• Published 28th Oct 2019
  • 728 Views, 13 Comments

Not happening - Arkinstone

The hive is split between those who have accepted love and have taken pony culture as their own, and those who have retained their darker forms. Pharynx was not the only one, not even close.

  • ...

The Change.

Chitin clad hooves clicked against grey stone, bright rays of sunshine burning the open-air throne room, sorry, speaking platform. A tidal wave of eye-melting colours surrounding me.

My black visage a burn mark among a blinding tapestry. Eyes of all different colours quickly glanced away when my orange compound eyes, they skitter away from my presence like frightened mice in the presence of a cat. I keep my head held high as I approach a large being with the horns of elk but the colours of an insect.

I refuse to bow nor pay respect as I stop before his raised platform. What has he done but tore apart my home? destroyed my hive?

King Thorax speaks gently "Tsetse, I would appreciate it if you could consider sharing love with the hive and reforming, I'm sure you will find it better then you think it is"

I look him dead in his unnatural eyes "Considering..." I hold back a resentful smirk "Considered. No. And it is General Tsetse"

King Thorax shakes his head, disappointment clear "Another day, another flat no from you Tsetse. We do not need generals anymore, and if you would accept friendship, you would be able to see why"

I can't hold back my sneer "Friendship isn't the problem, Thorax. And because you were an outcast in the hive, you wouldn't know what friendships among changelings are" the blatant disrespect by calling him by his name and not his title would get me punished with manual labour for a month for disregard of royal authority.
If he thinks gentle words and uninformed 'logic' will bend my will, then he must be more insane then Queen Chrysalis.

But he seems strangely pleased by being called just his name, but he meekly points out "and that was the problem in the old hive, it was far to easy to be cast out"

I would roll my eyes, but I can't really "No, you just made exceedingly easy" I shake my head, creatures like him will never understand "I'm done here. You like to pretend you are the ruler of this farce of a hive, but you are nothing more than a pretender, ironic, considering what you were"

Before he can answer I turn around and walk away at a casual rate, daring him to follow me and further out himself as a weakling. He doesn't.

The creatures of bright colours split around me like water around oil. 'Creatures' does sound harsh, but what do you call something with no name? The brightly coloured being around me are not changelings.
Changeling means more than just a generation or a Queen. It is a millennium of history, it is a proud culture nurtured through the ages. But the creatures have no history, not because it does not exist, but because they have discarded it, thrown it away, casted it to the side like yesterday's trash.

I delve deeper underground, into what remains of the true hive. It is there, in the comforting dark that I am greeted by the last of the Changelings.

A figure with purple compound eyes and a blood-red sail steps from the shadows, his voice echoing through the inky halls "What did Thorax want from you? Has there been an attack and wishes for our aid?" He sounds almost hopeful, my fellow general had taken his duty of protecting the hive into his core, letting it become a part of him.

I shake my head "No, It was once more an attempt to make me into those creatures" He narrows his eyes slightly, though, at my choice of wording, or his brothers attempts, I can't tell.

Pharynx sighs and turns back into the depths. I walk beside him as we pass through the tunnels, the walls no longer shifting and changing to match our natures. As we walk in silence, we pass a few changelings doing menial duties. He breaks the heavy silence first "Three more of my legion have shifted. At this rate, I am afraid it can no longer be called a legion with only 35 remaining"

I grit my teeth before carefully speaking "You are fortunate, only 5 of my legion remain"

He turns his head to me in what could be considered concern but cleverly disguised as surprise "Surely not. Your legion was filled with the best and brightest. Was the infamous loyalty among you not enough?"

I scowl at the floor, letting him lead our path "Apparently not. We would have died for each other, but when it comes to civil disquiet? They took the easy path, all but my absolute best"

Pharynx leads us to a large chamber, the measurements being 100 meters wide and 300 meters long, I should know, I helped design it. We stop at the edge of the platform, overlooking the now mostly empty Soundaim. The once lively shops and restaurants now mostly empty or filled with dust.

Pharynx asks with the authority granted to a general who has fought many battles "Who of your legion remains?"

I try to answer with the same militaristic tone, but it is difficult to stop emotion from leaking through "Anopheles, my lead poison expert, she always has at least 3 vials of highly lethal poison with her.
Lonomia, my lead infiltration expert, she has extreme skill in disguises and being able to create and hold an original personage for years if needed.
HawkWasp, commonly known as Hawk, my lead of the warrior division, she is known for her unusually excruciating bite and power.
Bullhorn, my lead spy-craft expert, he often works with Lonomia in infiltration but for shorter periods. Especially known for being able to create convincing backstories and temporary safe houses in short periods.
Honey, my lead gatherer, she and those under her would provide love for the legion with all excess going to the hive. She is less of a fighter but can be extremely intimidating."

The only ones who remain of my legion are those who were closest to me. I was handpicked by the previous Queen, Queen Atlas, and it was due to my experience that I was allowed to continue my position as high general by Queen Chrysalis. And as such, my admirals were hoof-picked by me alone.

Pharynx has idly locked his eyes on a group of workers who are reinforcing the ceiling "Good, at least you have your Admirals. At moon high, tomorrow night, gather your Admirals and meet me at the lower hatchery. We have much to discuss about the future of the hive"

If I could raise an eyebrow, I would "The hatchery? You think it is wise to let HawkWasp around fragile nymphs?"

He chuffs "No, but there is something you need to see"

I nod "I will take my leave. Continue your efforts to convince your... brother" Without bothering to witness his reaction, I spread my wings and buzz down multiple layers of the Soundaim. I fly to the 4 lowest levels, where the living quarters have been moved.

I push open a thick stone slab called a door and enter what has become a small but cozy little home. An apartment would be closer, but I prefer the word house. I walk through the bare kitchen and into the single room at the end of the small hall. The minimalistic bed taking up a quarter of the room, with my weapons, armour and polishing kit taking up the rest of the small room.

I sigh as I climb onto the bed, tucking my wings into their hardcovers. I rest my head down as I can't help but remember my previous home. A luxurious apartment in the upper hive with a spacious kitchen, plenty of rooms for my multitude of weapons and knickknacks, and a large room with a plush bed. No point in fantasizing about it, but it is nice to remember now and then, to remind myself of just one other thing I am striving for.

I still feel the carved images of centuries of history and stories engraved in the walls underneath my hooves. The sheer amount of information about us that would suck me in and refuse to let me go until I learned ever more about our culture. How proud we were! We had so many truly great Queens who had led us into multiple golden ages, where food was overflowing and wars non-existent. How we would have a test for all young changelings to help them determine their roles in society. Before Queen Chrysalis, young lings could choose what they wanted to be, but she had twisted even that by just forcing young lings into a position based on their body types. (Except drones, they are bred practically mindless but make up the bulk of the army)

I close my eyes and begin to drift off. I can see why King Thorax wants to be rid of the mad Queen Chrysalis, but he has taken it too far by changing who we very are, just to escape the reputation of ONE Queen. He is young, he does not remember the reign of Queen Wasp, nor was he subject to the rich culture of the changeling seeing as he was cast out before he could access the hivemind and outcasted as a nymph by his other hatchmates.

Too far... He went too far...

Author's Note:

Based after the Changeling reformation but before Thorax meets Dragonlord Ember in the show. Keep in mind, this is more a writing exercise for me and less of a committed story, so no promises on constant updates.

For any of you who were curious, I will list the rankings of the Changeling Empire below (military and regular changelings are one and the same)

Queen. (Leader of the hive. Has control over Hivemind and the keeper of order)
Princess. (Queen in training. Can only be hatched in very specific conditions)
General. (In command of Admirals, only the best of the best. Hoof-picked by the Queen)
Admiral. (In charge of subsections. 1 Admiral for 1 thousand Warriors, etc)
Warrior. (Protectors of the hive, specially trained for war)
Infiltrator/Spy. (Infiltrate foreign societies to gather information/love)
Gatherer. (Trained to gather the most amount of love from wild or captured assets)
Specialist. (Painter, Blacksmith, Mapmaker, etc)
Caretaker. (Raise young nymphs/grubs and keep eggs healthy)
Worker. (Builders, architects, storekeepers, etc)
Subject. (Peasant, middle class, regular changeling, etc)
Drone. (Near mindless lings who make the bulk of the army. Fighting is instinctive)

All classes are looked upon as mostly equal, seeing as every class brings something important to the table. But Queens, Princesses, Generals, and Admirals are seen as the highest positions. Except for drones, drones are literally the lowest class, but only because of their near non-existent mental capacities.

Soundaim - A large, circular, shopping-mall like area in the hive. Before the Reformation, it was a hub for gossip, food, and purchasable items. It is one of the few areas of the original hive left. It was built deep underground to prevent invaders from reaching it.

Names: (Just so you can look them up if you want)
General Tsetse (Tsetse fly)
Admiral Anopheles (Anopheles Mosquito)
Admiral Lonomia (Lonomia Caterpillar)
Admiral HawkWasp (Tarantula Hawk Wasp)
Admiral Bullhorn (Bullhorn Acacia Ant)
Admiral Honey (Common Honey Bee)

Yes, I understand that I should probably introduce the information in the actual story, but really? Do you know how many chapters it will take to naturally introduce that much information? I do, and it is around way too much for me to actually care.