• Published 18th Oct 2019
  • 577 Views, 1 Comments

Time Stops For No Dragon - FluttershyLover55

A year after his last adventure, Spike's life is turned upside down when Fluttershy suddenly dumps him. Why has she been acting so strangely lately, and can he fix things or has he blown it somehow? Only time will tell...

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Chapter Seven:Stealing Time

Time Stops For No Dragon
Chapter 7-Stealing Time

After having dinner with the Princesses, Spike and Twilight went to their room to get some rest. Twilight took the bed closest to the window, and Spike took the other. The dragon waited until he could hear Twilight snoring to get out of the bed.

He tripped over something on the way to the door, but managed to stop himself from falling. Spike picked it up, and realized that it was his pack. Upon checking it, he found that his sword, necklace, and medal were still in there. The only question was how it had gotten there, but he didn't worry about it too much. He slipped the necklace on in case he needed it later, before leaving. Even though he had used all of the magic inside of it during his second adventure, it made him feel better to have it on.

The dragon opened and closed the door quietly, so he wouldn't wake the sleeping unicorn. His plan was to sneak into the Archives, and go to the Starswirl the Bearded wing. He wanted to search for anything he could use to save Fluttershy and the future. As he passed by a bathroom, he had a voice.

"Pssst. Spike, come here. We need to talk."

The dragon entered the bathroom and found his future self in the mirror above the sink. "What do YOU want? I'm kind of busy at the moment." Spike said, slightly aggravated.

"Listen Spike, I don't know what you're planning to do, but be careful. I'm currently trying to find a way to travel back in time to your location, but it may be a while, before I can physically be there."

"You're talking to me right now, so how come you can't just step through the mirror? You did it in my dream."

"Yes, but that was a dream. Communication technology is less complicated than moving an actual body through time."

"Okay. Well, I'm going to find a way to save her."

Future Spike nodded. "All right. I'll let you know, if anything new happens." His image flickered, before fading from the mirror completely.


Spike made it to the Royal Archives without any trouble, but discovered the entrance to be blocked by a locked gate. Spike melted the lock and went through the gate, heading in the direction of the Starswirl section. Some guards were doing their rounds, but Spike slipped through unnoticed when they weren't looking.

He noticed several shelves lined with books, but one in particular, caught his eye. It was in the back, on a platform by itself. The old, dusty tome had a star symbol on its leather-bound cover. Spike flipped to the 'Table of Contents', realizing that it must be Starswirl the Bearded's personal journal. Lots of spells were inside, but only one caught his eye. He flipped to the page it was on, hoping that he could use it. The page contained a time travel spell for the past, and also, one for the future.

Spike carefully tore the page out, and breathed fire on it. He didn't destroy it or send it anywhere, but he stored it in a secret magical compartment that dragons have. He considered leaving the book behind, but he kept it to look at later, storing it with the page in his chest. Spike exited the wing, looking all around for guards in every direction.
He didn't notice that there was one right in front of him, until he bumped into armor, causing a loud clanking noise to sound throughout the Library.

"Halt. Stay right where you are!" The guard wearing the armor shouted, but Spike ran past him.

Spike couldn't afford to get caught, because if anypony knew what he was doing, he wouldn't be allowed to go through with it. The other guard followed the first one, so now, Spike had both Library guards chasing him. They passed the room where Twilight was sleeping, causing her to be woken by the noise.
She poked her head out the door as Spike ran past, flanked by two earth pony guards. "What the…Spike, what are you DOING?" Twilight yelled in surprise, following them down the hall.

Spike led them to the balcony, gaining the attention of the guards stationed outside the Throne room, and they also followed. He burst outside onto the balcony, climbing onto the railing, being careful not to fall off. Twilight was next, with the four guards close behind.

She was confused and a little angry, at being woken up. "What's going on? Did you steal something?"

Spike sighed, letting out a burst of fire that formed into a book in his hand, along with the torn paper.

Twilight gasped. "Why do you have Starswirl the Bearded's journal? Are you crazy?"

Spike chuckled and said carefully, "You don't know the half of it, Twi. I found a way to save Fluttershy. Please, don't try to stop me from doing this. I need to know what happened, and if I can't fix it, I'll stop any of this from ever happening!"

"But, you…you won't be a hero anymore, or have a relationship with Fluttershy! Are you willing to lose everything?" Twilight was shocked that he would use such an extreme method.

"I made a promise to protect her, in any way that I can. I'm sorry, Twilight, but I NEED to do this."

She couldn't argue with the sincerity of his words, and nodded.

At the top of the page was a notice that explained how the spell worked. The user's soul would be transferred into their body at the time they traveled to. Where they ended up, was controlled by their thoughts after they entered the portal.

Spike read the words out loud, slowly and clearly. "Winds blow and turn back the hands of time. Make a way to the world in its prime. Preserve the memories and make them last. Take me into the depths of the past!"

The wind blew fiercely, threatening to pull Spike off of the railing. A small pond awaited him below, and the water inside it, swirled into a vortex.

"Good luck, Spike." Twilight whispered.

He smiled sadly, before stepping backwards and falling towards the pond. "Thanks, Twilight."

Upon contact with the swirling pool, he was pulled down into its depths, leading to a time, not so long ago.

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