• Published 1st Nov 2019
  • 12,776 Views, 359 Comments

I Love Being a Rainboom - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and the Turtles are back again, and in another dimension where another team of mutant turtles live. Join the teams as they learn to work together against allying threats from both universes.

  • ...

The Justice Force

In the turtles lair, both Leo's were sparing with both Twilight's, as the others were relaxing or goofing off.

"Remember to keep your form, you two." Leonardo instructed the two Twilight's.

"Always." Twilight answered, as she and her Princess counterpart sparred against the two Leo's.

The two Mikey's were busy playing a video game with both of them getting really into it, "Gotcha! I gotcha!" Michelangelo told his counterpart.

"Not today, bro!" Mikey answered, as he fought back before defeating his counterpart.

"Oh, nuts!" Michelangelo pounded his fist on the TV remote turning the channel to the news.

"We're here at Volgon Labs, where experimental tech was stolen sometime ago." the news reporter began.

"Ey, Leo, ya might wanna see this." Raphael called to his brother, as the two turtles and Twilight's went over to join the others.

"A break in?" Leo asked.

"Why do so many criminals target laboratories?" Rarity asked.

"Would you rather they target fashion warehouses?" Applejack asked rhetorically.

"Oh, perish the thought!" Rarity answered with a hand to her heart.

"Quiet down." Donnie scolded them, as they listened in.

"I'm here with Professor Alan, now. Professor, what was stolen from your lab?"

"A whole supply of DNA mites. These robotic mites were designed to help copy a person's DNA so researchers can study them for further medical research purposes."

"Any thoughts on who would steal them?"

Before the doctor could answer, who should drop in but the Silver Sentry, "I have my hunches."

"Hey, it's Silver Sentry!" Michelangelo cheered, as he bounced up and down on the sofa.

"Who's that?" Starlight asked, only for to get shushed by the excited turtle.

"Silver Sentry, what do you make of this robbery?" the news reporter inquired.

"We have reason to believe this is the work of Dr. Malignus, and we're already on the case of locating him." the hero explained.

"You heard it here folks from Silver Sentry himself!"

"Dr. Malignus is at it again." Michelangelo squinted his eyes.

"Anyone gonna tell us what's going on?" Applejack asked sounding completely lost.

"Yeah, who is that guy on the news?" Karai wondered.

"That's the Silver Sentry." Michelangelo answered, while showing him one of his comics.

"You guys have superheroes in your dimension?!" Mikey asked, with stars in his eyes.

"So cool!" The CMC exclaimed.

"More like totally metal!" Casey said in excitement.

"That is the definition of Awesome!" Rainbow Dash gushed.

"Yeah!" Keno added.

"Real life superheroes! Yay!" Pinkie Pie cheered, literally bouncing off the walls.

"Fascinating!" Donnie said, before noticing one of Michelangelo's comics depicting a whole team of heroes, "Who are those guys?"

"They're The Justice Force," Leonardo explained, "They're a team of heroes who protect the city. They're also some of our greatest allies, and they helped us fight the Demon Shredder."

"Not to mention, they're the heroes to a certain turtle, who just so happens to be conveniently absent at the moment," Donatello added, knowingly. The others suddenly saw Michelangelo had vanished.

"Which can only mean one very annoyin" ting!" Raphael grumbled.

"Beware, evil doers!" Michelangelo jumped down in front of the group, "Prepare to suffer defeat by the Shell of Justice!"

Everyone stared at him. He was dressed in a superhero costume, complete with a full head mask and cape. And big orange T on the chest and forehead of the mask. A grappling hook hung from his belt and he carried a green shield that looked like a shell.

Leo, Raph, and Donnie couldn't help but laugh, "Somehow I'm not surprised!" Donnie said, through chuckles.

"And just who are you supposed to be?" Raph asked.

"I am the one, the only, the Turtle Titan!" Michelangelo announced.

"EPIC!" Mikey said in awe.

"Beats what you dress up as!" Raph said, making Mikey frown.

"Well, I have to say, your costume looks very stylish!" Rarity admitted while looking it over.

"It's awesome is what it is!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Nice cape!" Pinkie Pie added.

"How did come up with this?" Casey asked.

"I'm glad you asked," Michelangelo said. "You see... One night during a rooftop run, we saw an apartment building that was on fire! Even though there were firefighters helping, I wanted to help too but my brothers wouldn't let me, because we'd be seen. Just when things took a turn for the worst, one of the best superheroes in the world came to the rescue!"

"Who was that?" Keno inquired.

"My then before friend and ally, Silver Sentry!" Michelangelo answered, "We watched him save the people still trapped inside and then put out the fire! It was so amazing, that it inspired me to become a superhero too and fight for the greater good! Not to mention, I thought it would be nice to get some credit for the good we did."

"We don't really do good deeds for credit, Michelangelo," Leo said, "We do it because it's right."

"That's what we told him." Leonardo agreed.

"Well, I actually think it was good idea." Sunset Shimmer admitted.

"And it was certainly very noble wanting to show how much you care." Rarity added.

"And awesome!" Rainbow Dash put in.

"Glad you girls think so," Michelangelo smiled. Then he frowned at his brothers, "Cause Donnie, Raph, and Leo sure didn't!"

"What do you mean?" Shini asked.

"They all thought my idea was lame and laughed," Michelangelo said, "And when they stole and peeked at my drawing of us as superheroes, they teased and made fun of me! Twice! But they totally ate their words in the end! But I'll get to that part later. I argued that my idea wasn't so bad, since superheroes didn't have to hold back because they were afraid somebody would see them."

Splinter spoke up, "I explained to my son that while his intentions were good, he should not forget who he was: a ninja. But I also told him that he must choose the path that was right for him."

"So I went out to prove my idea wasn't dumb," Michelangelo went on, "I tried to perform some heroic deeds, but I just ended up scaring people."

"Obviously." Donnie said dryly.

"Yeah, I hadn't thought everything through," Michelangelo admitted, "So I went to April's to see if she'd help me make a costume and she actually thought my idea was great!"

"Really?" April turned to her counterpart.

"Well, someone had to be the supportive one," O'Neil shrugged, "After many fails, he finally had a costume similar to the one he's wearing now."

"With my new costume, I dubbed myself The Turtle Titan and went back out to try again," Michelangelo continued, "Though I still wasn't exactly making progress, but I did notice that people were acting totally weird. And when I was trying to stop a runaway bus, I saw a microbot attached to driver's neck. When I took it off, I found out they were mind control devices. But I didn't have time to think about where it came from, cause we were heading straight for the peer! The driver got out, but my cape got stuck in the door!"

"Oh, no!" Scootaloo cried.

"How'd you get out of that?" Apple Bloom asked.

"I was rescued by none other than Silver Sentry!" Michelangelo said, "After introductions, I told him about the mind control bots and he said they came from Dr Malignus, and used his x-ray vision to find out he was hiding in a warehouse. I wanted to team up, but he told me that I was in way over my head- and to admittingly I was- and that I should go home. But I followed him anyway. Course I had to take the long way to get to the warehouse. When I finally got there, Dr Malignus revealed that he had Silver Sentry mind controlled!"

Pinkie Pie gasped, "Then what happened?!

"Malignus sicked him on me!" Michelangelo answered, "Long story short, I got my shell kicked hard! It was there that I realized that I had to be myself. So I ditched the costume and used my ninja moves to avoid Sentry's slamming and removed the mind control bot. Then we worked together to take down Malignus! Afterward, I went back to the lair, and my bros eminently started making fun of me again. UNTIL I turned on the news of Silver Sentry publicly thanking me for helping him stop Malignus and they were too surprised to say anything!" Mikey's bros turned to their counterparts who looked sheepish.

"But after all that, I stopped being Turtle Titan until long after we beat the Shredder for good. Then one day, a news reporter said that The Justice Force was having a membership drive! So I dawned my Turtle Titan costume and Leo and I headed over to their headquarters so I could join them!"

"Actually," Leonardo corrected, "We were really going to warn them about the Demon Shredder and to seek their aid. When Nano suddenly arrived and attacked."

"The nanobots with the brain of a child?" Donnie inquired, having been told the story.

"That's right," Leonardo nodded, "While we fought, Nano kept telling us to help him between glitches. So we had one of the members, Ananda, look into him and she discovered he had a malfunctioning control chip."

"So Leo and I borrowed another member's shrinking belt and shrunk to nano size and destroyed the chip," Michelangelo continued, "Then Nano thanked us and said that his programming had evolved since the last time and apologized for all the trouble he caused. Then he and finally I became full on members of The Justice Force!"

"So lucky!" Mikey marveled, before continuing, "You know... I've got a superhero alter ego too!"

"You have?" Michelangelo asked in excitement.

"You bet!" Mikey said, and threw down a smoke bomb. Then as the smoke was settling, "Prepare yourselves, for the one and only... Turflytle! Buzz buzz!" he sprung up from the smoke, wearing pizza box wings, yellow spring ball antennae, and four tubes with gloves taped to each side of his shell to look like he had more arms.

Raph struggled not to blow his top, "Easy, Raph!" He said to himself, through gritted teeth, "You knew it was coming!"

"Turflytle?" Donatello asked in confusion.

"Duh we even wanna know?" Raphael said feeling it was going to be a bizarre story.

"Nice costume, Mikey!" Pinkie Pie grinned.

"How'd you come up with this?" Michelangelo asked.

"I'm glad you asked, buzz buzz," Mikey said, "My bros actually created this costume for me, buzz buzz!"

"He's not serious is he?" Leonardo asked the three.

"Uh, partly," Leo replied sheepishly.

"Remember when we told you about how we accidentally spilled mutagen canisters all over our city and ended up mutating April's dad into a giant bat?" Donnie asked, "Well, in order to catch him, we dressed Mikey up in that costume to act as bait. And since then he's adopted it as his superhero alter ego."

"And you wanna know the most annoying thing about it?" Raph asked, "He's always gotta end every sentence with a "Buzz buzz"!"

"We kind of gathered that," Donatello said.

"I think Mikey looks kind of cool... ish," Sweetie Belle admitted while still a tad unsure.

"Me too," Apple Bloom.

"Even if his buzz buzz is annoying," Scootaloo noted.

"I'm sorry to interrupt," Fugitoid broke in, "But perhaps we should assist the Justice Force in stopping this Malignus?"

"He has a point, since you guys know Silver Sentry and this Justice Force so well." Shini added.

"Right," Leonardo nodded.

"Let's move team!" Leo ordered.

"Wait!" Pinkie Pie shouted, "There's just one thing I need to do first!" She reached into her hair and zipped around her friends, Princess Twilight, Starlight, and the Spikes. Then they were dressed in their Power Pony costumes and superhero costumes the ponies and dragon turned humans and dog remembered.

The ninjas just stared, "What are we looking at?" Leonardo asked.

"How did she dress you up that fast?" Donatello said in disbelief.

Spike looked himself over, "We're all dressed like the Power Ponies! Awesome!"

"Not again." Princess Twilight frowned while recalling her and her friends experience in Spike's magical comic book.

"Sweet!" Rainbow Dash grinned.

"Did I just miss somethin'?" Jones asked.

"What's with all the costumes, yo?" Casey wondered.

"Allow me to fill you guys in," Spike volunteered, "We've been dressed into costumes of the Power Ponies! One of my favorite comic book heroes!"

"Ours too!" Sweetie Belle spoke on behalf of the CMC.

Spike then began naming off each hero the girls were dressed as, "Twilight's counterpart is dressed as The Masked Matterhorn. Pinkie Pie is Filli Second. Applejack is Mistress Mare-volus. Rainbow Dash is Zapp. Rarity is Radiance. Fluttershy is Saddle Rager. Me and my counterpart are dressed as their sidekick, Hum Drum. Sunset Shimmer is dressed as one of their arch enemies, The Mane-iac. And Starlight's dress as another villain known as Shadowmane. And my Twilight is dressed as The Masked Mare-Do-Well. A hero we created to teach Rainbow Dash's counterpart about humility."

"Cool!" Michelangelo said.

Sunset Shimmer frowned at her costume, "Did you have to give us villain costumes, Pinkie?"

"I ran out of superhero costumes and didn't want to leave you two out." Pinkie Pie explained.

"Thanks, I guess." Starlight said dryly. Both Sunset and Starlight felt this was a jab at them from the days when they used to be villains.

"Augh! Can we go now?" Raph asked impatiently.

"Right," Leonardo said. "Let's head out!"

"Turtle Titan away!" Michelangelo shouted as he rushed off.

"Wait up, buzz buzz!" Mikey called, as he and Pinkie Pie rushed off behind him.

"Power Ponies to the rescue!" Pinkie cheered.

Raphael face palmed, "Dis is gonna be a lung day!"

"For once, I feel you." Donnie agreed dryly.

As everyone followed along, Leo noticed Princess Twilight was looking unhappy about her costume.

"I can't believe we're going out looking like this!" She grumbled.

"Well," Leo rubbed the back of his head, "I actually think you look pretty nice."

Princess Twilight blushed. "Really?"

"Yuh tuh luve burds comin' or what?!" Raphael called. Leo and Princess Twilight glared back at him in annoyance.

Later on the Turtle Teams, Rainbooms, and their allies stood outside the Justice Force HQ, "Well, here we are. Justice Force Headquarters." Michelangelo showed them.

"Totally awesome, buzz buzz!" Mikey cheered.

"It looks even better than Titans Tower." Donnie gasped.

"You're lucky Cyborg wasn't here to listen to that." April told him, while Donnie knew Cyborg would be irked.

"Leo, are we really going to let Mikey wear that costume? It won't make a good first impression." Raph warned his brother.

"We're just humoring Mikey, ok?"

They went inside and went up the elevator bringing them to the Justice Force meeting room, "Justice Force." Leonardo greeted.

"Ninja Turtles and Turtle Titan, welcome." Silver Sentry greeted them.

"Silver Sentry!" Michelangelo cheered, as he shook his idol's hand.

"We hope you guys don't mind, but we brought some allies of ours." Leonardo began.

"Not at all," S.S answered, "Any allies of yours are all right by us."

The Justice Force took notice of their Turtles allies, and were deeply surprised by the other set of turtles, "More mutant turtles?" Nobody asked.

"Were you guys clones?" Ananda inquired.

"Not exactly." Raphael answered.

"They're our alternate counterparts." Donatello explained.

"Yeah, just like when you met that Noir version of yourself in your battle against the Malefic Mobsters in Issue 72." Michelangelo told Silver Sentry.

"Fascinating." Silver Sentry replied.

Mikey popped in, "You can call me Turflytle, buzz buzz!"

"Mikey!" Raph dragged him back over.

"We're sorry for our brother's lack of maturity." Leo apologized.

"Quite alright," S.S answered, "He's spirited just like the Turtle Titan here." Mikey smiled at the compliment.

"So who're the others?" Tsunami asked.

Leo introduced them, "This is our version of April, Casey, along with Keno, Karai, Shinigami, Fugitoid, Starlight Glimmer, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle."

"And we're the Power..." Pinkie was cut off by Sunset Shimmer.

"Rainbooms! We're the Rainbooms," she began, "I'm Sunset Shimmer. This is Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy."

Raptarr noticed Twilight's pony turned human counterpart, "Is this your twin?" he asked Twilight.

"Not really," Princess Twilight answered, "I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle."

"A princess?" the heroes gasped, as Silver Sentry did a bow and spoke.

"Greetings your majesty."

"Really, you don't have to bow." she dismissed the gesture.

"She's modest," Spike began, "I'm Spike by the way."

"Me too." Dog Spike added.

"Your dogs can talk?" Metal Head asked.

"We get that a lot." Spike replied.

Michelangelo spoke up, "Now then, let me go an introduce you to the Justice Force. Here we have Silver Sentry, Metal Head," the group were surprised to hear a superhero shares the same name as their other robot friend back home, "Ananda, Tsunami, Raptarr, Chrysalis," the mention of that name left an unpleasant feeling in Princess Twilight having known only one other being with that name and wasn't a being she nor any of her friends in Equestria or the Human Word were fond of, "Nano, and Nobody."

Applejack blinked, as she looked at the black costumed vigilante, "Your name is literally 'nobody'?"

"Of course. It's because nobody has ever been able to see me as I disappear following a crime foiling." he explained.

"He's got Batman written all over him." Donnie whispered to April who nodded in agreement.

"So what are you girls supposed to be?" Metal Head asked the Rainbooms.

"We're superheroes just like you guys." Rainbow explained.

"For real?" Ananda asked.

"Trust us," Leonardo replied, "After witnessing what they're capable of, they're not your run of the mill humans."

Silver Sentry took his word for it, and decided to cut to the chase, "So I assume you all saw the report?"

"Of course." Fugitoid confirmed.

"What could Malignas want with DNA mites?" Donnie asked.

"Knowing Malignas he intends on stealing DNA with them," Silver Sentry replied, "Though we don't know of what specifically."

"How close are you at finding him?" Fugitoid inquired.

"Won't be long now," Ananda answered, as she was checking tracers, "Got him! He's hiding out in an old factory in Brooklyn."

"Then let's move." Silver Sentry instructed.

"What about them?" Chrysalis asked about the Turtles and their allies.

"Don't leave us out, buzz buzz!" Mikey pleaded.

Silver Sentry smiled, "They can come. Just remember to stick together with us."

"Understood." Leo confirmed.

"Apple Bloom, this might be dangerous for you and your friends." Applejack told her sister.

"So you wanna leave us behind at a superheroes headquarters?" Apple Bloom asked.

Applejack blinked, "Ok, that doesn't sound as good."

"Don't worry, they'll be safe with me." Ananda promised, as her Domebot's dome opened.

"Wow!" The CMC gasped.

"You better go with them, Spike." Twilight suggested her dog.

"You too." Princess Twilight told her assistant.

The CMC picked up the two dogs and climbed inside Ananda's robot, with her riding in front and them in back, "Is this really safe?" Sweetie Belle asked the technopath.

"Don't worry. You'll all be safe inside my father's Domebot." Anada promised.

"Alright, Justice Force, let's move out!" Silver Sentry ordered.

"Ninja, let's go!" Leo and Leonardo instructed, as the group headed out with the flying superheroes carrying most of the girls and the other allies, but mostly Silver Sentry carrying the most of them.

"I'm so excited, buzz buzz!" Mikey cheered.

"Cut it out!" the two Raphs scolded him having enough of his buzzing claims.

Author's Note:
  • Shadowmane is from the MLP Power Ponies Annual comic.