare wrapped in dark armor.

Immediately, Pantheon sensed a familiar darkness from the mare. Her presance reminded him of the Darkin. She had both wings and a horn and her height equalled Atreus, with her horn, she would have exceeded him. Her hair flowed in the air, resembled a moving portrait of the stars and her eyes were slits, colored the deepest blue of a stagnant lake, threatening to drown any who stray into their depths.

"Oh mine beloved subjects, it has't been so long since I've seen thine precious, sun loving faces," she spoke powerfully, her voice rich as silk gmyet rough as a crashing wave, her last few words coated in venom. A rainbow-haired pegusus mare shot a demand to know where the princess was before she was prevented from flying after the mare, courtesy of an stocky, orange mare with a cowboy hat. The Dark in-like mare began to monologue about her apparent royal status and signs from legends of her imprisonment. Pantheon was barely registering her words as he removed the weapons from his back.

Before he could act however a unicorn mare spoke up, the same mare who noticed the wrongness of the situation. She stated her claim to have known the mare was coming, alas, more fruitless dialogue, "...And I know who you are, you're the mare in the moon, The Great Betrayer, Nightmare Moon."

"Finally! Somepony remembers me! Then thou'st know mine claim." Nightmare Moon declared to her audience. The purple mare stuttered as the gazes from the villagers and the monster on the balcony overwhelmed her and she fell onto her knees in panic. The laugh from the dark alicorn was finished with a declaration, "Remember this day mine little ponies. For it was thine last. From this moment forth, the night will last forever!" Nightmare moon's tail and hair seamed to stretch and expand into the air to show the stars cover the ceiling in a spiral. Lighting shot for the mass of stars as she laughed. The guards jumped to motion at the order of the mayor. They flew to engage the one who threatened their world with her rule of night. As they charged with weapons in hand, Nightmare moon yelled, "Stand back you foals!" her eyes glowed as she struck them with lightning.

Just as she was about to leave, a streaking sound was heard followed by a piercing shriek. A blazing golden spear had rocketed into the mist as it tried to fly away. The monster quickly burst through the doors of the hall, flying out of sight.

At the moment the hall's attention was on the warrior who grab the returning spear as it flew to him, silver blood marring the golden speartip. He stood tall, his cape much like Nightmare moons hair but more lifelike, almost explosive in its splendor. His comet plume blazed, along with the piercing look he sent to the retreating creature. 'So much for not being noticed.' Pantheon lamented as a pink-haired earthpony mare hopped, literally hopped, over to him.

"Who are you?!" her speech quickly devolved into a flurry of questions he ignored. The man saw the unicorn mare from earlier run by and out the doors with a small purple scaled boy in her arms, determined look in her eye.

'She knew it's name, she may know how to best find and defeat this Nightmare moon. If nothing else it is good to know what that creature was.' Pantheon ran after her and was then followed by a small group of mares. The hall was left with confused with multiple discombobulated guardmen and terrified ponies.

Author's Note:

Let me know what I did wrong, I tried to stay constant with my tenses but idk if I did.

Replace video with chapter and you have my message to you guys: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66CaiSf7oyk
Btw this chapter was edited rewritten by Orrm.