• Published 26th Nov 2019
  • 986 Views, 17 Comments

Frozen Friendship - Melody Song

Fleetfoot discovers ancient magic beyond her wildest dreams....within herself

  • ...

Ice Magic?

Fleetfoot touched down in a grassy field, followed by Spitfire and Soarin. Rainbow had already landed.

"Where do we go?" Spitfire asked

"The castle. Twi's normally reading this time of day. Or any time of day." Rainbow led them into the nearby town, heading for the crystal castle in the distance.

"So, that weird fire? Tell us before we go inside, then it'll be all about helping Fleet." Soarin said when they reached the steps up to the castle. Spitfire sighed and nodded. Rainbow turned to join them.

"It's ancient family magic, called Phoenix Magic. I can make fire with my hooves or wings. I don't usually use it but when I saw Fleet in trouble I just...reacted. I don't normally use it because it can be hard to control." Spitfire explained

"Now that we know that, let's help Fleet." Rainbow opened the door to the castle and led her friends inside. She took them to a large throne room with six identical thrones surrounding a table. Princess Twilight was seated at one with her cutie mark on it. She was reading a book, but looked up when they came in.

"Rainbow, I wasn't expecting you today. What's going on?" Princess Twilight asked

"Fleetfoot found this book, and when she opened it, something weird happened." Rainbow said, beckoning Fleetfoot forward

"I found it outthide HQ. I have no idea how it got there, but when I opened it, thomething came out and went inthide me. Now..." Fleetfoot trailed off and touched her hoof to a throne. Ice began to spread over it, and Fleetfoot quickly pulled her hoof away.

"That's amazing! I've heard of Ice Manipulation before, but I've never seen it, it's fascinating." Princess Twilight exclaimed

"Ice what?" Rainbow asked

"Ice Manipulation. It means a pony can control ice." Princess Twilight explained

"So, does that mean Spits' power would be called Fire Manipulation?" Soarin asked "Oh, oops." he said as Spitfire shot him a glare. Rainbow pressed against him in comfort.

"If she can control fire." Princess Twilight replied

"Well, control is a strong word, but yes, I can; in theory. The family calls it Phoenix Magic."

"Even more fascinating, Fire and Ice, together. Anyway, you said it started from this book?" Princess Twilight asked

"Yeth." Fleetfoot said

"I brought it here because there's something written inside, but it's in Old Ponish. Can you translate it?" Rainbow asked

"Of course. There's never been an ancient text I couldn't translate." Princess Twilight said, a little proudly. She lifted the book in her magic and opened it

"What's it say?" Rainbow asked

"It says: the powers held within this page were stolen from a mare of winter. The ice magic held here can only be freed by her element when she comes of age. This book will go wherever she is, and open only for her." Twilight translated.

"It opened for me, it had to have been, I wath holding it and everypony elthe wath athleep." Fleetfoot said

"I wonder why the magic was trapped in here. Spitfire, your Phoenix Magic, were you born with it?" Princess Twilight asked

"Yes. But please don't tell anyone, you're not even supposed to know, it's a family secret. Up until now, that is." Spitfire glared at Soarin, who chuckled sheepishly.

"Sorry, I forgot."

"It's not a problem, just saying." Spitfire replied

"I won't say anything, but if you were born with the powers, then maybe Fleetfoot was too. But who would want to take her powers away?" Princess Twilight asked

"My parentth, they hate me, tho they might have taken the magic. And they came to HQ earlier, my mother wath demanding to give her the book." Fleetfoot said

"Of course, the book was instantly transported to you. Were you out in rain recently?" Princess Twilight asked

"Yes, she was, yesterday it stormed over HQ." Spitfire answered "How did you figure that out?"

"Well, rain is still related to ice, in a way. Ice is just frozen water." Princess Twilight replied "It must have triggered the spell on this book that took it to you."

"But why don't I remember having magic? Or even it getting taken?" Fleetfoot asked

"That, I don't know. Your parents might, but clearly you aren't interested in talking to them." Princess Twilight answered

"Well, thanks for helping Twi." Rainbow said

"Yes, now we have to get to practice." Spitfire added

"I guess the only problem now is, how do I control it?" Fleetfoot wondered

Back at Wonderbolt Headquarters, Fleetfoot was practicing with the others, but her new magic was hard to control. When she tried lifting weights in the gym, sometimes they would freeze. And she didn't know how to stop the ice from spreading.

"Maybe you shouldn't touch anything." Rapidfire joked, which earned him a smack upside the head from Blaze.

"You idiot." she hissed

"Well, it's practical." Rapidfire retorted

"Save it Rapid. Fleet, can I see you in my office?" Spitfire asked. They headed into the Captain's office and Spitfire gestured for her to sit.

"Thpitfire, I didn't mean to freeze everything, it'th jutht..."

"I know Fleet, I called you here because I wanted to teach you how to control your magic." Spitfire replied


"Yeah. I'll teach you what I know, then you can try. First, you need to learn to control your emotions. Anger is usually what controls my fire." Spitfire said, demonstrating by making some flames appear in her hoof.

"Maybe for me it'th fear? I wath thcared when I made thothe thpiketh appear." Fleetfoot suggested

"Maybe. Now that we think we know that, why don't we try to see if controlling your fear helps with your magic." Spitfire went around to Fleetfoot and took her hoof gently. "Try to make a little bit of snow in my hoof."

"O-okay." Fleetfoot suddenly blushed, but did as Spitfire instructed. A few snowflakes appeared, but that was it. "I jutht keep thinking about my mother yelling at me over the book."

"Then it's definitely fear. Why don't you try thinking about all the things that make you feel safe?" Spitfire suggested, and Fleetfoot tried, but she could still only make wisps of frosty air.

"I can't do it. I'm thorry Thpit, I wathted your time."

"You're not going to get it right the first time Fleet. We can practice more later." Spitfire assured her, and Fleetfoot smiled, blushing again

"Okay. Thank you Thpitfire."

"Anytime Fleet." Spitfire smiled