• Published 18th Oct 2019
  • 576 Views, 1 Comments

Time Stops For No Dragon - FluttershyLover55

A year after his last adventure, Spike's life is turned upside down when Fluttershy suddenly dumps him. Why has she been acting so strangely lately, and can he fix things or has he blown it somehow? Only time will tell...

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Chapter Twenty-Four:What's Yours Is Mine

Time Stops For No Dragon
Chapter 24-What's Yours Is Mine

"Thorn? Where are you, man?!" Spike shouted.

"Geez, don't shout so loud! I'm right here, for crying out loud!" Thorn replied, with a little aggravation in his tone.

"If you're right here, why can't I see you?" Spike questioned, looking around for any signs of his companion.

"I don't know…I'm in some dark place. For some reason, I can hear your voice echoing all around me! I must be somewhere close by."

"Whoa, that's weird…" Spike said, trying to come up with any way this could have happened. All of the sudden, the young adult dragon had a horrible thought. "What…What if we just caused a paradox, because we touched each other! And we like, combined somehow!"

"That's ridicu…Wait, that actually makes sense." Thorn said, "I just hope this isn't permanent." The older dragon started thinking about all of the things he hadn't taught Spike yet.

Spike suddenly glimpsed a series of moving pictures in the darkness of his mind, causing him to gasp. "What was that?"

"I don't know, did you mean outside or inside?" Thorn inquired, a little confused since he hadn't seen anything.

"Inside my head! Was…Was that your memories?"

"Oh! I guess, it was…I was just thinking about what I wouldn't get to teach you, now that I'm in here." Thorn explained.

"Hold on, I want to try something! Do what you just did, again!"

Thorn shrugged or at least he would have, if he still had a body. "All right."

Pictures began appearing in Spike's head again, but this time, he imagined a hand mentally grabbing them and storing them away for later.

"What did you just do?" Thorn asked, seeing all of the images disappearing one at a time.

"I took all of your memories of fighting and copied them into mine! Now, I should be able to do everything you would have taught me!" Spike explained, excitedly.

He began running towards a nearby cliff, having just seen something he wanted to try. Thorn, who could see what Spike saw through his eyes, began to panic.

"Whoa, what are you doing?!"

Spike grinned, smugly. "I thought you could read my mind? If you can, then you should know what I'm doing."

"I can, but only if I concentrate on your thoughts." Thorn replied. "And I don't need to read your mind to know that this is a stupid idea!"

"Come on, Thorn, don't you trust me?" Spike said, as they continued to get closer to the cliff.

"Not really! I've had some pretty stupid ideas in the past."

Spike was silent for a moment. "Good point…I'm pretty sure that this will work, though." He insisted, just as they reached the edge of the cliff.

He didn't stop there, leaping off of the cliff, aided by a particularly powerful gust of wind.

"Where did that gust of wind come from?" Thorn wondered, noticing that there was no breeze before their jump.

"I can use magic, remember?"

"Yeah, but that's a high-level spell! Oh right, you took my knowledge and abilities."

"Anything you can do, I can do…" Spike began.

"You'd better not say it…" Thorn warned.

"The same, actually."

Thorn sighed. "For a moment there, I thought you were going to quote Trixie."

"Hey, weren't we falling?"

Just as they were about to hit the ground, white boots appeared on Spike's feet, allowing him to avoid breaking his legs when he landed.

"Ah, yes, the 'Boots of Support'. That was actually a smart idea, not stupid like I originally thought." Thorn admitted.

Spike smirked. "And you didn't trust me. Everything turned out fine!"

"What's next? You're the one in control here." Thorn pointed out.

Spike stared determinedly, off into the distance. "I'm ready to take down Starswirl and get Fluttershy back."

"That's fine, if that's what you want to do, but I have some advice that you MIGHT want to hear first."

"Okay, lay it on me." Spike said, curiously.

"There's an old legend about a gauntlet that supposedly, can absorb magic or cancel spells. It's called the 'Gauntlet of Marelantis', and if we can get our hands on it, it would prove invaluable to our cause." Thorn explained.

This piqued the younger dragon's interest, but he was a bit skeptical. "Okay, but aren't legends just stories passed down through the generations? How do we know that it's even true?" Spike asked, hoping for some proof.

"That's easy! I saw it in a book in Twilight's library! I think the book was called, 'Lost Legends' or something like that."

"Awesome! If we can borrow that book from Twilight, it should really help us fight Starswirl!"

"Onward to ADVENTURE!" Thorn shouted, enthusiastically.

"What was that?" Spike chuckled at his sudden outburst.

"Sorry, I got a little excited." Thorn grinned, sheepishly.

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