• Published 1st Nov 2019
  • 12,773 Views, 359 Comments

I Love Being a Rainboom - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and the Turtles are back again, and in another dimension where another team of mutant turtles live. Join the teams as they learn to work together against allying threats from both universes.

  • ...

Turtle Team Up

Up top in the city, the turtle teams, the Rainbooms, and the allies drove down the street, as Leo spoke to his smart brother, "Anything, Donnie?"

"The signal is up ahead," Donnie answered, while checking out the monitor, "And I have to say, Donatello, I love what you've done with this ride."

"Thank you. And your Shellraiser is an impressive piece of work." Donatello noted.

"Great minds think alike." the two Donnies fist bumped.

The two Raphs who were sitting up front groaned, "Nerds."

The vehicles pulled up into an alley, and the group got out. Leonardo motioned the teams to follow his lead while sticking to the shadows. They crept up to a window and peeked inside to see Purple Dragons carrying blasters and other weapons, while filling up sacks with diamonds, gold, and anything else valuable.

"Those ruffians, stealing so many priceless diamonds!" Rarity said all peeved, until Applejack and Rainbow clamped her mouth shut.

"Easy, Rarity." Applejack shushed her.

"You wanna give us away?" Rainbow asked quietly, as Rarity calmed down.

"Those guys look like bad news." Starlight said.

"They're worse." Jones replied.

"And here comes de main attracshun." Raphael said, as they saw a hulking muscular man with a blonde ponytail appear on scene.

"Whoa." Mikey and Keno gasped.

"Someone's been drinking his milk." Pinkie gasped at the size of the man.

"Who is that guy?" Shini inquired.

"Hun." Jones answered.

"Wait a minute," Casey spoke up, "That's your Hun?"

"Yeah. Don't yah gott'em in your world?" Raphael asked.

"Yep. Except he's got black hair." Keno answered.

"And he looks waaaay different from our Hun." Pinkie put in, much to the other turtles and Jones' confusion.

"He kinda looks like Night Terror." Sunset Shimmer noticed.

"Who?" Michelangelo asked.

"Another time." Princess Twilight replied.

"Let's move!" Leonardo gave an order, only for Mikey to stop him.

"Whoa-Whoa, hold up! Let us go in first." he suggested.

"Yeah! Give your Purple Dragons a surprise!" Pinkie cheered quietly.

"They don't expect to see us, and that's all we need for an advantage." April explained.

Leonardo pondered on their logic, "Uh, I guess."

"Alright, team. Let's go for it." Leo instructed, as the group split into two. The turtles, April, Casey, Karai, Shini, Keno, and Starlight burst in on scene.

"Booyakasha!" Mikey announced.

The Purple Dragons were alerted to the break in and Mikey's cry, as Hun spun around, "What, the?"

Outside the other turtles and Jones' looked confused, "Booyakasha?" Leonardo asked his team.

Michelangelo beamed, "How awesome is that?!"

"What does that even mean?" Donatello asked, while nobody had an answer.

Inside the store, the Dragons looked the ninjas down in confusion, "What am I looking at here?" Hun asked.

"I think those are the turtles, Hun." a Purple Dragon answered.

"Impossible, they don't look a thing like the turtles we know."

"You might say, we've had makeovers." Mikey humored him.

"Whatever, this is our turf, and we don't take kindly to trespassers," Hun said, as he was about to blast them, only for a kunai to nail his weapon shorting it out, "What?!"

"Funny. We don't take kindly to those who trespass either." Came Sunset's voice, as she and the Rainbooms stepped out of the shadows.

The Dragons were once again confused, as Hun spoke, "First a bunch of weirder looking turtles, now a bunch of girly girls?"

Rainbow frowned at the insult, "Oh, no you didn't!"

One of the Dragons spoke to the turtles, "You turtles bringing kids on your runs now?"

"We aren't just kids!" Rainbow continued to voice her hate for insults.

"We're the Rainbooms!" Pinkie called, before popping up behind one of the Dragons, and offered him a cupcake, "Here. For you."

The Dragon looked at the cupcake and smiled, "Mm, yum," he was about to bite into it, only to see the sprinkles were sparking like pop rocks, and the next thing he knew the cupcake blew up in his face covering it with frosting. The Dragon dragged his finger across his cheek and licked the frosting off, "Still good."

Hun growled, before giving an order to his gang, "Waste 'em!"

And so the Purple Dragons started opening fire on the teams, who were dodging the blasts, and taking cover until finding an opening to strike.

As the other turtles watched from outside, Raphael grumbled, "I'm gettin' bawhed here. Let's just jump in now!"

Leonardo gave a nod in agreement, and the turtles and Jones jumped in and joined in, "Hope we're not late." Michelangelo said.

"Just in time." Mikey said, as the two party dudes tag teamed.

"There are eight turtles now?!" Hun asked in surprise, "It's a freakshow!" he went on the attack.

Casey skated around the store knocking out any Purple Dragons that came near him, before stopping to see some more coming right for him. Casey smirked, as he readied some of his exploding pucks, "Goongala!" he launched the pucks right at the Dragons that exploded leaving their senses distorted.

Jones slid by and spoke to his young counterpart, "Exploding hockey pucks? I gotta get me some of d'hose!"

Casey smirked to his adult counterpart, "You think that's metal, check this out!" he readied his taser, and shocked a Purple Dragon close to him.

Needless to say, Jones was once again impressed, "Whoa! I take back everything I said! You're da bomb!" the two high fived. Leonardo who had been fighting against some of the dragons had noticed what Casey did and didn't look too amused.

Rarity and Twilight were double teaming another dragon, until the fashionista looked over and saw a display case containing jewelry, "Oh my stars! These are absolutely divine!"

Twilight knocked the dragon, Rarity back fist him, Twilight kneed him back, Rarity back kicked him right into the pole end of Twilight's weapon.

"I can't believe you're able to fight and browse at the same time." Twilight said in disbelief.

Rarity turned to Twilight and replied, "I can multitask," a Purple Dragon was about to come right at her, she held her hand up an projected a diamond shield that the punk ran right into going splat, "See?"

Twilight rolled her eyes, before using her magic to levitate some of the Purple Dragons and tossed them into a wall.

Rainbow Dash started zipping around the store dodging the Purple Dragons blaster shots, "Come on, slowpokes! Is that the best you can do?" she mocked.

"How is she moving so fast?" a Dragon asked, only to get tripped off his feet, as Rainbow skidded right by.

Pinkie who had been hanging from a chandelier before calling out, "Sprinkle rain!" she infused sprinkles with her magic and tossed them above the Purple Dragons.

When the Dragons looked up they exploded causing the Dragon to be blinded and irritate their ears. Applejack took the opening, and rammed the Dragons using her magical strength sending them flying into a wall.

"Yee-haw!" she cheered.

As one Dragon tried to get away with a bag of jewels, Starlight was readying an arrow in her bow and launched it. The arrow snatched the bag away and pinned it to the wall, "Yes!" Starlight cheered, before seeing the Dragon coming for her, "Uh-oh."

Before the Dragon could grab her he felt something nail him in the butt. He laughed stupidly, before falling down to the ground. Starlight looked over seeing Fluttershy with her blowpipe, who waved at her.

The two Raphs were taking down several more Dragons, until Fugitoid appeared, and started opening fire on them, "Ha-ha! Run you little mountain goats!" the Professor laughed.

"Whoa. Dis Pruhvessawh has mawh of a wild side than de one we know." Raphael said in surprise.

"Yeah. He got that from watching us." Raph replied, as they resumed fighting.

Karai was defending herself from some of the Dragons, before shifting into her mutant form. This of course frightened the Dragons, "Snake!" one cried, as Karai slithered around and attacked the Dragons.

She shifted back into human form, before dodging a punch from Hun. The big guy looked closely at Karai and felt like he was getting dejavu from her, "You remind me of someone."

"Really, who?" Karai inquired.

"Someone I hate almost as much as these turtles." Hun answered, as he continued to attack the girl who dodged him.

"I'll take that as a compliment." Karai replied, as she continued to leap around. Hun growled, before noticing Leonardo was distracted by more Dragons. He smirked knowing what to do about him.

As Leonardo continued to fight the Purple Dragons, Hun was about to come at him from behind. Suddenly Leo tackled his counterpart out of the way before Hun could pound him like a pancake.

Hun looked at the two Leo's, and spoke, "I don't know what your game is with these other turtles. But I will gladly enjoy mounting all eight of your shells on my wall."

Donnie overhearing that looked disturbed, "Ok, that's just gross."

April started formulating a plan, "Everyone, get the dragons in the center!"

The turtles and Rainbooms followed April's plan, and managed to knock all the Dragons in the center of the store. Donnie looked at April concentrating and knew what was coming, "Everyone, get back!"

"Why?!" Raphael asked.

Rainbow smirked, "Oh, you'll see!"

April summoned her full power and sent a psychic blast at the gang. Hun saw the blast coming right for them, and only had one thing to say, "Aw, crud!"

The Purple Dragons got blasted out through the store window and scattered all over the street. Inside the shop, the other turtles and Jones looked over at April with agape jaws, while April powered down and panted, "Nothing to it." she gave them a thumbs up.

Back at the lair, the CMC, Splinter, and O'Neil had witnessed everything on the security cameras. O'Neil was in total shock, before asking, "Did-did the other me just?!"

"Whoa!" The CMC gasped in amaze.

Splinter smiled, "It seems your counterpart is gifted in ways you are not, April."


Back at the store, the turtles and Rainbooms heard the police car sirens approaching and knew it was time to bail. The Purple Dragons however, managed to wake up and make a break for it before the cops could arrive.

Later on at the lair, the turtles were bombarding the girls with questions and even praise, "Dudes, that magic you used was just super awesome!" Michelangelo cheered.

"So if I got this straight," Donatello began, "Rainbow is super fast, Pinkie makes things explode-"

"Only sprinkles." the girl corrected him.

"Right. Rarity makes diamond shields. Applejack is super strong. Twilight knows levitation. What about Fluttershy and Sunset Shimmer?"

Fluttershy answered, "I'm able to talk to animals."

"Really, well maybe you can demonstrate," Michelangelo said, as he called, "Hey, Klunk, come here!"

Walking out into the open was an orange cat that stopped at Michelangelo's foot, "There you are."

At the sight of the feline, Fluttershy's eyes opened wide and happy, "Oh, my goodness!" she zipped over and picked the cat up, "Who is this little sweetie?"

"That's my cat, Klunk."

"Oh, he's so adorable," Fluttershy cooed, before listening to the cat purr, "What? Really? Why that's so nice of Mikey to take you in on Christmas Eve."

"Wow, she really can talk to animals." Michelangelo gasped.

The Spikes saw Klunk be sat down, and the three stare each other down, "A cat." Dog Spike growled.

"Spike, don't." Twilight warned her pet.

"Remember, you're not really a dog." Princess Twilight warned her assistant.

Klunk hissed as he raced over at the two dogs who were about ready to defend themselves, only for the cat to tackle the two, and they started rolling across the floor laughing.

"Hey, this guy ain't so bad." Spike admitted.

"For a cat at least." Dog Spike added.

O'Neil turned to Sunset, "So what's your power?"

Sunset smiled, " I'll show you." she took O'Neil's hand, and after a minute, she starts snickering before she bursts out laughing.

The others were confused, as Donatello spoke, "Uh, what's so funny?"

"Yeah?" O'Neil asked suspiciously.

"Hang on, hang on! (Composing herself) Let me act it out for you guys," Sunset began, as she tied her hair in a bun and laid down on the couch, then she pretended to wake up; imitating O'Neil, "Oh, man, what a dream! Turtles fighting robots? Did I fall asleep, waking TV, again? That was the... Weirdest... Thing... I've... Ever... Seen!" she suddenly pretended to be Michelangelo, even wearing an orange mask, "Hi!" She screamed as O'Neil than switched to Michelangelo, "Please don't do that! I almost jumped out of my shell!" (As O'Neil) It, has, three, fingers! (Takes the pillow and covers her head) I'm asleep-I'm asleep-I'm asleep-I'm asleep! (Pretends to be Donatello, wearing a purple mask) This isn't going very well. (As Michelangelo) Hey, come on! We don't have much practice talking to humans. It's gonna take a little time. (As O'Neil) I'm asleep-I'm asleep! (Peeks out then covers her face with the pillow) I'm so asleep! I'm asleep-I'm asleep-I'm asleep-I'm asleep! (Yawning as Michelangelo) Man, she's making me sleepy! (Pretends to be Raphael, with a red mask) Hey, you! (As O'Neil) What? (As Raphael) Whaddya know about those mouser robot things? (As O'Neil) Well, first, I thought they were for cleaning up the city's rat problem. Then I got suspicions when Dr Stockman said - Oh no! I'm talking to it! (Pretends to be Leo with a blue mask) What? (O'Neil) I'm talking to it! To you! Okay, April, you are talking to a giant, three fingered, turtle. The only logical explanation is that you're dreaming, so everything's okay, hello. (As Leonardo) Hello, April? How are you doing? (As O'Neil) Oh, I'm fine, everything's absolutely great! (Laughs) Oh! (Pretends to be Splinter with a walking stick) Then perhaps you are ready to answer some questions? (As O'Neil) You're, you're a..." she pretended to faint, and spoke to the others, "And that's how this April met these Turtles. End scene."

The Turtles, Rainbooms, Allies, CMC, Princess Twilight, both Spikes, and Starlight all burst out laughing. Mikey and Pinkie held onto each other, Casey doubled over, and Rainbow Dash fell onto the floor, roaring with laughter. The other Turtles and O'Neil were left speechless.

"So, how accurate was I?" Sunset asked the other turtles.

"Um? On the spot?" Michelangelo answered, still feeling confused.

O'Neil was still in disbelief, "How did you?"

"I can look into people's memories by touching them. Like when you freaked out like crazy when you saw these Turtles."

Jones laughed in O'Neil's direction, "You seriously freaked out dat badly?!"

O'Neil grumbled in annoyance, "Yes. It's not that funny, Casey!"

" Nah, you're right... It's hilarious!" he laughed with the others.

April spoke through her laughs, "I just screamed when I met our Turtles!"

"It's true." Donnie confirmed.

As everyone was enjoying their fun, Leonardo had been watching the group, and decided to speak what was on his mind, "Leo, can I talk to you for a sec?"

"Uh, sure," Leo followed his counterpart to the side for privacy, "So what's up?"

"I noticed how you and your brothers fought the Purple Dragons, it all seemed similar to how we fight, and yet different."

"Well, I wouldn't be surprised on how different we are. I mean when we first met another group of turtles their style was basically slapstick like in retro cartoons."

"I see. When was the first time you fought Purple Dragons?" Leonardo inquired.

"Well, back then the Dragons were just a three man gang before they even had a Hun. And yet they were still under control of our Shredder," Leo explained, "They were bustin' up this noodle shop owned by our friend Mr. Murakami. They were shaking him down for protection money. We stopped them, but before I almost made a mistake in severely hurting one of them I just told them to get out."

"And they left just like that?" Leonardo asked in surprise.

"Yeah. They didn't have tech like yours did at the time. So we thought we got our point across, but they did leave warning us it wasn't the end. And they weren't kidding."

"So what'd you do?

"To make sure the Dragons would leave Mr. Murakami alone, we tracked them down to try and make sure we got our point across. Unfortunately, when we found them we didn't anticipate they'd be accompanied by Shredder's two head flunkies Bradford and Xever. Last time we barley beat them and eventually had to make a get away. But we had to face them when we learned Xever kidnapped Murakami forcing us to come face them. We thought we could one up him by capturing Bradford and use him as a counter ransom."

"And how'd that work out?" Leonardo inquired.

"We tried to convince Xever if he tossed Murakami we'd do the same to Bradford."

"And did you?"

Leo sighed, "No. Xever saw right through our act and knew we wouldn't do it. Even if we did it didn't matter since Bradford and Xever didn't really get along. So we ended up fighting them and the Foot once again, but before they could finish us, the one Purple Dragon I spared tossed me my sword allowing me to break the water tower and wash them away."

Leonardo realized, "Your act of mercy convinced him to return the favor."

"Yeah. Even when Raph kept making me feel like showing mercy was the wrong thing to do."

"You were very fortunate," Leonardo said, "I'm not sure if the same was done to one of our Purple Dragons they'd be as merciful."

"Well, we haven't been as merciful to them in our future fights like before. Especially now since they updated to greater numbers and higher tech." Leo replied.

Master Splinter approached followed by the others, "Indeed, you showed true strength in your fight against your Purple Dragons, Leonardo," he spoke to Leo, "Your act of mercy inspired the one to return it. Though he and so many others are ruthless people, your act was able to bring about the humanity in him."

"Thank you, Master." Leo replied.

"But that doesn't mean we don't like kicking Purple Dragon tail." Raph replied.

"I hear that." Raphael agreed, as the two high fived.

"Guys! Come check this out!" Donatello called out.

Everyone hurried over to him, where he was watching a news report.

The News Anchorwoman read her report, "We interrupt your programming to bring you this urgent report! Downtown is being ransacked by what looks to be Purple Dragons! Officials advise that all viewers in the area to stay indoors!"

The group saw the video footage being played and indeed saw Purple Dragons, but not like the ones they met earlier.

"Holy chalupa!" Mikey gasped.

"It can't be!" Casey gasped equally shocked.

"Whoa! Who are those guys?" Jones asked.

"I doan rememba dhose members of the Purple Dragons." Raphael added.

"That's cause those are the Purple Dragons from our world!" Mikey answered.

"They are?" Donatello asked.

"I'm afraid so." Raph confirmed.

"Yep. Especially those three," Pinkie motioned to three familiar Dragons on the video footage, "See, there's Sid, Fong, and Tsoi!"

"How in tarnation did they get here?" Applejack asked in confusion.

"And more importantly, where's Hun?" Donnie wondered having not seen the mutated leader with them.

"Something tells me that this is a trap." April suspected.

Leonardo approached, "Nonetheless, we need to stop them. Everyone, move out."

As everyone headed out, then both Twilights stopped by him, "Are you okay, Leo?" Twilight asked.

"I've got a bad feeling about this. The Purple Dragons always love setting traps."

"We know, and we have no way of knowing what Hun might be planning." Princess Twilight admitted.

"Leonardo is right too." Leo admitted.

"What's that?" Twilight asked.

"We have to stop them and find out what they are up to. But just in case it's a trap, I've got a plan, and we're gonna need you three for it." Leo turned to the CMC who grinned excitedly.

Author's Note:

If you're wondering about the way 2003 Raphael and Casey are speaking looks off, it's because I used a Brooklyn Translator for their dialogue to make it look more realistic with the way they speak.

Images and Dialogue courtesy of jebens1 and tmntony