• Published 24th Nov 2019
  • 245 Views, 6 Comments

Shout At The Devil: Road Trip - Bucket of Skies

The not so wanted sequal of devilish antics by Rocky, Brim, and Sunset Shimmer in a road trip of a life time.

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Chapter 1: Rinse and Repeat

We pick up exactly a few months right where we left off, the middle of May to be exact. I had been working at my job as an intern at a paper company for about four months. The job consisted of a lot of the same things for every single day. So much so that days fell into routines. Want to know exactly what my routine was? I’ll walk you through it step by step.

First step was to wake up in the morning. My time, or more accurately Sunset and I’s time to wake up in the morning was 7:30. We’d wake up in time for a good morning kiss right before Brim would show up to call us gross for doing so. After that, we’d get up and take turns showering for the morning. If we were really rushed for time, we’d end up showering together, but of course we’d still arrive late because well ...we took a little bit too long together in the shower.

Gross. You are literally asking for it Rocky. When the rule 34 comes out with the way you’re describing your stuff, I don’t want to hear you complain.

Anyways, Sunset and I would then get dressed for today as well as grab clothes for later in the day for work. It was typically the same casual clothes we wore, the only difference was the occasional different button up shirt I wore for that day before the white one for work. If we had time, we’d make a cup of coffee before we head out, but most of the time it wasn’t the case because we typically left together either after waiting for the other.

As with the development for the routine, Sunset and I would always catch the 8:05 subway train to the MBC. I know, we must be crazy to try and do school and then work right after. But given the new place we were living at, we needed the money to pay the rent for the new apartment. Anyways, we would take the train ride over to MBC most of the time. It was faster than the one I would take before I moved in with Sunset mainly because of the more corner based tracks. After the train stopped where we got off, Sunset and I parted ways to head to our classes. Only difference now was that I soon discovered that Brim would switch between me and Sunset to pop in to see what we were doing. It was the typical make fun for me, but for Sunset from what I heard, he was a completely different demon. Instead of being the sly and witty demon around me, from what I heard he was now a gossip and rumor type of demon.

Not rumors, they are true! That bitch Rose is a two faced skank that lies to guys and then says goodbye like it's no big deal. Fucking bitch.

Anyways, I would go through class with Brim popping in every once in a while to check on me to give a couple of remarks and then go right back to Sunset. Kind of tiring if you think about it. Traveling back and forth between the two of us. I imagined Brim would get bored, but he would do the same thing over and over again.

Classroom wise, my grades were at the top of their game. Professor Wings was to help with that since he was now tutoring in the afternoon. I would see him on the occasional weekend I had off, but in that occasional day I would learn a lot with my class and basically just study with him. Not to bore you with details, but we were primarily going over stuff that would be on my final at the end of the semester. Yeah, the real big one that could end my years in college. The one I could use to reflect on my years of being at a great college.

You do realize that most of those years you spent playing it safe by being the most rule follower of all rule followers in college. You were too pussy to even think about going to parties.

Hey, I drank and had some fun.

What you call drinking is honestly sad. No time to do anything fun while you’re drunk because by the time you drink a sip, you’re passed out on the floor. I like to call it temporary suicide if you asked me.

Okay, moving on. I would go right from classes straight to the bathroom to frantically change into my work clothes. Not a really easy thing to do when you are cramped between two walls of a very small bathroom stall. After managing to squeeze myself into my clothes for work, I would book it all the way to the corner to try and catch a cab to my paper company I worked at called Scranton Co. Cabs were the only reliable source of travel here because the trains would shut down for lunch and well running to work isn't exactly a good way to go there if you are in a weak shape that I am in.

After paying for the cab, I would walk in through the door and be greeted by the receptionist, also my girlfriend, before being handed papers to file, letters to deliver and well a note from management. Around five minutes after I get there, my crazy boss would arrive to greet me in some ridiculous way. One afternoon he came in making fun of the one beer commercial I hate where they just scream "whatsup", into a phone for a minute straight. Then the next afternoon he acted like the killer in the movie "The Darking", where he breaks in through the door and says that daddy is home. Kinda like what Brim would do but, way more annoying than entertaining.

As the day goes on, I would be creeped out by the guy who smells like beets as usual and then the day would end. Occasional nights I would stay after work making copies as Brim would go through his day of shifting between me and Sunset and how he managed to make fun of the same person over and over again. For some reason he likes to make fun of small women.

If you saw the brain power being shown by them, you'd be doing the same jokes too. Like tell me you don't just imagine a tumbleweed tumbling in an empty void when you think of their thoughts. That shit is hilarious.

After that, I would manage to make my way back home to where it was either one of three things waiting for me at the door: a sushi dinner made by Sunset, A pizza delivery guy running into me asking me to pay, or Sunset passed out on the couch as she was playing some video games waiting for me. On the last occasion, I would typically make myself a bowl of chips to eat despite it being very unhealthy, but it would fill me up. I would then wake up Sunset and take her to bed before I would join her as well as we closed off the night ...before Brim would decide to crawl into bed with us and sleep next to me.

It's not what you think boneheads. If I were gay for Rocky I would have done it by now. But I'm not like that since gays are generally the ones who are too grabby and weird. Don't believe me, look at the singer of King, Mercury Star. The most faggot of all fag singers right there.

Anyways, the night would end like that and then well ...rinse and repeat. And then rinse and repeat again, and then rinse and repeat again and well, you get the idea. The days began to get more and more boring, even with Brim in my corner trying to entertain me. But alas, the same jokes get repetitive after a while and yo grow tired and end up just becoming a bored yes man. Then of course work and school were getting more stressful as I began working up higher and higher until one day it had broken me and I ended up leaving work early. That's where this story truly begins.

About time when you actually started it. Couldn't you have saved this for the intro?

I could've, but you were too busy asking the reader questions that you should have known.

Fair point. Continue.

As I was saying, the day ended with me going home early and then throwing myself face first on our couch. I wanted to go to sleep, but the amount of stress I had was keeping me up. Not to mention the numerous times Brim would check in on me. Finally, I heard the door to my apartment open with Sunset following behind it. She shut the door behind her and walked over to the couch I was laying on. She sat next to me and put her hand on my back to try and comfort me. I think she could tell that I was stressed out.

"Hey… is something wrong Rocky?", Sunset asked in a sympathetic voice.

"Every single day feels like something is wrong. At this point I don't even know what the true cause is of what stresses me out anymore", I said muffled by the cushions beneath me.

"Well, you've been working hard for a while, actually a long while. You need to relax sometimes Rocky. ", Sunset told me.

"And do what, take a day off and be in a town where people can call me and ask where I have been all day? I don't find that a day off, more a day with less responsibilities and more voices to invade my mind. ", I said sarcastically.

"Well Rocky, you have to do something. It's unhealthy for you to be stressed out like this. It hurts my heart to see you like this.", she said still rubbing her hand on my back.

I gave a slight groan of tiredness from where I laid.

"Hey buddy, you're gonna get up and do something? I thought I was the lazy bum.", Brim said appearing next to my face.

"Not now Brim. I'm really not in the mood to be friendly insulted", I said muffled.

"Oh come on. What's one little smile from you gonna do to you? Nothing. Now let's put a smile on that sad little face you got.", he said in a baby like tone.

I felt Sunset give Brim a look of disapproval as he suddenly went silent.

"Alright fine. Mope around on this nice leather couch. Don't stain it, leather can only stay so nice.", he said before snapping away.

For a few more minutes, Sunset sat there rubbing my back to try and ease my stress. It felt kind of nice, but it just wasn't enough. Suddenly, the apartment phone had rang and got the attention of Sunset.

"I'll get it. Don't worry, I won't be far.", she said getting up to grab the phone.

I didn't answer from stress. I just wanted to lay there and not want to move. For a little bit I blocked out what Sunset was saying to the person calling until I hear a tone of excitement I never heard from her before.

"Fluttershy!? My goodness it's been forever! How are you doing?", she exclaimed aloud.

This kind of scared me as I shot up from my couch to see what was the matter. I saw Sunset with an eager smile on her face that I never really saw before. Whoever called must've been a really big deal. I listened in closer to the phone call to try and decipher what was going on.

"I'm doing great. College is a bit tough but I'm making it through. What's that? You want me to come visit? But don't you have…...oh I see. Well, I need to check with a person I'm with right now. I'm sure he could use something like this. Uh huh… yeah. I'll let you know. Yeah, I'll talk to you in a bit. Yeah ...it was nice to talk to you again too Flutters. See ya.", she said before hanging up the phone with a grin on her face.

“Who was that?”, I asked her.

“That was a very old friend of mine. She managed to find my phone number somewhere and wanted to chat. It was real nice.”, she explained.

“But what was that last part?”, I asked.

“What do you mean?”, she asked.

“‘I need to check with a person I’m with right now. I’m sure he could use something like this’, that part”, I clarified.

“Oh. Well, I had been thinking about it for a while and never really discussed it with you because we never really had enough time with you working and stuff but, I was thinking about taking a road trip somewhere. Now I think we have an excuse to try and take a trip to Canterlot.”, She suggested.

I groaned a little bit at the idea. I never really liked to be in a car for a large amount of time simply because of how often I have been walking from place to place. The idea of being cramped inside a car for hours upon hours really gave me an uneasiness in my stomach.

“Er, I don’t know about that.”, I questioned about it.

“Why not? You have been working for so many unstoppable months. You deserve a break. Why not make it a road trip?”, she asked crossing her arms.

“Did someone just say a ‘road trip’?!”, Brim asked suddenly appearing next to me.

“Yeah. Doesn’t that sound like a wonderful idea for a break?”, She asked him.

“Uh, is my skin red and fire hot? Fuck yeah it is a wonderful idea! It’s gonna be the first road trip I had in a while since I traveled the highway to Hell.”, he said excitedly.

“See Rocky. Even Brim thinks it’s a good idea. Why don’t you?”, she asked.

“Yeah Rocky. Don’t be a pussy. Just do it.”, Brim said turning to me.

“Look it’s not an easy thing for me to describe, maybe if we just-”, I said before I was interrupted by my phone ringing.

I looked down at my phone to see a very old picture of me with my balding father and short mother. Oh good grief, the one group of people I wasn’t looking forward to talking to on the mood I was in, and they were calling me directly. I don’t necessarily like talking to them, more specifically my dad, but I always do because I was raised to always answer to them.

“Give me one second. I have to take this.”, I told Sunset and Brim taking my phone in my hand.

I answered the phone and held it away from my head for a reason before I answered.

“Hello?”, I answered.

“Rocky! About time you answered the damn phone! Do you know how expensive calls outside of our state is? Especially when it is to a place like Manehatten?”, an extremely jewish man voice yelled out to me from the phone.

"Hey Dad.", I said with a slight groan as I realized who it was.

"Give the boy a break Honey Comb, he had to take a college scholarship and that meant moving to Manehatten. ", my mom said with her signature Horsey accent.

"And? That doesn't excuse a boy from not speaking to the people who planned his bar mitzvah. Which was expensive, I might add.", My dad said.

"Oh there you go with you and your money again.", my mom groaned on the phone.

"Do you want to go broke and live on the streets? Go right ahead Luster. ", my dad told my mom.

I gave a sigh on the phone. They would typically do that. I don't know if that's how their relationship works, but it does. It's why they have been married together for over thirty five years. I assume that at some point you just deal with the other person because they are your spouse.

"Who is that on the phone", Sunset asked me.

"It's my parents, give me a few minutes I'll be done in a sec-", I said before hearing my parents suddenly interrupted.

"Oi, who else is there on the phone? You better not be working while talking to us. That's not what a son of mine does. You better get back to work before I-", my dad said before my mother interrupted.

"Is that a girl? If it is, please put her on I want to meet the woman who is with my little man.", my mom blurted out.

I gave a slight groan before turning to Sunset.

"They…. want to speak to you.", I explained to her.

"Oh that's nice. I think it's the first time I ever meet your parents. Put me on with speakerphone.", she said.

"Oh sweet. Now I can hear where the pussy gene was inherited.", Brim said making fun of me.

I ignored his comment and turned on speakerphone for Sunset. She sat next to me as I held my phone up for her.

"Hi. Is this Rocky's parents?", Sunset asked.

"Who's asking? Are you some scammer hoping to get my money?", My dad said in his signature tone.

"No no. My name is Sunset Shimmer. I'm Rocky's girlfriend. ", she explained.

"Girlfriend? Rocky, what the hell are you doing focusing on girls? You need to be focused on school and work. No time for any of that mumbo jumbo. ", My dad dismissed to me.

"What your father is trying to say is that's wonderful that you're finally seeing someone. When can we meet her?", my mother asked.

"Well uh ...you see I'm kinda busy with work and stuff so I don't-", I stumbled before Sunset answered for me.

"Yeah! I think we can visit some time this week. Me and Rocky are planning to do a road trip and we could visit you both if you like.", Sunset said with a smile.

I quickly tried to give a negative sign telling her it was a bad idea, but it was too late.

"That works out well. We live around Fillydelphia. About a day and a half drive from Manehatten. We can't wait to meet you Sunset. You sound really nice.", My mother said.

"Well, thanks. I try my best to be great.", she said to her.

"Alright, we can save the rest of the conversation for when you come over. Not gonna pay the bill for an out of state call. You better be there Rocky, goodbye. ", My dad said.

"Well wait I-", I tried saying before being interrupted with the hang up tone.

"And now I see what shaped you into the pussy I know and love.", Brim said to me.

"Oh shut up!", I said to him.

"Well, now I guess we have no choice but to go. Come on Rocky. Do it for me? I really care about you not stressing out. We can plan out a trip all the way to Canterlot and stop at various places along the trip. Come on, for me?", Sunset said putting her hand on my hand.

I really didn't like road trips, but sadly Sunset knows my weakness in doing things that are outside of my comfort zone. If she was serious about me doing something that she thought would be good for me, she would always insert herself in the persuasion by making it about her or if she was really desperate for it she would use her beautiful looks and body to-

You don't need to finish the sentence. We know what you two do as couples. Just get on with it.

Okay, anyways, I gave a small sigh before looking over at Sunset.

"Okay. I'll do it for you. I can't deny you something that you really want.", I said with a goofy smile.

"It's gonna be fun. I promise you Rocky. ", Sunset said wrapping her arms around me in a warm hug before kissing me on the cheek.

"I hope so too.", I said smiling at her.

"So is it on? Are the boys and one girl back in town for a new story?", Brim said excitedly.

"New story? What are you talking about?", Sunset asked.

I quickly gave her a reassuring grin to let her know it's alright.

"Yes Brim. We're going on a road trip. You better pack your things.", I explained to him.

"Whooo, Road Trip!", he said running off into his bedroom.

"I swear, Brim is something else.", Sunset said.

"Well, you aren't one to talk since you came from another alternate universe. Not so different from hell if you ask me.", I said with a smirk.

"Oh hush up you.", she said before giving me a small peck on the lips.

"So we gonna leave tomorrow?", I asked.

"Yep. We'll stop at a rental and get a car for a few days and then we'll be on our way. You know the way to your parents house?", she asked me.

"Sadly yes I do. But we can go if you want to really meet them.", I said crossing my arms.

"Look, I know that you and your parents aren't exactly the perfect family. At least based on what I heard, but it's gonna be fine. You can manage one visit with them.", she reassured me.

"I hope so too.", I said.

"So, when are we leaving? In ten minutes? Five? Now?", Brim asked fully dressed up for a road trip carrying two duffel bags.

We quickly dismissed him and let him know that we weren't going to be leaving until the morning after. He was a bit disappointed, but he managed to deal with it for the rest of the evening. We got up from the couch and decided to order pizza for dinner at some place nearby. The pizza we normally get was a medium pepperoni pizza with one singular pineapple pizza for Brim.

Yeah that's right. I love pineapple pizza. You know why? Because I am willing to try anything crazy. Unlike a lot of you who dismiss anything weird. Kind of ironic isn't it for you people to question weird stuff when you look at horses for-

Are you done insulting the reader?

Yeah sorry. I get a little heated when that argument is brought up. Please continue.

We ate dinner and settled down for the night as I slipped into my sleep boxers and white t-shirt. I slumped down into bed with Sunset who was wearing a black t-shirt with her blue short shorts as I leaned next to her after I put my glasses on the counter next to the lamp.

"Have a goodnight Rocky. Big day tomorrow.", she said looking at me with loving eyes.

"Yep, you bet. Love you Sunset. ", I said giving her a goodnight kiss.

"You too Rocky. ", she yawned before rolling over to her side.

I rubbed on her side before turning over to turn off our lamp. After shutting off the lamp, my face turned over to Brim who was on the side of the bed with a really dumb looking smile.

"No goodnight kiss for me?", he asked me.

I gave a small groan before I put a pillow over my head to try and go to sleep. Things were about to get really exciting after tonight. A trip to Canterlot and a few places on the way. What's the worst that can happen?

Author's Note:
