• Published 7th Nov 2019
  • 1,021 Views, 26 Comments

A Second Attempt at Love - Twilight Star

Nightmare Moon and Nightmare Rarity return to Earth. Nightmare Moon aims to cause eternal night and Nightmare Rarity as well, but she also intends to try again to conquer Nightmare Moon. Will she succeed in winning Nightmare Moon's heart this time?

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Luna and Rarity Are Forgiven (Edited)

Twilight Sparkle and her friends entered Two Sisters’ Castle. Twilight smiled at what she saw, “the elements! We found it!”

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy picked up the elements carefully before placing each one on the floor, “careful. Careful”

“One, two, three, four, five,” said Pinkie Pie. “There are only five”

“How does this work?” asked Applejack.

“The book said the sixth element was a complete mystery”, recapped Twilight Sparkle, now lying on the floor.

“So, are you saying the sixth element will appear when everyone is activated?” Applejack wanted to make sure.

“I think so,” replied Twilight Sparkle. “Stay back. I don’t know what can happen”

“Let’s go, guys. She needs to focus”, said Applejack. The others followed Applejack, except Rarity.

Rarity glanced back before silently approaching the lavender unicorn. Rarity just hoped Twilight wouldn’t hear her. When she got very close, Rarity realized that Twilight had her eyes closed. She needed to do something. The white unicorn looked back and saw Nightmare Moon, waiting for Rarity to act. Rarity popped a makeup case with her magic. Lucky for her, Twilight was too focused to hear the noise. Rarity was relieved to know that. She went to the tip of her hooves with the case.

When it was very close, Rarity grabbed a blush case before blowing hard, causing a smoke. Twilight Sparkle began to cough. Nightmare Moon took advantage and turned a mist to pick up the Elements of Harmony. Lucky, Nightmare Moon could see where the Elements were and got them. But to the misfortune of Nightmare Moon and Rarity, Twilight could see the Elements being caught by Nightmare Moon. “The Elements!” exclaimed Twilight Sparkle before jumping. Rarity took the opportunity to jump. Lucky, she jumped just in time.

When they disappeared, the other mares entered the castle, but didn’t see Twilight and Rarity. Yes. The mare heard Twilight scream and noticed that Rarity didn’t follow them.

“Where are they?”

“Where did they go?”

“Twilight? Rarity? Where are you?” called Applejack.

“Look, guys!” exclaimed Mabel, looking at the window, which showed another part of the castle that glowed white.

“Come on guys!” led Applejack the rescue.

Meanwhile, Twilight Sparkle arrived in a room she believed to be the throne room. She was coughing from the smoke. When she opened her eyes, Twilight was surprised. She saw Nightmare Moon with the Elements of Harmony on her mane and beside her was Rarity. Twilight Sparkle was surprised. Why was Rarity next to Nightmare Moon? She stood up. “Nightmare Moon, let Rarity go!” exclaimed Twilight Sparkle, prepared to attack Nightmare Moon with her magic.

Nightmare Moon smiled. “Do you really think I captured her?”

“Of course. Now return Rarity before I activate the Elements of Harmony and you’re banished to the moon again,” replied Twilight Sparkle, now about to use her magic to run to Nightmare Moon and attack her.

“What if I told you that Rarity has been helping me all this time?” asked Nightmare Moon.

Twilight looked confused before recovering. “You’re lying!” she denied.

“What if I told you that Rarity helped me defeat your princess?” asked Nightmare Moon, now with a mischievous smile.

Twilight Sparkle was shocked. It couldn’t be true. She stopped using her magic. “No. Isn’t true! You can only be lying!”

Nightmare Moon rolled her eyes. “So ... Won’t you accept?”

“No!!” answered Twilight Sparkle. She wouldn’t accept that. She wouldn’t fall for this ‘trick’.

“Ok. You leave me no choice. ” Nightmare Moon looked at Rarity. “Rarity, have the honors”

Rarity used her magic to transform herself. Her mane became longer, part of her mane turned white, her coat turned black, and her height increased.

Twilight Sparkle was surprised to see this. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Has Rarity been working for Nightmare Moon and she didn’t even notice?

“Why, Rarity? Why are you on Nightmare Moon’s side? Don’t you realize that Nightmare Moon plans to bring eternal night? Don’t you realize the consequences of that?” wanted to know Twilight Sparkle.

“First of all, my name isn’t Rarity, it’s Nightmare Rarity. And to answer your question is because my friends have replaced me with a mare wearing a sweatshirt and braces. You don’t understand what it means to be replaced! I became Nightmare Rarity because of them! They must regret replacing me!” replied Nightmare Rarity, now with tears in her eyes, about to cry. Nightmare Moon, realizing this, wiped Nightmare Rarity’s tears with a hoof.

Twilight Sparkle knew she needed to act. But what would she do? She would need to get their attention. She had an idea. The lavender unicorn made an attacking stance. Nightmare Moon stooped conforting Nightmare Rarity and looked at Twilight. “You’re kidding. You’re kidding me, right?” said Nightmare Moon, not believing that Twilight Sparkle planned to attack them.

But Twilight Sparkle didn’t hear and prepare her magic before rushing to Nightmare Moon and Nightmare Rarity. Nightmare Moon smiled at that, Twilight Sparkle hoped that Nightmare Moon and Nightmare Rarity would rush to her. But only Nightmare Moon ran to her. Nightmare Rarity stayed where she was because she was still sad that she was replaced.

When Twilight and Nightmare Moon were getting very close, the unicorn used a teleportation spell. Nightmare Moon stopped running, got confused, looked back and saw that Twilight teleported where the Elements and Nightmare Rarity were. “Nightmare Rarity! Don’t let Twilight find the spark!” exclaimed Nightmare Moon from afar.

Nightmare Rarity listened to Nightmare and saw Twilight already with her eyes closed while using magic. Nightmare Rarity took Twilight with her magic and threw her away. Twilight felt herself being thrown and screamed as she fell flat on her back. She got up and saw that Nightmare Moon was already by Nightmare Rarity’s side. Suddenly, the Elements began to glow, “No! No!” exclaimed Nightmare Moon angrily. Nightmare Rarity looked with a face of possible fear, but the Elements have stopped shining.

Twilight Sparkle let out a gasp of surprise, “But… Where is the sixth Element?”

Nightmare Moon laughed before lifting the front hooves and breaking them. Twilight stared in disbelief.

“You little fool. Thinking you could beat us,” said Nightmare Moon. “Now, you’ll never see your princess or the sun again. The night… will last… forever!”

Nightmare Moon started to laugh. While Nightmare Rarity just stared at Twilight Sparkle. Twilight looked sad. Knowing she let her mentor down. Suddenly she heard the voices of the six mares and looked back. She was surprised and her eyes twinkled, before looking back at Nightmare Moon and Nightmare Rarity. “Did you two really think could destroy the Elements as easy as that? Well, you’re wrong. Because the Elements spirits are right… here!”

The pieces of the Elements of Harmony floated as they shone. Nightmare Moon and Nightmare Rarity were surprised.

“What?” asked Nightmare Moon in a confused way.

“How?!” wanted to know Nightmare Rarity.

“Applejack, who told me the truth when I was in doubt. It represents the spirit of Honesty,” said Twilight Sparkle. Fragments of the Element of Honesty went to Applejack.

“Fluttershy, who helped Manticora using her kindness. It represents the spirit of Kindness,” said Twilight Sparkle. The fragments of the Element of Kindness went to Fluttershy.

“Pinkie Pie, who stunned our fears of laughing at the unknown. It represents the spirit of Laughter,” said Twilight Sparkle. The fragments of the Element of Laughter went to Pinkie Pie.

“Mabel, who calmed the Serpent by sacrificing her own tail. It represents the spirit of Generosity,” said Twilight Sparkle. The fragments of the Elements of Generosity went to Mabel.

“And Rainbow Dash, who hasn’t abandoned her friends, not even for her biggest dream. It represents the spirit of Loyalty,” said Twilight Sparkle. Fragments of the Element of Loyalty had already reached Rainbow Dash.

“The spirit of these five ponies was able to go through whatever challenge you two brought us,” said Twilight Sparkle.

“But you don’t have the sixth Element yet. The spark didn’t work!” said Nightmare Moon.

“Yeah. Why are you so confident?” said Nightmare Rarity. Nightmare Rarity couldn’t believe that she and Nightmare Moon would lose.

“But I have another kind of spark,” said Twilight Sparkle, before looking at the five mares she made friends with. “I realized that when I was happy to see you, to hear you, how much I care about you. Mostly because you all…” Twilight Sparkle turned around, “... are my friends”

Suddenly, a glow came from the ceiling and went to where Twilight was. Nightmare Moon and Nightmare Rarity had to cover their eyes.

“You see Nightmare Moon and Nightmare Rarity, when all the Elements are gathered by the… Spark that resides in our hearts, creates the Sixth Element,” said Twilight Sparkle.

Nightmare Moon and Nightmare Rarity were scared. “The element of magic!” Twilight closed her eyes and the element of magic shone even brighter. The fragments went to the neck of the five mares and became necklaces. For Twilight, the sixth Element turned a crown with her Curie Mark. When the six mares got together it formed a rainbow, which went to Nightmare Moon and Nightmare Rarity. They both screamed as the rainbow began to envelop them. While on the six mares, Twilight’s eyes glowed white before a flash occurred.

When the glare faded, the six mares lay on the floor. “My head,” said Rainbow Dash.

“Are you all right?” wanted to know Applejack.

“Oh my,” said Mabel.

“Hey, Mabel. Have you noticed?” asked Fluttershy.

“Yeah. I got my tail back.” Mabel hugged her tail.

“I know. But you have a necklace identical to your Cutie Mark,” said Fluttershy.

Mabel noted. “Oh. But so do you.” Fluttershy looked down at her necklace.

“Look mine! Look mine!” exclaimed Pinkie Pie excitedly, now near Applejack, who was looking at her necklace before looking at Pinkie’s necklace.

“Oh yeah,” said Rainbow Dash, admiring her new necklace.

Twilight Sparkle was admiring her crown with her element.

“Wow, Twilight. I think we are really the bearers of the Elements,” Applejack told Twilight Sparkle.

Suddenly a light came and a voice said, “And you’re right.” The night turned to day, the sun rose over the horizon before a light came out of the sky and hit the ground. When the glow was over, Princess Celestia was in place.

All the mares bowed to Celestia. Minus Twilight Sparkle who smiled when she saw her mentor. “Princess Celestia!” she rushed over to Celestia to hug her.

Celestia smiled when she saw Twilight Sparkle and hugged her. “Twilight Sparkle, my most faithful student.” They came out of the hug, “I knew you could make it.”

Twilight Sparkle was confused. “But you told me it was a pony tale…”

“I told you you needed to make friends, nothing more,” said Celestia, still with a smile.

The other mares stopped bowing and looked at Celestia, “I knew of Nightmare Moon’s return and I knew you and yours were the only ones who could defeat her.” Twilight Sparkle smiled at Celestia before smiling at her friends, and they they smiled back. “... Or should I say, Princess Luna.” The mares looked to where Nightmare Moon and Nightmare Rarity were, and saw that in place were a light blue Alicorn with blue perk and a black crown and a Cutie Mark of a The moon beside Alicorn was a white purple-mane unicorn with a three-diamond Cutie Mark.

Luna woke up to hear her name being called, she saw Celestia approach her. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen you like this.” Celestia sat down next to Luna, who was ashemed of herself. “We were made to rule together, little sister.”

Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy say in unison, “Sister?”

Celestia stood up, “So? Will you accept my friendship?” Luna closed her eyes to think about it.

The mares waited anxiously for Luna’s answer. Pinkie Pie fell to the floor. Luna made her decision, she went to Celestia. “I’m so sorry! I missed you so much, sister,” said Luna through tears.

Celestia was crying with joy. “I missed you too.”

Suddenly everypony in the room heard Rarity’s voice. “Urg… Luna…? What happened?”

Luna heard Rarity’s voice and went to her to help her. She offered her a hoof. “Love, are you ok?”

Rarity stood up, holding on to Luna. “Yes, darling.” When she was fully standing, she released Luna. Luna smiled at that.

Everypony except Luna and Rarity were surprised. “Love?” asked Celestia. Luna and Rarity’s ears brightened.

“Little sister, were you and Rarity dating when you both were Nightmare Moon and Nightmare Rarity?”

Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash felt ashamed of themselves. Because of them hanging out with Mabel so much and always ignoring Rarity, they caused her to become Nightmare Rarity. Guilt washed over them as they imagined the pain they inflicted on Rarity all those years ago.

“Well, Rarity fell in love with me first when she and I were on the moon. I felt the same way she did, I just didn’t know that what I felt was love, I thought that what I felt was just friendship and not love,” explained Luna, now afraid that Celestia wouldn’t accept it.

“Of course I do, Luna. I’m glad you found somepony who appreciates and loves you”, replied Celestia with a smile.

“Really? Thank you, Tia,” said Luna with a smile.

“Hey. Do you know what that means?” asked Pinkie Pie.

“A party!” Exclaimed Pinkie Pie. The ponies returned to Ponyville happily. Celestia and Luna were in a carriage. Spike went to Twilight and hugged her. Celestia smiled at that. The four mares looked at Luna and Rarity with a smile before bowing, giving a sign that they forgave Luna and Rarity for what they did.

Four fillies handed one flower necklace to Luna and one to Rarity. Luna and Rarity looked at each other happily, knowing they were forgiven. Celestia smiled at that. Twilight Sparkle watched everything that happened before she got sad and her ears went down. “What’s up, my faithful student?” Twilight Sparkle’s ears brightened. “You’re not happy that your journey is over and now you can return to Canterlot and continue your studies?”

“That’s the problem,” said Twilight Sparkle, her ears falling back down. “Now that I understand the importance of having friends, I will have to abandon them.”

Celestia had an idea. “Hmm, I already know. Spike, write it down.” Spike took a scroll and started writing. “ I, Princess Celestia, allow my student, Twilight Sparkle, to stay in Ponyville to learn about the magic of friendship, and she should send me letters about what she learned.”

Twilight Sparkle was happy for what she heard and her friends went to her with smiles. She looked at Celestia and said, “Thank you, princess. I promise I’ll dedicate myself.”