• Published 12th Oct 2019
  • 2,941 Views, 77 Comments

My Little Pirate. - Regis Stella

From the real world to the world of ponies to a Pirate's paradise, follow William Hunter and his adventures in the Sea of Thieves.

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Chapter 4 Freedom Rising. (Edited)

Author's Note:

Thank you for 14 likes on my first story. It’s nice to know that some bronies think that this is a good idea.

As Nightmare Moon and the Gold Hoarder Skeleton Lord laughed happily at the ponies cowering from them, I decided to make a stand.

"Luna!" I called out to her with my cutlass lifted, which got a shocking glare from her.

"How do you know that weakling's name?!" Nightmare said in an angry voice, but soon looked scared for some reason, "You're a human, you're race is supposed to be a myth, and why do you carry the mark of the Alicorn?!"

That got me surprised, "What mark?" I questioned, "I just a normal human that got displaced?"

"DIE, AND SEVRE US!" the Gold Hoarder yelled at me as he jumped to the ground level and made His horn glows a black glow.

”No, my love, ” Nightmare called out.

”My love?!” Twilight exclaimed

But it was too late. The Skeleton Lord attacked me with his cutlass, to which I blocked and clashed for a few seconds before Nightmare Moon blasted me with a bolt of dark magic, ”You may have the blessing of my sister, but you will never stop us,”

Just before the two villains disappeared, the Gold Hoarder tossed some coins on the ground, “Rise my crew!” he said.

“Leave them out of this!” I yelled at the villains, “They are just innocents,”

“Nopony is innocent when we’re around,” Nightmare Moon cackled as her, and the Gold Hoarder vanished into a trail of dark blue mist.

“Why did he drop coins on the ground?” Applejack asked when she finished her sentence. Skeleton Pirates rose from the ground and attacked the Ponies around them.

“WHAT THE BUCK!?” Twilight screamed.

“Skeleton Pirates, they're here to cause chaos while their leader’s escape!” I yelled as I attacked the Skeleton Pirates with my cutlass. Very poorly, I never trained or wielded a blade before today. “I need you, girls, to fight with me,”

“WHAT?!” the six of them yelled in confusion.

“We’re not fighters!” Rarity said.

“If you don’t, then we will never stop both Nightmare Moon and The Gold Hoarder,” I said as I clumsily slashed the undead Pirates.

“But, we don’t have weapons,” Twilight said.

As if fate was listening to us, nine weapons came out of thin air. Each one was made to look like they were made for each member of the Mane Six, including Spike and myself.

Twilight’s cutlass was more like a sword than a cutlass with a silver hilt and a flintlock pistol with light purple as the primary colour.

Applejack's had a Boarding Axe with an apple-shaped axe-head.

Rainbow had two short blades with a rainbow glow, not like a unicorn’s horn glow, more like a shining glow.

Rarity's cutlass is more elegant and beautiful than any cutlass in the Sea of Thieves.

Fluttershy's had a Beastmasters Whip with pink butterflies on the grip.

Pinkie had a bloody blunderbuss in her colours, that's all, and she was happy as can be.

And lastly for Spike was just a Cutlass made for a baby dragon of his size.

Each grabbed their respected weapons and looked at them especially, then looked at me like I'd done something wrong.

”As I said, you need to fight!” I told them as I clashed with the Skeletons.

”Let’s go!” Rainbow yelled as she charged into the fight.

”If anyone is going to save this town, it's me, ” Applejack said with determination.

”Frankly, I don't want to get this rapier damaged, but I am going to give those brutes what-for, ” Rarity declared.

”This is going to be fun, ” Pinkie Pie said, bouncing into the fight.

”I’m like in a swashbuckling adventure, ” Fluttershy mumbled and yelled, ”AND I LOVE IT!” as she charged into battle.

Twilight looked at the rest of the Mane Six, shrugs and took off to the chaos.

(Cue Prepare Pirates from One Piece Pirate Warriors Soundtrack)

The whole fight was chaotic and a bit unusual to see all of the Mane Six, even Fluttershy joining me to fight the small waves of Skeletons. Twilight was swinging her Rapier like mad. Applejack was trying to wield her Boarding Axe at the Skeletons in her mouth but to no avail. Rainbow was trying to be as impressive as possible while fighting with her two Short Swords. Rarity had some surprising fencing skills, but only the basics. Fluttershy was scarily going berserk and mad with the whip as if she knew how to wield a beastmasters whip. Pinkie was having fun with her Blunderbuss like there’s no tomorrow.

As the fighting took place, I led some ponies caught in the cross-fire. They looked at me sceptically as if they didn’t trust me, “Trust me,” I said, "It's not safe here; go to your homes and don't come out until the sun comes out," the ponies finally listened to me and turned tail and ran to their homes.

“Now back to the fight,” I said, turning back to the fight. Only to have it be finished, mainly by the Mane Six.

(End song)

“That was AWESOME!” Rainbow declared.

“Now that was surprisingly fun,” Twilight admitted, “Not that I like to fight or anything, but anyway, we need to stop Nightmare Moon and, whatever that Skeleton was,”

“That was Rathbone, a former member of Ramsey’s crew, one of the first Pirates to enter the Sea of Thieves up to when he betrayed him and let his greed curse him and turned him into the Skeleton Lord he is now,”

“HE WAS CURSED BY GREED?!” Everyone's reaction was.

“I’ll tell you all later, right now, we need to find the Elements of Harmony, and fast,” I said, racing to the library.

“How does he know that?” Twilight mumbled to herself.

We soon came to the library as I was frantically searching for the book that had the info I needed.

“Where is it,” I growled to myself, “We need the Elements of Harmony to save Luna!"

"Captain!" Rainbow called to me. "You need to calm down. A raging Pirate is a bad Pirate,"

"Rathbone is not supposed to be here!" I yelled at Dashie as my friends came into the library. "He’s not in the story!"

“What story?” Pinkie asked me, cursing myself for letting that slip.

“It’s alright, sugar-cube, you can tell us,” Applejack said as she lad a hoof on my shoulder.

I took a deep breath in and sighed, “The truth is, I’m not from this world, I come from a world where to put it lightly, this world is fiction and not real until I die and come here by Princess Celestia help, I was supposed to help Twilight learn all about the magic of Friendship, and defeat Nightmare Moon with you girls. But it seems me just being here has changed the world that I love so much,” I tried to hold back the tears as I told them everything, “Now, thanks to me, Nightmare Moon has an ally and is going to succeed,”

As I began to cry, the Mane Six all came in for a hug, “It’s not your fault,” Fluttershy said softly, “No one saw this coming,”

“But that’s the thing, I did see it was coming, just not Rathbone, or the fact that the Sea of Thieves is real,” I said as I cried.

“Just because you know the future doesn’t mean you know everything,” Pinkie said, giving me some advice on this mess.

I tried to dry my eyes from tears and smile a teary smile, "Thanks, Pinkie. I guess my Autism can get in the way of thinking things through," I told her and the rest of the girls.

Twilight looked at me with a sad look on her face, "I had no idea that you have Autism at all," She said.

"What's Autism?" All the other mares asked themselves as Twilight went into what I like to call teacher mode.

"Autism is a neurological disorder that prevents someponies from performing certain obstacles. Twilight told the group that some can be very smart, and some can be non-verbal," Twilight told the group.

"And for me, I tend to overthink things and sometimes feel like that I'm a stupid fucking dickhead all the fucking time," I said with open honest in my words.

"You're not stupid, Captain. You stood up to both an evil Alicorn and a Skeleton Lord! and that is awesome and brave in my books," Rainbow said to me to cheer me up.

"Thanks, girls," I said to them, "Now, we have some villains to fight," I then grabbed the book out for Twilight to read.

I then gave it to Twilight and said, "Twilight, you should read it since you know more of it than me,"

Twilight nodded and began to read it, "There are seven Elements of Harmony, but only five are known: Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Honesty, Loyalty, the sixth is a mystery, and the seventh is a legend. It is said that the last known location of the five elements is in the ruined Castle of the Two Sisters. It is located in what is now known as. The Everfree Forest." She finished, the rest of the group gulped.

"Alright then," I said slowly, "In the words of a famous plumber," "Let's-a-go,"

We were walking through the Everfree Forest. And the moral of the group is looking a bit scared. "Have any of you been in here before?" Twilight asked the group.

“Heavens no,” Rarity said, “It’s just dreadful,”

“And it ain’t natural,” Applejack added, “Beasts of all kinds roam these woods,”

"Whatever you do, Rainbow, don't try to scare the others," I said to Rainbow, knowing what happens next, "We need to keep moving away from this cliff,"

"Why?" Twilight asked, "There's nothing wrong-"

I had to cover Twilight's mouth quickly, "I've seen a lot of things in fiction, and one of those things is that you Do Not Tempt Fate,”

“Fair point,” Twilight said through my hand, after which the cliffs began to break apart and crumble as I fell to the edge of the cliffs, legs dangling off the edge.

“WILLIAM!” Everypony yelled to me.

“NO, NO, NO, NOT ME!” I yelled at the top of my lungs. "IT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE ME!"

“Hold on. I’m a-coming,” Applejack said, coming down to me, helping me stay on the ledge. What was not helping was that I was scared to death and back about my fears coming true.

“Applejack,” I pleaded to her, “don’t let me fall, please,”

“Let go,” she said to me, and the girls and Spike must have listened to what Applejack told to me because they are calling her crazy, most of all was Twilight.

Then I saw an Alicorn wearing a Pirate Captain’s outfit in the background. The Mane Six somehow did not see him behind the group, “Trust her, my young Pirate,” he said in a voice that sounded familiar to me.

“Alright, I trust you, Applejack, on one condition, you join my crew if I live,” I said with a grin that would make Luffy proud.

“Your mad, you know that”, Applejack replied.

I Chuckled, “I know, my Nakama,” I let go of the ledge. Luckily, Rainbow and Fluttershy managed to catch me but then got a quick drop from most likely my weight.

"Sorry, Will,” Fluttershy said apologetically, “I’m not used to holding anything more than a bunny or two,” as Applejack jumped from cliff to cliff down to the bottom.

“Your one crazy human, you know that!” Twilight yelled, "Why did you let go of her?"

"Sometimes, you need to trust the honesty of your Nakama," I told her.

"What's 'Nakama'?" Twilight asked me.

"'Nakama' means friend in Japanese, and I learned that from a young Pirate who has a dream is to become King of the Pirates," I told the whole group.

"Okay,” the group said at once as Twilight smiled to herself.

“So, you live, now does that mean I have to join your crew like what Rainbow did?” Applejack asked me.

“You can join if you want to, that is?” I said slowly.

“Alright, I’ll join your crew, Captain,” Applejack answered me and held out a hoof to shake, “And I’ll like to be the crew’s cook if you want to,”

I smiled and shook her hoof with my hand, “Agreed,” then we continued with the rest of the way.

We were soon back on our way to the ruins. Rainbow was bragging about how she and Fluttershy saved me.

"There's no need to brag about saving my life Rainbow," I said.

"But it was impressive how you trusted Applejack, you let go, and myself and Flutters caught you like a falling apple." Rainbow continued with no signs of stopping.

It was then. I heard a roar from in front of us. I raised my left hand in the air, signalling to stop the group. “What now,” I heard Twilight say.

“Manticore,” I said calmly as everypony looked at each other with worried looks.

“Can you be certain?” Rarity asked the Manticore appeared in front of us. Everyone grabbed their weapons.

“Stand down!” I told the group, “He is no threat, drop your weapons, and let me and Fluttershy deal with this,”

“What!” Fluttershy said softly.

“Are you mad!” Twilight said, nearly yelling at me, but I ignored her as I led Fluttershy to the ‘angry beast’.

“You see it too,” Fluttershy whispered to me.

“Yes, now show all of us why you have a Beastmaster’s whip, and you can join my crew if you can calm it down,” I said to which Fluttershy smiled in glee.

The Manticore was going to strike, but Fluttershy said, “It’s okay,” and nuzzled the paw where he reviled a giant thorn in its front paw. “Oh, you poor little baby,”

“Little?” Rainbow questioned Fluttershy.

“Now, this only hurt for a bit,” Fluttershy said as she quickly pulled the thorn out, then the Manticore roared.

“FLUTTERSHY!” everypony yelled in fear but were soon quickly put away when the Manticore began to lick Fluttershy and purr like a cat.

“Aw, you’re just a little baby kitty, aren’t you,” Fluttershy replied to him, “I think I’ll call you Manny,"

Then Manny pulled me into a backbreaking hug, "Okay, Manny, thanks for the hug," I said in a strained voice as Manny put me down carefully and gave a sheepish smile, "Aw, it's alright, Manny, you need to be more careful with creatures like me,"

"How did you know about the thorn?" Twilight asked.

"I went against my fears to show a little kindness to the wounded creatures,” I said to her as she smiled.

“So, the crew position for me?” Fluttershy asked me.

“I think Beastmaster is a good position as any for you, Flutters,” I said with a smile on my mug, to which she smiled.

“Thank you, Captain Will,” Flutters Replied to me.

“Oh, I hope we can get out of this forest soon,” Rarity said as the trees above us closed to cover the sky from our sights, “Now that made it worse,”

“Why did you tempt fate like that,” I groaned.

“That castle could be ahead of us, and we would never see it,” Twilight pointed out as we ran into each other.

“Uh oh, I think I step in something,” Applejack said as Fluttershy screamed, "It's just mud,"

Soon the trees looked scary, as the whole group back into each other and held themselves except myself and Pinkie, who laughed at the trees, "What are you two doing? Run!" Twilight said.

"There's nothing scary about these trees, girls," I said and asked Pinkie, "If I sing to the girls for you, will you join my crew as my musician?”

Pinkie smiled from ear to ear and nodded very happily. “Yes, Captain Hunter, sir,” as I began to hear a familiar tune in the wind.

“They're not gonna,” Twilight said.

(Cue Friend like me by Robin Williams)

(As the music began, Pinkie began to dance just like the Genie from Aladdin as it was then my turn to sing along with my slightly normal human singing voice)

Pinkie Pie:

Well, Ali Baba had them forty thieves
Scheherezade had a thousand tales
But master you in luck 'cause up your sleeves
You got a brand of magic never fails

“They are,” Applejack said.

William Hunter:

You got some power in your corner now
Some heavy ammunition in your camp
You got some punch, pizzazz, yahoo and how
See, all you gotta do is rub that lamp
And I'll say


Mister Aladdin, sir
What will your pleasure be?
Let me take your order
Jot it down
You ain't never had a friend like me
Ha ha ha
Life is your restaurant
And I'm your maitre d'
C'mon whisper what it is you want
You ain't never had a friend like me
Yes, sir, we pride ourselves on service
You're the boss
The king, the shah
Say what you wish
It's yours! True dish
How about a little more Baklava?
Have some of column "A."
Try all of column "B."
I'm in the mood to help you, dude!
You ain't never had a friend like me

As I danced to the tune, everyone noticed that the scary faces on the trees disappeared and began to dance to the music, and the others were soon dancing with me.


Can your friends do this?
Can your friends do that?
Can your friends pull this out of their little hat?
Can your friends go, Poof!
Well, looky here
Can your friends go, Abracadabra, let 'er rip
And then make the sucker disappear?
So doncha sit there slack-jawed, buggy eyed
I'm here to answer all your midday prayers
You got me bona fide, certified
You got a genie for your chare d'affaires
I got a powerful urge to help you out
So what-cha wish? I really wanna know
You got a list that's three miles long, no doubt
Well, all you gotta do is rub like so - and oh
Mister Aladdin, sir, have a wish or two or three
I'm on the job, you big nabob
You ain't never had a friend, never had a friend
You ain't never had a friend, never had a friend
You ain't never had a friend like me
You ain't never had a friend like me

(End song)

Soon after, everypony laughed at the silly dancing we were doing through the song.

“That was something,” Twilight said as she and the rest of us laughed some more.

We continued to laugh as we headed for a raging river. “Hold up, girls,” I said.

“Now what?!” Rainbow grumbled

“How are we going to get across?” Twilight pointed out. Then we heard some crying from a giant river serpent.

“What a world, what a world!” he sobbed dramatically.

“Excuse me, sir,” Twilight said politely to Steven, the river serpent, “Why are you crying?”

“Well, I don’t know,” Steven said to us, “I was just sitting here, minding my own business, when this little purple cloud just whisked past and tore my beloved moustache clean off, and now I simply look horrid,”

“Incoming,” I said as Steven slashed in the river, wailing as he did, getting all of us wet, even Spike, “Never mind,” I said after getting wet.

“Oh, come on!” Rainbow said.

“That’s what this is about?” Applejack said.

“Why, of course, it is,” Rarity replied to Steven, “How can you be so insensitive about this? Oh, look at him. Such lovely luminescent scales,”

“I know,” Steven replied.

“That expertly coiffed mane,”

“Oh, I know, I know.”

“Your fabulous manicure,” Rarity pressed on.

“It’s so true,” Steven replied.

“All ruined without your beautiful moustache,” Rarity finished with a sympathetic tone in her voice.

"It's true. I'm hideous!" Steven replied dramatically.

"Well, I simply cannot let this crime against fabulosity go uncorrected!" Rarity said before pulling a scale from Steven's hide, and he yelped at the sudden pain.

"Why did you do that for?" Steven asked Rarity.

“Rarity, what are you doing?!” Applejack said as I held them back.

But Rarity did not reply and just cut her long, beautiful tail off with the sharp scale, picked up the cut off tail and, with her magic and tied it to the remains of Steven's moustache. "Oh-hohohohoho, My moustache. How wonderful."

"You look smashing," Rarity replied.

"But Rarity, your beautiful tail," Twilight said to Rarity sadly.

"It's alright, darling," Rarity said to Twilight, "Short tails are in this season. besides, it'll grow back,"

"So would the mustache," Rainbow whispered to myself and Twilight.

"And for you, Will, seeing how you stopped the others for interfering with what I did, I would like to join your crew as your outfit maker, Captain," Rarity said to me.

"It would be my honour, Rarity," I said with a bow, to which Rarity giggled at my display.

"Hey," Twilight said, "We can cross now,"

"Allow me," Steven said to us, creating platforms with his back for us to cross the river.

“There it is, the castle of the two sisters!” Twilight said with excitement as she rushed to the castle.

“Twilight, wait!” I yelled to stop her, which it did, luckily

“But it’s right there,” Twilight replied to me. “We need to get there now!”

“Look ahead of you and see what I mean,” I countered her.

“Oh,” Twilight said sheepishly as she looked ahead of the path only to see the bridge.

“How are we going to cross?” Fluttershy said.

“Rainbow,” I called her, “Can you fly over and fix the bridge, please?” To which Rainbow nodded and flew over the gap, but soon fog began to surround the other side of the cliff as I saw three Pegasus talking to her, “RAINBOW! REMEMBER, PIRATES ON MY CREW HAVE HONOUR!”

The bridge was fixed, and we can cross it now. "See, I am an honourable Pirate," Rainbow said to me and Twilight, who smiled.

As we entered the castle, we saw the Elements of Harmony. "We've found them!" Pinkie said as Rainbow brought them down to the ground.

"Three, four, five, there's only five, where's the sixth and seventh Element's," Pinkie said, counting and questioning.

"The book 'when the five are present, a spark will cause the six to be revealed’,” Twilight remembered from the book.

“What the hay does that mean?” Applejack asked.

“I don’t know,” Twilight replied, “But I have an idea, stand back. I don’t know what will happen.” Twilight began to cast a spell.

“Everyone, stand guard outside,” I told the group, “I’ll stay with Twilight,” As soon as everyone went outside with weapons out. I heard laughter from around Twilight, and a purple and gold magic storm came and began to suck away the Elements. "TWILIGHT, NO!" I cried while getting sucked into the storm.

I heard laughter from both Nightmare Moon and the Gold Hoarder Skeleton Lord. They were on one side of the room, and Twilight and I were on the other side, "Do you think you can stop us?!" the Gold Hoarder laughed, "Not even Faust can save you now,"

"You'll not get away with this Rathbone!" I challenged him and called out his real name. Then I turned to Nightmare with a pleading look, “Luna, you have to listen to me, this isn’t you, we can help you!”

(Cue Only Us by Miracle of Sound)

“You know nothing about me, NOTHING!” Nightmare said as she approached me with a claymore in her magic. "NOW, SUFFER ME NOW!"

(As we began to fight, Nightmare swung her sword around for a bit as she sang and then used the flat side to try to break my arm, but I used my sword to try to block, but it broke on impact and Nightmare's blade point slashed my chest a little. She was ripping my clothing and slicing my skin. She then teleported behind me and kicked me in the back, and made me fall on the ground as I heard my backbones crack. Nightmare Then used lightning magic, and I screamed just as the rest of the Mane six came into the room and saw that Nightmare Moon was torturing me as Rathbone laughed at my pain and suffering.

Nightmare Moon

When bells of shame have faded
And I remain reviled
Let vengeance roar for blood and war
Behind a scornful smile

The vow, the kin, the rival
A vision violent, vile
These questions three have haunted me
Since I was but a child

So much I have lost, and so much I resent
My spite became the steps upon the stairway of descent


Let it all burn down around us
Let the cruel consume the just
Let the sin we swim in drown us
Let the world shatter
Into dust
Nothing else matters
Only us!

“Please don’t let the darkness win, Luna!” I said to her.

"I had my fun," Nightmare said as she raised her hoof to do a tag out thing from Persona 5 to Rathbone. "Tag out, my dear,"

(As Rathbone came into the fight. I was trying to get back up, but I was in pain, and Rathbone laughed at me and then started to sing as he then did a shockwave attack, driving myself and my crew back into the walls of the castle then he charged with a shovel in his blackened magic as I stand back up. Only to be stabbed in the belly and was now bleeding badly)

Rathbone The Gold Hoarder:

When kings have long been buried
When vows have long been lost
When the night brings fear, then the lion's tears
Shall fall on fire and frost

This hopeless doomed devotion
The poison that I crave
I jilt the new to return to you
Endure you till my grave

I'm no man of honor, my guilt runs dark and deep
My oaths betray each other till there's nothing left to keep


Let it all burn down around us
Let the cruel consume the just
Let the sin we swim in drown us
Let the world shatter
Into dust
Nothing else matters
Only us

(As the music continued, my crew was now horrified at the sight of their captain being tortured for the hell of it. Now both Nightmare and Rathbone were kicking me, shooting magic at me and were laughing at me as they continued their onslaught)


And they will raze our towers
And spit upon our names
And the ravens black over the fields of ash
Will whisper our tales of shame


Let it all burn down around us
Let the cruel consume the just
Let the sin we swim in drown us
Let the world shatter
Into dust
Nothing else matters
Only us

(End song)

"Surrender now, and I'll spare your crew. Or you can die like the freak that you are," Nightmare said to me for my crew to hear.

I coughed up some blood "(Cough, cough). Never. (Cough, cough)" I said with a raspy voice.

"Then you will die braver than most," Nightmare said as she raised her Blade to me, but she must have seen Twi using her magic to ignite the magic in the Elements.

“What do you think you're doing?” Nightmare said as she caught Twilight as her eyes went wide and blasted her back with dark magic and tried to corrupt her with said dark magic.

“TWILIGHT!” I yelled to her, grabbing Nightmare’s armoured leg, which got her attention and pulled me in with magic.

“You dare shoot at me!” Nightmare yelled as she threw us to the other side of the room then used her Earth-Pony strength to destroy the Elements, leaving Twilight shocked at what happened.

"No, it can't be over," Twilight said in a soft voice, "It's not over until I say it's over!" she then yelled with weapons drawn.

We then heard some voices coming from the stairs that were our friend calling out to support us, and then it clicked in my and Twilight's head. "You think that you can destroy the Elements like that!" I said to the two villains, "Well, the elements are right here and are now reborn into something new," just as I said that the rest of the Mane Six came up next to me, and gems appeared on them as I then said "Applejack, who reassured my trust in fate when things looked down, and dark is the Spirit of TRUST. Fluttershy, who tamed a Manticore and helped me regain my strength and bravery, is the Spirit of COURAGE. Pinkie Pie, who banished our fears by playing and singing songs, is the Spirit of MUSIC. Rarity, who calmed a sorrowful serpent and gave up her own tail out of generosity, is the Spirit of RESPECT. Rainbow Dash, who chose her loyalty with her friends over her dreams, is the Spirit of HONOUR. And Twilight Sparkle, who would not let darkness into her mind and heart, is the Spirit of WILLPOWER. These six ponies showed me the light in my darkest times on this journey, and I will be forever grateful for the friendship that I have found. and when the six are awakened, the seventh element is reviled,”

“No, the seventh is a legend!” Rathbone yelled.

“That’s what they all say, Rathbone, and I look forward to facing you in the Sea of Thieves. When the six are awakened, the seventh is reviled. I am the Element of FREEDOM!

“Thanks to the six of you, the Elements of Harmony are reborn as THE ELEMENTS OF PIRACY!” as I finished. I opened my eyes and blasted a beam of magic at the Nightmare Moon and sent the Gold Hoarder back to the Sea of Thieves, where he belongs, and so we’ll fight him later.

“Everypony okay,” Applejack asked the group as we all woke up.

“Looks like we’ve won,” I said, looking around us, then the Mane Six and my jaw dropped at the sight of my crew. The Mane Six are wearing their Elements and their Pirate outfits from the My Little Pony 2017 Movie toy line. And as a bonus, my wounds were healed.

“Thank goodness!” Rarity said with glee in her voice. The Elements restored her tail to its beautiful state.

“Oh, Rarity, it’s beautiful,” Fluttershy said.

“I know, and I’ll never part with it again,” Rarity replied, not knowing what Flutters was saying.

“No, your necklace, it looks like your Cutie Mark,”

“So does yours, and look at the outfits we're wearing.”

“Look at me, look at me,” Pinkie said to us, bouncing around us.

“Aw yeah, now we’re real Pirates now,” Rainbow said cockily.

“And I look like a Pirate King!” I said, looking at my crown with pride as I looked at Twilight, looking at her tiara.

“Gee Twilight,” Applejack said to myself and Twilight, “I thought that you two were just spouting a lot of hooey, but not only do we represent the new Elements of Piracy, but we are now real Pirates now,”

“Indeed you all do,” A voice came from outside, to which it was Princess Celestia, all the others bowed before her but Twilight and me.

“Princess Celestia!” Twilight and I said together as Twilight rushed to hug her.

“Twilight Sparkle, my faithful student,” Celestia said with pride, “I knew you could do it,”

“But you said it was just an old pony’s story,” Twilight said to her Princess.

“I only told you to make some friends, nothing more,” Celestia said to Twilight, “I saw the signs of Nightmare Moon’s return, and I knew it was you who had the magic inside of you and your friends to defeat Nightmare Moon, and someone who not even I knew would be coming to our world, and let True friendship into your heart and Your new human friend of course, and you now have managed to rebuild the Elements of Harmony into the Elements of Piracy, I must say, I’m impressed Captain Will,” that last part got me to blush.

“Now if only another will as well,” she then walked to the younger Alicorn, “Princess Luna!” said Celestia as Luna gasped and looked at Celestia with fear, “It’s been a thousand years since I have seen you like this, it’s time to put our differences behind us, we were meant to rule together little sister.”

“Sister?” Twilight and Rainbow said to together.

“Will you accept my friendship?” Celestia offered to Luna. We were waiting for her answer as Pinkie fell over on her stomach. Luna’s eyes began to water and let out the water gates.

“I’m so sorry,” Luna sobbed as Celestia held her close to her, “I’ve missed you so much, big sister,”

“And I’ve missed you too,”

“Now that what I like to see,” A voice came out of nowhere as ghostly green magic and the one man I had no idea I would be seeing this soon. "A grand adventure, a fight to the death, a reunion between sisters,"

Out of the side of the room where the windows come to a Pirate pony. Still, no ordinary Pirate pony, it was not only an Alicorn but a brown coated, black-maned Male Alicorn Pirate wearing the same outfit at was worn by The Pirate Lord and yes, he is The Pirate Lord for real. Only this version of him was not a ghost.

”Ramsey!” Celestial said, confirming what was in front of me, as Celestia went in for a hug. "It's been so long since I've seen you, my husband.”

”HUSBAND!” everyone yelled at what Celestia said to Ramsey.

”You’re married to Ramsey Singh, The Pirate Lord of the Sea of Thieves?!” I asked Celestia in shock, and everyone looked at me like I grew two heads apart from Celestia and Ramsey, who chuckled at my cluelessness.

“I guess we need to explain some things, but now is not the time for questions, my young Pirates, for it is time to celebrate my Pirates,” Ramsey said as we headed out of the castle.

“You and. Celestia are married. But that means. Lesedi and. Demarco. they are.” I said, trying to understand the whole mess that my Nakama and I discovered. “I am so confused. What have I just uncovered?”

Ramsey chuckled, “I know it’s a lot to take in, but you will have time for that later. For we have a party to get to,"

“I guess some fun will do me some good, hopefully,” I replied.

We soon got back to Ponyville, and already the ponies were there waiting for us. They were shocked at Ramsey and what he was. The ponies wasted no time in welcoming Princess Luna and the return of Princess Celestia.

The party started as soon as Pinkie told everyone about the two new ponies who mean a lot to Celestia. But, thankfully not about Celestia and Ramsey’s relationship, ”It’s time for a party!” Pinkie said.

Ponies began to celebrate the victory that we won, a flower collar was given to Luna as a welcome back to Equestria, Spike rushed up to Twilight, and all was great, but Twilight was looking down, ”why so glum, my faithful student?” Celestial asked Twilight, ”Are you happy that your quest is complete and you can return to Canterlot to resume your studies?”

Twilight sighed, ”That’s just it. When I learned how wonderful it is to have friends, I had to leave them. And I kinda want to join William’s crew and learn more about the Sea of Thieves as much as possible,”

Ramsey must have noticed, ”Well, I wouldn't mind having you and your friends in my realm,”

”Spike, take a note, please, ” Celestia said, ”I, Princess Celestia, hereby decree the unicorn, Twilight Sparkle, shall take on a new mission for Equestria. She will continue to study the magic of friendship. She will report her findings from her new home and life in the Sea of Thieves, alongside the human Captain William Hunter and his comrades. A ship will be commissioned by the Equestrian Crown and will give the Captain full protection for all threats, in and out of Equestria.”

All of my Nakama rushed in for a hug.

”Thank you, Princess, we will not let you down, ” Twilight said happily, then a song began to sing by me.

[Captain William Hunter]

Clocked in folds in midnight waters,
Side by side, we sons and daughters,
We set forth for no king’s orders,
But we’ll sail together.

[Will and Twilight]

Ours is a life of wild ambition,
Take all we please, need no permission,
Woe unto those in opposition,
For we sail together.

[Will and the crew]

Hold fast! Tides are turning,
Flames roar, fires are burning,
We’ll all be returning,
If we sail together.

As we sing the song, the whole world must be listening to us as we declare ourselves to a life of Piracy. And for the adventure and fights we will be having.


All of the waves shall know our story,
Sing of the battles fought ashore,
We all shall thrive on fame and glory,
When we sail together.

Hold to our course and no surrender,
See how she gleams in all her splendour,
Fight to the last. We must defend her,
As we sail together.

Words of warning have been spoken,
Ancient creatures have awoken,
Still, until our bond is broken,


We Shall Sail Together!

To be continued.

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