• Published 19th Oct 2019
  • 1,418 Views, 44 Comments

Ex-Bolts Rising - Melody Song

Okay, so Lightning Dust and Wind Rider are still mad about being kicked off the Wonderbolts. Sure, the sudden cancellations of numerous Wonderbolt performances has been increasing. Those two things couldn't possibly be related, right?

  • ...

What Should We Do?

Spitfire paced around in the living room of her house, debating whether or not to summon the other 'bolts. Fleetfoot was reading on the couch, immersed in the latest Daring Do book.

"If I call them here, then we can decide what to do together. But then again, since I'm pretty sure none of us have any ideas on what to do, maybe I should try to work this out on my own." Spitfire muttered to herself. "Fleety, I need help here." she turned towards the mare, ears drooping in defeat.

"Well, you could try reathoning with them. I'm not sure how far that would go, but maybe at leatht giving them the chance to explain why they decided to take over now when they've been gaining popularity for monthth would help." Fleetfoot suggested, turning a page in her book.

"Maybe...but how would we get into HQ if we're technically trespassers?" Spitfire asked

"Athk for permiththion, and maybe threaten to burn their wingth off. You're good at that kind of threat." Fleetfoot said

"I don't want to threaten anypony." Spitfire objected, and Fleetfoot stood, trotting forward to nuzzle her.

"Thpitty, you don't need my help. You jutht need to believe in yourthelf. You are your own mare, the otherth and I can help you figure thith out, becauthe we want to help. But in the end, what you choothe to do ith up to you." Fleetfoot consoled her.

"Thanks Fleety, I needed that." Spitfire sighed, kissing her cheek, then turning to look out the window "But I'm still unsure about how to approach Lightning Dust and Wind Rider. They've become dangerous."

"I know, but we're alwayth going to be thtronger than them. Don't you remember what Thtarlight told uth? They don't care about each other, which theemth like a weaknethth to me." Fleetfoot said

"Sweet Celestia, that's it!" Spitfire raced out of the room.

"Baby?" Fleetfoot asked, following her. "What are you talking about?"

"Lightning Dust and Wind Rider don't usually work with any other ponies. Lightning Dust had a flight team, but she was the only leader. She didn't have a Co-Captain and certainly didn't listen to her teammate's ideas. To her, they were replaceable, she didn't rely on them." Spitfire said, grabbing papers and scanning them.

"True, but how doeth thith help?" Fleetfoot asked

"Well, if Lightning Dust didn't have a definite 'team' then she needed Wind Rider to become Co-Captain, then would appoint ranks to the others. But if she still sees them as expendable, then they can't be very good friends, unlike us." Spitfire continued

"And...?" Fleetfoot wasn't sure where Spitfire was going at this point.

"Well, if Lightning Dust agrees to a competition where ponies need to work together to win, like a relay race..." Spitfire began

"Oh, then they'll lothe becauthe they don't know true teamwork!"

"Exactly. If we challenge them with the title of military as the prize, they won't disagree." Spitfire said

"Thpitty, I know thith lookth like the anthwer, but..." Fleetfoot nuzzled Spitfire gently. "What if we lothe?"

"We won't. We're a family, and families work together to come out on top. Even if we do lose, then we'll lose together." Spitfire replied

"Okay." Fleetfoot smiled at Spitfire, leaning in to kiss her.

"I'll summon the other Wonderbolts." Spitfire kissed Fleetfoot on the forehead before leading her out of the room.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Wave Chill asked

"Honestly? I have no idea." Spitfire replied, trotting towards the buildings that had once been their home.

"Oh, look who it is, the washed-out Wonderbolts and their pathetic little leader." Rolling Thunder remarked, landing in front of them.

"I need to speak with Lightning Dust." Spitfire said calmly, raising a wing to calm the other 'bolts, she had heard them shifting uneasily.

"Captain Dust doesn't speak to anyone, no matter how great they think they are." a strange pegasus snarled, landing by Rolling Thunder. She showed her teeth at them, revealing fangs.

"Shut it Blood." Rolling Thunder snarled

"Blood?" Soarin echoed in a low voice, surprised

"She is correct." another Pegasus, a stalllion, landed nearby "There is no reason we should allow you in."

"We have a offer for your Captain. If you think she doesn't need to hear it..." Spitfire began

"Alright, fine! Blood, go get the Captain." Rolling Thunder ordered, ignoring both mare and stallion's complaints

"Whatever you say Rolling Thunder." Blood growled, taking off

"And you Nimbus, I don't believe anyone invited you to come here." Rolling Thunder said to the stallion.

"Nopony had to Thunder." He retorted

"They really don't seem to like each other." High Winds murmured

"Why did you send Blood Moon to come get me Rolling Thunder?" Lightning Dust asked, landing. "Ah, I see." she glared at the Wonderbolts angrily.

"We want a chance to get our title back." Spitfire told her

"Oh really? You're stubborn, I'll give you that. But anything you suggest can be beaten by the Shadowbolts." Lightning Dust replied

"Why did you name them that Dust?" Rainbow blurted out

"Nimbus Chaser here told Wind Rider and I all about the team of flyers said to guard Nightmare Moon. The Shadowbolts has a much better ring to it than the Wonderbolts." Lightning Dust sneered "So, what was that little proposition for me?"

"A relay race. If we win, we get our Headquarters back, and the title of best flyers, and also our job as Military Flight Team. If you win, we'll leave you alone." Spitfire said

"Fine. I hope you're ready to lose Spit. It's not going to go well for you. Since you came up with the competition, I get to choose the course. It will take place across Equestria, starting at Canterlot and looping around to end in Cloudsdale, which is currently in the San Palomino Desert. True flyers can handle that. We pass a horseshoe to each member of our team, the Captains race last. First one across the finish line wins." Lighting Dust agreed

"Good, we're in agreement. May the best flight team win." Spitfire said

"That'll be us." Lightning snarled

Author's Note:

By the way, Blood Moon is a half-bat pony, so that's why she has fangs. And why her name is 'Blood Moon'.

~Melody Song