• Published 3rd Nov 2019
  • 441 Views, 4 Comments

Ant-Mare and the Wasp - IndigoMoon

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Issue 7 - We're in the Endgame now. (Brought to by: Superhero Finale Without a Sky Laser!)

“Where’d he go?!” cried Tempest.

“He went to Ponyville,” said Dane. “That’s where the other Masters of Evil are. The only question is, how are we going to get there fast enough. The trains are too slow. And none of us can teleport vast distances.”

“Hey,” said Fizzy, pointing to the balcony that was immediately off the throne room. “That could work.” Sitting on the balcony was a chariot. “Between Moon Knight and I, we should be able to get there in time to stop them.”

Shrinky looked at Spector, who nodded in agreement. “Get strapped in. We need to leave. Now.”

Ten minutes later, they were in the sky, bound for Ponyville. Even though the moonlight was more than enough, they could easily see Ponyville, as it seemed like every light in the town was on. As they flew closer, they saw why. Ponies were gathered around the town hall, while gray-haired mare in glasses seemed to be trying to calm the mob. As they landed, they could hear various cries of confusion.

“Please calm down everypony,” said the mare. “I’m sure everything is perfectly fine.”

“It isn’t,” said Tempest, stepping forward, her voice carrying over the crowd. They turned and looked at her. A small yellow Earth pony pushed her way to the front. “What’s goin’ on?” she asked, with a county twang to her voice. “All Ah know is that mah sister was kidnapped by a couple o’ non-reformed changelin’s and a construction pony in weird armor. When Ah got here, Spike was poundin’ on the door like a mad-dragon. So were Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. There we’re lights flashing from inside, and what sounded like a cowbell ringin’.”

“He used the Bell,” said Tempest to Shrinky. “Where’s Spike now?” she asked the filly.

“He went runnin’ off to the Everfree Forest. Ah think he went to go get Zecora,” said the filly. “Sweetie and Scoots went with him.”

Shrinky stepped forward. “You and Spector go find him. And if he’s with Zecora, tell her to come too. We need her help in slowing Dane’s curse. She’ll be living in a decorated tree in the forest.” Tempest nodded, and she and Spector raced off towards the forest.

“Ponies of Ponyville,” said Dane, loudly. “The Princess and her friends have been kidnapped by Prince Blueblood. He and five other ponies are working with the rogue changelings to take over Equestria. He has used Grogar’s Bewitching Bell to absorb their magic. We are here to rescue them. As this could get ugly, I urge you to back to your homes, and stay hidden.”

The ponies in the crowd quickly ran back into their homes, leaving the square deserted, save for the little yellow filly. “I wanna help,” she said. Fizzy stepped forward, leaning down to her level. “I’m sure you do. But trust me on this. You don’t want to be here when we go in there. I’m sure Applejack wouldn’t want you here either.”

The filly’s head cocked. “How do you know my sister’s name?” Fizzy smiled. “Other than the fact that she’s a national hero?”

The filly blushed. “Oh. Right.” With that, she quickly trotted off.

Shrinky nudged her. “You’re surprisingly good with kids.”

Fizzy shrugged. “Thanks. Now, how are we getting in?”

“I’ve got a plan. Let’s wait until the others get back,” said Shrinky.

A few moments later, Tempest and Spector came running back, with Zecora tailing behind them. She was wearing a blue and purple costume, complete with cape and hat. She had a saddlebag strapped to her side. Shrinky could hear bottles clinking inside as they ran up to them.

“I’m glad to know have returned. As you can see, the tables have turned,” Zecora grimly. “Now, come over here, my changeling friend, for it seems you have wounds for me to mend. And for you and your curse, I may have a solution inside of my purse.” Both Fizzy and Dane stepped forward, with Fizzy unwrapping her shoulder. Zecora inspected it. “Well, your shoulder has healed fine so far. All I suspect you’ll have is a scar.” She turned to Dane, “But your condition is worse, my friend,” she said. “If this isn’t undone, you’ll soon meet your end.” And Zecora was right. The curse had turned the entirety of Dane’s upper leg to stone, and most of her chest was rock as well. “I know how to break the curse,” said Dane. “Do you have anything that could slow the effects?” Zecora nodded. “I have a way to slow the jinx, but I must warn you, this potion stinks.”

She pulled a vial of sickly green fluid out of her bag and offered it to Dane. Dane picked it up with her magic and downed it with no hesitation. Zecora looked mildly surprised, but moved on. “Now my friends, to this request I want no resistance. I want to offer my assistance. I can fight and use my brews. I have many designed to confuse.”

“So, I got that you want to help us fight,” said Fizzy. “But what does that second part mean?” asked Fizzy. “Uh, no offense.”

“It’s fine, friendly changeling. I just need another shot at explaining. I have potions and brews designed for confusion, since I use them to for the art of illusion. When used these potions create alarm, but I like them because they cause no harm.”

Shrinky nodded. “That could be useful. Also, what’s with the costume?”

“I borrowed it from Rarity the other night. I’m glad I brought them before the fight.”

“Brought what?” asked Shrinky.

Zecora reached into her saddlebag and pulled out to folded bundles, one yellow, one red, as well as PYMs, complete with shrinking and growing potions.

“Are those…” Fizzy asked, taking the yellow one. Shrinky took the red one in shocked silence.

“After you left, I was inspired. And your old suits needed to be retired. The old ones looked worn and bare, so I made new ones, with added flair.”

As Shrinky looked over her new suit, she had to admit Zecora was right. Compared to the old suits (which were technically only test suits), the new ones looked downright gorgeous. Looking closer, she noticed that Zecora had incorporated a bug-like hexagonal pattern to the colored sections of the suit, with the front of the suit looking like a bug.

“These look incredible. How did you make them?” Shrinky asked, putting on her suit.

Zecora looked mildly embarrassed. Well, when you gave me the potion sheet, the suit designs came along too, rolled up inside all nice and neat. I committed it to memory, before I worked on the recipe.”

“Oh. Huh,” said Shrinky. “I didn’t even notice.”

“Well,” said Fizzy, pulling on her suit. “We were still recovering from Voice and Bulldozer.”

Tempest coughed. “Anyways, let’s actually start said fight. What’s the plan?”

Shrinky stepped forward and turned towards the group. With Zecora and their new suits, their chances of success were slightly better. “Alright, here’s the plan: Fizzy and I shrink down and sneak inside. When we unlock the door, you all will bust in. Zecora, start working your illusion magic quickly. We’ll need a distraction if we’re to get everypony out. I know it’s the Princess and her friends, but our first priority is getting them out of danger, since they’re the targets.”

“I can guarantee they won’t leave,” said Tempest. “But it couldn’t hurt to try.”

Shrinky nodded. “The next part of the plan will be to take out the Masters of Evil. Our best chance is to separate them, and fight each villain separate from the rest. But the end goal is to steal the Bewitching Bell back from Blueblood and incapacitate him before he can use it.”

As Shrinky surveyed her friends’ faces she could see the doubt in their eyes. But she could also see the determination.

Fizzy spoke up. “I love this plan! I’m excited to be a part of it! Let’s do it!”

“I couldn’t have said it better myself,” said Dane, chuckling slightly, despite the circumstances. Shrinky could’ve sworn she saw a blush on Fizzy cheeks, but it was too dark to tell. She still planned on teasing her about it regardless.

“Alright. Let’s-”

“Oh, wait!” said Fizzy. She stepped over to Shrinky. “First, I hereby dub thee: Ant-Mare. And I hereby dub myself, The Wasp.” Fizzy then pulled on her mask.

Shrinky smiled, despite herself, and pulled her own mask on. “Ok, now that we’re officially superheroes, let’s do this.”

Shrinky and Fizzy crept into the Town Hall, sneaking under the door. They could hear Twilight and her friends yelling at Blueblood. They made it in to see Blueblood standing on the alcove above the main floor of the room. The rest of the Masters of Evil, as well as the changelings, surrounded the Princess and her friends.

“You won’t get away with this!” yelled Princess Twilight. “Even if we can’t stop you, there will always be-” She never got to finish as Blueblood interrupted her. “Oh, you stupid naïve princess. For being such a bookworm, you’re really quite stupid. Don’t you get it? I’ve already won! Nopony can save you now.”

“That’s not true,” spoke up Starlight. “Don’t forget, Shrinky and Fizzy are still out there. They’ll stop you.”

Blueblood laughed, rolling his eyes. “Please, she, the changeling, and my doomed assistant, as well as Princess Twilight’s dynamic duo are stranded in Canterlot, or might as well be. Even if they took the train, by the time they get here, it’ll be too late.”

“ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THAT!” yelled Fizzy. Both Shrinky and Fizzy expanded back to full size.

“WHAT!? Impossible!” yelled Blueblood. He looked down at the other Masters of Evil. “STOP THEM!” he roared, pointing at them. Shrinky’s horn quickly sprang to life, and before any of the villains could move, she lifted shrank the doors down, revealing their allies, battle-ready.

The Masters of Evil and the changelings charged at the heroes, themselves charging into the room. Zecora smashed two bottles, green smoke pouring out of them. Zecora had pulled up the mask on her costume, and was now engaged in a brawl with a changeling. Tempest’s horn was fizzing wildly as multi-colored missiles fired out of it, slamming against Ambrosia as she charged at her. Shrinky made a beeline for Starlight, who was attempting to fight back, despite how awful she looked. Shrinky activated the shrinking PYM as a changeling dive-bombed her, causing it to slam into the floor instead. She expanded back up as she reached Starlight.

“Boy, am I glad to see you,” she said. “We were getting worried there.”

“Starlight, I need you and Sunburst to help Zecora confuse the changelings with her illusion potions.”

Starlight grinned. “I’ve spent enough time around Trixie to know how to do illusions. You can count on us. Sunburst!” she called. The orange unicorn turned around. “Yeah?” he asked. “Come with me,” said Starlight before running into the green smoke that was filling the room. Sunburst quickly followed.

Fizzy expanded up next to Shrinky, just as Svengallop stepped in front of them. He opened his mouth to speak before a very pink pony popped up in front of him, seemingly out of nowhere. “HIIIII SVENGALLOP!” said Pinkie Pie, very loudly. She bounced back as Svengallop tried to headbutt her. She landed between Fizzy and Shrinky. “Aw, that wasn’t very nice of you,” she said. She turned to Shrinky. “Can I have this one? I’ve got a score to settle.” Pinkie smiled sinisterly. Shrinky grinned back. “Gladly,” she said, gesturing to Svengallop.

“Oh no you don’t,” said Svengallop. The speakers on his shoulders crackled to life. “Pinkie Pie,” he said, his voice magnified above the din of the surrounding chaos. “You are going to fight those two ponies.” Pinkie raised an eyebrow. “I am? Why would I do that?” Svengallop immediately looked nervous, stepping back. He repeated himself. “Nope,” replied Pinkie Pie. “I’m gonna fight you.” She pulled a pastel blue cannon out of somewhere before aiming it at Svengallop. “It’s party time!” she said before cackling loudly. Svengallop turned and ran, with Pinkie giving chase. She kept firing her cannon at him, spreading confetti around the room as the sound of party horns and her cackling filled the air.

“Well then,” said Fizzy. “That’s one of them taken care of.”

Moon Knight slammed down next to them, having been rammed by Ambrosia. “Care to take this one?” he groaned, shakily getting back onto his hooves. Shrinky nodded, and lowered into a fighting stance. Fizzy followed suit. Ambrosia’s hood scuffed the ground as she prepared a charge. She broke into a run, roaring as she did so.

“Woah there, nelly!” said a country voice as a lasso strapped itself around Ambrosia’s snout, causing her to turn and smash into a support beam, cracking it. “Well, howdy there partner,” said Applejack, shaking Fizzy’s hoof, startling her. “Mind if I join ya? I get the feelin’ y’all might need some good ol’ fashioned Earth pony strength.” Shrinky nodded. “Yes please.” Applejack nodded. “Now, y’all lure her over here, so I can apple-buck that helmet o’ hers into next Tuesday.” Fizzy nodded, turning to Ambrosia as she recovered from her crash. “Hey, Ambrosia! You know what looks dumb? Your face! And your helmet, in all honesty.”

Ambrosia bellowed in rage, and began another charge. Fizzy grinned as Ambrosia approached. “Gotchya,” she said before shrinking down. Instead of ramming into a changeling as she intended, she ran straight into Applejack’s hind legs as she bucked Ambrosia’s helmet as hard as she could. Ambrosia was knocked out instantly, her steel helmet cracking.

Fizzy returned to normal size, surveying the damage. “Woah,” she said. “How’d you do that?” Applejack smirked. “I’ve been applebuckin’ since I was a filly. I didn’t need magic to make Bucky Mcgillicuddy and Kicks McGee my pride and joys,” she said, tying Ambrosia’s legs together.

“Who?” asked Shrinky. Applejack blushed. “Uh, don’t worry about it. I’m gonna go help Pinkie Pie wrangled up that good-fer-nothin’ Svengallop.” She trotted off quickly. Fizzy was about to make a comment, but was stopped by Shrinky before she could. “Look!” said Shrinky, pointing. Fizzy looked to see Ghost bearing down on Fluttershy, who was trying to put on a brave face, but only moderately succeeding.

Fizzy glanced at Shrinky. “You thinkin’ what I’m thinking?” Shrinky grinned, responding, “Most likely.” Fizzy ran towards Fluttershy while Shrinky ran off in the opposite direction. Fizzy skidded to a halt next to Fluttershy, who ‘eep!’d in surprise. “Hey there, Ghost, ya spooky scary. How’s it goin’? Sendin’ shivers down the spines of all who see ye?”

Fizzy couldn’t see Nosey Nose’s expression beneath the mask, but she assumed it was confusion. “What in Equestria are you talking about?” she asked, before saying, “You know what? It doesn’t matter. All that matters is that I have my revenge on Fluttershy for ruining my reputation!”

“Reputation?” asked Fluttershy. “How did I ruin your reputation, Miss Ghost? I’m sorry if I caused you any-”

“You know full well what you did!” screeched Nosey, shrilly, cutting Fluttershy off. “You hid the real pigasus from me, and made me look like a fool!”

Fluttershy’s eyes went wide with recognition. “Nosey Nose? Is that you?”

“YES,” said Nosey, angrily. “Now, it’s time for you to-,” She was interrupted by a surprise baton to the back of the head, courtesy of Shrinky who had snuck up behind her while small, and regrown while she was ranting.

“Oh my. Was that really necessary?” Fluttershy asked. “Yeah. It was either that or she shoved her hoof in your chest, crushing your heart.”

Fluttershy’s eyes went wide with shock. “O-oh goodness. Well, in that case, I rescind my apology.” This last part was directed at Nosey, but Shrinky doubted she heard it, considering she was unconscious and all. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go help Zecora. Good luck! And thank you!” Fluttershy trotted off into the fray.

“Alright,” said Fizzy rubbing her front hooves together in anticipation. “Who’s next?”

A large gust of wind answered her question as Wind Rider slammed down in front of them. “Time to die, you pests,” he said. “Then, it’s Rarity’s turn.”

“My turn for what?” asked Rarity, making herself known. She situated herself between Shrinky and Fizzy. “And who may I ask, are you?”

“You know me, Rarity. You humiliated me and cost me my position as a Wonderbolt!” He growled.

“Oh my,” said Rarity, raising a hoof to her mouth in surprise. “Wind Rider?”

“Yup,” affirmed Fizzy. Rarity sighed. “While I can’t say that I’m sorry for getting you kicked off the Wonderbolts, as you did that to yourself by trying to frame Rainbow Dash, I can say that your fashion sense has gone downhill. I mean, honestly. That shade of green clashes horribly with your natural blue coat. And just what is that helmet? It looks like a large ice cream cone with changeling ears stuck on it.” She quickly glanced at Fizzy before adding, “The old kind.”

Fizzy snickered. Wind Rider, however, didn’t seem as amused. He began flapping his wings, creating billowing gusts of wind. Smoke blew wildly around the room, and Shrinky felt like her mane was about to be ripped from her head. Wind Rider ceased the onslaught before he brought down the building.

Shrinky was about to charge for Wind Rider when Rarity shrieked, causing everyone in the immediate vicinity to wince in pain, clamping their hooves over their ears. “You- you- MONSTER!!!!” Rarity roared. Shrinky looked over to see Rarity’s previously coiffured mane had become something resembling a rat’s nest. With a near-animalistic, rage-filled scream, she threw herself at Wind Rider, tackling him to the ground. She grabbed a piece of wood in her mouth and started waling into him with it, denting his helmet with each blow. Shrinky and Fizzy watched on with a mix of horror and fascination.

“Should we stop her?” asked Shrinky.

“No,” said Fizzy. “He’ll be fine. I think.”

They heard cackling behind them. “Having trouble, Rainbow Dash?”

They turned to see Lightning Dust, hovering over Rainbow Dash. Every time Rainbow tried to land a blow on her, Lightning easily deflected it. “Oh, that’s right,” she said, a cruel tone in her voice. “Without your magic, you can’t fly. So much for being the fastest flier in Equestria. HA!”

“Oh yeah,” countered Rainbow. “Well, at least I… at least I… I got nothin’.” Rainbow looked defeated. Shrinky ran over, Fizzy right behind her. “Want some help?” she asked Rainbow nodded. Shrinky’s horn began to glow, her magic enveloping Rainbow. “I can only hold this for a moment, so act quickly.”

“What are you going to do?” Rainbow asked. “Practicing the Goliath spell.” With that, Rainbow began to slowly grow, picking up speed until she was half as tall as the room. “Ha-ha-hAWESOME!” said Rainbow Dash, grinning madly. Lightning Dust growled, and dived for Rainbow, leaving a trail of lightning in her wake. Rainbow leaned to her right, moving slowly to her large size. The lightning left a scorch mark along the side of her neck. “YEOW!” she yelped. Fizzy took to the air, firing bolts of magic at Lightning. She dodged all of them, but Fizzy quickly fired off a two-shot, the first missing, but the second hit Lightning squarely in the side as she moved into it to avoid the first.

“Quick! While she’s stunned!” Fizzy yelled. Rainbow nodded, and lifted her tail. She whapped Lightning Dust with it, sending Lightning flying into the wall. She slid down to the floor, and didn’t move. Shrinky cut off the spell, causing Rainbow to quickly reduce back to her normal size. “You didn’t kill her, did you?” Fizzy asked. Rainbow shook her head. “I used the same amount of force you’d use to sweep. If you used your tail for sweeping.” She seemed confused by her own metaphor. “You know what I mean,” she said. “Oh, is that Wind Rider. Yikes. I’d better get Rarity off of him.” She flew off towards Rarity, who was still whacking Wind Rider with the piece of wood.

“Now, to get Blueblood,” said Fizzy. “If you’re going after Blueblood,” said a voice. “You’re going to need help.”

The pair turned to see both Dane and Princess Twilight walking up to them. Dane was having some difficulty though, as the stone on her leg was slowly encasing her knee. “I want to help,” said Dane. Twilight looked at her, concern in her eyes. “Dane, you shouldn’t be doing anything in your condition.” Dane shook her head, “With all due respect, your majesty, I’m going to ignore that. This is the only way to break my curse.”

Twilight sighed, not wanting to argue. She turned to Shrinky and Fizzy. “Thank you. I don’t know what we would’ve done without you. But you aren’t done yet. Blueblood still has the Bell, and will probably absorb my magic soon, if he hasn’t already. The only way to stop him is to destroy the Bell. That’ll revert the effects of it, returning everypony’s magic. But it’ll be risky destroying an artifact that powerful. There might be a magical shockwave, and that could cause untold side effects.”

“We’ll be careful,” said Shrinky. She turned and looked up at the balcony, where Blueblood was surveying the battle, looking distressed. As he scanned the battle, he locked eyes with Shrinky. Her eyes narrowed. He quickly turned and ran inside.

“C’mon!” yelled Fizzy. She, Dane, and Shrinky ran into the belly of Ponyville Town Hall, to find Prince Blueblood and end this once and for all.

Author's Note:

Just wanted to note, Nosey Nose is from the comics, as is the reference pigasus