• Member Since 16th Jul, 2018
  • offline last seen May 22nd


I just really need a nap.

Comments ( 13 )

Story is weird as fuck, but it made me chuckle.

I like the kink in this, well the diapers part anyway, and I like chose your own adventure stories, this si short, silly, and well done, outcome E is my fav

This was quite enjoyable. Having a hard time deciding if B or C is my favorite ending, though the wonderful one-two meta punch of E and F was pretty funny. Glad to see a new fic from you!

Oh, wow! This story certainly has a great beginning to help lead into the myriad of possibilities that are to come. Very clever and fun. It shall be interesting to see how this all turns out.

Props for Celestia using her magic to stop Twilight. I don't recall Celestia really using her magic much at all, with the exception of raising the sun and moon. Having her use it for a binding spell / paralysis is definitely something nobody would ever expect to do to an average pony.

Now this was quite the surprise possibility. I, at first, thought it was Celestia who changed herself into a foal in order to escape the fate of being found out and seen as an unfit leader. Even the name 'Day Glow' could be a reference to 'Celestia' as she is the Sun Princess.

However we find it is an altered twilight we have here. The short-term problem is now solved for Celestia but it is certain her guilt will only be doubled for not only having banished her sister to the moon but regressed her star pupil. Twilight's parents would, likely, never know and shining Armor's presence in the castle would be a constant reminder of something, like Luna's banishment, in which can never be taken back.

Whoah! Now this is certainly a dramatic way to 'keep a secret'. The magic Celestia used made the memories of the discovery by Twilight a bit hazy and, soon after, she was bombarded with the feeling of being put on stage for all to see in order to hide the shame of Celestia.

This outcome, should, retain Twilight as Celestia's pupil. However there will come a time where Celestia may not be able to keep such a secret.

I could only imagine during "The Last Problem" seeing a flashback to coronation day where, just after Twilight is made the official ruler of Equestria, Princess Celestia saying, "Twilight... One more thing before we go to Silver shoals. Do you remember that time when you, uh, had something really odd happen while you were still a student and had an audience for... umm... Yeah... That was me... *Awkward laugh* Sorry."

So far, this seems like the most 'safe' outcome for Celestia. The guilt level would be a lot lower but definitely still there.

However, now that I think of it, Celestia has always kind of enjoyed 'testing' Twilight through putting her in a position of power as she kind of 'advised'. So this outcome may not cause Celestia any guilt as much as it would give her what she always wanted, no worries about her guard, and be justified as just another 'test' for Twilight. After all, twilight did look up to Celestia and why wouldn't she approve of sharing in what her mentor always enjoyed in, too? It makes sense, right? Personal student who is one not just for talent but shared interest? Win-Win, right?

Oh! A magical deflection spell to provide Celestia the full force of what was intended to happen in Outcome A. Panic can sometimes result in a good result and quick thinking saved-the-day for Twilight. Now it will just be a matter of how twilight reasons this all out from the blur of events and how long it truly takes for the spell's effects to wear off...

...Though, if it was a spell with all the intent of 'Outcome A', Twilight will be up to her neck in diapers for a good long while.

Maybe this would make her into the "Princess Of Mother hood"? Then an odd series of events would bring Starlight to meet the Ponyville crew to reforge The Elements Of Harmony with Starlight as the soon-to-be Princess Of Friendship?

<LoL!> I like this one. I can definitely say, as an author, how nice it could be to have your scenes played out to see how well they feel outside of your head. Twilight and Celestia may never be the wiser as such chaos would eventually result in two very confused ponies who, upon summoning Discord, would not be able to get much of an apology out of them as he'd use his bag of tricks to play off what happened.

"Me?" he'd say. "I'll have you know I was with Fluttershy all day working on my next best seller. Fluttershy does need the bits for her animals, right?"

"But-" they'd attempt to interject.

"Don't you want Fluttershy to be happy?" he'd press. "You wouldn't want to take her happiness away by accusing me of being so immature, right?"


Least likely outcome but definitely a fun possibility. It's perhaps the funniest of the set. Or, in the least, the brief thought Celestia may have had before engaging the full force of her magic under a compromised stat.

This does allow for the deeper thinking on what we learned from Starlight Glimmer. This being how 'emotion' fuels the magic along with how powerful it is. So, given how naturally powerful Celestia is, an emotional Celestia could certainly achieve quite the outcome. She could even make Discord jealous given enough raw and stressed emotion to surge through her horn.

Now this was definitely an open-ended conclusion. Did Celestia use time magic multiple times to create an outcome she felt to be right? Or was this the actual outcome she had intended from the start of her conjuring?

What a fun ride. Thanks for the great story and many paths to an end. Knowing all the paths were possible makes it even more fun.

Perhaps Celestia picked up on this idea from how Starlight learned to do time travel magic without the original limit of two minutes?

Well this was a fun real I loved the one with Twilight and the guard having their mind altered to be into the stuff.

an...interesting...start...to...say...the...least... :rainbowhuh::rainbowhuh: But I won't judge, its rather cute, I guess?

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