• Published 10th Nov 2019
  • 5,256 Views, 846 Comments

Equestria Girls: Love Is Magic - onekface

A new enemy threatens Sunset's new home. It craves magic and it craves all who has it. She and her friends must rise to face it. But they can't do it alone. Flash x Mane 7

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A Helping Hand

Chapter 10: A Helping Hand

(Wednesday) (Evening) (Canterlot Mall)

It was all hands on deck at the fashion boutique. Ever since the announcement of the Fashion Performance that was to be held at the mall this weekend, the fashion boutique had be swamped with never ending work. Rarity unfortunately was part of that crew.

Ms. Hemline had been waiting for an opportunity to get herself back into the spotlight and this event was her golden ticket. She had been on a warpath ever since word came that she would be heading this show. That kind of pressure could only mean that she would be extra prickly and will tolerate no errors whatsoever. She was even threatening to fire the first person to screw up. And that alone was a scary thing. Thankfully Rarity didn’t need to worry about getting laid off. Because she was to be Ms. Hemline’s extra. Her sidekick in the grand performance.

Sure it was only designing clothes for animals, as much as she wanted to put her artwork on people, but it was still exposure. Simply being on the Fashion Performance alone meant her picture in the newspaper, her face on TV, people cooing over her name. It wasn’t going to be on bright neon signs or billboards, but she had to start somewhere.

“No no no! That’s all wrong!” Ms. Hemline scolded one of her co-workers who looked like he was going to cry. “The frills go into the skirt, not outside! And these cuffs are too centered! Spread them out evenly! Do it again! And you…!” She directed her attention to another. “That hat is all over the place. Find a matching color now or you’re fired! And you!” A third one came, her body shrinking to the size of an amoeba as the boss stepped forward. “More glitter! And you…!”

Rarity froze. Was it her turn now? Oh god. She wasn’t ready. What kind of destructive criticism would she have for her designs? What sassy remark would she make that would rip the creativity off her soul?

“Hmm…” Prim Hemline looked down to her work, like a god of fashion preparing to deliver judgment whether she was worthy or not. “Rarity…”

“Y… yes ma’am?”

“Keep it up. I expect nothing but your best this weekend, understood?”

Her face beamed. It wasn’t a compliment or praise but it wasn’t degrading either. “Yes! Of course Ms. Hemline. And I must say that I am honored that you’ve chosen me to work by your side as…”

“Quiet.” She ordered which the girl obeyed. “Let us do our work in silence. YOU! Stop that at once! That scarf does not go with the puffs! I asked for fluffiness no mediocrity.”

Phew… dodged a bullet there.

Better get back to work. The night is still young and there are still plenty of frills to iron out. You can’t afford to be sloppy now Rarity. Not when a major opportunity has shown itself. You must pull out all the stops. Redouble your efforts!

“Wow Rarity. Are all these for the show?” A familiar voice caught her ears. She turned to the source finding the owner handling one of her dog dresses. “Feels almost too gaudy.”

She smirked back at him. “Darling. That’s entirely the point. But I suppose you of all people would know about fancy and gaudy, Flash.”

The blue haired boy chuckled. “Yeah well… fancy parties aren’t really my thing. I’m more of a simple… music kind of guy. But honestly though. Add a few more frills on these things and the animals will look even better than me. And… I’m not really sure if I should be amazed… or jealous.”

“Oh please be jealous. I love it when people are jealous. Especially when it’s about me.” Rarity gave him a wink which they laughed at. “Are you here to pick up another suit? Don’t tell me you’ve worn out the Gallopers’ already.”

“What? No. Can’t a guy just come and visit his favorite fashionista?”

“Right~~. And how many fashion designers do you know, exactly?”

He blinked. “That’s… not important. What’s important is that you’re my favorite and you’re definitely gonna kill the competition with these designs.”

“My part of the performance is a show, my dear. Ms. Hemline and the other designers will be competing.” She corrected. “But you’re not wrong either. I did put some extra effort into these fabrics. Please. By all means, continue praising me. I could use the stroke of ego.”

“Heh. Sure. Oh wow.” His eyes darted to the next rack where a bunch of suits and dresses were lined up. “Are these part of the Winter Collection? They look awesome.”

“Why thank you dear. Those are my work actually.”

“Yours? All of these?”

“Why of course. Just because I’m assigned to make clothes for animals doesn’t mean I can’t sneak one or two of my own designs up there. Someone needs to usher the animals in. I don’t suppose I could ask you to volunteer as a model.” She gave him a playful wink. “A man with your… ahem… raw physique would make a fine specimen on the catwalk. I can have you strutting there as a pirate with a parrot on your shoulder. Oh! Or maybe an action hero with his faithful canine companion? Or perhaps you’d want to go for Private-Eye with a cat? I’m sure Opal would be more than happy to accommodate you.”

“No thanks.” He brushed it off with a laugh. “I’m more of a… performer than a model. I’d let my music speak for me.”

“Aww… how moot. You sure I can’t persuade you?” She fluttered her eyes at him but still he resisted.

“Maybe next time.” The boy laughed. “I see you’re almost done.”

“Almost. I’m just waiting for Fluttershy and her measurements. I can’t exactly add the final touches without those. And she’s not answering any of my calls.”

“Rarity!” Ah crud. Not now. Is it her turn again? Seriously. Can’t one of these guys keep her occupied for more than a minute? “What did we say about… OH!” Ms. Hemline pressed the pause button on her wrath when she noted the boy again. A sense of déjà vu warped over Rarity. “Flash Sentry. Visiting my shop again? Are you here to place an order?”

The boy flashed a smile. “Actually my dad sent me. He said that the stuff you ordered from Yakyakistan will be coming tonight.”

The woman’s face practically brightened at the mention of it. “Marvelous! I was wondering when it would get here. Our time is cutting short. The centerpiece of my Winter Collection will be magnificent. I’ll have my team ready for them! Oh but you didn’t have to come all the way here to tell me that. You could’ve just as easily called.”

“We did… but you weren’t answering so here I am.”

“Is that so?” Her eyes menacingly darted to a fellow worker who froze at her stare. No doubt she was responsible for those missed calls. “Well either way, pass my thanks to your father. Tell him that he is a true patron of the arts.”

“I will.” The lady then darted off to the back where she had a word to say to the phone handler. Rarity felt bad for her but… better that girl than her.

“Your father is quite generous.” Rarity mentioned as she returned to her work. “Handling supplies like this can be costly. You have no idea how many rolls of layers of clothes we go through every day. And even more during special events.”

“I wouldn’t really call it generous. More like… an investment.” Flash corrected. “He is the one sponsoring this event after all.”

Rarity froze a second time. “He is!? Then does that mean he’ll be…?”

“A judge in the panel? You bet. He practically bragged about it.”

“Ooooh~~ how exciting. What I wouldn’t give to have my designs be judged and humiliated in front of all those carefully calculated eyes.” She hid a groan in her voice. “Now if only Fluttershy would hurry with those measurements. Ms. Hemline wasn’t kidding when she said that we’re cutting short on time. I really need to finish these before the weekends. Aha!” She turned to the door noting her friend coming in short on breath. “And speak of the devil. It’s about time darling. Whatever took you so long?”

“Sorry Rarity.” Fluttershy responded between pants. “It’s just that… we had a little situation… at the pet store.”

A situation? That didn’t sound good.

“A situation?” The fashionista dreaded. “Is everything ok? You’ll still have the animals ready for the performance, right? We can’t have an animal fashion show without animals.”

“Oh… yes we will.” That’s a relief. “But… only about four of them.”

“FOUR!?” Rarity screamed. “What do you mean four?”

“2 cats, 1 dog and 1 parrot to be exact.”

“But… but why!? Ms. Cureall promised me at least 30! I already have the layout for the whole performance dear! What on earth happened!?”

“Well it’s a long story.” The soft spoken girl shyly replied. “Apparently someone brought in the old stock of animal feeds to the store and gave them to all the animals. And apparently it gave them bad stomachs. Ms. Cureall has her hands full taking care of them. The only ones she can spare are the ones I took out for a stroll earlier.”


Fluttershy startled. “Oh um… that’s pretty much it. I guess it wasn’t such a long story. I’m sorry.”

Rarity breathed in, letting her inner peace rule. “Fluttershy… dear.” She cooed softly, gripping her friend’s shoulder tightly before her face twisted in restrained pain. “Let me explain this to you slowly and clearly: This is going to be a live performance set here in the mall. I know that my role in it is not a grandeur as Ms. Hemline but it is still a prime exposure! Thousands of people will be here on the WEEKENDS. There will reporters, live audiences, journalists and even 20 minutes of spotlight on TV! Opportunities like this do no happen every DAY! So I am going to ask nicely that we…… I… need more than just four MEASLY ANIMALS!” She shook her back and forth frantically.

“Uh… Rarity. You’re scaring me.” She wasn’t the only one. Flash was kind of taken back by her panicked scream.

“I’m sorry dear but you know that this is very important to me! Can’t you call in a favor in the animal shelter or something?”

“I think the animals there aren’t the types you’d keep at home.”

“But… but…!”

“Rarity?” Ms. Hemline spoke up from the store. “Is there a problem?”

She quickly forced a smile. “No! Not at all Ms. Hemline. Just a little miscommunication. That’s all. Easily rectified. Ahehe…” The woman eyed them suspiciously when Rarity pushed the animal lover out with Flash following not far behind. “If that’s the case then… I don’t suppose we can ask your ‘other’ animal friends to participate?”

What she clearly meant was those friends of hers who live in the wild.

“Oh! No. No no no no…” Fluttershy quickly denied. “Well… normally I can but I’ll need my powers to do that and Sunset told us not to use our magic unless it is an absolute emergency.

“But…” Rarity tried to force the words out but clearly couldn’t find a sound argument. There was no way she would risk a friend’s life for some pageant show. “Can’t you think of anything? Anything at all, darling? I’ll take anything at this point. A squid, a giant bear, even swine from Applejack’s farm!”

“I’m sorry Rarity. I wish I could help. Really I do. But I’m going to have my own hands full helping Ms. Cureall. I really hope you’d understand.”

“And I do darling. I really do. It’s just that this show is…” She turned to her design collection and sighed. “I suppose I’ll just have to make do with those four. You wouldn’t happen to have their measurements, would you?” The girl produced a small paper from her pocket which Rarity accepted with a sigh. “I guess my sideshow will be cut short… like my career.”

The two of them watched as the fashionista returned to the boutique, dejected and heartbroken. Whatever happens, the show must go on. Even with the roster being cut down.

“That’s… not exactly how I pictured that conversation to go.” Flash added once Rarity was out of sight. The girl was so bubbly and smiling like she was at the top of the world for one moment and then boom… she hit rock bottom the next second. “Are things really that bad at the shop?”

Fluttershy looked down depressingly. “I’m afraid so. With all the animals sick from the bad food, I’m afraid they’re in no condition to even walk. At least for a few days. Though…” She darted to her friend by the window display. “… I really wish I could help out in some way. Maybe I can use some of my powers to get some of the animals in the woods to help out just for a bit.”

“Whoa now. Let’s not be too hasty.” The boy raised his hand up in protest. “Remember what Adagio said? The last thing we want is for the shadow monster to show itself during the pageant.”

“I… suppose so. But I really want to help Rarity out and… I don’t know if we can just borrow animals from the other stores or the shelter.”

No. They can’t just go to other stores. That kind of arrangement takes days or weeks. But… that also gave Flash a ‘flash’ of inspiration. Something he was good at.

“Actually. There is another way.” He put one hand over his chin as he gave the idea a thought. “But I’m gonna need a little help from you, Fluttershy.”

“Of course!” The girl readily agreed. “Anything for Rarity. I won’t leave her in the dust like this.”

“Good.” He nodded, holding out his phone. “Can you give me your contacts?” He leaned in to whisper. “Listen. Here’s the plan.”

(Twilight’s home)

“Hmmm… odd.” Twilight stated to herself as she pondered over her equipment like a scientist on the verge of a breakthrough. She tinkered with the dials here, flipping a switch there and turning a knob or two to get a better reading.

In front of her stood a holographic view of Canterlot. Over the last Summer Break she had spent a good amount of time putting up tracker gizmos on top of vantage points across the city which in turn gave her a clear view of everything. It was kind of like having your own personal surveillance network but less intrusive on people’s privacy.

From her computer and scanner she could detect any manner of magic anywhere in the city giving her a god’s eye view over the realm. Some might even say that it’s a dangerous power to have but she would disregard that notion so long as your purpose is purely scientific.

“Hmmm… very odd indeed.”

“Twilight, are you ok?” Her pet dog asked. “You’ve been looking at that screen for hours now. It’s already way passed dinner.”

“Sorry Spike. It’s just that these readings are really strange.” She explained to him, not taking a moment off the holographic map. “The more I look into this new strange magic source, the more questions it raises. I tried comparing it with our own magic and they’re surprisingly compatible. Looks like Sunset’s explanation was spot on. Magic is simply an ingredient and we’re the cooking tools.”

Spike rolled his eyes at her. “You do know that you’re talking to a dog, right? None of what you said just now, made any sense to me.”

She smiled at him. “I’m just thinking out loud Spike. Here.” She reached out for the dog treats and poured a good portion on his bowl. The dog eagerly dug in, forgetting the earlier statement. “I just wished I could get a good look on the Chalice of Wishes. It’s said that if you drink a special brew from it, you’ll be granted anything you desire.”

“Like a giant dog bone!?” Spike imagined it dreaming of licking a giant marrow for hours. “Oh sweet heaven.”

Twilight eyed at the mutt sweetly. “I was thinking of something way bigger, Spike. Imagine what humanity could do with that kind of power. The technology that can come out of it. If we can harness it to our benefit we’ll be the pioneers who will advance mankind to the next age! We might even go to space and conquer the stars! Haha! They’ll be putting my face on the history books for sure!”

“Meh… no bone, no interest.”

“Spike!” Twilight scolded to which the dog ignored and returned to his treats. She would’ve lectured him further had her phone not interrupted. She smiled at the caller’s name and grinned, reciting a line that she had been practicing. “Hello there. C.I.C Vice-President Twilight Sparkle speaking. How may I be of assistance?”

Even though she couldn’t see her, Twilight could tell that the girl on the other line was rolling her eyes at the somewhat professional introduction. It was very… secretary-like. “You’re really taking this new position of yours really seriously, aren’t you?”

“We’re an official Club now. We don’t only have to act professional, but BE professional.” She reasoned. “What’s up?”

Sunset chuckled. “Nothing much. Just finished my homework and thought I’d check in on you if you got anything to update me on our first investigation. Anything I should know?”

“Other than what we know now? No.” She replied dejectedly. “I’ve managed to triangulate the strange magic source. I can see clearly the ones coming from the artifacts. They’re all clustered together in one house over at Uptown. If my guess is correct, which it usually is, that must where Flash is staying.”

“Flash lives in Uptown?” Sunset returned, mildly amazed. “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised anymore after everything I’ve seen these last few days.”

“Yeah. Big surprise. But the stranger part is, other than the ones there, I don’t see the wolf anywhere. I’ve been keeping watch since last night and still nothing. It’s like it… vanished.”

“But that’s a good thing, right? Maybe it’s gone for good. Maybe Flash and the Dazzlings really did destroy it.”

“Yeah but you have to remember that it’s a familiar. It’s an extension of a person. There has to be someone controlling it. I could just be that it went out of town. My sensors don’t cover other than the outskirts of the city.”

“Well you said that all the strange magic are in Flash’s place right?” Sunset suggested which she turned and listened. “If someone was to use that magic they’d have to have one of those objects to summon the monster. When it was in the museum, anyone who works there could touch it. Like Maud. But now that it’s safely inside his house…”

“No one could tap into the magic!” Twilight smacked her head in realization. “Of course! That makes perfect sense. Why didn’t I think of that?” She grinned. “Excellent deduction, President Shimmer.”

“Well I couldn’t have you do all the hard work.” The lady on the other line smugly added. “Speaking of magic. I don’t suppose you’ve been tracking our friends too.”

“Of course not.” Twilight gasped feigning hurt. “I would never use my technology to intrude on the privacy of others. It’s just so…”


“Ok fine. But I only see them on my scanner because they use it. Especially someone who promised not to use them unless it’s an emergency.”

“Rainbow Dash?”

“Rainbow Dash.” Of course it’d be Rainbow Dash. Who else would it be?

Sunset groaned softly. “Well the sun’s still out so I’ll let it slide. But if she keeps this up, I’m calling her. I’m surprised our geodes aren’t being overcharged with the way she’s been using them.”

“She’s been careful. But not careful enough. How are the Dazzlings by the way?” Twilight changed the subject. “Adagio was pretty rigid when we talked the other day.”

“Well they were attacked by the giant wolf monster and one of her friends almost literally turned into dust. I’d be angry too if any of you were hurt because of this. But I am going to keep one eye out for her just in case.”

“You think she’s involved?”

“No. Not involved with these attacks. I’m just worried she might try something that might get her in trouble.” Sunset stated. “Speaking of Adagio. How is Flash’s Arts and Craft project coming along? Is it still broken?”

Ah… right… the bowl. Twilight turned towards the said object which stood marginally repaired on her worktable.

“About… 8% done.” She reported back wearily. “I’m going through the pieces as fast as I can but this thing is just about as broken as broken can be even before Adagio smashed it pieces. Even with my powers there’s no telling how long it might take. It’s kind of like assembling a thousand piece puzzle with no corners.”

“You sure you don’t want me to take it off your hands?” Sunset offered. “You seemed pretty swamped with everything that’s been happening.”

“No it’s fine. Besides – I was the one who asked him to bring it. It’s my responsibility.”

“Well… if you’re sure. In the mean time I’ll do some digging at the Natural History Museum. I think we can narrow down our list of suspects if I can find out who had access to the artifacts before they were put away.” Sunset tipped her head down in thought. “I’ll start with Maud seeing as she works there. If we’re lucky we’ll find out who’s responsible for all these attacks and put an end to it once and for all.”

“Alright. But remember Sunset. Play it safe.”

“Oh please. This is me you’re talking to. When do I never play it safe?”

“Twilight? Are you there?”

“Oh I’m still here. I was just thinking of a good comeback just now but my brain must’ve overloaded from all the jokes. Mwahahahaha!”

Sunset hung up.

(Sweet Snacks Café)

Wham bam thank you ma’am! Another 5 star rating on Screech! That’s another 12 user scores added to the list. Not a new record but meh.

Pinky let out a battle cry as she saw the scoreboard on the website, eyes shimmering like the stars themselves. It was another ten minutes till her shift was over but she wasn’t gonna slack off just yet. The dinner rush was long gone but that didn’t mean the diner wasn’t busy. With all the late night workers and a few coming for a midnight snack, you can find this place practically brimming with folks from all over Canterlot.

As she skated back to the counter she realized that there were no more orders to deliver meaning she and her co-workers can take it easy for the next few minutes.

“Good job as always, Pinkie.” Doo Wop, her co-worker gave her a thumbs up as she put down an ice cream plate with five scoops on top. “Your usual. On the house.”

“Thanks. I really needed a recharge.” It was amazing how someone like Pinkie, who won the Brain Freeze Challenge last week could still stomach the stuff. “Another busy night?”

“Not really.” The waitress shrugged. “With the Winter Holidays coming in and the weather outside getting colder I doubt there’ll be a lot of people coming this far just for a bite. I might have to take a second job if they’re gonna take out the late night shift. But we are making a winter themed menu later on and everyone needs to come up with a new recipe.”

“Pfft. Oh please. That’s easy. Have you met me?” Pinkie challenged. “I can make that menu with one hand tied behind my back. Cheese soufflé with multi-colored sprinkles, Christmas cupcakes with reindeer horns made out of chocolate, super-special holiday coffee!”

Doo Wop raised a brow. “And how is coffee… special?”

“Easy! We just add warm breadsticks on the sides and marshmallow. We’ll make it colorful and decorative! It’ll look so good that people will feel guilty just eating it!”

The waitress unconsciously reached for her notepad, writing down the ideas as they came. “Huh… you’re right. That was easy. I’ll pass these down to the manager. You just made some awesome recipes for all of us.”

“Oh pa-lease.” Pinkie rubbed her hands together smiling menacingly. “I haven’t even gotten started yet. Wait till you hear what I have for deserts.”

But they were interrupted when Sunny Sugarsocks came up. “Eyes up ladies. Looks like the newlyweds just arrived.” She pointed to the door where a happy looking couple strolled in, arms locked together with giant rocks in their fingers. The trio recognized them instantly. They were regulars here at the diner before the pair got hitched a year back. It was a really romantic story for the diner. “You two want your usuals?”

They nodded back choppily before taking a table for themselves.

“Two burger sets! Coming right up!” The chef shouted from the kitchen already working on the meals.

Doo Wop chuckled, eyeing the couple from afar. “Aww… look at those two. Hard to imagine that they used to come here regularly alone. Now they’re like two peas in a pot. I tell ya, love makes everything better.”

Pinkie nodded happily in agreement. “Like frosting on ice cream.”

“Haa~ I wish I could feel the same as they do. What about you Pinkie? What do you think?”

“About frosting?”

“No silly. About love.” Her co-worker corrected. “Don’t you have a special someone out there that you wished you could be with? Holding hands, going on dates or spend a lovely romantic evening just losing yourself looking into each other’s eyes?”

Pinkine laughed. “Nah. I’m spending the holidays with my folks. I don’t have anyone spe…”

“It’s nice to see the other side of Pinkie Pie. You’re really cute, you know that.”

Her brain suddenly froze as her cheeks turned red when the memory of that fateful night replayed in her head. It came so suddenly that she didn’t have any defense to hide it which was caught in full view of her friends.

“Oh!” Sunny’s eyes lit up like a hundred Christmas trees. “You do!”

Pinkie scrambled. “Wh… what? No! No I don’t!”

“But she does. She absolutely does!” Doo Wop squealed, her smile widening from ear to ear. “Who is it? Spill girl! Is it someone we know?”

“Does he come to this diner?”

“Is it that guy who makes those cheesy jokes?”

“Or that guy who makes houses out of waffles?”

“Girls. Relax.” Pinkie calmed them down. “It’s nothing like that. We only had one date and it wasn’t really…”

“A date!? Oh now we have to hear this!”


“Order up!”

“Oh look. Order’s here.”


“I’m on it!” The co-worker hastily grabbed the burgers and settled them on the couple with complimentary drinks before immediately coming back like a speeding bullet. “Now where were we? Oh right. So who is it?”

But Pinkie was stubborn and quickly fought the blush away, rolling on her skates. “Sorry girls. But these lips are sealed. And no, you’ll never guess who. It’s not like he visits this place every day.”

You know the problem when you try to challenge the universe?

“Hey Pinkie.”

… it sometimes answers that challenge.

“GAHH! Flash!?” The bubblegum girl fumbled on her balance losing her footing on her skates. “Wh… whoa!”

The blue haired boy reached out and grab her by the arm. “Easy there. I gotcha.” He held that warm smile over which got her blushing. “You ok?”

“Yeah. Yeah. I’m fine.” But she quickly got back to her state of mind and pulled herself back. Her whole brain scrambled over, confused and puzzled on his sudden appearance. “No! Better question: What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What are you doing here!? How are you here!? Why are you here, now of all times!?”

Flash looked back, also equally puzzled though for an entirely different reason. “Well… actually I came here for you.”


“Meuey!?” She fumbled on her words, quickly reaching for one of the trays and using it as a shield. Her heart rate went up while her face turned redder than one of Applejack’s family apples. “R… really!?” She failed to notice her co-workers grinning madly behind her back tossing knowing winks at each other. “Wha wha wha wha wha… why?”

“I was wondering if we could talk about… some stuff.” Stuff? STUFF!? What kind of stuff!? Out with it man!? “Is this a bad time?”


“N… no?” Pinkie blinked then slapped herself when she realized what her mouth just said. “I mean yes! I’m uh… kind of on shift right now and we’re all super busy so…”

“Actually your shift ended two minutes ago.” Doo Wop stated gesturing to the clock above the counter.


“Please come in.” Sunny Sugarsocks quickly skated to their side and scooted them into the diner, her voice and expression practically oozing with suggestions. Pinkie threw her a mean yet surprisingly adorable glare. “It’s always nice to meet one of Pinkie’s friends. Here, have the corner booth. Get yourself settled in and I’ll be back to get your order.”

Oh god.

Pinkie was getting a sense of déjà vu. It was the Huffs and Hooves all over again. The special treatment, the stares from the other patrons, the over-politeness of the waitresses! This was practically a repeat of that night except they were in a diner and not some super fancy restaurant!

“Your friends seem nice.” Flash mentioned while Pinkie buried herself in her hat.

Yeah, she couldn’t agree more. They were really nice. So nice that she just wanted to throw an explosive cupcake at them.

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