• Published 12th Oct 2019
  • 2,941 Views, 77 Comments

My Little Pirate. - Regis Stella

From the real world to the world of ponies to a Pirate's paradise, follow William Hunter and his adventures in the Sea of Thieves.

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Chapter 30 Captains of the Damned Part 2

Author's Note:

Happy Anzac Day, lads.

Man, this took a while to get out.

I hope ye enjoy.

As we sailed through the Sea of the Damned, we can across a Spanish stone fort called: Fort of Lost Souls.

"This place reminds me of the War for Freedom," Dad said as he looked at the fort with a spyglass.

"Too much," Mum said, "Jack's compass is pointing at the fort,"

"If Jack Sparrow is here, that is," I said with caution in my voice, "Pull up the Santiano at the pier there,"

The Santiano docks near the fort me and some members of my crew land there. I opened my wings and glided down to the end of the pier. My crew on and off the ship were giving me a funny look. "What? What did I do wrong?" I asked them.

"You glided down from the Santiano with your wings, in the Sea of the Damned. How?" Dashie asked me as she walked up to me with shocked eyes.

"I guess that being in this accursed place made me use to its magic?" I guessed. "Anyway, we need to find Jack in this fort,"

I walked up to the fort's gates as one of my crewmates lit a lantern that was being held by a skeleton, and then the fort itself came alive as one by one, the torches were being lit up by magic, and then the gates opened with a familiar song from what felt like a long time ago.

Ghostly voice:

The King and his men stole the queen from her bed,
And bound her in her bones...
The seas be ours, and by the powers.
Where we will, we'll roam...

"Oh my god," I said, all giggly and fanboy like and began to sing along.

William and the Ghostly Voices:

Yo, ho, all together...
Hoist the colours high...
Heave ho, thieves and beggars...
Never shall we die...

"Okay... What the hell, Will?" Zecora asked me, "I know we haven't sung that song in years, but why now?"

"Because my dear Zecora. It's a song that came from Jack Sparrow's world," I told her and my crew and family.

(Cue Sailing Through Cave)

After a battle at the Spanish fort, we sailed through a cave that somehow was not too small for the Santiano.

"Well, that was something new. And scary," Flutters said as she helped Zecora with the wounded, holding some bananas and other fruits in her wings. "It's like those Ocean Crawlers from Davy Jones' crew,"

"I will be the first to say that these new threats can be difficult if you're not being prepared on land or sea. If what you said about there being a variant of the Merfolk is true," Dad said.

"SAIL. FLYING PIRATE COLOURS!" A pirate from the crow's mast yelled. The sound of cannon fire was getting our attention.

(Cue Strike Yer Colours!)

"Strike yer colours Ye bloomin' cockroaches!" A voice said that made me zip up to the front of the ship to see who it was. "Surrender Captain Jack Sparrow or, by thunder, we'll burn the city to the ground!"


"Two shot holes, Captain! One clean through the mizzenmast!!" One of Barbossa's crew yelled out. It sounded like an old voice recording from an old movie.

And then it clicked. "HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAH, THE MAD LADS REMADE THE RIDE FROM DISNEYLAND!" I yelled with my Canterlot Royal Voice, hurting the ears of my crew. I then teleported to the dock of this Spanish port town, smiling like a kid at Disneyland seeing the Pirates of the Caribbean ride for the first time.

"Oh no, he's doing it again!" Twi said with worry.

"There's a thing about my son that maybe I should have told you," Mum said to my crew as they tried to catch up with me, "He may be born a pony, but his first love is, and will always be The Pirate's Life. And includes pirates from other universes,"

My crew saw me with some ghostly pirates and me re-enacting alongside them.

"Pipe the lubber aloft, matey," one of the Captor pirates said as Governor Carlos of Isla Tesoro was hoisted up from the well, "Where be Cap'n Jack Sparrow and the treasure, ye bilge rat?!"

"Do not tell him, Carlos! No. no, no, no!" Carlos' wife said, then a gun was shot at the wife as she closed the window doors before the bullet got her.

"Hahaha, scuttle the old cockroach," The commanding pirate said.

"No! No! Por favor! No, no, no!" Carlos pleaded but to no avail.

"William, what are you doing?!" Twi asked me as I smiled and ran away to another part of the city.

"I think we are maybe trying to save Will from... Whatever this is?" Trixie asked the crew.

"Weigh anchor now, ye swabbies. What be I offered for these hearty hens?" A pirate Auctioneer called out. And there I was, acting like a mime the whole time next to each of the ghosts that talked like in the ride. "Every one an egg-layer! Now, ye scurvy scoundrels, do I hear ten, a hen for a ten?"

"Not less they be laying golden eggs!" One pirate said, then the group laughed.

"Pipe down, ye lily-livered lubber!" The Auctioneer said.

"Eh! Send the hens to Davy Jones. It's the gold they want!" Captain Redd said to the pleasure of the pirates around her.

"Belay there, ya bilge rat! Strike your feathers, dearie, show 'em your flock!" The Auctioneer said again.

"Oh, quit your cluckin'! The Gentlemen want the gold. Don't ye, boy!" Red said.

"We wants the gold! WE WANTS THE GOLD!" Some heckling pirates chanted.

"Drink up, me hearties, yo ho!" Red said to the cheer of the other pirates.

"WILLIAM HUNTER SINGH!" I heard Twi yell at me, "Get your tail back here, right NOW!"

"Can't stop now, Twi!" I yelled back, "I'm having the time of my life with Pirates of the Caribbean!"

Cue: Yo ho, A Pirate's Life for Me by Disney and the correct lyrics this time.

William Hunter Singh: "Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.
We pillage plunder, we rifle and loot.
Drink up me hearties, yo ho.
We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot.
Drink up me hearties, yo ho.

Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.
We extort and pilfer, we filch and sack.
Drink up me hearties, yo ho.
Maraud and embezzle and even highjack.
Drink up me hearties, yo ho.

Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.
We kindle and char and in flame and ignite.
Drink up me hearties, yo ho.
We burn up the city, we're really a fright.
Drink up me hearties, yo ho.

We're rascals and scoundrels, we're villains and knaves.
Drink up me hearties, yo ho.
We're devils and black sheep, we're really bad eggs.
Drink up me hearties, yo ho.

Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.
We're beggars and blighters and ne'er do-well cads,
Drink up me hearties, yo ho.
Aye, but we're loved by our mommies and dads,
Drink up me hearties, yo ho.

Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me." [Repeat three times.

"Keep Still," A drunken pirate said to his dog. "I'm studyin' me map," behind him was Jack Sparrow. He took the key from the drunk's hand and ran away with me following him.

"WILLIAM!" I heard Twi called out. "Get your flank and tail, back here NOW!"

"What- me key! It can't be... No, not again! 'T'isn't fair!" the drunken pirate said as my crew ran after me.

"He's heading into the jail!" One pirate said while chasing Jack and me. "This time, we've got him cornered!" Another pirate said.

While the ghostly Jack went through the gates, I teleported through them to follow him.

After my crew and family followed me through the prison, Jack and I were sitting on a big pile of treasure in the treasury room, singing Yo ho A Pirate's Life For Me together.

"We're rascals and scoundrels, villains and knaves... Drink up me hearties, yo-ho!," Jack said as I was smiling like a little kid. "A toast to piracy and it's shiny rewards! I humbly accept this magnificent treasure as my reward... for a life of villainy, larceny, skulduggery, persnickity...ny... Drink up me hearties, yo-ho..."

"You said it, Jack," I said to him, "Oh... hi everyone. Did you have a great time at the ride today?"

"G-g-great time?! At the ride?!" Twi said while looking furious at me. "You think that this is a ride?! We could have lost you again! And you're wondering if we had fun at this 'ride'?!"

"That's the thing, Twi," I said happily, "This whole island was or rather is a ride. THE ride that was made by Walt Disney decades ago before the Pirates of the Caribbean movies began. I've never been on the ride myself back in the human world, but I knew it and always wanted to go!"

"This is just like that time you freak out over a man named Guybrush Threepwood, only it's worse!" Twi yelled in my face, but I wasn't phased by it. "You need to grow up. Celestia, talk to him! PLEASE?!"

Mom sighed happily. "Sorry, Twilight," She said "Like I said before, My Son's first love is pirates, and always pirates,"

Just then Jack's compass goes off, telling us to head up the stairs. "Time to finish this ride and find Jack Sparrow," As we ascend the stairs the joyful pirate music was gone.

"I've found 'em!" A Phantom Scout said as came up the stairs of the town's fort. "That means Sparrow must be here an' all. Search the town!"

"Is this a part of the 'ride' that you were fanboying about back there?" AJ asked me.

"No, it's not," I answered quietly.

"Ready or not, here we come..." another Phantom Scout said as we passed through them.

"There'll be no escape for you this time! Cap'n orders!" A Phantom Pirate says as he and other Phantoms appear in front of us.

"PIRATES, To arms!" I yelled as the Phantoms attacked us.

after we defeat the first group, we made our to the town as we watch the town burning around us. "Ye best start believing in ghost stories..." the voice of Barbossa "...Yer in one,"

"We kinda know that, Hector," I said out loud.

Then, cannons started firing on the town, taking down a clock tower and scaring the townsfolk into their buildings. "Spring the trap! We've got 'em surrounded!" One Phantom yelled to signal the others.

"YOU WILL PAY FOR RUINING THIS ISLAND!" I yelled with a banshee-like wail and it scared away the Phantoms. "...What just happen?"

"Whatever that was, it has to wait," Mum said to me with Dad nodding next to her.

We quickly ran to the courtyard with the well, "Barbossa's getting mighty tired of you getting in our way... So he sent us to do something about it," A Phantom said as they attack us.

"Try this!" I said as I my two swords that are being held in my front hooves and posed for an attack. "Nitoryu, Nanajuni Pound Ho!" Winds of slicing blades struck the Phantoms then we continued moving back to the Santiano.

"Well, now, I warned ye what'd happen if our paths crossed again!" A Phantom Captain called Black Dog Briar called out to me. "Yer meddlin's given Sparrow time to reach the Black Pearl... an' with him goes the only treasure that could take us t' the living world fer some real fun. That's why Barbossa sent me to make sure you get what you deserve..." Black Dog came out of the shadows and attack me from behind and manage to hit my back.

We clashed for a few minutes, trading blow for blow, "For a ghost, you're a pretty good fighter," I said to Black Dog as ghostly steel struck magically enchanted swords. We stop for a minute, "You will be the first to see my new sword style,"

Black Dog's ghostly eyebrows were raised as I put the Sword of Souls in my mouth and pulled another sword out called the Soulflame Cutlass, I had the Sword of Souls, Briggsy's Sword and now the Soulflame Cutlass. Yes, it's Pirate Hunter Roronoa Zoro's Iconic Sword Style, Santoryu. Also known as the Three Sword Style. (Yes I wanted my OC to use this style of fighting for a long time)

Cue Zoro Battle Theme:

Black Dog laugh as the Zoro battle theme played around us. "Three swords... really?" he said.

"I don't care what ya think, mate," I said while the Sword of Souls is in my mouth. "I have wanted to use this style for a while now. Now feel its power!"

I crossed my front legs and hooves with my swords and lowered my hand and waited for an attack. "Santoryu..."

"YOU BE SORRY FOR MESSING WITH ME!" Black Dog yelled at me as he made his Phantom charge.

"ONI-GIRI!" I yelled out the attack and cut Black Dog Briar in half from his shoulder to his waist.

"Do ye still not not know whose ghost story this is?" Black Dog Briar asked me as he disappeared into the ground, "It seems dead men DO tell tales..."

As Briar sank into the ground, I put away my swords and my crew ran up to me, asking me lots of questions about how my new sword style worked and what was that new sword that I had.

"Everypirate, please..." I said to my crew, "It's just something that I was working on while I was in this accursed place,"

"Can we please find Jack Sparrow and get out of here?" Fluttershy asked me with her legs shaking.

"Yes, Flutters. We can leave now," I said but as we enter the docks and began to board the Santiano, I turn back to the town and happily sighed with a dreamy smile on my muzzle. "You folks are a RARE kind of people. Thank you,"

We set sail to our next course and we saw both the Black Pearl and then the Flying Dutchman came out of the water and was sailing side by side with Jack's legendary ship.

"Oh my gods..." I whispered to myself, knowing what this scene is.

"I got a jar of dirt, I got a jar of dirt... And guess what's inside it!" Me and Ghost Jack said together word for word. Much to the annoyance of my crew and the eye rolling of my parents.

"ENOUGH!" Ghost Davy Jones groaned in annoyance as the Dutchman readied to fire on the Pearl.

"...Hard to starboard!" Jack said to his crew.

"Hard to starboard! Send his beloved back Pearl to the depths!" Jones order his crew.

"Follow those ships!" I order MY crew, "they may lead us to where Jack is!"

"AYE!" My crew said as they moved the Santiano to follow two of the greatest pirate ships in the multiverse as both ship open fire on each other.

Then they disappeared, "Follow the lights!" I said as I looked out to the accursed horizon and saw the Flames of the Damned.

Then the Pearl appeared with the Dutchman giving chase. "Let them taste the triple guns!" Jones said.

"How is that possible?" Zecora asked everyone on the Santiano.

"Cursed magic, I will have to guess," I heard someone tell Zecora as the ships disappeared again.

"Find the lights and follow 'em!" Gilda orders the crew.

"THERE!" Someone from the crow's nest yelled and pointed at the Pearl way ahead of us and the Dutchman sailing side by side with us.

"One by one, tentacles wrap my ship," Jack's voice narrates around us as we saw the Kraken (Or Karen as we in the Sea of Thieves community call her) "The crew watches helplessly as I stare into the Kraken's maw. The lovely Elizabeth weeping for the life we'll never share... ...and young Turner brought to his knees by my heroic display of self-sacrifice!"

"Abandon ship!" Gibbs said to the crew of the Pearl. "Abandon ship or abandon hope!"

""Hello, beastie" I whispered," Jack continued. "With such an air of determination that the Kraken itself understands exactly who it's coming for. I suppose I could have been merciful and let her sink back into the depths... ...had it not scuffed the paint of my precious Black Pearl..."

My crew watched in horror as the ghost version of the Pearl was dragged down into the depths by Karen. "Jack Sparrow... Our debt is settled," Jones said happily as the Dutchman faded away from view.

"What. The. Hell?" Twilight asked.

"Now, as to what happened next..." Jack said next, "That's a tale to be told by a man who's thirst's been quenched..." As Jack says that, a dock appeared and my crew quickly slowed the Santiano down and pulled her into the dock.

"I've seen this place once or twice before," Dad said as he came up from behind me.

"You know this place, Dad?" I asked him.

"Aye," Dad answered me, "It's the Tavern of the Damned. A place where Pirate Legends have been sent here to drink until the Ferryman comes and picks them up,"

"Now, who wants to give the song another try?" Jack's voice can be heard from the docks as we approached the door to the Tavern.

"The living may not enter this hallowed haven of the honoured dead. Begone!" C.C said, giving us a little jump while he's at it. "I said 'begone', ye scurvy... Wait, I remember ye now! It's me, yer old shipmate from the lighthouse!"

"Cursed Captain?!" Twilight said, "How did you get there? We were just in the Sea of the Damned a few days ago,"

"Many a month since I've set sockets on ye, maties... For me, I mean! Time flows differently here,"

"It's been six months since I saw my crew and family again," I told C.C sadly. "After I followed Jack Sparrow into those accursed waters, I was drifting for weeks before I found an island that held Canterlot City there and took shelter,"

"Aye..." C.C replied, "Oh, I've had some grand adventures since ye set me free, but now I guard this here threshold. Normally flesh 'n' blood types be forbidden, but I reckon I owe you a debt," Then C.C opened the Tavern door. "In ye go, but try'n keep out of trouble!"

We entered and I saw Jack dancing on a table, then he saw me and my crew. "It's all right. They're with me," Jack said as he jump off the table and looked at me. "Nice to see you again, horse pirate. Did you get a hair cut?"

"Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny Jack," I said bitterly.

"Don't tell me. You're here to rescue me," My crew nodded, "Considering the success of your previous efforts, or lack thereof... ...pardon me if I decline your assistance forthwith,"

My crew was shocked at what Jack said, and I was pissed off at him the most. "I jumped into after you, Jack and spent WEEKS trying to find you in those waters... ...only to leave myself cursed with unknown magic and scaring my crew for, what was days in the Sea of Thieves, was MONTHS in this damned place,"

"Besides, I'm not presently in need of rescuing," Jack said ignoring my words, "This is the first place I've found down here where everyone appreciates my unique... uniqueness,"

"Because they have seen and met things far worse than you," I said grimly.

"And no one's tried to lock me up," Jack again ignored me pointing things out.

"Because this is a PIRATE tavern!" I said with a little anger.

"So, pull up a chair and grab a glass because I have an eternity of stories to tell..." Jack said.

"Then what about this?" I pulled out Jack's compass.

Jack was a little bit surprised, "Oi. You have my compass! but I left that back on the... Oh, so you found the Pearl, eh?"

"From what my crew told me, it was chained to the seafloor and guarded by the Sirens," I said sadly.

"Well don't think that's going to drag me out of here," Jack said firmly, "From what I heard of this so-called Sea of Thieves... It's nothing but cursed crews, bloodthirsty mermaids, a legion of dead angry pirates, the blasted Trading Companies and anti-social skeletons."

"What?!" I said with a threating voice, with the rage of the Blood God.

"Oh, yes, and now one Davy Jones," Jack said while not paying attention to my boiling anger that was mixed with my new Magic of the Damned, "I've danced to that tune already, savvy? There's nothing there for me,"

Jack was now choking with sea green magic wrapped around his neck and fell on his hands and legs. "YOU COME INTO MY KINGDOM, BRING WITH YOU DAVY FUCKING JONES, LEAVE YOUR CREW STRANDED ON THE OUTPOSTS AND YOU WANT TO DRINK YOU SORRY-EXCUSE-OF-A-PIRATE-LEGEND-FROM-BEYOND-THIS-WORLD IN THIS TAVERN LIKE THE COWARD THAT YOUR REALLY ARE!" I yelled with Damned Magic infused rage as I choke the unlife out of Jack while getting the attention of the whole tavern. I soon released him from my magic grip and let him breath again. "You have always been a coward, Jack Sparrow. You only care for yourself and no one else. You always want to live forever, but you want to know a secret from one immortal bastard to a mortal like you?" Jack looked up at me with confusion on his face, "You will always outlive your friends and family like Twilight did when she ruled Equestria for untold years. For what is a Princess of Friendship without her friends! Months turn to years, years turn to decades, decades turned to centuries, and the world that you once knew is changed for the worst. Trust me, Sparrow. living forever is a curse for anyone who does know it!" I turned my tail on him and began to walk out of the tavern. "WE don't need Jack Sparrow,"

"Fine," Jack said after he recovered, "I don't need a crew. I got everything right here,"

"I'm afraid you're wrong, Jack Sparrow," A voice came from behind me and in front of Jack, I turn to see a familiar ghostly pirate that I'd help from a while ago.

"That's CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow, mate," Jack told the voice.

"No, I don't think so," The ghostly swordsman said to Jack, "A Captain doesn't abandon his ship. Or his crew,"

"And just whose moustache do I have the dubious pleasure of addressing?" Jack asked.

"Sir Arthur Pendragon, Captain of the Blackwyche," I told Jack standing next to Pendragon, with relief in my voice to see someone who can talk some sense into Jack.

"Yes. It was pirates like these that helped me when I lost my crew; and my hope along with them. They reminded me that our Sea of Thieves is a special place. A place where you can be a pirate and a good man," Pendragon said to Jack.

"Hear hear!" Gilda said.

"A place where anything is possible!" Wild Rose said to Jack, "Even falling in love with our idiots,"

My crew giggled a little while, Mum, Dad, me and Twilight blushed a deep red.

"Where we're stronger together! Somewhere worth fighting for!" George said with a fiery passion.

"AYE!" My Outcasts yelled.

"A place where we need nothing more than the open waves and a ship beneath our feet," Eli Slate said to Jack, "A place we can be free,"

"What a ship is, is freedom..." I and Jack said together then we looked at each other and laughed a little. "Well. Now that you're all finished... I'll be taking my compass back, if you be so kind?"

I got out Jack's compass and walked up to him, "It's a very special compass, Jack. You're a lucky pirate to have one, And sorry for losing it there for a second," I said the last bit sheepishly.

"It's alright, mate," Jack said, "We all lose it sometimes. Now the compass, would you kindly?"

"Oh, right," I said and handed him the compass from my magic.

"What I want most..." Jack said as he looked at his magical compass, "Funny... Seems to be pointing outside," Jack closes his compass.

"Wait!" Rose and George said as Rose pulled her pendent and gave it to Jack and George did the same thing to me with his one. "For luck,"

"Not sure I deserve that," Jack said.

"You defiantly deserve that, Jack," I said to him as Jack fades to the outside where the Santiano stayed docked.

"The Sea of Thieves, eh?" Jack said to himself as he boarded the Santiano, "Bring me that horizon,"

"Anchors up! We're leaving this damned place!" I ordered the crew to make sail.

"Quite the ship you have here, Mister...?" Jack asked me for my name.

"William Hunter Singh, at your serves, sir," I told him.

"And how do you know who I am when you saw me in the brig of that cursed ship?" Jack asked again.

"That's a long story," I said, "How about a song, one from my homeland?"


Cue Spirit of the Anzacs


"He's a drover drifting over Western plains,"

Big Mac:

"He's a city lad, a clark down Flinder's Lane,"


"They're in the trenches at Lone Pine,
And on the Flander's firing line,"

All three of them:

"A willing band of ordinary men,"


"He's all of them
He's one of us
Born beneath
The Southern Cross
Side by side
We say with pride
He is all of them
He is one of us,"


"He's a pilot on a midnight bombing raid,"


"He's an Able Seaman on the Armidale,"


"She's a nurse in Vietnam
They're on patrol in Uruzgan,"

Mane Six:

"Sons and daughters rising to the call,"


"She's all of them
She's one of us
Born beneath
The Southern Cross
Side by side
We say with pride
She is all of them
She is one of us,"

Ramsey and Celestia:

"The spirit of the Anzacs
Proud and strong
Spirit of the Anzacs
Will live on and on and on,"

Everyone even Jack Sparrow:

"He's all of them
He's one of us
Born beneath
The Southern Cross
Side by side
We say with pride
He is all of them
She is all of them
They are one of us

They are one of us

They are one of us,"


To be continued...

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