• Published 10th Nov 2019
  • 5,256 Views, 846 Comments

Equestria Girls: Love Is Magic - onekface

A new enemy threatens Sunset's new home. It craves magic and it craves all who has it. She and her friends must rise to face it. But they can't do it alone. Flash x Mane 7

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Chapter 95: In and Out

(House by the hill)

The portal was almost ready.

At least… that’s what Rarity could tell. Not that she’d know anyway. All she knew was that it was humming with magic, and that Sunset said that it was ‘Almost ready’.

Both she and Starlight had woken at the crack of dawn to put on the finishing touches on the portal, making sure that everything was at perfect order. Rainbow Dash was there too, using her new found lightning magic to power the machines. She admired their dedication and commitment to helping their friend, but all these early rising work cannot be good for their complexion. At this rate they’ll be getting wrinkles before they reach 40.

Passing through the living room, the smell of bacon and eggs permeated the air hinting that it was Applejack who was making breakfast. It was a small relief really.

No offense to Pinkie. But her definition of a ‘Balanced’ breakfast often leaves one with a hyperactive situation, followed by a bad stomach, and ending with a massive tooth ache. Having a rather ordinary meal was a welcome change.

And speaking of Pinkie Pie. That sounded like her laugh…

… coming out of Flash’s room.

“Hold still.”

“I am holding still.”

“Well hold stiller. This gel is expensive.”

She should probably ignore it.

No… she definitely should ignore it. It was against the code of conduct that one should not peek into other people’s room without their permission. It would be a clear breach of trust and against the ethics code of friendship.

But this was Rarity here. Since when has that stopped her from peeking into other people’s business?

And who could possibly resist, knowing of Pinkie’s love life?

And so… like the home invader that she was, the fashionista gently tiptoed her way to the room, ever so silently peeked through the crack on the door.

“How’s that?” Pinkie said as she knelt behind Flash as he sat at the edge of his bed, one hand placed on his bare back, rubbing lotion onto his scars. “Feeling any better?”

“Yeah… just about.” He responded with a pained grunt. His body riddled with enough injuries that would make a soldier jealous. And despite his medium frame, he was surprisingly well-built. “Thanks Pinkie. You’re surprisingly good at this.”

“Don’t mention it. My sisters and I do this to my dad whenever his back starts acting all achy. You should see him on a bad day. But Mom’s recipe never fails. One swab of this and you’ll be right as rain – sort of. I’m not sure if I got the mixture right. It’ll either heal you or give you the hives.”


“I’m kidding.” She laughed, giving his back a gentle pat. “This’ll definitely help. Guaranteed. Just try not to do anything too strenuous, or fight any monsters for a few days.”

“Hanging out with you girls? That might be harder than you think.” The boy let out a soft chuckle, putting his shirt back on. Pity. Rarity would’ve taken a photo if she could.

“And are you really sure you don’t want to go to a hospital?” Pinkie added, showing a rare frown riddled with concerns. “It looks pretty bad.”

“I’m definitely sure.” He replied almost instantly. “The last thing I want is my dad hearing about me getting hurt. Our relationship is a bit messy as it is already. I don’t want things to get…”


“Yeah. Awkweird.” The two of them shared a pleasant laugh which was followed by blushing, an uncomfortable silence, and then more laughing. “Haven’t used that since…”

“That time my whole family went over to your place?”

Oh my… they have a private word for themselves. How deliciously adorable of them.

“Yeah. It has been a while since then.” The boy added. “I figured my dad would try something else after that night.”

“Same here. You think maybe our parents got the hint?”

“More like they’re too busy. My dad is the mayor after all - or at least he will be. Soon.” He let out a sigh. “Can you imagine? First he becomes the new Principal of Crystal Prep, now he’s running the city?”

“Aww come on. It’s not so bad.” Pinkie gave him a playful punch. “Like they always say: Some changes can be a good thing.”

“Who says that?”


To the untrained eye, one might say that this was just a casual banter. A talk between two friends. But Rarity could see the subtle hints within her fluffy haired friend.

The way she moved was different. The way she acted had subtle hints of affection. Even the way she blinked looked tantalizing at best. One might even say that she was practically head over heels for the boy.

Never in her life did Rarity ever thought of seeing Pinkie go all googly for a guy before. She always imagined she’d settle with someone who shared her hyperactive personality. A party animal with a different name. But it seems like this bubbly gal had a mellow side to her. A side that had a romantic touch. And seeing them chat there, so innocently. It made her imagine all manner of scenarios that could be playing out.

She could watch this little banter go on for hours.

Sadly, the only gray spot in this cheesy story was the love triangle brewing in the corner of her mind.

If Applejack were to see this…

“Hey Rarity.”

“Eeeeeep!!!” The fashionista felt her soul lifted from her body when she felt the cowgirl’s hand on her shoulder. She muffled a squeal from her lips, turning over and slamming her whole body against the door, only to realize how suspicious she looked before forcing out the fakest of smiles. “O… oh! Applejack! D… darling. How are you?”

AJ recoiled a bit, raising a curious brow. “Uh… fine? Just wanted to call everyone for breakfast.”

“Aha! Yes. Of course. Breakfast. The most important meal of the day. Ahehe. Yeah… that.”

“What’s going on?”

“Nothing! Absolutely nothing!” She snapped. “I was just… taking a morning stroll. That’s all. Anyway. We should probably get the others. Wouldn’t want to let the food go to waste.” The girl didn’t bother to wait for a reply as she pushed Applejack away, hoping to high heaven that she wouldn’t be too suspicious.

(Twilight’s home)

Twilight felt… exhausted.

Not just physically but mentally as well. Her body was limp on the sheets, her arms and legs barely responding to her command. She didn’t feel like getting up from her bed, and her brain didn’t feel like forming words either. It was as if all the energy she had just whisked away by the wind. Her fingers could barely wiggle and her head hardly turned.

Yesterday’s efforts had drained her of all morale. It was bad enough that she had to make a deal with Adagio, and breaking into the mall security, but then she had to bargain with a metaphorical vampire. There was just so much to do that it was practically overwhelming.

She knew that she and her friends got these powers for a reason, but she never imagined that the stakes would be… great. It was fine when it was nothing more than a section of forest, or a school, or maybe even a city. But now it felt like the whole world was relying on them. There had to be a limit to how much a kid like her could do until she cracked under pressure.

What she wouldn’t give to simply lie here on her favorite bed and just wait for this whole thing to blow over. Maybe then things might make sense.

“Don’t even think about it.” Alas, her fallen angel had other plans. Midnight appeared, hovering just above her bed sheets with an annoyed scowl on her face. “Come on. Up and at’em Twilly.”

“Ugh… five more minutes.” Twilight pulled her blanket up, covering her face.

“Don’t you ‘5-more-minutes’ me young lady. We got a big day ahead of us and you’re the star of the show. Now get.”

“No~ I don’t wanna.”

Despite not even able to see her, Twilight could imagine that her evil counterpart was rolling her eyes. “Come on. You’re not going to spend the whole day lying here.”

“Watch me.”

“Get up Twi!” Yelling won’t make me get up faster either. “Oh for the love of…… I don’t get paid enough to suffer teenage angst.” You get paid? “You really wanna do this?”

To sleep here and not to worry about the world getting blown to bits by another magical catastrophe? Yeah… I think I do.

“Fine. You leave me no choice. But just so you know: You made me do this.”

What is she talking abo…?

An image suddenly poured into her mind. Her kindergarten days. There was another girl with her. Moondancer if she remembers correctly. They were playing in the sandbox together trying to make the biggest castle ever. It was a friendly competition at first, until it turned violent in the most horrible way.

Twilight wasn’t as intelligent back then, and her concept of architecture didn’t exactly pan out. She was able to construct a fine sandcastle. But the support held up by a plastic spoon didn’t manage to hold, which caused to the whole thing to crumble. The ensuing collapse spilled over to Moondancer’s area crushing her little town of innocent sand-people in the process. Her entire population were massacred in an instant, leaving the girl crying in loss.

“Th… that was not my fault! How was I supposed to know that the support structure of sand wasn’t capable of holding an entire castle?”

“You think that’s bad? Well why don’t we try something closer to home?”

Another image popped. This time in Crystal Prep. It was the tryouts for the newly formed soccer team. Shining armor insisted that she at least put some effort in getting into a sports and got her a spot on the selection. Twilight didn’t want it, but she decided that she should try it at least once.

What a disaster that was. When it came her turn to kick the ball, she missed the goal post so badly that it bounced off a tree, slamming against the coach, and went straight through the window of the gym, hitting a janitor, who then lost control of his mop causing a domino effect on the whole basketball team leaving them incapacitated.

3 students had to go to the nurse’s office, and 4 more were sent home. Luckily Twilight wasn’t reprimanded, and she quit altogether.

Easy to say, Shining Armor didn’t press her to join any sports activity from then on.

“If this is your way of getting me out of bed. It’s not working.”

Midnight took that as a challenge. “Is that so? Then I guess I’ll have to bring out the big guns.”

Bring it on. I’d rather go through memory lane than to take another step off this comfy pillow. You can bombard me with all the horrible memories of my childhood and I’d still won’t move. There’s nothing in my head that you can use against me.


Twilight’s brain froze for a second as the image slowly crept into view. It was Camp Everfree. Or at the very least it was the pier where she and her classmates worked together to build.

Was Midnight trying to guilt-trip her by showing some old memories of her and Timber? Because that’ll be a foul move on her part.

Alas, Twilight could do little but watch as the memory played out. Whatever it was, it certainly can’t be worse than what came before.

Wait… is that… Sunset Shimmer? What is she doing alone here? I don’t remember meeting her here.

Twilight tilted her head in confusion, wondering what her evil counterpart had in store. That was when a second individual came to the stage. The sweet smile, rocker look and stylish hairdo was easily recognizable.

Flash Sentry? What’s going on here?

She has no memory of this. In fact, she can’t recall a time when she saw these two at Camp Everfree at all. At least… not since the terrifying camping trip.

The two stared at one another, longingly. Their eyes locked to one another as if they were in trance. They smiled… chuckling, laughing as if they had not a worry in the world.

Twilight in turn felt her chest oddly tighten. What was this strange sensation in her heart? Why… does this bother her so?

She opened her mouth to speak but the words were caught in her throat. She could only watch in silence as the two figures came close. Their hands interlocking with another while their smiles soften to one another. The two of them looked so happy… so… in love with one another. It was… oddly repulsive.

Then… as if following a cue, their lips came close…

No… wait. WAIT a second!

“BWAHHH!” Twilight jolted upward, her face rising towards the ceiling before falling nose-first onto the floor. A loud audible thud came from the impact while she muttered a pained ‘Ow…’ in the process.

“End scene.”

The nerd gal shook her from fall, groaning painfully as she got her bearings. “What in the world was that? I don’t remember any of that happening.”

“Of course you don’t.” Midnight scoffed. “I knew that your memories can’t get you out of your stupor. So I made up one instead.”

“And you figured that a love scene would work?”

“It got you out of bed, didn’t it?” She scoffed, though Twilight could sense an underlying annoyance hidden in her tone. “Now quit lazing around. We didn’t spend all that energy and time bargaining with Neighsay only to give up at the start.” Twilight gave another groan. She had a nagging urge to jump right back into bed, but that angel would probably just do another illusion trick. She didn’t even know she was capable of doing that. “Oh Twilight. The things I could do could fill a library.”

And the things I need to do could fill a book.

Seriously though. Today was going to be long. And if she was lucky, it’d be terrifying as well.

The deal she made with Neighsay was probably the least of her concerns.

“You really think this tradeoff with the vampire guy is worth it?”

“It’s beneficial for both parties.” She responded as she changed out of her pajamas. “In exchange for his equipment, I’d give him every detail about Zecora – or… whatever her name is.”

“Still feel a sense of déjà vu?”

“I know I’ve seen her somewhere before. I just can’t put my finger on it.” Twilight grumbled annoyingly to herself. “Don’t suppose you could look into my head and recall it?”

“What do I look like? A photo album? I only know what you know. If you can’t remember, I can’t tell.”

“Maybe I should ask Neighsay about her. He probably knows more than he’s letting on.”

“And you don’t believe he’ll stab you in the back when it suits him?”

“Honestly? I’m not entirely sure.” She replied, trying to sound confident. Though her tone sounded otherwise. “He doesn’t look like the kind of person who’d lie.”

“Oh sure. I’m certain that he’s the picture of honesty. He probably swears it on his honor.” Her voice dripped with sarcasm. “Hello! Are you awake in there!? Do I need to remind you that this is the group that tried to take away your magic!?”

“That was Cinch.”

“My point exactly! How can you even trust the guy? How do you know he won’t just come at us one day and go all vampire on us? He could be in on this… Zecora person.”

“He’s not.” Twilight sighed. “The corrupted magic is completely different from what Neighsay or the Yaztec use. It’s far more destructive. Not something they’d do.”

“Oh yeah. Totally. It’s not like these guys will try to take over the world using some mind control magic.” She paused for effect. “Oh wait…”

“Well… what else was I supposed to do? His organization is the only group around here that can provide me with the right tools for my search. It’s not like I can just magically conjure all of that fancy equipment out of thin air.”

“Yes you can! You’re just not thinking straight!” Midnight snapped. “Let’s get one thing out. You don’t need Neighsay. You don’t need him or his group. What you need is cold hard cash. A lot of it. And I know of one guy in this brain of yours, who has more than enough to get you everything you need.”

“We are not asking Flash.”

“Why not!? You’ve seen how rich he is. If he could fix Applejack’s barn, and Rainbow Dash’s bike, he can totally afford to get you anything you asked for.”

“We’re not taking advantage of him just because it’s convenient.”

“Oh please. Now you just sound like Sunset. The solution is so simple yet you’re not even considering it. He could solve many of our problems if you just…”

“I said… NO!” Fury soared over heart as the mere mention of Flash came through her mouth. So much so that Midnight even buckled backward.

She tried not to think about him. She tried her darndest. But he always sat there at the corner of her mind.

A part of her wanted to see him, wanted to speak with him, hear his voice. But every time she thought about him, memories of that fateful night at the park reared its ugly head.

The image of his broken body laid bare for her to see like the beginning of a horror movie. Twilight could recall every bruise, every cut, and every scar. Each of them pinching at her heart like rusty dagger.

Midnight was right though. Flash could fix many of their problems. With his wealth, he could get all the equipment she needs without even batting an eyelash. He probably wouldn’t even ask anything in return, saying that being a part of the adventure was reward enough. And that only made it… worse.

“We’re not…… we’re not bringing him into this.” She shut the topic down. “I can’t put him through that again.”

Midnight seemed to have understood, and nodded apologetically in response. “Okay then…”

“Twilight.” Her mom’s voice echoed from the door interrupting their conversation. “Come down sweetie. We have a visitor.”

A visitor? At this time?


“Shining Armor?” Twilight raised a confused brow when she noted her brother by the door, smothered to death by their mother.

“Hey Twilly~. I’m back.” The boy greeted weakly, dodging as much of his mother’s overwhelming kisses as possible. “Mom. Come on. I’m not 10 anymore.”

“Oh don’t you start with me, mister.” Velvet scolded, pinching his cheeks like one of those crazy aunts. “You start your new job across town for over a week and only now you finally decide to visit? You don’t write, you don’t call. Not even a text message.”

“I’ve only been gone for a month.” He reasoned. “Besides… the Brain Blast competition is happening in town and Everton Academy is hosting the event. The school assigned me to host some of the sponsors so I’ve been kind of busy.”

“It only takes a push of a button to make a call, sweetie.” She countered, a frown forming on her face. Shining gave her a groan but didn’t deny it. He slumped down, his heavy coat absorbing most of his mother’s hands. “Come in. You’re just in time for lunch. Speaking of which. Where’s Cadance? The two of you normally come together.”

“Yeah… she’s still kind of angry at me right now. So we’re kinda giving our relationship time to cool off.”

“I’m not surprised. You kept the whole ‘New Job’ from her until the last minute. People don’t like it when you keep something so important from them.”

“Can we not talk about this? I actually came here to see Twilight. And it’s really important.” Velvet gave a huff and muttered a ‘Fine’ before heading back to the dining room, but not before giving her son one last motherly glare. “Yeesh… good to know she hasn’t changed.”

“You’re lucky she didn’t pry for more details.” Twilight added. “You know how mom is when it comes to drama. Remember that time when she thought that Professor Cranky was seeing Granny Smith?”

“Don’t remind me. She made such a fuss for the whole week.” The two of them shared a quick laugh and a hug before Shining came to his senses. “Anyway Twilly. I actually came here to see you.”


“Yeah. I heard that you were a sure in for the Brain Blast competition.”


“Professor Cheerilee told me herself.”

“That’s… amazing…” Twilight’s reaction felt mixed. This competition was the biggest thing for academics like her. Many students from Crystal Prep alone would metaphorically kill just for a slot in the competition. She should be thrilled, maybe even ecstatic and reaching for the very moon. But at the corner of her mind, it felt so distant. Like… something of a lifetime ago. Back when things were far simpler.

Her expression didn’t escape Shining’s notice, and his eyes sharpened worryingly. “You ok Twilight? I thought you’d be thrilled about this.”

“I am.” She forced out a smile, barely holding it together. “It’s just that… I wasn’t expecting it so soon. It’s kind of… overwhelming.”

“Well then maybe this’ll cheer you up. I got more good news from Everton. Remember that Study Program Scholarship you applied like… years ago?”

“My Independent Study Program on Techno Sorcery and Energy research?”

“Yup. The academy saw your proposal and decided to approve the whole thing. The school will provide a full grant to fund your research including a full functioning lab.”

“Really!?” That was big news. She knew that she was already set to enter Everton Academy by this year, but this whole funding could launch her research through the roof. “How’d that happen? I thought it needed more consultation?”

“I was able to pull a few strings.” He winked. “It pays when your big brother has connections in high places. I showed some of your research to the Headmaster and took a shine to it. She was really impressed.”


“Oh… the Headmaster? That’s… wonderful.”

“I know, right!? She was so impressed by it that she wants to discuss the finer details. Which… is the reason why I dropped by.” Shining Armor then turned around motioning a tall lean figure to approach.

The color drained from Twilight’s face as the woman came into view. Her towering frame covered the door. Her dark complexion and green hair gave her identity away almost instantly. Those deep emerald eyes staring back at her with a predatory glare.

“Twilly. I’m sure you know Professor Chrysalis.”

“Hello Twilight Sparkle.” Her voice crawled out of her mouth with a venomous hiss. “I was hoping to meet you.”

The invisible angel let out a childish ‘meep’ that only Twilight could hear.

(House by the hill)

It was a tragedy just waiting to happen.

Rarity could see it plainly as day.

Movies and TV dramas has given her much insight of love triangles, and the ending of such relationships always end up messy and disastrous. Oh sure, they could try to balance it out. But eventually the pair would eventually butt heads and hearts will eventually break. There was simply no going around it.

And sadly… the pair in which would eventually butt heads were two of her closest friends.

Applejack and Pinkie Pie sat on opposite ends of the table, laughing and joking around as any friend could possibly be. Neither of them realizing that they were sharing the same infatuation with the same boy.

The boy who was sitting innocently between them, stuffing a bacon in his mouth like he didn’t have a care in the world.

That accursed player, who was responsible for all this drama.

How did it even happen in the first place? She knew that Pinkie’s family had some connection with Flash’s dad and they’ve been going on at least one ‘Date’ since then. One would think that a single date wouldn’t spark anything between them. But sadly, somehow, cupid’s arrow found its way onto Pinkie and she’s been infatuated with the guy ever since.

Applejack on the other hand was a different case.

Her affection was that of a love struck damsel who was rescued by that of a Prince who swept her off her feet. The guy practically saved her family reunion from becoming a complete plum-puckered, pig-pushing’ disaster. Heck, he might’ve even saved her whole farm from going under. So from her perspective, he was the guy who came to her rescue.

Rarity would compare her to a Princess trapped in a tower. So you can see why she’d have her heartstrings settled on him.

“Hey Rare. Are you gonna eat that?” Rainbow Dash asked, pointing at her toast. She gave a half-hearted response clueing her to go for it, which she did. “What’s gotten to you?”

“Nothing…” She groaned, eyes locked onto the love triangle unfolding before her. Applejack and Flash were laughing off a joke that Pinkie just said. Something about jellybeans or some other candy. She wasn’t really paying much attention. All the while, the cowgirl was trying her best not to look so bashful every time she and Flash shared a glance. Honestly, it was as if anything he did near her made her all gooey. Who would’ve thought that a country bumpkin like her would show such a soft side?

She was only glad that they were just talking. If any of those two started spoon feeding him, she was gonna call an intervention.

“Doesn’t look like nothing.” Rainbow somehow noticed. “What’s the matter? Missing fashion?”

“No… well yes. Kind of… sort of.” A sigh escaped her. “It’s complicated.”

“Well why don’t you try airing it out? I hear that talking about your problem can be very relaxing.”

“Sorry Rainbow Dash. But I highly doubt you can help me with my problem.”

“Hey. I’ll let you know that I’m good at solving problems.” The sports gal paused. “Except for math problems…… or science problems, history problems, or anything school related. But I can throw a mean kick.”

Rainbow Dash being empathetic? Today is getting stranger by the minute. “Since when did you start caring so much?”

“Hey. Just because I’m a little selfish, doesn’t mean I can’t listen to someone else’s problems every now and then. Besides, it’s not like we’re doing anything much around here.” Ah… so it was just boredom eating her up. That makes more sense.

Still… she isn’t wrong. Maybe a little advice from a different perspective would be a good change.

“Well… I suppose it couldn’t hurt.” Rarity shrugged, just as her friend leaned back on her chair. “Let’s say… hypothetically: I have these two friends of mine, who are really close to one another. And are… hypothetically infatuated with someone.”

“You mean… crushing?”

“Yes… that.” She nodded gleefully. “They are ‘crushing’ on someone. The rub is that that they are ‘crushing’ on the same person. That person who just so happens to be ‘crushing’ on someone else entirely. And sadly neither of them knows that they’re both ‘crushing’ on the same person, and I’m afraid that the person that they’re ‘crushing’ on will eventually tell them that their crush’ on him cannot be, and that he’ll crush their hearts and then crush their friendship along with it! Now I’m the only person who knows that they’re ‘crushing’ on the same person and it’s been eating me on the inside for months now!”

“You said ‘crushing’ way too many times in that last sentence.” Rainbow Dash replied boorishly, much to her dismay. “This isn’t another one of your soapy TV shows, is it?”

“Ugh… forget it.”

“Now hold on. Don’t write me off just yet. I didn’t get everything you said back there, but I think I can understand most of it.” She reasoned. “So… two of your ‘Hypothetical’ friends are crushing it on the same guy. Only that they don’t know that the other friend is on the same boat.”

Rarity’s eyes widened. “Yes… YES! That’s it!”

“Sounds like they’re in for some rough time.”

“Oh like you wouldn’t believe, darling. I’m dreading the day that’ll happen.”

“Sounds to me like these two need to talk it over.” Easier said than done. “I mean they can’t keep this up forever. So if I were you, I’d bring the two of them together and discuss it openly on the table. Best to get it out now so there are no hard feelings in the end.”

Huh… that was… actual sound advice. Rarity couldn’t believe how simple it was, but it was there. And it came from the most unlikely source. Rarity has been so focused on the disastrous aftermath that she couldn’t see the solution right under her nose.

“Why… Rainbow Dash. That’s actually… a good idea.”

“Yeah. I know. I’m awesome.” The sports gal smugly replied, putting her feet on the table.

“I don’t suppose you know how to do that as well.”

“Errr… I try to limit my smart advice to once a week. You’re gonna have to figure that one out yourself.” Why am I not surprise? “And for the record: This guy your hypothetical friends are crushing on, sounds like a real jerk.”

Well… Rarity wouldn’t put it that far… yet.

Perhaps when this is all over, she could bring Pinkie and Applejack on a sit-down session and have them open up together. At least then it would clear the air around this whole love triangle.

But before she could say more, the sound of magic echoing outside set the gang on alert.


The portal was ready.

At least… that’s what Sunset could tell.

Surprisingly enough, the structure they made was far larger and less efficient than that of the portal in front of the school. Without proper magical ley lines providing the necessary energy to fuel the device, they had to rely on technology to fill in the gap. A few extra wirings and pipes to funnel the heat, and they were good to go.

Sort of…

There was no telling what kind of reaction they’ll get the moment they open that portal. Even with the Heartsticks that Stygian provided, or the many contingency plans they conjured, there was no guarantee that it’ll hold off the shadow monsters on the other side. Not to mention the unnatural behavior of Discord’s chaotic magic.

For all they know, using that power to find Sunburst would risk endangering the world even more. Monsters could pour out of there and wreak havoc on the world. Even her friends won’t be left unscathed if things go wrong.

And Flash would be…

No… let’s not go there. He’s fine.

You’re just spouting doubts to yourself, finding an excuse to get out of this mess. Besides, the guy is protected by a layer of wood, bricks, and defensive shields. He’s as safe as he could possibly be in a magical crisis. And if that doesn’t work, the gang was there to make sure he doesn’t get hurt. All except for Twilight, who is a no-show since yesterday.

The girl said she had to deal with some emergency, not really explaining herself.

Sunset would’ve liked it if she had stayed here with the gang, but she probably had a lot on her plate right now.

A lot of risks were riding on this operation, and it was too late to back out. Starlight needs this, now more than ever. And who wouldn’t back a friend in need?

“Are we ready to go?” She asked Starlight who was handling the final preparations.

“Just about.”

“How about you, Discord?” The Lord of Chaos stood ready, flexing all 40 of his hands before raising a few dozen thumbs up in her direction. Sunset nodded before turning to her comrades in the far corner. “You guys ready?”

“READY!” Pinkie saluted before ducking behind rows of sandbags with the rest of the team. All of them decked to the brim with hockey gear. Courtesy of Rarity.

Everything was as ready as it could be. So please let this go their way.

“Alright then.” She breathed out. “Let’s do this. Hit it Starlight!”

And hit it, she did. The girl smashing a big red button on the console turning the machine on.

A cacophony of sounds came from the machine. A surge of magical energy formed around the rock, directing the portal to the world they desire. Sparks of electricity flashed in several areas, creating a dangerous yet beautiful lightshow. You could even say that it was mesmerizing. So much so that the gang couldn’t help but go ‘Oooh’ at it. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the mirror at the center of the device opened with a giant swirl revealing an image of landscape of a world far-far away.

“Wait… something’s wrong.” Starlight gasped. “There’s… something coming!”

The gang braced as the portal rattled. Its pieces wobbled and shook like they were going to break. They all took cover expecting the worst to happen.

Only to find an anti-climactic fart noise to come out of its vents.

“Ah… aha… um… false alarm.” The purple gal forced an awkward chuckle swiping the smoke away. “Just a little magic backlash. My bad.”

“Are we good?” Sunset asked, feeling somewhat relieved and disappointed.

“Yup. The portal is stable.”

“Any sign of shadow monsters?”

“Uh… no. At least… not that I can tell. I think we’re good.” That’s probably the first good news she’s heard since she came back.

“Then let’s not waste time. Discord, you’re up.”

“Oooh~! How exciting!” The conman gleefully approached, hands clapping. “I haven’t done something so complex in years.” Glad one of them was having a good time.

“Remember Discord. Just focus your magic on finding Sunburst. Bring him back here. No detours, no distractions.”

“Oh please. I am the very picture of focus. Finding a pony on the other side should be child’s play. Now stand back and let the master get to work.” The man stretched and cracked his knuckles, twisting his head all way round in a disturbingly comical manner.

He then tucked in his shirt, floss his teeth, rolled up his sleeves, file his nails, pat his shoulders, before finally producing a remote on his hands.


“What? I’m a showman at heart. You can’t stop me.”

Sunset opted to scold the man. But thankfully a reaction from the portal stopped her. Their gaze fixed upon the mirror, as the swirling image began to change.

None of them were completely sure what to expect of the land of Ezaquatel. From what they heard from Starswirl, it was supposed to be a vibrant land brimming with natural magic. A kind of world where even the most ordinary unicorns can become as powerful as an Alicorn.

But what they saw wasn’t anywhere close to what they imagined.

It was… a barren, lifeless desert. Something akin to a wasteland.

The ground looked mushy and coarse, bubbling to the core by the heat of lava flowing endlessly creating river streams snacking across the land. Trees and mountains looking dry and pale, and the sky itself was so black with smoke that you can hardly even see the sun. If there even was one.

“Is that… really Ezaquatel?”

“Is has to be.” Starlight confirmed. “The mirror resonance is the same as the one back in Starswirl’s lab.”

“If you say so. Though I was kind of expecting something… more or less magical. That place looks like Tartarus on a bad day.”

“I know what you mean. Not even Dragon Mountain looked that dreary.”

It actually kind of reminds her of the park… after Timber’s corrupted magic drained it of all life.

“Discord. Anything?”

“One moment.” The old man huffed and puffed, tapping the button on his magical remote repeatedly, changing the image on the mirror like he was changing the channel on a TV. “Hmm… this is a lot harder than I thought. Normally searching for a needle in a haystack like this is child’s play.”

“That’s because you’re doing it wrong.” A second Discord materialized from his torso extending another extra limbs. “Here. Let me show you how it’s done.”

“Hey! Who asked you?”

The two conmen fought over the remote like like a pair of siblings, shouting incoherent curses and pushing each other’s faces. The only thing missing was one of them shouting ‘Mom’ to break up the fight. Thankfully it didn’t stop the scenery from changing again and again. Though it all seemed to be the same old desolate landscape. Whatever happened to magical paradise?

More lava flows, dead trees, black sky, crumbling mountains, ancient temples, more dead trees, blacker skies, a dying orange unicorn, more mountains, more dead tr…

“WAIT!” Sunset snapped at the Discords. “Back it up.” The mirror imaged changed, and halted immediately at the sight of…

“Sunburst!” Starlight practically teleported to the mirror screaming his name. “That’s him! Hurry! Get him out of there!”

The Discords did so. But the image wouldn’t get any closer. “Oh confound it all. I knew I should’ve made a different gizmo. I never could figure out what these buttons do.”

Dang it Discord…

“Then I’m going in.”


“Starlight! That’s crazy! We don’t know what dangers are on the other side. You could get yourself hurt or trapped there!”

“My best friend is on the other side. And he’s in trouble. That’s all the reasons I need!” And without even waiting for a rebuke, the girl hurled herself in head-first into dangers unknown. A move that would even get Rainbow Dash’s approval.

Oh come on! What happened to safety first!? That was not part of the contingency plan! Sunset wanted to yell, but she kept a cool head.

One of these days, these reckless actions had to stop.

Just not today.

“I’m going after her. Discord, hold the portal!” The man and his clone gave a semi-serious salute.

Grabbing a heartstick, she took a deep breath and jumped right in, feeling the familiar pull of travel magic seep in.


It only took her a moment before she was spat out from the tear, face hitting the ground like a cannonball. Thankfully the dirt and sand cushion her fall giving her a bad aftertaste in her mouth rather than a concussion. She’ll have to thank Celestia for small mercies.

“Ugh… I swear, one of these days I’m gonna land on a box of nails. I just know it.”

Gathering her wits together, Sunset rose, preparing herself for a long drawn out fight. Only to be greeted by the most depressing scenery she had ever come across.

It was one thing to see the landscape on the mirror. It was another thing entirely to be in the scenery.

The sand beneath her feet were cold to the touch, but the air was hot and dry. She could feel the heat coming from the nearby lava river, bubbling and bellowing smoke like a factory chimney. So much so that it made her cough just taking a few gasps of air.

“Sunset!” She heard Starlight calling a few feet ahead. The girl made a beeline for her friend, lying just by the edge of a boiling red river. “Over here!”

Right. No time for sightseeing. Focus on the task at hand. Just grab Sunburst. In and… out?

Wait a second.


Why does she have hands?

As a matter of fact… why is she still in human form? No… scratch that. Both she and Starlight were still in human form. Aren’t they supposed to turn into their counterparts? How is that even…?


Right. Act now. Think later.

Sunset took stock of her surroundings, getting a clear view of the land.

Everything here was as barren as the deserts of Saddle Arabia. The smoke and heat was thick, making it difficult to breathe. Her feet sunk deep into the sand with every step, some of it slinking into her clothes. But what really got her attention were the strange broken statues littering the area.

They all seemed to have been made by the same marbled stones. But they were all torn and shattered, like they were blasted by some kind of explosive.

… or magic.

Eventually she caught up with the Starlight and climbed down a few short cliffs, before finally reaching the pony on the ground.

She had only met Sunburst a few times before. Hardly even knowing him until now. But his appearance here was unmistakable. The bright orange mane, the thin goatee, geeky glasses, and the robes he wore were one of a kind.

The nerdy looking stallion looked beaten and bruised though. Like he had been through a fight of his life and somehow survived. There were swellings on his body, and a few scars on his face. His glasses seemed to have taken the brunt of his attacks shattering both lens. His horn seemed to be intact though, so that’s a bright side.

“Is… is he…?”

Sunset cupped the unicorn’s chin, removed the top part of his cloak and pressed her finger over his neck. All those medical lessons back in P.E. were finally paying off. Though she wasn’t sure if it applied to sentient creatures from another world.

She bit her lips, expecting the worse. When she found it, she sat still, and Starlight held her breath.

There was a beat.

It was faint, but it was definitely there.

“He’s alive.” A sense of relief swelled over them as she announced. “But he’s not looking too good. We’ll have to carry him back to the portal.”

It was a lot easier said than done of course. Despite his size and skinny demeanor, the unicorn still had the weight of a full grown stallion. Hauling him back would be… difficult.

Dang it. If only Twilight were around. Her magic would be able to carry him with a single gesture of her hands. Quite literally.

“Well. No time like the present.” Starlight moved in first grabbing her friend by the hoof and then lifting him up on his back, carrying him bridal style.

They double back through the sandy terrain, climbing up the cliffs, and jumping over jagged rocks, only to pause a few times to catch their breaths. The smoke was thick, and clogged much of their nose making it hard to breathe.

Sunset glanced around, half expecting to see something… anything… stopping them. A shadow monster, a ferocious beast that wants to make a snack out of them, or even an act of divine intervention. It was a sad train of thought, but with her luck, things usually mess up somewhere in the middle. How was this going to be any different?

Any moment now. Something or someone was going to drop right in and try to stop them. A sandworm rising from the ground, the statues turning to life, or even Professor Cinch who was tricking them this whole time.

Any minute now. The portal was already in sight. So they have to strike… right about…

… now!

“Sunset? What are you doing?” Starlight brushed passed her, raising a curious brow.

Any second now.

“Sunset Shimmer!” She felt a hand smack against the back of her head jolting her back to her senses. “Get a grip. We’re almost out of here. Come on.”

The redhead took a breath. Her eyes once again wandered but still found nothing. She looked behind her, half expecting something or someone to jump at her like a cheesy scene in a horror movie. But again her fears were unfounded.

With some hesitation, she followed Starlight, stepping back into the portal… very anticlimactic-like.

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