• Published 10th Jan 2020
  • 2,025 Views, 67 Comments

Between the Sun and the Moon - Psychic Smith

Two humans, after arriving in Equestria via car crash, have to survive in this magical world long enough to either make it home, or make a new life for themselves in this world of magical creatures.

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Chapter 15


“My lord, are you feeling well?”

Looking out upon the frigid tundra, Sombra didn’t turn to his subordinate. In the dim light that made it through the cloud layer, Sombra’s grey coat and knotted black mane long blended in with the bleak greyscale of the landscape. However, the red irises of his eyes seemed to glow with some internal power.

“You dare interrupt?”

“I- I’m sorry my lord,” an olive coated unicorn stuttered, bowing his head to the huge unicorn stallion, Sombra being twice the young unicorn’s size. “It’s just that you have been staring out there for such a long time.”

With a huff, Sombra never looked away from the distance, where the distant mountains disappeared into the thick grey clouds. “See to it that it doesn’t happen again. I’d hate to see you go out into the tundra with nullstone around your horn. I’d give you… fifteen minutes until you froze to death. Now, leave me.”

The sound of the clopping of galloping hooves fleeing quickly told Sombra he was alone. At least until he heard another set of hooves approaching from behind. These were calmer and came in a particular rhythm unique to one pony in particular.

“Tell me, Sidian, what news do you bring from the Everfree. I hope that it is good, I have been feeling rather frustrated as of late.”

From the shadow of the black crystal caves, a cloaked unicorn emerged onto the cliff and stood next to Lord Sombra, neither pony looking at the other. Sidian’s black coat made him look like a shadow within the cloak itself, the only distinguishing features being his yellowish-green eyes. A black horn within the hood caused the hood of the cloak to look similar to a pitched tent.

“I’m afraid I bring bad news along with the good.”

“Then out with it.”

“It seems as if Ms. Steelwill is getting a bit hotheaded again. Her actions have aroused some suspicion among the guards of Everfree castle, specifically the Captain. I fear that if not dealt with soon, Steel will reveal herself.”

Sombra grumbled in irritation. “What is the cause.”

“See, now this is where our situation becomes interesting. It seems the source of her ire is a strange alien creature we have never seen before.” As Sidian spoke, a thin grin stretched across his muzzle, his white teeth appearing in a thin line between his lips.

“Hmm, go on.”

“The creature call’s himself Nicholas and seems to have gained the favor of both of the royal sisters. He has integrated himself into the guard, specifically in Steel’s squad.”

“So, her tribalism is getting the best of her, I see.” Sombra chuckled darkly. Steelwill had always shown her hatred for other pony races, but up until now, she always held her anger to maintain her cover. Apparently, this alien was bringing that out of her once again. “This does pose a problem.”

“Yes, yes it does.” Sidian audibly sucked on his cheek as he snarled. “Regardless, there is a bit of a development with this crystal tree underneath the castle.” Sombra’s ears perked up as Sidian continued. “There happens to be two of these aliens, and the second one seems to have some sort of bond with this tree, and it’s fruits the princesses call the Elements of Harmony.”

“Do you have any knowledge of what this tree is capable of?”

While Sidian’s darky amused tone that always tinted his voice, he hummed in brief thought. “It seems as if the tree has some magical healing properties. I have yet to study it at any length as it is frequented by the princess’s high mage. I could remove her, but that would raise too much suspicion. Her notes would be invaluable.”

For the first time, Sombra looked to his cloaked lieutenant. “And neither you or Steelwill are capable of stealing them? If so, I can always find a more… capable pony for the job.”

“Oh, there is no need for that. It’s just this Clover mare is about as paranoid of her research as that old greybeard Starswirl. However, I was able to do some research of my own with the limited time I have had with this Tree of Harmony. As the name implies, it is a very large source of harmonious magic. It is probably why the tainted Everfree cannot spread within its influence.”

Sombra’s brow furrowed. “You understand that such a source of harmonious magic poses a threat to any assault I bring to bear against them?”

“Honestly, my lord. I fail to see why such a small kingdom is worth your time.” Sidian chuckled. “They are brittle. In a few month’s time, you could easily take the capital by yourself.”

“You underestimate them too much,” Sombra said darkly, returning his gaze to the snowy horizon. “They hold the powers of Selene and Solaris within them. If I am to take what is rightfully mine, they must be brought to their knees.”

“And how do you plan to do this, my lord?”

Sombra turned, motioning for Sidian to follow behind as they reentered the black crystal cave. Lighting his horn, Sombra seemed to phase through a wall in the cave, entering a chamber deep within the earth that Sidian had never seen before. Tools and notes littered tables strewn about the well-lit workroom. Sombra went to one table in particular where an object was covered with a cloth. As the cloth was removed, Sidian got a good look at the strangest helmet he had ever seen.

The metal would encase the entire head of a pony, locking around the neck so it couldn’t be removed easily. A diamond-shaped space in the base of the neck laid empty, awaiting some sort of crystal to be placed within it, Sidian guessed. However, the small eye slits baffled Sidian. How was anypony going to be able to see out of it?

“It is nearly complete,” Sombra said simply. “Once my research is finished, I will be able to destroy nations under my army’s hooves. All shall bow to me. Not even those alicorn princesses will be able to stand against me. Soon, the power of the night shall be mine. They will know me as King. King Sombra, the Conqueror. The Black King. The Corruptor. Fear will taint their hearts, and I will be unopposed.” As Sobra turned, Sidian followed his gaze, and his malicious grin widened at the sight of a massive pair of black metal doors.


Will awoke with a groan, his eyes blinking blearily. His whole body felt sore as if he was beaten and bruised to a pulp. Shifting in place, he stretched his muscles and was shocked when he wasn’t met with the stabbing pain from his leg that was present weeks before.

Sitting up, Will groaned and looked around. He wasn’t in his room within the basement, but a much nicer bedroom, on a bed with the proportions of a queen, but was sized more like a twin in comparison to the human. There were two fairly large windows looking down upon the city below where Will saw a myriad of colored ponies going about their day beyond the walls. Looking out further, the Everfree forest was tinted orange by the setting sun. Wait… Setting?

“Eep!” A squeak startled Will, causing him to spin around to look at the door to the room, where a mare with a mop and bucket jumped in surprise. “I’m sorry! I didn’t know you were awake.”

Will, feeling guilty for startling the mare, relaxed and leaned back against the headboard of the bed. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle.”

Still tense, the pegasus mare stayed in the doorway. She had a light grey coat with an ivory mane tied in a high bun. The mark on her flank looked like a large bubble. It was a cute tattoo, Will had to admit. However, he had thought those tattoos were reserved for the princesses only. Maybe all ponies had them, but he had never noticed since most of the ponies he’d met were guards or castle staff. Aside from the princesses, Will hadn’t seen many unclothed ponies. He blushed slightly as the realization that he was essentially looking at a sapient naked horse.

“I su- suppose I should find the princess… She should be-” the maid was interrupted as a voice came from the hallway

“No need, we were aware of William’s awakening. You are dismissed.” The maid all but bolted from the room, a stark reminder for Will that he was the scary monster in the room. He masked his pain behind a smile as Luna entered.

“Your highness,” Will said, bowing from his upright position on the bed.

Luna dismissively waved a hoof, stepping into the room. “When we felt thine presence leave the dream realm, we knew thou were awakening. We have already sent for Nicholas.”

“Thank you, Princess. By the way, what time is it?”

“Just about… an hour before my sister and I bring forth the night,” Luna said squinting out the windows at the setting sun.

“That late? Damn, I hope I didn’t miss dinner,” Will said, followed by a loud rumble from his stomach.

“Fret not. The chefs do have a night shift for the night guard and myself.”

“Thank god, I’m starved.” Throwing his legs over the side, he found himself dressed in simple trousers, but these were not the pants he was wearing when he first arrived. Luna saw Will’s quirked eyebrow.

“We may have taken it upon ourselves to have a seamstress make thine new garments. The ones thou wore before were not of acceptable quality.”

Will tugged at the black material of the pants. They felt like wool, but did ponies sheer sheep to make the material? Then again, he guessed it could be possible that there were sapient sheep in this crazy land of talking magical animals. Maybe they sell their own sheered wool. A windchime jingle and a light blue aura from Luna’s horn captured Will’s attention as a matching tunic floated through the air towards him. The stitching was exquisite, with silver intricate designs that played over the surface. ‘Very fancy,’ Will thought.

“Princess, how did you even get my measurements. Heck, I walk on two legs, so adapting clothing for me couldn’t have been easy.”

“Nicholas allowed us to study the stitching on the clothing that thou had arrived in. It was a simple matter of measurements, according to the seamstress.”

Will shrugged, donning the tunic, reveling in the fact that it had fit perfectly. “Awesome.” Groaning as he stood up, Will stretched his muscles and picked up his glasses, blinking in surprise when he realized that the cracked lens was fixed. “I take it you had my glasses repaired too?”

“We actually did it ourselves. Repair magic is relatively simple with practice.”

Will was about to thank the princess, as a familiar head of red hair peered around the open doorframe, wearing equally fancy garments.

“Hey! Look who’s risen from the dead a second time,” Nick said, smiling. “Don’t go doing that again, or you might not make it back next time.”

“‘William Thorne, the boy who lived,’” Will joked. “Next thing you know I’ll have some sort of scar on my forehead and I’ll start slinging spells.”

Nick chuckled. “From what I’ve heard, that second one might not be far off. First though, dinner is being served downstairs, and Princess Celestia invited us to eat with her.” Luna nodded in affirmation, a knowing smile on her lips. Will thought he should be worried about that smile as Princess Luna lead the two humans down two flights of stairs to the dining hall. As they reached the door, Luna motioned for Nick and Will to wait with the guards stationed outside for a moment. Luna entered, leaving the door slightly ajar, letting Nick and Will hear the myriad of voices on the other side quieted as Luna’s hoofsteps went deeper into the dining hall. The two humans looked at each other nervously as they realize that this wasn’t the private dining hall they were used to.

The two guards moved to flank Nick and Will, one turning to look at the pair of humans. “Act natural you two. There will be many questions directed to you. Just answer however you wish, but try and remain respectful.”

Nick was about to ask about that comment when he heard Celestia’s voice from the dining hall and the words died in his throat.

“Mares and gentlecolts,” Celestia began. “We welcome you to this fine banquet as we introduce two honored guests to our fine kingdom. From what I hear, there have been rumors surrounding tonight’s guests. I wish to disperse any negative notions you may have. Know that our guests have the respect of myself, Princess Luna, High Mage Clover the Clever, and Guard Captain Hurricane.”

As Celestia paused, Will swallowed nervously. He was woefully unprepared for what must be on the other side of this door. Trying to straighten himself out, combing his hair back with his fingers, Will began putting on a brave face.

Nick simply recognized what he was walking into, and his posture stiffened with confidence. How Nick could do that, Will didn’t know. Even a performer like Will had moments of stage fright, and right now, he was hoping his improv skills would be enough.

Celestia cleared her throat. “Without further delay. As the princess of the sun, I would like to bring forth Nicholas Winters and William Thorne, representatives of the human race.”

The guards pushed the doors wide, and Nick and Will were bombarded by the stares of bafflement, fear, eagerness, and curiosity of the ponies that filled the dining hall. There was polite applause that rippled through the crowd, but not everypony was clapping. Flanked by the two guards, Nick and Will entered and were guided to the elevated table where the princesses, Hurricane, and Clover sat. Two chairs sat next to each other with each flanking one of the princesses themselves. Nick sat between Hurricane and Celestia, while Will sat between Luna and Clover.

The crowd erupted in frantic speech and hushed whispers, and Nick and Will had only one thought.

‘Why couldn’t they have been at least told about this so they could prepare.’

Author's Note:

(Early Upload! Let's see if that changes anything.)

Whelp, we've done it! This is my longest story, and it has just reached the most likes and most views of any of my stories. However, I have noticed some drop in the number of readers recently, so I think now is a good time to ask this.

What do you guys think of the story so far? What could I be doing better?

This whole project was really another way to help me improve on my creative writing, so I hope to be reading some of your comments soon. And to the few of you that have left comments on the previous chapters, just know i love reading what you have had to say.

Anyways, I leave you with another installment of Between the Sun and the Moon. Thank you for sticking with me, and reading this story of humans in a world of fantastical equines.