• Published 3rd Nov 2019
  • 441 Views, 4 Comments

Ant-Mare and the Wasp - IndigoMoon

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Issue 8 - Grow Big Or Go Home

As they ran through the halls, they could hear the chaos of the fighting slowly getting quieter. They turned the corner and saw a flight of stairs leading up to the top floor, where Blueblood was. When the reached the top, they saw Blueblood standing in one of the large conference rooms, with the balcony he had previously been on behind him. He looked as if he was about to pop a blood vessel.

“You’re going to pay for this!” he yelled.

“Put it on my tab!” spat Dane.

Blueblood’s eye twitched. He pulled out Grogar’s Bell and ran to the balcony. He lifted the Bell over his head, aiming it down at the fighting below. The Bell rang, the sound echoing throughout the building. The fighting below stopped as everyone below froze. Black and yellow tendrils of magic reached out of the Bell, and latched onto the Masters of Evil, Tempest, and Spector. They screamed in pain as every last ounce of magic was sucked from their bodies. Once the Bell finished, he stepped back and turned to face Shrinky, Fizzy, and Dane once more. The three of them looked at him in horror.

“Well, then, girls. It’s showtime,” he said, almost manically. He turned the bell on himself, and it rang once more as it sprang to life.

“Oh fuck,” said Fizzy.

Blueblood began to laugh madly as the magic from the Bell poured into him. There was a bright flash, blinding them. When they opened their eyes, they saw Blueblood, grinning at them murderously, as he crackled with energy. The Bell fell as his magic hold on it dissipated. It landed on the floor with a clang.

“Remember the plan,” Shrinky whispered. She ran at Blueblood, Fizzy flying alongside her. Dane moved as fast as she could, stepping to the side of the room as she entered. Blueblood laughed. He fired a beam of magic at Shrinky, who miniaturized to avoid getting disintegrated. Fizzy flew past Blueblood and the balcony, until she hovered over the main room.

“Everyone! Get out of here, quick! Things are about to get really, really bad!” Zecora nodded, and began helping Tempest to her hooves. Twilight and her friends each grabbed one of the former Masters of Evil, and Starlight swept Spector onto her back. With everyone evacuating, Fizzy flew back in, aiming for Blueblood’s head.

He somehow sensed her coming, and quickly sidestepped it, sending a magic bolt into her back for good measure. She crashed into the floor. Shrinky, still small, leaped for Blueblood, resizing as she did so. Her hoof connected with his jaw, shattering the black thing he was wearing. Blueblood reared up and slammed his forelegs into Shrinky, sending her flying into Dane.

Fizzy stood up dazed, and activated her shrinking PYM, only for nothing to happen. She looked down and saw her shrinking PYM was sparking, the potion vials broken. She couldn’t shrink. She looked up and saw Blueblood lifting Dane by the throat with his magic. Dane struggling in vain as Blueblood floated her over to him.

“Awww, what’s wrong Dane?” he asked condescendingly. “You seem a little stiff. Oh, wait. That’s just you becoming the latest addition to the Canterlot Sculpture Garden. You know, it’d be a shame if somewhere to break off your leg, seeing as how its rock now.” He grinned evilly. He lifted his hoof up, and used his magic to force Dane’s leg underneath. Dane was crying as she struggled to pull her leg back, with no avail.

Fizzy’s vision went red with rage. She felt flames encase her body as it grew and changed. She felt her front legs extend, growing claws. Her head and torso expanded, as she felt her front two top and bottom teeth grow. Her nose changed, growing mini-appendages. Her hind legs shrunk slightly. As the flames died, Fizzy roared, now in the form of a Maulwurf. She charged at Blueblood, who dropped Dane in surprise. Dane quickly back-peddled as Maulwurf-Fizzy rammed Blueblood sending him flying through the wall into the next room.

Blueblood growled as he tasted blood. He stood up, and saw Maulwurf-Fizzy preparing to charge. He ripped his suit off, revealing what he wore underneath. Maulwurf-Fizzy burst into flames, and died down to reveal normal Fizzy, staring in shock. Shrinky and Dane were also frozen, eyes wide, as they processed the yellow and red hodge-podge Blueblood was wearing.

Blueblood laughed. “What do you think? Recognize it? You should, considering this used to be your suits. And now, your creation will be the instrument of your demise.” He reached down and activated the PYM on his left leg. He began to glow blue, as he began to grow. Within moments, he was almost too big for the room. He thrust himself upwards as he grew, smashing through the building. He lifted his hoof over Shrinky and smashed it down. Fizzy tackled her, just narrowly missing getting crushed herself.

The floor, however, had no such luck. His hoof smashed through it, sending planks of broken wood falling down to the level below. The floor creaked and groaned under the weight of a 30-hooves-tall pony. Shrinky noticed this. “Fizzy, can you get us down to the main floor before the floor gives?” Fizzy nodded. A burst of flames later, Shrinky was being held by a four-armed striped bear. Bugbear-Fizzy scooped up Dane, just as the floor gave way, sending Blueblood crashing down, along with most of the building. The Bell fell with him.

Bugbear-Fizzy set Shrinky and Dane down, and had only shifted back to her natural appearance when Blueblood stood up, shaking rubble of himself. “No more games!” roared Blueblood, his voice shaking what little bit of Town Hall with him. “I’m going to kill you three, then that stupid Princess and her friends!” His horn began to glow, and the Bell appeared behind him with a bang.

Fizzy leaned over to Shrinky. “What’s the plan?” she whispered, nervously.

“Same as before, only this time, I’m going to shrink inside the PYMs and destroy them. He expended the growing PYM, but he doesn’t know that. I’m going to shrink him down, then destroy it. Can you get me close?”

Fizzy nodded.

“What about me? I can’t get close to him,” asked Dane.

“Sneak through the rubble,” said Fizzy. “I’ll distract him. LOOK OUT!” They dived out of the way of a hunk of rubble that had been hurled at them, courtesy of Blueblood. “Fizzy, now!” yelled Shrinky. Fizzy nodded and flew by Shrinky, who leaped onto her, shrinking as she did so. She gripped onto Fizzy as she flew towards Blueblood. He swung the Bell forward, ringing it as he did so. Fizzy made a sharp turn to avoid the beam. She swung back towards Blueblood, and flew underneath him. As she did, Shrinky leaped off her back and onto the large PYM on Blueblood’s right leg. She slipped inside the device through a gap in the outer covering. She made her way over to where the potions were injected into the device, activating it. She turned around and bucked it as hard as she could, repeatedly as she tried to break it.

Meanwhile, Dane slowly made her way through the rubble, keeping low so as not to be spotted by Blueblood, who was currently being distracted by Fizzy, who had taken on the form of a large manticore. She repeatedly used her scorpion tail to sting Blueblood, but it didn’t seem to be affecting him. Dane spotted the Bell floating near Blueblood’s hind leg. She slowly crept towards it when Blueblood suddenly began to glow red.

Shrinky was not happy. In her efforts to break the injectors, shrinking potion had splashed on her, and was now shrinking her as well as Blueblood. She was currently trying to make her way out of the PYM, but kept slipping on the potion-coated surfaces she used as the floor.

Dane leapt out of the rubble, charging towards Blueblood as fast as she could. Her entire left leg was encased in stone, as well as her entire torso and most of her neck, and it had begun spreading down her right leg and back.

Blueblood, still shrinking back down to size, swung the Bell towards Dane, ringing it. Right as the beam fired out of the Bell, Dane threw her sword at the Bell, right down the center of the beam. As the beam hit the sword, it split in half, angling away from Dane as the Ebony Blade deflected it. The sword flew straight into the Bell, piercing it. The Bell rang loudly, and began to shake. Fizzy and Dane dived behind the rubble. Blueblood was rapidly approaching normal size when the Bell exploded. Just as the Princess predicted, a magical shockwave blasted over Blueblood and Shrinky as Blueblood stopped shrinking. But Shrinky didn’t. She continued to grow smaller and smaller. She immediately realized what was happening and activated her enlarging PYM. Growing, she leapt out of Blueblood’s PYM, reaching the size of a filly. “Guys!” she yelled. She could feel the magically-enhanced shrinking potion start to effect her again, so she hit the growth PYM a second time, expanding back up to her normal size. Fizzy and Dane climbed out of the wreckage and ran up to her.

Shrinky gasped. “Dane, look!” Dane looked down to see the stone falling off of her, revealing her normal body underneath. “You broke the curse!”

Dane’s smile quickly faded as she looked back as Shrinky, who was slowly getting smaller. “Shrinky? Why are you getting smaller?”

Fizzy stepped forward. “What’s happening?”

Shrinky sighed, hitting the growth PYM once again. She had one vial of the stuff left. “When I was inside the PYM, I got shrinking potion on me. I think it’s reacting with the magic shockwave from the Bell.”

Fizzy hiccupped, as tears formed in her eyes. “Wha-what are you saying?”

Shrinky smiled sadly, not that anyone could see it under her mask. “I can’t stop shrinking, and I’ve only got one growth potion left.” She was almost the size of a filly again. “So, I wanted to say goodbye.”

“No…,” said Fizzy, tears streaming down her face. “There has to be a way… we can figure out something.”

Shrinky pressed her growth Pym one last time, growing up to her normal height. She reached up, brushing a tear off Fizzy’s cheek. “You’ll just have to be The Wasp. Without Ant-Mare. And besides, you’ll have the legendary Black Knight by your side. As well as Moon Knight and Jubilee.”

“Jubilee,” asked Dane, as she wrapped her hooves around Fizzy.

“Fizzy’s not the only one who can come up with superhero names,” said Shrinky. “See how Tempest likes it, will ya’?”

Fizzy nodded, sniffling. “Goodbye, partner.”

Dane lowered her head in a sort of bow. Shrinky sniffed, trying not to cry. She had already shrunken past filly size. “Goodbye, my friends. I love you both. So much.” And with that, Shrinky shrunk down to the point where she couldn’t be seen.

The last thing Shrinky saw was Fizzy sobbing into Dane’s shoulder. She closed her eyes as she began crying. Around her, colors whirled by as she continued to get smaller and smaller. As the shrinking took its toll on her, Shrinky opened her eyes, watching the shapes and colors of microscopic life whiz by, before her vision went black as she lost consciousness, shrinking for eternity.

Author's Note:

I honestly cried while writing this, mostly because the music for Tony Stark's funeral started playing as I wrote the ending.