• Published 7th Nov 2019
  • 1,021 Views, 26 Comments

A Second Attempt at Love - Twilight Star

Nightmare Moon and Nightmare Rarity return to Earth. Nightmare Moon aims to cause eternal night and Nightmare Rarity as well, but she also intends to try again to conquer Nightmare Moon. Will she succeed in winning Nightmare Moon's heart this time?

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Back on earth

On earth were the stars coming, holding a black Alicorn in blue armor. The stars drove the alicorn slowly to earth. When Nightmare Moon arrived on earth, she looked back at the moon. Would Nightmare Rarity follow her? She wanted to wait. But she feared that Celestia would appear. She needed to get to Canterlot, if she was there in Canterlot. She had to hope Celestia was still in Canterlot. She saw a tall unicorn standing in the sky, it was floating. When the unicorn got very close, Nightmare Moon recognized that it was Nightmare Rarity. Nightmare Moon was surprised that Nightmare Rarity decided to follow her. The queen of the night knew Nightmare Rarity would help, but she didn’t expect Nightmare Rarity to rise from the moon upon the forces of Nightmares. When Nightmare Rarity came very close to the ground but not to the ground yet, she jumped to the ground, “I’m here, darling. And now? What we do?”

“We need to find my sister Celestia”, replied Nightmare Moon.

“Where do you think she might be, darling?” asked Nightmare Rarity.

“I have two guesses: She must be in Ponyville City Hall or Canterlot Castle”, replied Nightmare Moon.

“Why don’t we split up?” asked Nightmare Rarity.

Nightmare Moon didn’t listen right. She looked at Nightmare Rarity, “what?”

“Why don’t we split up?” Nightmare Rarity repeated the question. “Whoever finds her, teleports the other to where Celestia is”

Nightmare Moon smiled, “It’s a good idea. But won’t Celestia hear us?”

Nightmare Rarity hadn’t thought of that, but tried to come up with a solution, “I’m sure she won’t hear us. City hall usually have plenty of ponies. And I doubt Celestia is around us to hear the sound of teleportation”

Nightmare Moon decided to trust Nightmare Rarity’s words, “ok. I trust you,” But Nightmare Moon felt insecure,“ but what if the ponies see you?”

“Don’t worry. I have the power to change to my non-Nightmare form. No one will suspect I’m a Nightmare pony”, said Nightmare Rarity, before blinking.

Nightmare Moon didn’t know why, but the wink that Nightmare Rarity gave made her blush. Nightmare Rarity was glad it worked.

“Well, before I go, I’ll take my non-Nightmare form”, said Nightmare Rarity, before using her magic and diminishing form to a white unicorn with purple mane and a three-diamond Cutie Mark.

Nightmare Moon couldn’t help but notice that Nightmare Rarity was beautiful as a normal mare. What Nightmare Moon didn’t know was that she was blushing.

“Well, darling. With me in this form, you can call me Rarity. Well, I’m going. If I see Celestia, I’ll teleport you”, said Rarity before heading out to City Hall.

Nightmare Moon watched Rarity leave. Nightmare Moon watched until she was out of sight, when she was no longer seeing the mare, Nightmare Moon flew to Canterlot Castle.

Celestia was at Canterlot Castle on the balcony. She realized that Nightmare Moon escaped from the moon. She let out a breath. The princess didn’t want to have to fight Nightmare Moon, aka her sister Luna. Suddenly she saw royal guards running to her, “princess! Nightmare Moon is in the castle!”

Celestia was surprised. She didn’t know if Nightmare Moon came to destroy her or if Nightmare Moon wanted to make up with her. She was hoping it was the second option. Celestia decided to wait for Nightmare Moon in the throne room, “thanks for letting me know. You can return to your posts”

The guards seemed insecure. Shouldn’t they protect Celestia from Nightmare Moon? “Princess, don’t you want us to protect you from Nightmare Moon?”

“No. I can solve this on my own”, replied Celestia.

The guards decided to accept this and left the throne room.

Nightmare Moon heard footsteps and flew up from the ceiling. Lucky the guards didn’t see her . As they rounded the corner, Nightmare Moon returned to the floor before looking at the throne room door that was leaning against it.

Celestia was still on the throne, waiting for Nightmare Moon. The door opened. Celestia watched and saw Nightmare Moon’s head. Nightmare Moon realized that Celestia was there, she stuck her head out. Celestia was confused, “Luna?” Celestia rose from the throne.

Nightmare Moon ran far away. When Nightmare Moon thought she was far away, she used a teleportation spell to teleport Rarity to the castle. Suddenly, Rarity appeared beside her, “Did you find her?” asked Rarity.

“Yes. She is in the throne room. But I’m afraid that she saw me”, replied Nightmare Moon.

“Well, at least it’s good. Because the Summer Sun Celebration hasn’t even started yet. All the ponies are talking to each other. But I just hope no pony found it strange that I was teleported out of nowhere”, said Rarity.

Nightmare Moon was confused, “What is the Summer Sun Celebration?”

“That’s when the longest day occurs”, replied Rarity.

Nightmare Moon felt angry with Celestia. Her ears were down. So besides her being banished to the moon, Celestia make a holiday in honor of her day? Celestia deserved the worst of the worst of punishments.

“Darling, is everything okay?” asked Rarity, now with a hoof on Nightmare Moon’s chest.

Nightmare Moon looked at Rarity, “yes, Rarity. It’s just that this celebration Celestia made in honor of your day made me angry”

“You’re not mad at me, are you?” asked Rarity, a little concerned with her ears down.

“What? Of course not, Rarity”, replied Nightmare Moon with a smile.

“Luna? Luna? Are you here?”

Nightmare Moon and Rarity’s ears brightened. Nightmare Moon looked back angrily.

Damn it. Why did you leave the throne room? I planned to attack you there.

Nightmare Moon looked back at Rarity, “Rarity. I fear we will have to change the plans. You hide until I signal you to appear”

“But where do I hide?” asked Rarity.

“Do you know an invisibility spell?” asked Nightmare Moon.

“Yes, darling”, replied Rarity.

“Then use it”, said Nightmare Moon.

“One question, dear. What sign are you going to give me?” wanted to know Rarity.

“I’ll give you a wink,” said Nightmare Moon, before blinking. “The wink I give now will be the wink I will give”

“OK. I understood. But when should I take my Nightmare form?” wanted to know Rarity.

“Well, Celestia probably knows you, so she’ll be surprised to see a pony with me. Then you will explain to her that you are by my side. She’ll probably deny it, so you say your name, but not your real name, you speak my initial name to yours”, replied Nightmare Moon.

Rarity understood everything she had to do. Suddenly they saw Celestia walking in the same direction they were, but Celestia wasn’t seeing, she was looking sideways. Rarity, seeing this, used his invisibility spell. Nightmare Moon, seeing this, nodded before turning back to Celestia and waiting for her.

Celestia was looking sideways until she looked forward and saw Nightmare Moon, she approached Nightmare Moon, “Luna!” she was running to Nightmare Moon.

Nightmare Moon braced herself to attack, “Don’t come any closer, sister!” she spat the last word.

Celestia stopped walking. She was a little far from Nightmare Moon, but not so far, but not too close either. She decided to talk, “Luna, have you returned to make up?” asked Celestia hoping that Nightmare Moon would say “yes.” But unfortunately…

Nightmare Moon laughed, “Really? Make up? You’re kidding, right?”

“Please, Luna. I don’t want to fight you”, Celestia begged through tears.

“I’m sorry, Celestia. But I won’t show mercy!” exclaimed Nightmare Moon, before casting a spell on Celestia. Celestia was hit in the belly and was thrown to a wall.

Celestia opened her eyes and saw Nightmare Moon slowly approaching while casting a spell, “please, Luna. Don’t do it!” Celestia begged, she didn’t want to have to fight her own Sister.

But Nightmare Moon didn’t listen and cast her magic on Celestia. Celestia, sadly, also cast magic. The two spells were fighting to gain control. To Nightmare Moon’s happiness and Celestia’s sadness, Nightmare Moon was winning. Nightmare Moon had an idea. To humiliate Celestia, she turned left and winked. Celestia found it strange. Why did Nightmare Moon blink to nothing?

Suddenly a white unicorn with purple mane and three-diamond Cutie Mark appeared. Nightmare Moon smiled. Celestia recognized the unicorn, “Rarity! What are you doing there? From on did you come from?”

“I’ve been invisible, princess”, Rarity spat the last word.

Celestia was surprised that Rarity spoke to her this way. But she was more surprised that Rarity was next to Nightmare Moon, “Rarity, get out of there! Get away! Nightmare Moon is there!”

“No”, denied Rarity.

“What? But why, Rarity?” asked Celestia, now confused. Celestia feared that although Nightmare Moon was Luna, her sister would hurt her subjects.

“Because I’m by her side”, replied Rarity.

Celestia was surprised by this, “but why Rarity? She plans to bring eternal night”

“She plans to do that because you were always appreciated and your day too, Princess”, said Rarity.

Celestia couldn’t believe that a subject of hers was against her. Why? Why did this happen?

“Why, Rarity? Why are you doing this?” wanted to know Celestia.

“Why? Why? Why?!” Rarity exclaimed the last sentence as she had tears in her eyes. “My friends replaced me with a mare wearing a sweatshirt with a brace on her teeth! And to top it off, they don’t want to know about me anymore! Do you have any idea what it means to be replaced?!” after saying that, Rarity broke down emotionally.

Nightmare Moon, realizing this, lifted Rarity’s head and wiped her tears as she smiled gently. Celestia was surprised. She never saw Nightmare Moon being kind to one of her subjects, “Luna…”

Nightmare Moon stopped smiling and glowered at Celestia, “what do you want?”

“You’re comforting one of your subjects”, was not a question but a statement.

Nightmare Moon approached, “Of course I’m comforting somepony. She is my friend. Why? Do you think that i would hurt my subjects?”

Celestia wasn’t sure about that, “I’ll take that as a yes”, concluded Nightmare Moon.

“I dont understand. Why do you see Rarity as your friend?” wanted to know Celestia.

“Because”, Nightmare Moon looked at Rarity. Rarity realized that Nightmare Moon wanted her to change. Rarity used her magic to transform herself. Her fur turned black, her purple mane grew large, and a part of her mane and tail went white, a necklace and a jewel appeared. Now who was in place was Nightmare Rarity.

Celestia was surprised. Was there another Nightmare Pony? But she always thought that Luna was the only one who could become a Nightmare.

“Surprised right, darling?” asked Nightmare Rarity with a mischievous smile.

Celestia just nodded in response.

“Would you like me to tell you the story of how I became what I am today?” asked Nightmare Rarity. Nightmare Moon looked uncertain. She didn’t have all this time.

“Yes, Rarity”, replied Celestia.

“Call me Nightmare Rarity!!” exclaimed Nightmare Rarity, now annoyed. Celestia got scared.