• Published 19th Oct 2019
  • 1,418 Views, 44 Comments

Ex-Bolts Rising - Melody Song

Okay, so Lightning Dust and Wind Rider are still mad about being kicked off the Wonderbolts. Sure, the sudden cancellations of numerous Wonderbolt performances has been increasing. Those two things couldn't possibly be related, right?

  • ...

The Win

The other Wonderbolts had made it to Cloudsdale, and were waiting anxiously for their Captain. The Shadowbolts were waiting too, but looked more angry than worried. Soarin was fussing over Rainbow's injuries, joined by Fluttershy, Rarity, and Applejack. They, Princess Twilight, and Pinkie Pie had been waiting for them, as the Princess had promised. Celestia and Luna had arrived too, and were watching the scene before them.

"You see them yet?" High Winds asked nervously. Blaze was hovering in the air beside Wave Chill.

"No." Wave Chill replied.

The Streak twins paced around, Rapidfire and Silver Zoom waited silently by Sun Chaser and Misty Fly. Thunderlane stood by High Winds. Even Surprise had lost her usual cheeriness. Fleetfoot took off, looking into the distance.

"Come on Spitfire. I know you can do this. Don't let her stop you." Fleetfoot pleaded. Princess Twilight flew up to her.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm worried about her. She should be here by now. Rainbow told her that all she had to do wath take it thlow, and let Lightning Dutht tire herthelf out. Then she'd pull ahead."

"Rainbow! You did remember my tactic! Egghead's Guide to Running my hoof!" Princess Twilight called, turning and flying down to her friend. Celestia snickered a little at her pupil.

Then, Fleetfoot saw it. A orange blur in the distance. It got closer, and closer, until she could see Spitfire clearly.

"Thpitfire!" Fleetfoot yelled, as a turquoise and yellow blur shot towards them.

"Out of the way lesbian freak!" she screamed. The Shadowbolts ran forward, heading for their leader. Fleetfoot landed near the others, stung by the insult.

"I'm gonna to kill her!" Rainbow lunged for the mare. Soarin and Applejack held her back. "After everything she did now she makes fun of one of my friends!"

"At ease, Dash." a familiar voice said. They turned to see Spitfire land. A second before Lightning Dust touched the clouds.

"You did it!" Surprise exclaimed, then gasped.

Spitfire's nose was bleeding, staining the fur around her muzzle. Her mane was hanging around her face, matted with blood and sweat. Her lip had a scratch on it, and there was a bruise on her chin. Spitfire's wing feathers were ruffled, and one of her eyes was black.

"What in the holy name of Celestia happened to you!?" Blaze cried, drawing the attention of the Princesses.

"Dust got the jump on me." Spitfire replied

"That's the last straw! Lemme at her!" Rainbow ran towards the Shadowbolts before anypony could stop her. The Shadowbolts backed away, and Lightning Dust ran at Rainbow.

"Rainbow, stop! You won anyway!" Princess Twilight yelled.

Rainbow skidded to a halt, but Lightning Dust kept running. She pinned Rainbow to the ground, snarling at her.

"Get off her." Princess Twilight lifted Lightning Dust off Rainbow and pulled Rainbow back to the Wonderbolts.

"What are you saying Princess?" Spitfire asked

"You touched down first Spitfire. You win. Provided you have the horseshoe, of course." Princess Celestia replied. Spitfire gasped and lifted up her hoof.

"Oh no." She looked down. There was no horseshoe.

"Spit?" Soarin asked

"I-It must have fallen off in the fight."

"What fight?" Princess Twilight asked. Lightning Dust trotted up. The mare was sporting a few bruises of her own.

"That madmare attacked me! She doesn't deserve to be a leader! She's crazy, she jumped me for no reason! She should be locked up, just like her father!" Lightning Dust snarled.

Spitfire felt her throat close up, and her eyes began to gloss over.

"What about her father?" Rainbow asked

"Oh, you mean your precious Captain didn't tell you?" Lightning Dust sneered, voice raising. "Her father is locked up in the Canterlot prison! She's the daughter of a murderer!" Lightning Dust yelled, loud enough for all the watching ponies to hear.

"I-" Spitfire looked to the other Wonderbolts, whose eyes were wide with shock. Spitfire backed away from them.

"Is it true?" High Winds asked. Spitfire felt the tears begin to come.

"Yes. I'm so sorry." Spitfire said, wiping her eyes. "I've cost us our title and I don't deserve to be your captain." she looked away from the Wonderbolts. She stopped trying to stop herself from crying and let it happen. She deserved to be humiliated.

"Thpit." Fleetfoot put her hooves around the mare. "It'th okay."

"It's not. I lost the horseshoe."

"But did you start the fight?" Princess Twilight asked, coming up to her.

"I just told you she did." Lightning Dust snapped. Princess Twilight turned to her with a "look" on her face.

"The first time I encountered you, you nearly killed me and my friends. The second time we met you almost killed a filly with your reckless acts so excuse me if I don't believe you."

"Very well said Twilight." Luna snickered.

"Well Spitfire? Did you start the fight or not?" Princess Twilight asked

"I didn't. Dust struck the first blow. I was just trying to protect myself." Spitfire replied. Princess Twilight turned to Applejack.

"Spitfire's telling the truth." Applejack answered the Princess' unasked question.

"She's lying!" Lightning Dust yelled.

"She is the Element of Honesty." Princess Twilight snapped. Spitfire buried her head in Fleetfoot's shoulder, still crying.

"Thpitty, what'th wrong?" Fleetfoot whispered

"It doesn't matter who started the fight. I still lost the horseshoe and I don't know why you're even here. I'm a monster." Spitfire said, loud enough for the others to hear. Fleetfoot stepped back so Spitfire could see the sorrow in her eyes.

"Darn right she is." Lightning Dust muttered. Rainbow threw herself at Lightning Dust again and the two fell onto the clouds, tussling.

"Spitfire, I don't believe that the horseshoe matters." Princess Luna said, stepping in front of her sister. "The point of this race was to show how good of a team you are. Isn't that why you chose this for the challenge in the first place?"

Spitfire wiped her eyes, then nodded.

"But Luna, we have to adhere to the rules, don't we?" Princess Twilight asked

"Actually, the attack on Spitfire was not the first. Each of the Wonderbolts have reported cheating during each leg of the race. Combined, this is enough evidence to disqualify the Shadowbolts from the race." Princess Luna replied.

Lightning Dust launched herself from Rainbow and flew to her team. Rainbow went back to her own.

"You idiots! This is your fault!" Lightning Dust said, glaring at her teammates. They snarled and instantly began yelling back.

"Silence!" Princess Celestia commanded, and they all froze. "I agree with my sister. You are no team, and don't deserve the title of best flyers."

Lightning Dust let out an enraged yell and stormed away. Princess Celestia turned to the Wonderbolts.

"Congratulations. You deserve it." The Wonderbolts cheered and hugged each other. Soarin turned to Spitfire.

"Well Spit? Care to join us?"

"What are you talking about?" Spitfire asked

"Come on, you think we'd believe Lightning Dust?" Rapidfire asked.

"But what she said is the truth. I am the daughter of a monster. Which means I'm one too." Spitfire said

"Spitfire, we know you. We know you'd never hurt us. Just because you're related to somepony evil doesn't mean you have to be evil." Rainbow said

"Besides, you're our friend! You're not nasty or mean, no matter who your dad is!" Surprise added

"Really?" Spitfire asked, wiping her eyes. The Wonderbolts all nodded, smiling.

"You aren't friends, that's for sure." Princess Luna said "You're clearly all different enough to drive each other crazy, and yet you still care for each other."

"You're right Princess. It's like what Spitfire said earlier. We're not her friends. We're her family." Soarin said

"Then..." Princess Celestia turned to the spell network, where ponies all over Equestria were watching. "Equestria, please give a warm welcome back to the Wonderbolts! Our own, not-so-ordinary family."

The ponies of Cloudsdale cheered, as did countless other ponies in Equestria. The Wonderbolts hugged and smiled. They were back.

Author's Note:

Like last chapter, I mean no harm in the name-calling towards Fleetfoot. I am Bisexual myself, and I am only trying to use it to antagonize the Shadowbolts. Also, this is not the end! I still have one more chapter to go before the story officially comes to a close.

~Melody Song