• Published 10th Jan 2020
  • 2,025 Views, 67 Comments

Between the Sun and the Moon - Psychic Smith

Two humans, after arriving in Equestria via car crash, have to survive in this magical world long enough to either make it home, or make a new life for themselves in this world of magical creatures.

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Chapter 14


(One week later)

Celestia sat within her office in the high tower above the Everfree castle, once again surrounded by her bookshelves and the desk that was currently neatly arranged with unread reports, requests and notices on her left, and acknowledged documents on her right.

Feeling the cold chill of the stormy evening outside of her tower window, Celestia was comforted by the warm orange light of a nearby candle burning brightly. Sure magical light was more effective and efficient, but a candle was welcomingly natural; a tiny flame that flickered playfully as it’s wax burned lower. Both were magical in some regard, the difference being that the magic of a burning candle was alive and free, while magical light was contained and controlled.

Her focus set to her work, Celestia’s eyes scanned the document currently in front of her. ‘Seriously? Somepony wishes to extend the day so their crops would grow better? Even plants need their rest.’ With flowing hornwriting, Celestia wrote ‘denied’ across the page before placing the quill into its inkpot.

Celestia turned to the next document in waiting when she heard a knock at her door. Knowing only a few ponies were allowed to access her study, she lit her horn, opened the door with magic.

“We see thou art busy with work, sister. Is this a bad time?”

Celestia turned from her desk, looking to Luna with full attention. “Oh Luna, please, papers can wait. Of course I have a moment.” Standing from her spot at her desk, Celestia hugged her sister briefly. “You hardly ever come up here. Why now?”

“We wish to inform you that we have taken an interest in the well-being of young William personally. We wish to aid him in his recovery and possibly integrate him into pony society.”

Celestia blinked. “What? Luna, I don’t think our subjects are quite ready for that. What do you think the reaction to them will be? Our subjects have been through turmoil in recent years, and you want to introduce something new now? Ponies don’t like change.”

Celestia stilled her tongue as Luna lifted a hoof. “We understand, but the Elements have spoken. William is woven into the fates of this world now, whether we want it or not. Right now, young William doesn’t trust us. He sees us as his captors rather than his saviors. He does not need a warden. What William needs is a guide.”

Hearing such sage words coming from her sister, Celestia was struck with a sudden thought. ‘Had Luna always been like this? I’m her sister, how couldn’t I have noticed? Perhaps Luna could handle more responsibility now. She had never been this independent before, so something must have changed. Luna hadn’t been like this until…’

“There is more to it, isn’t there?” Celestia questioned softly. “You care for William. Why?”

Luna’s brave shell cracked slightly. “We- I do. He just…” Luna got her thoughts together as Celestia gave her the moment to pause and catch her breath. “He realized he may never return home. He is going to lose everything just like we did when that monster-” Luna choked on her words for a moment. “When that monster destroyed everything.”

Luna felt Celestia’s wings wrap around her. That feeling alone was enough to trigger the flood of painful memories that reduced the lunar princess to tears. Sobbing in her sister’s white feathery embrace made Luna feel small. Once again second to her sister. But, she felt safe.

Celestia nuzzled her younger sister. Even though they had both lived two lifetimes, Luna was still her little Lulu in some regard. “I understand. I miss them too.” Tears formed in Celestia’s eyes, but she held her resolve. “You know what, I think you’re right.”

Luna held back another sob, resting against her sister’s barrel and let herself calm down. Luna spoke with a shaky breath. “I don’t want him to suffer the same way we did.”

“He will suffer no matter what we do. He will mourn. He will be distraught. But, there is one thing we can do.”


“I think young William needs someone else to lean on. Nicholas may have served as his support well enough so far, but Nick will need to come to terms with this as well.”

“But he can still return home.”

“Something tells me he will be stubborn in his wishes to bring William with him. Nicholas nearly died bringing William to us. I have a hard time believing he will return home without his friend.”

“But, sister,” Luna said, pulling out of Celestia’s wing-hug. “Nicholas will need the same support, right?”

“Agreed. Then we shall both be busy,” Celestia smiled. One which Luna returned softly.

“I’m sorry I interrupted your work, Tia. I’ll take my leave now. I have the night to tend to.”

“Never be sorry for something like that Lu.” Celestia watched as the door to her study closed behind Luna. With a sigh, Celestia returned to her desk, the emotional stress fading in from the back of her mind. ‘Perhaps we will all benefit from having an outsider’s comfort.’ Looking to the warm light of the still flickering candle, Celestia blew sharply, extinguishing it.


Nick watched over the training yard from atop one of the balconies. Once again, the guards trained in the morning light. He entertained the idea of joining Squad Ironwood again. Even though the ponies in the squad were warming up to him after a week of training sessions together, Ironwood herself still despised him. And as fun as it was to go and demolish the challenging routines he was being put through, the alienation was starting to get to him. ‘Maybe Will was right. These ponies don’t like us at all.’ The thought took a little wind out of his sails.

Nick stretched slightly. He felt great. Sleeping during a thunderstorm always did wonders for his sleep schedule.

“Bit for your thoughts.” Nick whirled around as Captain Hurricane landed beside him. He wasn’t expecting to see the Captain here. He had been training for about a week now, and Nick never saw the captain oversee her guard’s training.

“Captain, sorry, just lost in thought.” Nick would’ve saluted, but he reminded himself of Ironwood’s words. ‘You’ll never be as good as any of my squad. You aren’t one of us.’

“Already figured that. Now. Answer the question.”

Nick sighed. “It’s nothing.”

“Well I know that is a load of shit. So spill it.” Hurricane’s commanding tone reminded Nick of his time spent in JROTC back in high school.

“Are you aware that I have been training with a squad of your guards?”

“Lieutenant Storm said as much. Squad Ironwood too, if I’m not mistaken. The sergeant hasn’t shut her muzzle since you started showing up, complaining that the ‘princess’s pet monkey’ is being allowed to train alongside her trainees.” Nick smirked slightly upon hearing that he has been such a thorn in the grumpy mare’s side, but Hurricane continued. “She even sent requests to have you banned from the training grounds. She used claims of everything from disobedience, safety concerns, and a conflict between you and other trainees to try and kick you out.”

“Then why hasn’t it happened?” Nick asked.

“I tore up the reports as soon as they hit my desk.”

Nick was taken aback by that. “Why though?”

Hurricane spat on the ground beside them with a grimace. “Because that mare needs to be taken down a few notches. All of the control she has is going to her head, and you are messing with her ego. She hasn’t even been here for a year, and she has already been making a mockery of what the guard is supposed to be. The only reason she sits where she is now is because Lieutenant Storm gave her the position on a silver platter.”

“He didn’t consult you first? You are the captain, so shouldn’t you have been notified?”

“Oh, that bastard should have. Chewed his flank out for that one. Can’t get rid of him though, he’s a good lieutenant, and those are in short supply these days.” Hurricane uncharacteristically paused, contemplating her words for a moment. “Storm likes you, by the way. He finds you amusing.”

“Forgive me for not finding that ‘I am a circus animal to entertain the masses’ all that amusing.”

“Better than getting on his bad side.”

“Regardless, if Ironwood is such a problem, then why don’t you just cut her from your ranks?”

Hurricane chuckled slightly. “Nicholas, as much of a fan I am of brute force, I’ll enjoy watching that mare squirm. No, this matter requires more subtlety.”

“And that plan requires me?”

“You know it.”

“You’re putting a lot of faith in an alien you barely know.”

“Ha! From what I’ve seen, you’re a good stallion-”

“Man,” Nick corrected.

Hurricane paused, slightly irritated by that, but let it slide. “You’re a good man. Loyal and stubborn, almost to a fault. Plus, I see that conniving twinkle in your eye. You want a shot at Ironwood just as much as I want you to.”

“You’re not wrong,” Nick admitted.

Jumping from the ground, Hurricane was now hovering at eye-level with Nick, a hoof on his shoulder. “Then I got a plan. I’ll tell you later, but for now, Princess Celestia sent for you. The maid she sent was too slow, so I figured I’d get here faster. She mentioned tea on the garden balcony.”

“Then I know where I’ll be needed. I’ll be off then, if I am dismissed that is, Captain.”

Hurricane nodded. “Don’t keep the princess waiting.” With that, the captain took off over the training field, and Nick turned back into the castle to meet with Celestia for tea.

Making his way through Castle Everfree, Nick easily found his way to the balcony, where Celestia sat on a cushion beside a table holding the usual tea set, and a familiar black and white marble checkered board.

Nick marveled at the sight for a moment. Once again he was struck with the fact that he was in the presence of royalty. Celestia’s white coat gleamed in the morning sun, making her seemingly glow a warm yellow. Her pink mane cascaded down her neck like flowing water, the gold of her crown shined bright resting on top of her head behind her horn.

Straightening his back, Nick strode out onto the balcony.

“Princess, you wanted to see me?”

Celestia smiled at Nick as the human sat. “Nicholas, thank you for joining me. And please, there is no need for titles for the moment.” Celestia levitated the tea kettle, pouring ample amounts of the liquids in each cup. “How has your week been? The captain tells me you have been exercising with the guard.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t ask you first. They are your guard, I didn’t mean any offense if it seemed that way.”

“Oh, hardly. From what Ms. Hurricane told me, you are doing very well. Were you in a military where you come from?”

Nick chuckled softly. “No, nothing like that, I just like staying in shape. Back home we have whole facilities filled with weights and other exercise equipment. I used to be part of an… education program similar to military training, but that’s it. I did some martial arts when I was younger, but that’s about it.” Nick took a sip of the ambrosia in his cup and shivered at the delectable taste. “Princess, if you don’t mind me asking. How has your week been? I’m sure ruling a kingdom must be quite interesting.”

“It has it’s high and low points, I assure you. Mostly holding court and paperwork, mixed in with various meetings with my staff. There is not much of interest.”

“I suppose you get used to it over time, huh?”

“Indeed.” Celestia turned, horn glowing. “Now, I do have something I wanted to show you. Young William helped with this, and Luna aided with the construction. I must say I am quite fascinated.” From beside Celestia’s chair, a wooden box no larger than a decent novel levitated its way onto the table. Nudging it towards Nick, Celestia motioned for him to open it.

Lifting the lid, Nick gasped. Within sat two rows of marble figurines, a white and black set respectively. Nick understood why the chessboard was here now. The chess pieces were immaculately crafted, and Nick lifted up the white king and felt the weight of the carved stone in his hand. These were probably the nicest chess pieces Nick had ever seen.

“I was told that you and young William play this ‘chess’ game. From what I hear, it seems quite intriguing. I would like you to teach me how to play.”

Nick’s lips stretched into a wide smile, beaming at the alicorn next to him. “Celestia, it would be my honor.” He took another sip of the tea as he pulled the pieces out of the box. “You know, this tea would go great with a nice piece of carrot cake.”

Celestia blinked. “Oh, is this ‘cake’ a food from your home?”

“Wait a second, You’ve never had cake?” Nick gasped.

When his question was answered with the shake of her head, Nick’s jaw hit the floor. ‘Oh, I’m going to have to fix that!’