• Published 28th Oct 2019
  • 730 Views, 13 Comments

Not happening - Arkinstone

The hive is split between those who have accepted love and have taken pony culture as their own, and those who have retained their darker forms. Pharynx was not the only one, not even close.

  • ...

The Effects

General Tsetse walked down into the dark halls and twisted tunnels, utilizing an instinctive map of her hive to navigate the constant turns and paths all the way down to a dim, quiet hatchery.

The remnants of slimy green nutrients dripped down from the ceiling, the chrysalis holding them long broken. A few scattered eggs placed in large divets in the floor were all that was left of the changeling pupae. General Tsetse took great care not to even come close to stepping on the few eggs left as she approached the small group of changelings huddled around a divet.

Her Admirals stood at attention quickly when they saw her approach. She sat down by Pharynx and ordered "At ease, Admirals," they sat back down as she turned her gaze towards Pharynx "Why have you called a meeting here? Surely there are more private areas, especially with the creatures coming down every now and then to check on the pupae"

Pharynx did not take his eyes off of the large pupa as he answered "I called you all here for a reason. I have had several theories as to what is causing the immediate change in the pupa and larva when they hatch. And now I have proof validating my theory"

Admiral Lonomia spoke up, her blood-red compound eyes betraying her silky voice "Forgive the interruption General Pharynx, but may I ask what theory you have conducted?," she flattened her black crest "And I query why you have summoned us as well"

Pharynx took his gaze off the egg before addressing Admiral Lonomia "During the weeks after the Reformation, I noticed that all changeling eggs in the upper hatcheries have produced reformed changelings immediately. There is no dramatic change from black to colour. And I discovered this almost by mistake when I oversaw the hatching of a changeling in this very hatchery. The Larva was born with black chitin and did not change." Pharynx paused to let the information of his statement sink in

Admiral Honey spoke up, her voice gentle as her amber eyes widened slightly "Forgive my question General Pharynx, but do you mean to say that the larva born from the lower hatcheries differ from the one born in the upper hatcheries?"

Pharynx nodded "During the past few days, I have come up with a plausible theory as to why this has occurred. During the Reformation, the Queens Throne had absorbed the energy of not one, but four alicorns, 6 elements, and the god of chaos himself. My theory is that the sudden explosion of the Queens Throne had caused a sort of radiation. Changelings have never before changed our base forms as we did that day, so being in the radiation zone must have created the perfect conditions for such a thing, and all the hatcheries in the upper levels are in the radiation zone, so the Pupa must be affected while gestating" Pharnyx finished, looking at the Admirals who all pondered this closely.

Admiral Anopheles spoke next "It is a good theory, General Pharynx. But there is one flaw if you do not mind me saying so", she waited until Pharnyx meets her sickly green eyes before continuing "While scouting, I have seen several changelings miles away from the hive change their forms. If said radiation zone goes that far, would not the lower hatcheries also be in the boundaries?"

Pharynx narrowed his eyes in thought, casting his gaze back at the egg "My guess would be that the radiation zone is limited to above the ground, perhaps due to the minerals in the soil or some other factor I am unaware of. But as I said, it is a guess"

Admiral Bullhorn chuffed, his muscular frame towering over the other Admirals "Better theory then the rest of us have, General Pharynx," his dark blue eyes looked around the hatchery "Shouldn't we just grab some eggs from the upper hatcheries to hatch more proper changelings?"

Admiral Hawkwasp rolled her violet eyes "Apart from how the parents would hunt you down if you took any eggs? There is no guarantee that the eggs hatch if taken out of the radiation zone, or if they did then they could end up as some amalgamation of Reformed changeling or pure changeling"
Admiral Bullhorn flared his tall black crest "I knew that, Hawkwasp! I just think that if there is a chance for more proper changelings to boost our numbers, then we should at least try!"

Tsetse bares her fangs and hisses "Enough! You of all should know a mother's wrath Admiral Bullhorn," Tsetse turned her attention to Hawkwasp "Do not aggravate your fellow Admirals Hawkwasp, not so close to the Pupa!"
Hawkwasp lowered her gaze, not ashamed, but willing to accept her carelessness in picking a fight so close to a Pupa.

Tsetse turned her baleful gaze onto the egg, watching the small movements of an active changeling that may never hatch "Admiral Honey. What are our current love reserves?"

Admiral Honey frowned deeply, the sorrowful look not suited to her gentle face "At an all-time low, General Tsetse. We have fewer mouths to feed, but fewer infiltrators and gatherers to collect food. We are holding steady, but it is nowhere near enough to allow the Pupa to hatch. If I had even a little excess, I would funnel the love straight into the eggs, but we barely have enough to feed ourselves. So for now, the Pupa must remain in limbo"
She reached out to the egg, petting it with utmost care as she said softly "...Poor things might never be able to hatch at this rate"

Admiral Lonomia snarled, her tone quickly growing toxic "What's left of the infiltrators have been working day and night to feed us as we are. Don't insinuate that it is our fault!"

Admiral Honey stopped petting the egg, looking at Lonomia with just one eye she whispered in a dangerous tone "I know, it is why I have not... severely punished... what is left of our infiltrators" And it was that moment that the other Admirals were reminded just why Honey was considered the most intimidating of the group.

General Pharynx sighed "This meeting is getting off course. Admiral Lonomia, you have my full permission to utilize what is left of our infiltrators or any who want to gather to collect more love"

Lonomia looked over at General Tsetse for confirmation. A short nod of agreement was all she needed before saluting the Generals and buzzing out of the hatchery to who knows where to collect more infiltrators.

Tsetse rested a holed hoof on Pharynx's shoulder "General Pharynx, I need you to try and convince your brother to at the least cease his... demands. He will not listen to me, but he needs to be reminded of just who exactly he is trying to change"

Pharynx met her pumpkin-orange eyes for a long moment before nodding "Be sure to watch over the Pupae while I am gone. The only caretakers we had left have joined the Reformed, and now there is no one to make sure the Pupae are not taken or damaged"

Tsetse nods "Of course, go now"

Without another word, Pharynx opens his wings and buzzes out to meet with his brother, leaving Tsetse and her Admirals alone.

Anopheles draws a hoof down her face "I am almost tempted myself to infiltrate Equestria for some fresh love to eat" now that the other general had gone, the Admirals were now free to speak without formality.
Hawkwasp lays herself down on the cold floor "You say that again, remember the little cakes filled with jellied love? Faust those were good"
Lonomia spoke next, still a little stiff around the remaining general "Remeber the ice cream with hardened love shaved on top? What I wouldn't give"

Honey laughed "It has been a long time since we had those sorts of luxuries! Before Chrysalis became Queen I think"

Bullhorn sighed heavily "Stop it, you all are making me hungry"
Hawkwasp sniped near immediately "you're always hungry"
Bullhorn reared back, pretending to be more offended then he actually was "Hey! I am a big ling! I need food dammit"

Honey grinned, her fangs glinting in the low light "Well you all are welcome to gather love with me on my next outing into Equestria, I could use the assistance"

General Tsetse, who had been listening fondly, interjected "Sorry to disappoint you Honey, but I am afraid my other Admirals have to stay here, we are in far too a precious of a position to leave the hive"

Hawkwasp yawned before commenting "Why don't we just contact the Boreas hive? They are still allies no?"

Tsetse stiffened "They would just as soon help us as they would take us over. They are allies yes, but mostly due to political marriages and our similar strength in numbers. Now that we are split up, they would kill any creatures they found and claimed our hive as would be their due. Enough on the other hives, they cannot be made aware of the split."

Tsetse sighed, letting the tension in her body go "We simply have to be patient and try to grow our numbers again. After that? who knows"

Tsetse looked up at the inky ceiling. This day had been filled with hard questions and difficult revelations, the hive may be suffering from magical radiation, the Pupae may not ever hatch, and the Admirals tempers are growing shorter. And it wasn't even lunch yet.

Author's Note:

(Dear lord, I wrote this in one go at 8 at night. Not as drama-filled as the other chapter, but I wanted some development of the Admirals and some explanation for the Reformation)

Changeling class description
(It might not be mentioned fully in the story, and I like something to come back to check as well. And yes, I am aware of how some of these changes will most likely be conflicting with canon, but it is my story dammit)

Queen -Tallest in the hive, slender and naturally thin but with tough armour. She has a layer of coloured armour around the midsection to protect reproductive and organ systems. Has a crown-like growth that acts as a direct connection to the hivemind, also allows her to control the hivemind. She has slit eyes and several rings of a slightly different colour to make adjusting to rapid changes from dark to light easy.

Princess - Second tallest in the hive, only a few inches shorter than a Queen. Her armour is tough but stronger than the Queens. She has a small lump where future crown-like growth will sprout. Has slit eyes like a Queen, but fewer rings of colour.

General - Tallest of all non-royal changelings, has extremely tough armour and fangs are elongated past the chin. A general can be bred or made. A bred general changeling has small pitch-black slit pupils similar to the Queens but a solid colour surrounding the pupils and are born with colours. A made general is different since their eyes, crest, wings, and wing covers all gain pigmentation upon promotion, they also undergo rapid bone growth that extends their height, hardens their chitin and extends their fangs.

Admiral - Admirals are slightly weaker then Generals but trade brute strength and natural weapons for a higher organization and thought process. When Admirals are promoted they gain colours to their eyes and wings only. Admirals are not incredibly smarter then Generals, but when promoted, their brains undergo a rush of hormones and chemicals that expand the section of the brain most responsible for organization and planning. As such, most Admirals are not necessarily cunning or clever but excellent with plans and organization of troops and supplies.

Warrior - The fighting class of changelings with extremely tough chitin and long fangs. They are often bulky with muscles and are able to carry three times their weights with ease. They are stronger than the Admirals but are less capable of leading thousands of troops into victory and do not have the mental capacity for the stress they must undergo. They have well developed vocal cords for loud roars used to startle or intimidate enemies onto send signals across a noisy battlefield.

Infiltrator - The sneaky class of changelings with thin, vulnerable armour that is better suited for absolute silence then all-out battle. They have especially muted eye colours to better blend in with the shadows. They are one of the most cunning classes of Changelings, just falling short the Generals.

I will do the rest of the classes next chapter!


Queen's Throne - A massive throne made up of magic draining rock that is found only in the badlands. It has seated hundreds of Queens and has garnered the nickname 'Queen's Throne'

Pupa - a changeling baby still in its egg (Pupae being multiple Pupa)
Larva - a baby changeling
Nymph - a young changeling